Chapter 55 Intercepting Giant Divine Weapon

"What did you say?"

"I know it’s hard to believe, but the truth is Ai Singh is under attack now, but the opponent has not been able to touch our city wall yet, and has been dragged by the outlying forces." The military god replied calmly.

"You wait, we'll be there in a while."

At this time, we can't fly back. Although the distance is not far, we still use Transmission Scroll to return to Ai Singh. When everyone arrived at Isengard, they separated. Most of them ran directly outside the city, but there were also people who had other jobs. For example, Rose didn't need to go to the front line.

Christina and I can’t run away anyway, we always have to go to the front line, but when we got to the outer city wall of Isengard, we found that the big guy actually still A few kilometers away, I was surrounded by a bunch of small dots.

In fact, those who are speaking of which besieging the giant Divine Weapon are just some mobile angels. Their battle strength does not have much deterrent power to this giant Divine Weapon simply, but because this giant Divine Weapon is constantly in It drives away the mobile angels that are attacking the surroundings, so its own mobility is limited, and it can only be there to slap left and right, unable to move forward.

Seeing that the thing hadn't really started attacking Isinger's subject, I was a little relieved in my heart, but those mobile angels alone would definitely not be able to stop that guy. He just hasn't reacted yet. Once he has figured it out, don't care about these mobile angels that are like flies and mosquitoes to him, when the time comes our mobile angels can't stop that guy.

"Military God, are the arrangements in the city ready?" Seeing that the giant Divine Weapon hadn't come up, I asked the military God Isinger about the arrangement, although I think the military God would not overlook This kind of thing, but it is always safe to ask.

Sure enough, the military god replied: "The temporary evacuation plan has been activated. Players in the city who are not part of the Frost Rose Alliance have entered the prescribed buildings, or have used Transmission Scroll to leave Isengard. Now the evacuation is almost complete, and only a small number of people have not entered the house. The defense mechanism in the city has been activated, and the isolation panels in the isolation area have also been lowered. Even if there is an explosion, the loss should not be It will be too big."

"Has the Divine Race in Chaos and Order been notified now?" Christina asked.

"It has been notified that they are all ready for battle. As long as the giant construct dares to touch Isengard, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order will immediately enter the battle."

< p>Divine Race is not as restrictive as the local Divine Race, but it doesn’t mean that there are no restrictions at all. At least in general, Divine Race is not allowed to run around, as in the current situation. Divine Race can participate in the battle, but the prerequisite is that the opponent must attack first, which means that they can only take action after Isengard is attacked. Now that huge giant Divine Weapon is only fighting our mobile angels, and has not fully entered the state of attacking Isengard. If he attacks Isengard, he can now switch to the siege warfare mode. We act as guards. The player can automatically call all the battle strengths, so that the Divine Race of Chaos and Order can participate in the battle justified. Of course, even if the giant Divine Weapon does not launch an attack first, as long as we have the joint authorization of Hong Yue or Eagle, Chaos and Order Divine Race can get the right to attack. Of course, this is limited to our guilds, because the Divine Race of Chaos and Order is absolutely obedience to me, so I can authorize this way, and if it is the Divine Race of the guilds. Whether the other party listens or not, they still have to say.

Our guild leaders and combatants all went to the city wall, and the players below naturally speed up to the city wall, and more importantly, the sky above Isengard, which is huge. The Isinger mobile fortress has detached from the bottom of Isinger’s Sky City and flies completely. Once the situation is not right, Isengard Mobile Fortress will be used as an offensive weapon to join the battle. Of course, there is a drawback near our own city, that is, the use of radiation cannons on the city under the Isengard Mobile Fortress is useless. The attack power of that thing can definitely kill the giant Divine Weapon in one second, but the problem is that the attack range of that thing is too large. If it is used in such a place, the giant Divine Weapon must be finished. Singer himself estimated that he would suffer too. Therefore, Isengard Mobile Fortress is subject to certain restrictions when fighting in such a place, and some abilities are useless.

Although Isinger Mobile Fortress has been partially idled, there is not only one Isinger Mobile Fortress that can be used on our side. There are many other defense facilities. If you want to deal with one target, it should be enough. used.

