The advice given by the military god seems to be nothing, but in fact they are not a security strategy.

We won't talk about the weak water. This thing is a negative energy polymer, and in the main map we are on, almost everything is made up of positive energy, so once the two are combined, the final result is an explosion, and it’s a big bang. This formidable power is definitely startling. heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping. So that our guild clearly had the conditions to obtain a large amount of weak water, and eventually had to give up the idea of ​​weaponizing it to equip a large number of troops.

In addition to the weak water, the other magic crystal method is actually quite unreliable. Of course the empty magic crystal itself is quite safe, but the problem is that the military god wants me to throw this thing In the metal solution, and the metal solution is actually a high polymer carrying a lot of unstable energy. In this case, the magic crystal will forcibly plunder the surrounding ultra-high energy, and then fill it into itself. However, there is another problem here, that is, the self-charging of magic crystal is actually not controlled. This is a natural phenomenon, not a biological reaction. After the living beings are full, they know that they can't eat anymore, or they will die, but natural phenomena are uncontrollable, and they will not end on their own until they cause qualitative changes or reach a certain balance change.

This creates a problem.

The energy inside the metal cluster is too high, so we can be sure that no matter how many blank magic crystals we still enter, the magic crystal must not be able to absorb that much energy, and when the magic crystal is saturated , But still maintains a super high magical energy response outside. At this time, the magic crystal will further absorb energy, and then... all the energy will be released in an instant with a boom.

After understanding the final result of these two actions, we began to hesitate, because no matter which method, the final result is only one, which is to cause a big bang, which is obviously not what we want.

The formidable power of the explosion of weak water and magic crystal is indeed great, but if it explodes outside Isinger’s city wall, it should not cause much damage. After all, Isinger’s city wall is outside. There is also a protective cover, and the defensive power of the city wall itself is also quite amazing, and we can also control the amount of magic crystal and weak water added to control the explosive formidable power. Therefore, we are not too worried about the explosion caused by these additives. What really scares us is the energy inside the metal ball. In the unlikely event that the explosion created by the addition of the magical power we added detonates all the energy in the metal cluster, even if this explosive formidable power cannot razor Isengard, it can at least completely destroy the first two city walls. So, we dare not risk this thing.

"If you can't absorb the energy, then you can only watch this thing slowly recover!" Zhenhong said anxiously.

Kristina followed: "System probably wants us to be like this!"

"I guess that's the case." After Zhenhong finished speaking, she looked around. , And then I shot me as if suddenly remembering something I didn't pay attention, but I was stunned by this mention. The 1st stage of the BUFF mission is over, and all of us have been thrown out of the mission space, so where did the gold coin go? If she returns to the main map, with gold coin's mobility, she should come back here soon, but I haven't seen her until now, which is obviously abnormal. "Military god, can you see the communicator of gold coin?"

"No signal was found."


"Is she still there? In the mission?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Don't worry about this matter for now, let's solve the problem in front of us first, and discuss the problem of gold coin later."

True red thinks That’s right, this big trouble is the number one priority.

We are staring at the huge metal mass waiting for it to condense again, but the metal mass did not make us wait any longer. Soon it began to deform and gradually differentiated into limbs and head. , The main part of the center quickly became smaller and formed the torso, and soon a new giant Divine Weapon was condensed and completed. The new giant Divine Weapon not only can't see any wounds on his body, but even the arm that was broken before has grown. It can be said that the current giant Divine Weapon looks like a brand new giant Divine Weapon.

However, although it seems to completely ignore our previous attacks, in fact our battle is not meaningless, and the proof is the height of the giant Divine Weapon.

The previous giant Divine Weapon was as tall as several hundred meters, forcing the city wall of Isinger to be more than doubled. dignified Isinger number one city wall, which is the number one city wall recognized by the whole world, but in front of this giant Divine Weapon, it becomes a low wall. As long as he is more flexible, he can directly support the wall with one hand. Skip it. However, that was the situation just before being beaten from the sky. At this time, the giant Divine Weapon was completely regenerated, and his body was brilliantly shorter. The city wall of Isinger, which was originally a low wall, has now become a breast wall for this giant Divine Weapon. The top part of the wall has reached the height of this guy's chest, and it is no longer the kind of state where you can jump over with one hand. NS.

