I was knocked down several times in a row, and the strength and size of the giant Divine Weapon were declining. When Hong Yue and Hong Yue and the guild backbones went up and put this guy once After the fall, he actually condensed only a giant Divine Weapon that was less than half the height of the city wall. This height was just a little bit above the knee joint for the giant Divine Weapon at the beginning, but now it is the whole When the giant Divine Weapon stood straight, there was only this little height left.

Looking at this giant Divine Weapon, which is not very tall, I directly told Hong Yue to quit the battle. The giant Divine Weapon no longer has the ability to massacre our personnel, so the rest The benefits should not be given to members. Those of us who take more risks and get more benefits, ordinary members don't need to take too much risks, and of course the benefits are less.

"Military god, you can start to command the members of our guild. Give priority to players. NPC troops will not consider it for the time being."


Following the order from my side, the ordinary players who had been watching our side without a chance to intervene in the battle finally heard the command of the military god. The first ones that appeared were not high level players, but a large group of ordinary players at the bottom of the guild, but they were all wondering why the war god asked them to bring ropes before they set out.

These players were immediately asked to tie the rope to the crossbow bolt of the large bed crossbow when they left the city, and then the siege equipment shot the crossbow bolt into the body of the giant Divine Weapon, and the surrounding players were shot. With the giant Divine Weapon like a hedgehog, they immediately understood the meaning of the god of war. Without the command of the god of war, they started rushing up excitedly, and then grabbed the rope and started to pull away to all directions. There are ropes on the limbs and body of the giant Divine Weapon. Once these ropes are straightened, they will seriously affect the actions of the giant Divine Weapon. Although he is big and strong, as I said, the physical stamina of the players is different from that in reality. Every player is at least a strong man in the game, and there are not one or two people on our side. The giant Divine Weapon worked hard, but thousands of people were cooperating, and the effect was different.

At first, the giant Divine Weapon didn’t care about the ropes on his body at all. The shot was like a hedgehog and didn’t intend to deal with it. It just moved towards the city gate and ran over here, but when After the ropes were straightened, the guy suddenly found his footsteps restricted. Looking back at the rope under his feet and the string of players behind him, this giant Divine Weapon didn't turn his head back to attack, but turned back to the original direction and lifted his foot hard to continue walking forward. As soon as the players saw this situation, they quickly pulled the rope and pulled back. This pulling giant Divine Weapon's body immediately became a little unbalanced, but this guy is big and strong, even though the players have all one's I used all the strength, but he was dragged forward by this guy and slid out. But this one is not that absolutely does not have an effect. The giant Divine Weapon actually fell straight down because one leg was out of balance.

Looking at the giant Divine Weapon that crashed to the ground, I sighed on the city wall: "It really is as expected!"

"What did you expect? "Hong Yue asked, looking at the giant Divine Weapon outside the city in a puzzled way.

"Did you not find out?" I pointed to the giant Divine Weapon outside and said: "When the thing first came out of the BUFF mission, it was not only big, fast, high-defense, and powerful. The conditions are very exaggerated, that is, the soft power of intelligence and combat experience are very exaggerated. But look at the present. If you were replaced by you, would you fall because of a leg being pulled? Not to mention that he already has a propeller. , A little bit of fire and a short jet can fly directly, even without a propeller, normal people have at least a dozen ways to get rid of this situation, right? But look at that guy? This is about to become a wooden person. Right?"

Hong Yue was immediately excited when he heard what I said: "If you don't tell me, I really didn't pay attention. The intelligence of this giant Divine Weapon really seems to be rapidly degrading."


"So I said, I have predicted this situation before. As the number of rebirths increases, this giant Divine Weapon not only gives lower and lower rewards, but also has its own attributes. , Including intelligence are degrading at a rapid rate. At this speed, at most, resurrecting this thing once or twice will only leave the stress response. It is estimated that when the time comes to kill it, it will be completely killed."

"There is some truth to this analysis. But when you say that, I suddenly feel bad!"


"Think about it, then The guy was forcibly killed twice by our city defense weapon before! That was the most precious reward, and it wasted us in vain. And I suspect that being killed by the Frost Rose for the first time is also a kind of Waste, according to the reward changes given by the system, the system does not encourage the use of city defense weapons to kill this giant Divine Weapon, that is to say, for the kills in the same state, the rewards for player kills and weapon kills are very likely It’s not the same."

"I also thought of this, but we are the first to eat crabs when we sleep? How can we know which parts are edible and which ones to throw away? "

Just as we were talking on the city wall, the giant Divine Weapon below was firmly fixed to the ground by hundreds of ropes, and the players in this guild followed the military god The commander takes turns to hit this guy with a weapon for a certain period of time, and he will be replaced as soon as the time is up. As for whether you use the big move or the small skill, it's up to you. This method can ensure fairness. After all, your low-level damage and less damage are your business, and the guild is not obliged to make any tilt to low-level players. As for the auxiliary system, don’t worry about this, because we’ve discovered it a long time ago. As long as the auxiliary system provides a player with an auxiliary spell, and then the assisted player attacks the giant Divine Weapon, he and the auxiliary player can take it at the same time. When it comes to rewards, this can be considered a way to compensate those who are not in the main combat category.