Isinger has completed the preparations here, but the dozen mobile angels outside the city are still pestering the giant Divine Weapon. Although the other party is a bit impatient, they have not Give up the opportunity to attack these mobile angels completely. This is not because the opponent is stupid and can't see through the problem. The key is the attack power of some dreaded mobile angels. If the mobile angels have caused minimal damage to the giant Divine Weapon, that's fine, the giant Divine Weapon must have ignored these annoying flies and directly attacked Isengard. However, the key problem is that these mobile angels participating in the interception mission are not conventional mobile angels, but defensive mobile angels dedicated to defending the city.

Compared with general mobile angels, this defensive mobile angel has several characteristics, one of which is its big head. Because they usually do not need to move in a large area, and they are engaged in local operations, the urban defense mobile angels are not only oversized, but also very thickly armored. Of course, more importantly, the number of weapons they carry is terrifying. Mobile angels used in the field need to take into account the carrying problem. Ammunitions must not affect mobility and must ensure a certain degree of sustainability. Therefore, they are afraid to equip high-rate weapons because they consume too much energy or consume too much energy. The ammunition is too fast, which is a huge burden for the mobile angels who can hardly be supplied during the battle.

However, the city defense mobile angel is different. These guys rely on the city with their backs, and there is no problem of being alone, so they can go back to replenish ammunition during the battle. In this way, the various physical ammunition weapons they carry hardly have the rate of fire. Don't worry about reserves. Under this design concept, urban defense mobile angels are generally equipped with eight to sixteen-tube shoulder-mounted liquefied magic crystal steam missile launchers, and they usually carry two or four at the same time. And these launchers are all rapid-fire type, just like a rocket launcher. Before the battle begins, the enemy is lighted up in one breath, and then the launcher is thrown away and lightly loaded and started melee. This tactic can maximize the firepower advantage of urban defense mobile angels, while increasing flexibility in battle.

In fact, in addition to physical ammunition, urban defense mobile angels are also equipped with one or two energy weapons, and they are different from the small energy weapons carried by ordinary mobile angels. These urban defense mobile angels The energy weapons carried by angels are very large formidable power. The energy carried by these energy weapons can actually only be fired seven or eight times, but these urban defense mobile angels are all equipped with external energy interfaces, and they can obtain energy directly from the urban energy pipeline during the city guard war. Therefore, in the city defense battle, occasionally you will see some particularly large city defense mobile angels carrying three or four cannons longer than their own, and then dragging a thick energy line behind them to take part in the fort.

Because the weapons used by the city defense mobile angels are all excluding supplies and only considering damage output, the formidable power of these weapons is often very scary.

The giant Divine Weapon is also a very hard defense existence, and general attacks will not care, but it dare not ignore the attacks of those city defense mobile angels because of the liquefied magic crystal steam missiles launched by these guys. The formidable power is too big, and every shot can make the energy shield on its body shake violently.

The defense effect of the mobile angel is so good, of course we are quite happy here. Being able to complete the formation of troops at a moderate pace is of course much better than rushing to the city wall in a panic and starting to fight. Moreover, taking advantage of this time gap, I also took the time to use the military god’s communication network and guild think tank. The delegation discussed the issue of the BUFF mission.

Although So Mi and the others did not participate in the battle, after listening to what I said and the information recorded by the military god, they finally really analyzed something.

First of all, we are absolutely sure that the form of this BUFF mission is actually not as simple as the original military god said. This kind of mission is not to allow you to enter anything to complete anything. After the player enters the BUFF mission, the most important job is not to fight the NPC obstacles set by the system, but to fight against the players from the hostile country. fighting.

When we entered the BUFF task before, we found that the task process of this BUFF task was not closely connected. Many tasks felt that the previous tasks were completed and no follow-up prompts were found, and there seemed to be none in the task. What we need to accomplish in particular is to let everyone run around in the mission world without knowing what to do.

This strange phenomenon is obviously very different from those rigorously set tasks in "Zero", so Soomi and their conclusion after analysis is-it is not that there is a problem with the BUFF task process, but It is because the players themselves have not figured out how to play this task.