Of course, even now, the giant Divine Weapon is still the giant Divine Weapon. It is really not an ordinary giant, and it is not an existence that we can compete head-on, at least those large creatures in our guild and Divine Race None of them have such a large volume. Of course, the aerial battleship is indeed bigger than this guy, and the Frost Rose is one of them. But the aerial battleship is actually mainly suitable for use as long-range turrets and vehicles, not suitable for close combat. Therefore, we lack a tank that can act as a shield to resist this guy. This causes the opponent’s actions to be completely out of control. We don’t know how to output the output power here. On the one hand, we are worried that the other side will rush to find ourselves. Trouble, on the one hand, on the one hand, I am afraid that the formidable power attack will be too great and accidentally injure the nearby personnel and the city. Anyway, we are now quite passive by this thing. Obviously, there are ten percent of the battle strength, and the ones that can be used are less than three percent. As long as that guy can give us an obediently and honestly stand still, even if it is only thirty seconds, we can completely handle this thing.

Although the resurrected giant Divine Weapon has become much smaller, the actual size is still very large after all, so the attack power is still quite terrifying. After completing the regeneration, all the liquid metal on this guy was absorbed, and then his eyes suddenly lit up and moved towards us and rushed over.

Seeing that the guy rushed towards the city wall again, I waved forward with one hand without saying anything. The firepower that I had prepared for a long time was immediately blasted with all kinds of cannons. The multi-colored shells and rays flew out like celestial flowers, and then all gathered towards the body of the giant Divine Weapon.

The opponent was slightly stunned when he saw so many attacks, and then pulled back with an emergency brake. Unfortunately, the area of ​​these attacks was too large. Although it dodged most of the attacks, it did not dodge the rest. small portion. Dozens of holes were opened in the body that had just been repaired, and some places were still smoking.

In an instant, the giant Divine Weapon, who went from being rich and handsome, to being a tattered king, suddenly did something that surprised us. The guy turned up to the sky angry roar, then suddenly his chest was pushed forward, the armor plate on the front of the chest was automatically separated, and then two short tubes were turned out from the inside. These two short tubes look a bit like muzzles, but they are very short. There are many golden patterns on the surface shining with the light of energy. After this thing was turned over, two short tubes appeared immediately. The blue light sphere, and there are a lot of arcs shining continuously in the surrounding space. These arcs continue to jump between the light ball and the outer wall of the short tube, and the blue light ball in the center begins to increase rapidly, and the color gradually begins to transition from dark blue to white.

"Damn, that thing is going to make a big move!" He yelled as soon as he saw that the thing was really red.

I reacted faster than True Red, and I shouted directly at the crystal communicator: "Where is the Frost Rose, give me your main cannon to bombard its launcher."

"Boss, we don't have a shooting angle!" The captain's lamenting voice came from the Frost Rose.

"Who has a shooting angle, hurry up and fire!"

"Pay attention to resist the impact, the eye of hell has cooled down." The voice of the god of war suddenly sounded, and everyone quickly closed their eyes. He covered his ears and hugged his head and squatted down. At the same time, a large amount of flames burst out of the Eye of Hell between Isengard Sky City and Isengard's Ground City. These flames began to lie in the Eye of Hell. Gathered in front of him, and then suddenly flashed. A very thin orange red beam shot out instantly. You can't see the path of the beam. It feels like red light flashed. A thin line appeared between the Eye of Hell and the giant Divine Weapon and then disappeared. , And the two balls of light gathered in the chest of the giant Divine Weapon suddenly turned off, and after standing in this position for a while, the upper body of the giant Divine Weapon suddenly moved downward from the position of the transmitter on the chest. It slid down, and then hit the ground with a bang. At the same time, behind the giant Divine Weapon, the trees in the forest on the ground also slid neatly to one side. The neatness of the cuts was unimaginable.