Because the giant Divine Weapon is completely lying on the ground and can’t move, we quickly disassembled it into parts, and after this kill, the giant Divine Weapon really came again A resurrection, but the giant Divine Weapon who reappeared this time is only less than fifty meters tall. Although this height is actually quite large for a human body, it is basically the size of a Barbie doll compared to its own body shape before.

The restoration of the giant Divine Weapon is exactly the same as I said. The intelligence has further declined. Before, I knew to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Although my judgment was bad, I at least knew that some actions had to be taken. The giant Divine Weapon that was resurrected this time even walked like a zombie, and would only walk forward stupidly. After being tripped by the rope again, it turned face down to the ground and kept walking. This is no longer a stress response, it is completely unresponsive! The whole is like a children's toy robot. It will walk forward when you turn on the switch. No matter whether it is a step or a wall in front of it, it can walk without error. There is no judgment at all, and it has no lethality at all.

For this kind of thing, we actually have a way to deal with it. The God of War tells those players outside the city not to attack, and then a large group of logistics troops are brought out from the guild. These players are all combat players, but because of the special attributes, they generally don't participate in foreign combat, but their level and strength often affect the overall strength of our guild. For players like this, we used to be high-level players from the top organization and took these people out to practice, but it is not easy to do this after all. The system's plan for EXP allocation is to get extra experience in addition to the final kill. In addition to the ratio, the previous attacks are calculated based on the damage you produce, while the auxiliary player relies on the experience of the assisted player to gain experience, which makes it very difficult to lead people to level up. , Because the battle strength of those who are brought is too low, and basically can't produce much lethality in the battle, so it becomes extremely difficult to upgrade. In most cases, our guild’s training team generally uses the capture method to forcefully suppress the high level monster in a certain position, and then let the person brought up to fight slowly. This method is obviously time-consuming and laborious, so Said that the effect is not very good.

Because it is usually difficult to bring people to upgrade, this opportunity must not be let go now. These players have been organized and ran here to attack this huge giant Divine Weapon. Anyway, this guy Like a wooden man, apart from being able to move, it can be said to have almost no intelligence, and he doesn't even know how to fight back. How can such a good target be wasted?

Although the battle strength of this group of logistics soldiers is all the five scums, the giant Divine Weapon in front of us is almost at its limit, plus a group of people besieging one, so the giant Divine Weapon soon It was completely broken up by these people.

After completing the kill, the military god immediately ordered the logistics personnel to retreat, because I don’t know if this thing will be resurrected again or there will be new changes, so I can only let this group of fighting five scum flash first. People, at least that's safer.

Our personnel are evacuating, the giant Divine Weapon fragments on the ground have once again turned into mercury-like liquid metal, and then began to gather quickly toward the center point, and soon formed a new Mercury ball.

To be honest, the reaction of the giant Divine Weapon that was just killed has made me conclude that this time it is completely dead and will not be resurrected. After all, the intelligence of that guy just now has been degraded to be lying on the ground. How to retreat after resurrection? Is it always pretending to be a statue?

At first, it was just my complaint that the giant Divine Weapon would become a sculpture. I didn't expect this time to get me wrong. After the mercury-like liquid metal ball was formed, it took only a few seconds to recondense a humanoid structure. However, the newly emerged humanoid has no clear surface structure, whether it is the head, limbs, or body. The surface is full of brilliance. It looks like a smooth Nendoroid. There are no facial features on the face. The palm is just a ball. You can’t see the fingers. The limbs are four thick sticks. You don’t even know where the joints are. .

"Damn, what is this? I don’t even have enough energy to gather and reshape it?"

"It shouldn’t be." Rose pointed to the thing and said: "I feel It looks like it has already condensed."

"Would you like to try it?" I asked carefully.

Ms. Rose and Hong Yue glanced at each other, then turned to look at the eagle. The eagle was nodded, so our side immediately began to act.

At this time, the giant Divine Weapon actually doesn’t look like a giant Divine Weapon anymore. Except for the basic structure of the human form, the whole body is shiny silver, it looks like The sculpture poured in silver forgot to do the surface treatment. However, this sculpture is at least 20 meters high, which is about the height of the sixth layer residential building, and may be slightly higher.

For this thing, it is of course easy to test it out. I went straight to it, picked up a stone and threw it over. As a result, the stone hit the object and made a very clear sound of hitting the metal and was bounced back. This shows that the thing is definitely solidified. The previous mercury clusters were still soft as long as they didn't completely change color, but now they are hardened directly. This is not a normal phenomenon.

Looking back at Rose and the others, they kept urging me to go up and touch them. In desperation, I had to go over and try it myself. Anyway, according to the previous rhythm, this thing should be completely gone now. Only threatened.