According to Somei’s analysis, this BUFF mission should be divided into two modes. One is that the country’s hegemonic guild will take over the mission in the country. This type of mission is estimated to be more orthodox, rigorous in content, and requires Players go to complete a series of main tasks before they can pass the level. However, there is another way that the overlord guild of a certain country arrives in another country and takes over the BUFF mission of another country, just like ours this time. According to the system setting, in this second BUFF task, the system actually threw the work that prevented the task from completing to the players in the country where the task belongs to complete.

We encountered so many Japanese players in the mission to intercept, and in the end we even chased all the way to the world where the mountain where the giant Divine Weapon appeared, which was actually set deliberately by the system. The purpose is to let these players become our resistance and hinder us from completing the task. After all, the BUFF task suppressed everyone's attributes, even if high-level personnel like me arrived in it, the battle strength would not be much stronger than the average player. At least I can go in and out freely in the encirclement of tens of thousands of people outside without restrictions, but in the BUFF mission, in fact, as long as there are dozens of players who cooperate with each other, I can get it done. Of course, I'm talking about when I don't have a familiar with summon.

However, there was obviously a problem with this mission. But this problem is not a system problem, but a problem between us and Japanese players. Because this is the first time in the world that someone has taken the BUFF mission, and it is the BUFF mission of another country, neither players are very clear about the rules of the game, so that there are not many people at the beginning of the mission. Players participate in the task. In this way, we became a group of people running in the air during the first half of the mission, and there was nothing to do. This is not a system error, but Japanese players didn't expect it at this time.

Of course. Although there are almost no plot content and things to be done in the task, because we are doing this kind of task for the first time, the completion speed is not fast, and a lot of time in the middle is delayed due to excessive caution. This is also caused by everyone's ignorance of the BUFF mission. If we knew the situation analyzed in advance, in fact, we should not look forward and backward at the time, and just rush forward all the way. It's a pity that this kind of thing obviously means that there is no such shop in the village. Although we have experience next time, I believe that Nobunaga Guishou will be able to analyze some content. Even if it is not as comprehensive as the things we analyzed here, they will definitely understand that this kind of BUFF task is just something they can do. The whole country should be involved in sabotaging the task process.

According to this analysis, next time we go to Japan to perform the BUFF mission, it is estimated that Japanese players will definitely influx immediately after allowing them to enter, and then prevent us from completing the mission. Thinking about it this way, the super difficulty of this BUFF mission is really not nonsense. After all, the number of people who can mobilize one-time access to the mission is limited by the party who actively participates in the mission, while the people who intercept the party can enter without restriction. In this way, Ang Tie will gain a quantitative advantage, even if our individual battle strength is stronger, it is estimated that it is very difficult to break through the layers of these Japanese players to complete the BUFF mission. And this is where the real difficulty of the BUFF task lies.

After analyzing the reason why the mission felt wrong, we analyzed the situation where the giant Divine Weapon went outside the mission. This matter is a bit simpler. After discussing it, everyone quickly reached a consensus.

According to our speculation, the BUFF task should actually be divided into two parts, which is different from the general task. No matter how the general mission is changed, in the end it is nothing more than finding the boss annihilation routine, but this BUFF mission has one more link than the general mission, and that is the process of finding the boss to release. The general task is to find the BOSS directly, but this task is to find the seal, and then release the BOSS. The previous process of finding and opening the seal was this 1st stage, which was carried out in the Independent Space of the BUFF mission. Once the seal is unlocked, the BOSS will leave the space where the BUFF mission is located, just like the giant Divine Weapon in front of him. After that, what we need to do is to season battle strength in a normal space, and then push the BOSS even if the BUFF mission is completely completed.

After reaching this conclusion, we finally understand why the BUFF mission is only allowed to be picked up by the ruling guild or the overlord’s guild, because if the BUFF mission is not restricted, the overlord’s guild in the area is I was busy with other things, and suddenly an idiot popped up in my country and ran to pick up the BUFF task. What do you think about this time? The difficulty of this BUFF mission is not the mission itself, but the enemy players who intercept the mission. If the enemy player is smart enough to find that it is the ordinary player who takes the task, and when the country’s dominance is just running out of time, they will definitely give up directly to interfere with the completion of the task, and may even help the player complete the task in turn, because once This single player who completes the 1st stage of the BUFF mission will release a super BOSS in the territory of the country. At this time, the overlord’s guild will happen to have something, but this BOSS can’t leave it alone. In this case, it will inevitably affect this seriously. The work of the Overlord's Guild. Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of 2B youth who is unable to get the super BOSS to release the BOSS by himself, the system simply sets that only players in the overlord guild or ruling guild are eligible to accept the BUFF task, and ordinary players can find out. This BUFF task, but I can’t get it and I can’t get in. This is an insurance measure.