In fact, whether it was the incision on the giant Divine Weapon's body or the incision on the tree, including the cutting line on the ground, all were caused by the attack by the Eye of Hell just now. This is one of the ultimate weapons of the Eye of Hell. It can produce a beam of about the thickness of a hair. This beam is emitted not to a point, but to sweep a line, but the entire attack process only takes 0.5 seconds. , Which disappears in the blink of an eye. However, even if the attack time is only 0.5 seconds, this beam still has a very terrifying penetrating power. It can cut any object in half in an instant. Even Divine Race can't stop the penetrating damage of this thing. . Of course, there are restrictions on the use of such a powerful attack. One is that the firing interval is very long, the second is that it consumes a lot of energy, and the third is that the eye of hell cannot move, so this thing is a huge might defensive weapon and cannot be used for it. Attacking. Shocking meaning is greater than practical use.

After the giant Divine Weapon over there fell, we all looked stupid and didn’t know what to do, because after the giant Divine Weapon fell, it didn’t give any rewards. Once turned into liquid metal, and then gathered again into a spherical shape.

Seeing that the thing is being repaired again, I feel that something is wrong, but after much deliberation, I can’t think of the specific problem. Fortunately, our guild is not alone in thinking about this question, so I will soon have the answer.

"Purple Moon, you can't let the city defense weapons participate in the battle." Rose's voice suddenly appeared in the communicator.


"For the time being, I am not sure, but judging from the situation just now, the giant Divine Weapon's response to the attack is limited."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that the giant Divine Weapon is not an attribute for siege weapons used in urban warfare, but an attribute for players."

< p>When Rose said that, I suddenly understood a little bit. According to the previous statement and the actual attributes of Frost Rose, this giant Divine Weapon is actually a huge reward pot. As long as we keep hitting this pot, rewards will continue to fall out of the pot until the pot is complete. Until falling apart.

However, although there are many rewards inside this jar, not everyone can get these rewards. To be correct, these rewards are only a kind of reward that the player is allowed to use, but as another power of the player, the city defense weapon of the player guild can be eligible for a reward award. This is also the reason why the previous Frost Rose successfully got the permanent BUFF. However, this reward is only allowed once for the city’s defense facilities. If you continue to attack, although the jar will continue to shatter, it will not generate any rewards. This is equivalent to saying that we will give all the rewards we received before. It was wasted. After all, this giant Divine Weapon was created entirely as a result of the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers we spent on the mission before. If the rewards that are now so easy to get out don’t get any benefits in the end, then it really is. It's a big loss.

"Then you mean we have to change players now?"

"It doesn't have to be players, I think NPCs are also possible. But siege weapons are not acceptable, including Mobile angels are included."

Although mobile angels look like humanoids, they can also fight autonomously, but from the attributes on them, it can be seen that mobile angels are classified as siege weapons by the system. of. The best proof is that mobile angels have no HP and defense settings, only durability settings. This is the special attribute system of engineering weapons, which is different from the attribute system of players, NPCs, and monsters.

I actually thought about this possibility before, but I haven’t thought about it. Now that I think about it, don’t say anything, what Rose said is probably correct, because otherwise there is no way to explain it. Why didn't the giant Divine Weapon give out rewards? Before, that guy just got so much benefit from the Frost Rose by just having one arm blown off, but when it fell down, it was bombarded by our city defense weapons, and it fell to pieces when it landed. We didn't get any benefits here. As for the eye of hell afterwards, it's even more obvious. Obviously it was a seckill, but it still didn't give any benefits. This kind of behavior was abnormal.

After I want to understand, through the military god, I talked about this situation with the people in the guild who were participating in the defense of the city, and then said: "To sum up, the giant Divine Weapon in front of us is not so much. It's an enemy, rather than a huge reward extractor. As for how much you can get, it depends on how much damage you can do to it. So, as soon as this thing is restored, all combatants can attack at will. However, Please pay attention to cooperation during the battle and don’t influence each other. The Military God’s Association is responsible for coordinating the battle sequence. Let’s see who can get the most rewards in the end."

Being inspired by me, this guild will The players and NPCs completely ignored the issue that the city defense weapons would not be able to participate in the battle, and instead they all seemed to have been beaten up.

The repair process this time is basically the same as the last time. The giant Divine Weapon cut in half automatically melts into liquid metal, and then reassembles into a large metal ball, and then the metal ball spins there. After tens of seconds, it began to split again into a complete giant Divine Weapon.

