The giant Divine Weapon that fell to the ground did not move a bit after landing. It seemed to be completely silent, but our side was afraid of it. All the combatants It flew down again, and the aerial battleship in the airport also gradually lifted into the fighting state to prevent any more accidents.

After the battleships in the sky were ready, I dared to walk in front of the giant Divine Weapon that fell on the ground. At this time, it can be said that this thing is almost invisible in human form. The arm that was blown off by the liquefied magic crystal steam torpedo decomposed itself in the air, and now there is nothing suspected of the other arm in the range I can see. As for the two legs... one of them barely works. I can see that, despite the twisted history, at least the structure is still there. The other one is lying in a small piece of bush forest more than 3,000 meters from the outer city wall of Isengard, and the surrounding area is still burning. After the fire, a team of Water Element wizards are busy over there to put out the fire.

The main part of the giant Divine Weapon seems to be seriously damaged. During the fall, this guy was hit by the Demon Domain bomb fired by the Eye of Hell in the front of his chest, which not only penetrated the protective layer and the main armor, but also melted a large piece of equipment inside the guy’s abdominal cavity, even Even the armor plate behind it has been dissolved out of a big hole.

Because this high-energy explosive pierced the protective layer, a gap appeared in the protective layer of this giant Divine Weapon. After that, it was successively named by a variety of city defense weapons. By the time it landed, it was basically They are all sieved. Isinger's defensive weapons are at least more than 100,000 pieces, and most of them are large-scale equipment with amazing attack power. Although the time for this thing to fall from the sky is only ten seconds, the number of hits is still quite astonishing.

"It looks like it's really finished." Zhenhong walked to a part and kicked it. The hemispherical part rolled over, but there was no change.

I walked carefully to the side of the thing’s head, and found that this guy’s head seemed quite intact, but I didn’t know what weapon penetrated a big hole under the X-shaped eyepiece. Only here can you see the light sensing device covered behind the eyepiece.

This guy’s eyes look like a large X-shaped observation window from the outside. Because it is covered by a blue crystal, you can’t see what’s inside, but now you can see under the crystal from this big hole. Condition. Obviously, the monitor used by this giant Divine Weapon is very different from what you imagined. Before, we always thought that this guy used a setting similar to that in cartoons, that is, a huge camera device that can be moved on a rail is installed behind the eyepiece. This device can be moved arbitrarily behind the X-shaped eyepiece to achieve conversion. The left and right angle of view. However, it does not seem to be the case now. There is no guide rail behind this guy’s eyepiece, but a neat row of optical sensors directly behind the entire X shape. In other words, this thing actually has a lot of eyes, they are all fixed and cannot be rotated, but because There are many eyes, so the angle of view is very wide, and the sense of depth is also very good.

I was checking the head of the giant Divine Weapon, and suddenly I felt a very powerful pulse of energy coming from a certain direction, and then this pulse started to radiate continuously with a fixed frequency like a heartbeat. Out.

"What's the matter?" We are all high level players here, and they are very sensitive to the energy fluctuations around, so everyone immediately felt this strange phenomenon.

Kristina looked around and said: "The energy is emitted from the giant Divine Weapon fragments!"

"I feel the energy is increasing, are we? Should we evacuate this area first?" Zhen Hong asked.

I nodded quickly led the crowd back, and the various weapons on the city wall also turned here to aim at the wreckage on the ground. Soon, just as we left this area, the fragments on the ground began to glow. All fragments, no matter how big or small, were covered with a faint blue fluorescence, and then in our surprised eyes, those pieces became The fragments of blue actually floated from the ground one after another in violation of the law of universal gravitation.

Those blue fragments that gradually lifted into the sky began to accelerate toward the central position as they ascended, and that was where the head was. As these fragments continue to gather, they begin to collide with each other in the air, and the fragments that hit a piece are not separated immediately, but suddenly merged into a whole as if two drops of water touched together, and as the parts contacted more and more More and more, the central core has gradually become a giant silver ball of liquid.

"Should we give it a shot before it is completely synthesized?" The words of true red got our unanimous approval. After all, we are not making cartoons, and there is no possibility that a group of people Stand there waiting for the enemy to play transformation! It can be guessed from the performance of that thing just now, that thing can be resurrected 80% of the time, and this method of collision and fusion is probably the preparatory stage before recovery, so we want to take advantage of the fact that this thing is not completely closed first. It will be blown up again.

Since everyone agrees, our action is naturally very fast. With a wave of my finger downward, a huge liquefied magic crystal steam missile flew directly into the liquid ball, and then it exploded with a bang. However, the explosion caused the huge liquid metal ball that looked like suspended mercury to expand. It simply didn't produce the expected effect. Even after the explosion, we found that the energy intensity of this thing actually increased.

"This thing can actually swallow the explosion energy, it seems that it is impossible to fight in this state!" Christina said next to it.

In fact, even if Christina doesn’t say that I will never do that again. This is enough proof. I don’t want to wait for that thing to become more self-regenerating. It was more sturdy before.

"But can we just watch it complete self-repair like this?" Hong Yue asked.

"The attack will be converted into energy to make it complete the transformation faster, and the strength after the transformation is stronger. We can't know this situation and replenish the other party's energy, right?" Zhen Hong said.

Kristina put her chin on and thought for a while and said: "If we don't attack, we will absorb its energy instead?"

Kristina's words As soon as our gazes came out, they all focused on her. Christina, who discovered that our gazes were wrong, asked in surprise at this time: "Couldn't it work?"

"No, it's not impossible, You are too smart!" I was excited to connect to the military god. "Is there anything in the guild that can absorb a lot of energy? If it can be used immediately, it will not take long for the other party to complete the repair."

"There are two ways to consider."

" Let people prepare at the same time, and then explain the two methods to me."

Military God quickly completed the order, and then began to explain: "The first method is very simple, as long as Just sprinkle the weak water from the sea of ​​silence on the metal ball. Weak water is a negative energy structure, and it will be neutralized when contacted with positive energy. It should be able to consume a large amount of energy of the other party. The second method is to empty the water. , The rechargeable higher magic crystal is injected into the opponent's body. When there is no energy inside, the higher magic crystal will generate a strong energy negative pressure, so as to absorb energy from the surrounding space and infuse itself, if the magic crystal enters the opponent's body, it will be absorbed The energy of the other party can also consume a lot of energy."

"This... doesn't seem to be safe!"

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