Like this time, it was a giant Divine Weapon that was released. Our guild just happened to be all available. Everyone could block this thing by one, two or three. If someone else suddenly releases such a Things, our guild just happened to be fighting abroad. Do you say that we came back for rescue at that time or didn't you care?

Actually speaking of which, this time this giant Divine Weapon went straight to Isinger after running out. I am quite happy. I was shocked when I first heard about this, but after thinking about it, this is actually a good thing.

Everyone knows Isinger’s defensive power very well. We still don’t know how powerful the giant Divine Weapon is, but we are sure that it is absolutely impossible to destroy Isinger, and at most it will let us. There is only a certain loss. Relying on Isinger’s powerful defense weapon system, we can easily handle this giant Divine Weapon, but if the guy doesn’t come to Isinger at all, he goes to another city, or simply moves in the wild. It's really troublesome. Playing field battles with this thing, it definitely requires human lives to pile up. After all, there is no city wall barrier. This thing will definitely move around during the battle. If we want to restrain him, we need a human city wall, so casualties are inevitable. Very big. Now that Isinger is here, our loss is estimated to be at most a little defensive facility plus a small number of casualties, which is definitely better than a field battle.

Just when we finished the discussion here, the giant Divine Weapon over there finally successfully shot down a mobile angel. This is the first time that guy appeared outside Isengard. Successfully knocked down the mobile angel this time, and this guy didn't know if he had gained experience, and after less than one minute, he actually shot down another mobile angel.

The loss of two mobile angels in a row, I also know that the battle mode of the mobile angels is probably figured out by this guy. It doesn’t make much sense to continue to let the mobile angels fight over there. Anyway, we are here. The preparations were completed, so I simply asked the military god to withdraw the mobile angels.

The giant Divine Weapon, which was unfettered, immediately looked at our side, then leaned over and swung his arms in a very standard sprinting posture and moved towards us at full speed. "Damn, that thing is here, do we need to do something?" Zhen Hong asked as he watched the giant Divine Weapon rushing over there at full speed.

"Of course." I directly raised an arm and waved forward, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, and with a bang, the giant Divine Weapon blew up directly into the sky, turning it a few times in the sky. After a big somersault, I landed and turned over again. I don't know how many laps before it stopped.

"The attack power of the defensive mother tree is really sturdy!" Knowing that the attack power of our guild's newly-highest defensive mother tree is amazing, Christina and the others also sighed in surprise.

I stretched out my hand to signal for them to be quiet, and then said to the military god in the communicator: "Come on again, that thing won't hang up so easily."

My voice just fell off. The beam attack arrived again, but this time when the beam was about to fall on the giant Divine Weapon, it suddenly bounced off the ground. The action was not like a human, but more like a wild beast. Regardless of the posture, at least the opponent successfully avoided the attack.

Although the giant Divine Weapon successfully dodges an attack, the defense mother tree is not a dry meal. He has just taken off here, and there are a few beams of light falling from the sky one after another, and this time All hits the target without any error, and the giant Divine Weapon was blown out again.

Despite repeated attacks in the company, what surprised us was that the giant Divine Weapon over there stood up on the ground after the attack stopped. Looking at the traces of smoke on its body, it was obvious that it was not missed just now, but the opponent's defensive ability is really awesome. Such an attack only caused him to suffer a certain amount of damage, and he could not be directly attacked on this guy. A hole or something.

Being hit many times in a row, the guy finally realized that the defensive mother tree above was very powerful. Some dreaded raised his head and looked at the sky, then the guy suddenly squatted down, and the back thruster unfolded again. As soon as I saw the situation, I knew it was not good. This thing must have realized that it can't be attacked from below, so it shifted the target to the sky.