The newly-appearing giant Divine Weapon and the previous giant Divine Weapon have not changed the slightest in appearance, but also not really, because its height has actually become shorter again.

Obviously, repairing the body needs to consume certain things, and these things determine the height and total energy value of the giant Divine Weapon. I think this thing may actually have our reward, so if the giant Divine Weapon finally shrinks to the size of a normal person, it may lose its regeneration ability, and it will be destroyed even if it is destroyed. Of course, although it has shrunk a lot in the current situation, it is still quite huge.

The last time the giant Divine Weapon was repaired, the top of Isinger’s number one city wall was just at the height of this guy’s chest, and this giant Divine Weapon was standing outside the number one city wall. , His chin is directly against the city wall. This reduction is still quite large, at least naked eye can be clearly seen.

Speaking of which this thing has become so small, it means that we have lost a certain amount of rewards, and we actually lost so many rewards in vain because we didn’t know this setting, think about the original The giant Divine Weapon, which is more than twice as tall as the city wall, is just a head taller than the city wall at this time. You can imagine how much it has shrunk in the middle.

However, annoyed to annoyed, this kind of thing is also impossible. Forerunners always face all kinds of difficulties. Since you must be the first and be ahead of others, it means that you have nothing to learn from, and you can only explore and move forward by yourself. However, even if it is the first to lose all kinds of backward advantages, everyone still wants to grab this position, because this position represents more opportunities and stronger strength.

This is the first BUFF mission for our guild. Although we were a little embarrassed because we didn’t understand the various weird settings of this mission, the first reward for completing the mission was always Really, so, we do not regret taking the first BUFF task.

While waiting for us, the new giant Divine Weapon finally completed the repair process, and because this guy was standing on the side of the city wall before being killed, he was facing right after the repair. The city wall, plus the height of this guy just makes his head and the top of the city wall on the same level, so we make full use of this feature.

Before the guy was about to complete the repair, I asked Real Red to prepare a super big move in advance, and before this super big trick was prepared, I asked the people in the guild to add Real Red to it. A bunch of buff-type BUFFs, which means that true red will hit her strongest attack ever after this fist. After all, there is not so much time for you to prepare skills in battle. Besides, the battle is so chaotic and there is no time. Add so many BUFFs.

However, all this is not a problem now. The giant Divine Weapon simply won’t move until the repair is completed. Although the giant Divine Weapon itself cannot attack before the liquid metal disappears, but conversely, this period of immobility allows us to prepare in advance for big moves. Chances are, as soon as this guy returns to normal, we will immediately be able to blur his face with super abilities.

The overall structure has been completely split, and the color of the body is transforming from the silver light of liquid metal to the color of the giant Divine Weapon's own painting, and the true red has also begun the final finishing stage of the skill at this time. When the last bit of silver on the giant Divine Weapon disappeared and his eyes lit up again, Zhen Hong had just completed all preparations, and suddenly punched out the super big move that had accumulated nearly one minute.

"Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Ultimate Profound Truth Tenth Style——True Ancestral Dragon is annihilated."

With a roar of true red, the final skill is activated, I see A circle of golden light rose up from the real red body, and then wrapped her arms all the way forward, and finally when it reached the end of her fist, it suddenly spewed out and became a strip larger than the giant Divine Weapon on the opposite side. golden Divine Dragon, and then accompanied by The earth shook and the mountain quivered general Dragon's roar, the Divine Dragon directly hit the opposite giant Divine Weapon, and the effect...

I was really surprised. .

I thought that this fist was really red. At most, the giant Divine Weapon’s head was punched in a big hole, maybe even a small hole or something, but in the end it turned out that the giant Divine Weapon was actually A punch flew out directly, and when he landed, he found that the entire upper body was completely gone, and the part above the chest was completely gone. No parts fell, and no traces of recondensation after melting were seen. The shoulders of the giant Divine Weapon, the neck and the head above were all gone. It was the one that was truly gone and completely disappeared.

Puff. The remaining part of the giant Divine Weapon in front fell to the ground, and here Zhenhong also fell to the side while maintaining the punching posture. Because we know that the formidable power of this skill is very big, we left a distance before letting the real red use it. Who knows that she will suddenly fall down now, and as a result, everyone can’t rush to support her because it’s too far away. . However, when I ran over, I realized that even if we stood beside her, it didn't make any sense, because Zhen Hong was dead.