Carefully approached this thing, first looked up at the head-like part of it, and then carefully reached out and touched this thing’s leg, and it was this contact that made me I was stunned, because the moment I touched this thing, a reminder sounded suddenly, but it was a pity that the sound disappeared when I let go of my hand.

After a few seconds of stunned, I realized that I put the palm of my hand on it, and this time the beep sound was very clear. "Congratulations to the player Purple Moon for completing the special reward task. This is the final form of the task reward extractor. This item will be responsible for distributing all task rewards. After the reward is issued, this item will automatically be transformed into a sculpture and become the carrier of the final reward. May I ask whether it is immediately Extract task rewards?"

"Is the reward given to whoever mentions it?"

"No. The task reward extractor is only used to issue pre-tasks before the final boss is unblocked The rewards obtained in, this is the established reward, and will not change depending on the person who opened it. The rewards for individuals have been released in advance."

This explanation is easy to understand. "Then, let's start withdrawing rewards now."

"Understand, task reward settlement and distribution begins."

Following this prompt, many people in the bank started to check I started my own attribute, because many people in our guild participated in the task. Although at first was me and Zhenhong, it was these ordinary members who blocked the army of Japanese players.

In fact, when everyone is watching attributes, I am also busy watching attributes, because as a person who directly participates in the task, I get the most rewards, and the most terrifying one is EXP. We killed a lot of monsters in the monster hall in the mission before. The EXP of those monsters is absolutely amazing. Compared with the monsters of the same difficulty outside, it may be estimated that it is twenty times the experience. not enough. Under these conditions, we don't know how many monsters we have killed all the way, and now the EXP of these monsters is finally settled to us in one go.

"Damn! Did I read the wrong number?"

I was originally at 22Level 22 before entering the mission. I entered the mission because some monsters had experience on the spot. It was settled, so I went up to Level 3 directly in the task, which is 22Level 25, and the EXP now given directly added eight Level 16 to me. In this way, my current level becomes 23Level 11. This is not a small number! You must know that I am now at a high level, and the EXP required is astronomical. Even if a large-scale guild battle occurs normally, the guild EXP commission I get after the battle can only get me up to two or three Level 10, but This time I actually rose to Level 16 in one breath. It should be noted that the commission for the cultivation battle is played by the players of the guild and the NPCs, but this time I played it alone. Although the commission for the guild is very low, there are so many people after all. The experience provided by Heli, this time I managed so many EXP on my own, it is definitely an amazing gain!

In fact, the reward is not only EXP. In addition to the EXP of the eight Level 16, I also got a bunch of additional attributes. After the integration, it is about the data that will not change except for the lucky value. In addition, each item has been increased by one or two hundred. This number is absolutely exaggerated. Coupled with the additional attributes generated by the upgrade, I have surpassed Christina and became the number one in the battle strength list again. one. However, this change did not change my plan to level up and improve my strength in the future. The Divine Item that I did from Hades last time seems to be repaired, but the attribute improvement is very general. It is true that you have to get some attribute points on your own.

After reading the additional attribute points, I got the last type of reward this time. This reward is the most attractive thing in the BUFF mission-BUFF.

There are three bonus buffs that I received in this mission. The first and second ones are nothing. The key is the last buff attribute very awesome, which is really exciting. Endless.

The content of this first BUFF is called: Iron Will. The effect is divided into three types. The first is that when my endurance value is lower than the normal value, there will be no fatigue. "Zero" refers to the fatigue setting in reality. It does not mean that you are not tired at all before you run out of stamina, but a few paragraphs are set. Above 80% is the normal value, and the attribute is normal at this time. 60%~80% is some panting. In this state, breathing will speed up and you will feel a little tired, but it will not affect your fight and will not have negative effects. Endurance between 40% and 60% is a state of fatigue. If you continue to exercise at this time, it will be fine if you do not do intense exercise. Once the movement range is too large or the speed is too fast, the endurance consumption will double, which means that the endurance will be rapid Decline, but in fact your battle strength still remains unchanged at this time. When the endurance drops to between 20% and 40%, it is severe fatigue. Not only will any of your exercises accelerate the decline in endurance, but also your maximum strength output will gradually decrease from 99% of the normal value. When the endurance reaches 20 % When the output is reduced to 60% of normal power. After that, the endurance drops below 20%. At this time, the player will experience dizziness, blurred vision, decreased reaction speed, unstable power output and other problems. Anyway, at this time, it is basically the same as the near-death state, which is very terrible. state. As for the situation where the endurance drops to 0, except for the ability to absorb the endurance, it is generally impossible to create this effect through your own exercise, because when the endurance is below 3%, you will basically not move.

The first effect of the Will of Steel is that I can ignore the stamina value in the future. As long as it is less than 5%, I can fight with full endurance, and for friendly units within 50 meters around me, the endurance decline rate will be reduced by one third, including myself. Basically, this equivalent to is an upgraded version of the endurance aura.

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