Sure enough, after the guy squatted down, the flames of the thruster behind his back burst out, and the guy suddenly jumped upward at this moment, and his whole body instantly vacated and moved towards the sky and flew over.

Seeing that guy took off, we immediately got a little messy. It was also our mistake. The sudden end of the previous BUFF mission made us feel a little dizzy, so that we forgot to tell the military god that this thing would fly. Because of this, the military god concentrated all the defense forces on the first line of defense of Isengard's ground city, with the purpose of defending the enemy from outside the country. However, now everyone has discovered that this thing can fly. Our previous arrangement was completely aimed at ground attacks. Now it has suddenly changed from ground defense to air defense. This change is not generally big.

Although most players and NPC troops have no way to move to the battle due to the location problem, but our high level players and some high level NPCs can still go up.

As soon as the giant Divine Weapon over there flew up, our side was a large group of people jumping out of the city wall, summoning directly out of the long spear, and then followed along. Of course, I also immediately brought the flying bird summon out and held it. Hong Yue next to him jumped up, anyway, the bird with one and two are the same.

While stepping on the flying bird to fly up, I was contacting the military god: "Military god, that thing is going up!"

"I have seen it!" Jun God said it was easy, but he was not really easy, because he was busy commanding the airport area above his head.

At this time, the airport area at the bottom of Isinger Sky City is a busy scene, but these people are busy but not chaotic. This is due to the maximum command ability of the god of war Utilizing everyone's abilities, no personal abilities were wasted.

As the players rushed and rushed, the fog of death like a sea of ​​clouds on the edge of the airport suddenly rolled up, and then a huge head came out of it. With the appearance of this head, the subsequent body quickly rose up. The giant Divine Weapon only took more than a minute to rise to the height of Isengard Airport. This speed is absolutely amazing, so that our side is not fully prepared yet. The previous battle settings didn't expect to make the airport the first line of battle.

When the giant Divine Weapon over there successfully flew to the airport, not far from him, accompanied by a sirens, all the red warning lights on a row of huge metal brackets began to turn Got up, and at the same time, the huge bracket suddenly moved. They loosened the giant palm-like fixed clamps, and then the main support frame suddenly began to shrink and descend. As these supporting frames descended, the aerial battleship originally supported by the supporting frames sank slightly downwards, and then accompanied by a burst of increasing rumbling sound, the spaceship immediately rose slowly again.

This is a spaceship responsible for combat readiness and duty, so personnel and ammunition are all prepared, and only such a spaceship can take off in one minute. But unfortunately, taking off at this time is obviously not a good idea. The spaceship had just risen less than ten meters, and the giant Divine Weapon next to it suddenly rushed up, and then slammed a punch on Cambridge in the middle and rear part of the spaceship. With a bang, the huge spaceship Cambridge was smashed into it, and the cockpit window was a circle of Fireball. The spaceship, which was not much shorter than the giant Divine Weapon, immediately lost its momentum with this attack, and began to hit the ground and fell, and then hit the position where it just took off and broke two supports that hadn’t been recovered in time. After the rack, it actually slid to the edge of the airport, and then shook it twice, but it still couldn't stabilize. The bow of the ship turned over from the edge of the airport.

I took Hong Yue standing on the bird and was flying upwards. I suddenly noticed that a large shadow appeared in the fog above. Although the fog of death itself obscures the line of sight is very difficult, but we are the original People in guilds, so they enjoy certain preferential treatments, and can look a little bit farther than others.

Following the dark shadow, it looked like it was the outline of a spaceship, and before we could react, we discovered that the clouds above suddenly opened a hole by itself, and then we saw Cambridge The severely deformed spaceship turned over with a lot of messy parts passing by us, and then moved towards and smashed down.

"Damn! What's the situation?" The real red who was following me was almost smashed by this spaceship, naturally shocked. But how can I talk to her now? To directly speed up Asuka, we must rush up to stop him before that guy dismantles our mobile fortress Isengard.