Yes, the price of this skill is burn both jade and stone. No wonder the formidable power is so terrifying. Not only did the head of the giant Divine Weapon blow up along with the shoulders, but the golden Divine Dragon was still moving forward, rushing out of our sight. As for how far it would fly, we don’t know. Anyway, according to the post-event investigation, 80% of the blow was hit into space. Anyway, people in this direction all the way to Europe have witnessed the scene of the Divine Dragon breaking through the air.

Although the cost of this one is very high, I have to say that my decision is indeed without any problems. Just now, all the life force and magic power of True Red were drained all at once, causing True Red to die directly, and he also deducted Level 10 in a punitive way. However, just after the real red hung up, the system hint rang immediately.

"The player True Red attacked the seal creature giant Divine Weapon and won a special award-Gravity Control. After that, all attacks of the True Red player will generate kilotons of gravity. This ability can also be used to control their own gravity. Get out of gravitational control and fly autonomously."

The first prompt is brief, but the results are amazing. What kind of concept is this thousand-ton gravity control? The extra weight of the really red Qianjin Fist Arm was only 50 tons before, but with that weight, the destructive power generated is already very scary. Now it comes directly with a thousand tons, this formidable’s scary to think about it. . In the future, the real red may really turn into a human-shaped bulldozer, and it is still the kind that one person can tear down a city.

According to the previous practice, our guild also received the award after the award of the true red individual was completed. "Congratulations to all members of the Frost Rose League for obtaining a permanent attribute bonus. All players in the guild have added a power attribute of 20 points."

Twenty points are not a lot of power. If it is a basic power, Adding a bit is great, but if it’s just a power attribute, even adding 200 points is not really scary data, but 20 points is not something that can be completely ignored. After all, this is also one attribute addition, and it is still for the whole line. Yes, the improved effect in this way is actually quite scary.

After the second prompt, the 3rd prompt rang again. "Congratulations to all Chinese players. Due to the excellent performance of the players, all players in China will permanently get two additional power bonuses."

This time the increase is only tenth of our guild. One, but the additional scope is players from all of China. It's the same sentence, not much, but it's actually very strong. Moreover, I found that these two points and the 20 points added before are actually superimposed, which means that our Frost Rose League players actually get 22 points instead of 20 points. We got the twenty o'clock in the guild and the two o'clock in the nation.

Although Zhenhong dropped Level 10 for this attribute, no matter who it is, it feels that this drop is not a loss at all, but rather a lot of money. For players like Real Red, power and attack attributes are the most important. Levels are not of much significance. Therefore, it is definitely a cost-effective deal to exchange Level 10 for a thousand tons of gravity punches.

True Red is dead, it takes time to resurrect, and because of the punishment problem, even if he comes back in a short time, he can’t participate in the battle. However, there are still many people here who are waiting to take advantage, so I am not worried at all.

With a really good start, everyone has understood that dealing with this giant Divine Weapon is actually not a complicated matter, so now they are all being eager to have a try. Of course, I said the rules before, and everything must follow the orders of the military god.

Although attacking the giant Divine Weapon is equivalent to brushing attributes, this kind of good thing is not available to everyone. The size of the current giant Divine Weapon is still too large, and ordinary players simply don't have enough power to fight such a giant Divine Weapon. If a swarm of Divine Weapon rushes up, it will definitely be slaughtered. Therefore, I plan to let the guild focus on training Seeded Contestant to destroy this giant Divine Weapon several times. On the one hand, it will strengthen the strength of the seeds, and on the other hand, it will also greatly weaken the power of the giant Divine Weapon. It’s so exaggerated that it is convenient for our ordinary players to go up and reap the benefits.

True Red is no longer able to participate in the war. In the disappearance of gold coin, the rest is naturally Christina's. Without reminding me, Christina has already started preparing magic, and this time the magic is obviously a very powerful big move. However, even though Christina’s big move feels very difficult to deal with, we are not at all worried about hurting ourselves, because the red punch not only blasted the head of the giant Divine Weapon, but more importantly. The thing is to push its body far away, so that our next attack becomes much simpler, and there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring the city buildings.

Here Christina started to gather energy, and the giant Divine Weapon over there was recovering quickly.

I have also discovered several times in a row that the giant Divine Weapon will lose volume after being attacked to repair the body, but I don’t know if the workload is reduced due to the small size. The speed of this guy’s self-repair anyway It's getting faster and faster.

Seeing that the giant Divine Weapon over there quickly completed the repair, here Christina also immediately began to release her magic. Before Na's magic flew over, I still saw the newly born giant Divine Weapon.

Sure enough, this guy has become smaller again. Although the distance is far, it's hard to compare with the city wall, but I can be sure that this guy is definitely not as tall as the city wall now. If I can't detect the problem with my eyes, this guy is standing outside Isinger's city wall, probably on tiptoe so that his fingers can reach the top of the city wall. It can be seen that this guy's shrinkage is still quite serious.

The giant Divine Weapon that has just been repaired is simply like an ordinary person who just woke up in the morning. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a huge magic beam coming. Even the giant Divine Weapon had no reaction time at all. It was hit directly.

The magic used by Christina this time is very strange. It was a beam of large area. In addition to hitting the giant Divine Weapon, it also hit a large forest behind. Then we It seemed that the attack had no effect. No, it is not that there is no effect, but the effect is not immediately reflected.

After Christina’s magic was released, Christina herself fainted immediately. Fortunately, she didn’t die this time, just fainted. However, the giant Divine Weapon over there is not so lucky.

Originally, we were still wondering how the attack did not respond, but soon we discovered the change. The trees at the feet of the giant Divine Weapon were illuminated by light beams together with the giant Divine Weapon. At first it was no different, but soon it began to grow like a medicine. The big trees that were irradiated were more than double the height and were still growing. When those big trees were growing well, suddenly all the leaves on the trees were withered and fell down. The branches began to collapse in the blink of an eye, and gradually turned into a black block structure as they landed. If someone observes closely, they will find that the black thing is actually coal.

At the same time that the big trees changed, the giant Divine Weapon finally changed. This guy seemed to wake up after seeing the big tree change, and suddenly started rushing towards us. We all thought there was a problem with Christina's spell, because at this time the giant Divine Weapon was still intact. However, the giant Divine Weapon, who rushed for a few steps, was getting slower and slower, and then he found that this guy had stopped, and the rays of light in his eyes were getting darker and darker, and finally went out. After the rays of light disappeared, a large number of red spots suddenly appeared on the giant Divine Weapon's body. These spots began to spread rapidly, and soon covered the body of the giant Divine Weapon.

Because of the short distance, we can clearly see the appearance of these spots, it is completely rust. With the expansion of these rust marks, the surface armor of the giant Divine Weapon began to gradually fall off. The giant Divine Weapon, which had been standing still, suddenly fell to one side and fell to the ground amidst the sound of quacking metal distortion. The rust of the giant Divine Weapon began to speed up significantly, and soon the parts inside fell off one after another, turning into red slag on the ground.

"Damn, is this time magic? Isn't it too domineering?" Hong Yue said excitedly, looking at the giant Divine Weapon that was completely rotten over there.

I shrugged and said: "Kristina has too many magic skills, how can I see all of them? But this really looks like a time line, I feel very difficult to deal with. "

As we were discussing, the giant Divine Weapon, which had turned into rust spots and iron slag, suddenly flashed with rays of light all over the body, and immediately began to liquefy and merge, and at this time the system hint again Sounded. "Congratulations to the player Christina for gaining the special ability-the torrent of time, which can control her time system to a certain extent, allow spells to be cast at twice the speed, and can adjust the physical space-time loss speed within two meters of her body to half of the normal value. "

This auxiliary ability made Hong Yue and I almost stared. Compared to the real red's ability, Christina's is simply against the sky! Originally, Christina was already known as the world’s first fort, but now it can actually accelerate to twice the normal value. At this speed, isn’t Christina’s magic rainstorm going to be upgraded to a magic waterfall?

In addition to this terrifying magic release speed, the speed reduction of the physical space around the body is also a good ability, because for Christina herself, she is a law system, and the physics syste

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