Actually, the airport is not inside the Isengard Mobile Fortress. Usually, the Isinger Airport we refer to refers to the airport at the bottom of the Isinger Sky City. Because Isengard Sky City is inverted, the bottom of it is a flat river. The Isengard Mobile Fortress above is not as big as Isengard Sky City, so there is a large circle on the periphery of Isengard Mobile Fortress. The ground can be used. It just so happened that this place was just a little bit above the fog of death that Isengard's own, and the surroundings were suspended in the air, very suitable for the home port of the aircraft, so it was changed to an airport. As for the airport above Isengard Mobile Fortress, it is just an enlarged version of the aircraft carrier deck. Only when Isengard Mobile Fortress operates independently will the airport be activated. Moreover, the airport is mainly used to release and recover small aircraft, such as the battleship level that was just shot down. At most, seven or eight ships can be placed in the airport above Isengard Mobile Fortress. That's it.

When we flew up from here, we just saw the giant Divine Weapon fixing our battleship, turning around and moving towards a nearby battleship that was urgently lifting off and kicked it over.

Although I saw it, I wanted to stop it, but the distance is too far, and this place is our own territory, surrounded by our own things and people, everyone dare not use large-scale skills, Naturally, there is no way to stop that thing.

The strength of this giant Divine Weapon is very strong. The battleship just raised from the support frame less than two meters before being kicked by a kick. The entire spaceship flew in the other direction. At the same time, the keel of the hull was obviously twisted, and the bow and stern of the ship appeared to be inclined at a certain angle, but the angle between the two was not very large.

This kicked battleship lost power after it flew out, hit the ground with a bang, and then bounced back, very mysteriously just above the head of a battleship under maintenance. After flying over, the only loss was to knock off the flagpole on top of the battleship. However, the battleship that flew past landed again and directly hit the support frame of the third aerial battleship behind. Fortunately, the aerial battleship had just completed its replenishment, and the cabin door had been separated from the support frame before it was completely closed. Get up, so when the current aerial battleship hit the support frame, it was only taken by the fallen support frame. The hull shook a little and stabilized, and then slowly lifted off.

The giant Divine Weapon over there realized that there was a target that had escaped the attack and flew, so he strode over immediately.

The airport here is listening to large-scale aerial battleships. Because the hull is very large, the distance between the two slipways is actually very large. The closest ones are one to two hundred meters away, and some extra-large aerial battleships are even more than four hundred meters apart from other surrounding battleship berths. However, such a large interval is nothing to the giant Divine Weapon. The guy's height determines that he can walk from one slipway to the edge of another slipway only by walking a few steps.

In fact, I really want to speak of which. The size of this giant Divine Weapon is just a little bigger than those aerial battleships. If the general aerial battleship is erected, the stern is on the ground, and the bow is almost capable. To the height of this guy's chest. Some very large aerial battleships have grown a lot more than the giant Divine Weapon themselves. Such a large size is actually no smaller than the giant Divine Weapon.

The giant Divine Weapon ran to the vicinity of the aerial battleship that successfully took off over there in two steps, and then raised his hand to punch the battleship down. Of course, the sword sword himself was not a fool. Under command, move to the side while accelerating to escape.

Although the aerial battleship is evading, because the speed hasn't been raised yet, it is about to be caught up. When we see this situation here, our eyes are distraught, not because who is dead makes us distressed, but because of the money.

Air battleships are all money-eaters. Each one is expensive and scary. Even in terms of our guild’s funds, this is a very exaggerated price. Therefore, the loss of any aerial battleship to us is like a needle in our heart. Just now, the giant Divine Weapon has already killed two of our battleships. If this is another one, don’t we feel bad about it?

Just as we watched the giant Divine Weapon about to punch our aerial battleship, the savior finally arrived. A thick orange red beam suddenly struck from the opposite side of Isengard's mobile fortress, and then hit the chest of the giant Divine Weapon. The giant Divine Weapon hurriedly crossed his arms to protect in front of him, but the beam of light hurriedly pushed him out of the airport area and fell into the fog of death below.

Looking at the giant Divine Weapon falling down the airport, we were all excited, and then we saw a huge silhouette flying over the airport area on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress. After seeing this huge figure, we discovered that it turned out to be the flagship Frost Rose of our guild aerial battleship fleet.

At this time, the Frost Rose seems to be undergoing refitting. There are st

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