"Congratulations to the player team for completing the 1st stage of the regional special additional mission mode, successfully opening the sealed creature, and now entering the second stage, please mobilize all the power of the player team before releasing the monster to cause greater damage Proper disposal. Reminder: The monster opened in this seal has unlimited regeneration ability. Therefore, this monster has only life recovery speed limit and no total health limit. If it cannot cause enough damage to the monster, the monster will destroy the country by 100%. After gathering points above the town level of fifty or more, switch to indiscriminate attack mode until it is eliminated by the regional guardian. The rewards from this task will be issued in the battle according to the attack effect on the monster. Note that this reward is a two-way reward. The attacker will be rewarded and will be simultaneously distributed national system-type universal welfare."

This notification system was broadcast three times in one breath, and after listening to it, I still haven’t fully understood what this content means. . Of course, I am not the kind that I don't understand. At least I know two things. The first is that this monster can replenish its blood indefinitely. Therefore, it must be hit hard enough in a short period of time with a super attack, otherwise it will not be able to kill it. Second, all the rewards of the BUFF mission were originally on this ultimate BOSS, and only in the process of attacking it can you continue to get benefits. This feeling is a bit like the old-fashioned pick-up game played in the past, that is, when the boss is playing, the boss will continue to drop money or explode a variety of ammunition, supplies, etc., anyway, it is killing the boss. Before, you can get various rewards in battle.

I can barely understand this setting, but I don’t know why we were sent to normal space. Another thing I don’t understand even more is where did that thing go?

I was wondering here. I suddenly saw Christina and the others running out of the place where I just came out, but they are different from me and Zhenhong. They were on the road, so they ran fast. They were the follow-up team, so they came out in a neat formation, so the embarrassment we encountered did not happen.

I was not idle when everyone came out. First, I opened the summon space and recovered all the summon creatures released in between, because now I can put summon out at any time, let’s talk about it. The BOSS is gone, we will definitely need a wide range of maneuvers to find that guy, so that we can't bring a large group of summon creatures, we must let them enter the summon space first, so that I can take them to move.

In addition to returning the summon creature, I also observed the surrounding situation. The first thing I saw was the surrounding buildings with Chinese characteristics, and then a large group of players and NPCs who froze there.

This is obviously a city, and it is a Chinese city. This is a good distinction. However, what I care about is not this, but where it is.

I looked around and found that there are two obvious players. The reason why they can know that they are players and not NPCs is not because the two players have displays on their heads, but because they are wearing fashion clothes.

There is a kind of clothing for viewing in the game called fashion. This kind of clothing does not add attributes, or there are only a few special attributes, such as wearing functions that can keep warm or automatically cool, anyway, it is not for fighting. And the service of special clothing. These clothes are usually very beautiful. Everything is based on beauty or individuality, and does not pursue special advantages in performance.

Although these fashions are almost useless besides being good-looking, but in reality, a lot of people still spend tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands on a set of clothes just to look good. These are good-looking and cheap in the game. Fashion is still sold in large quantities, and even sensible women like roses have bought a lot. This is basically a woman’s nature, just like giant dragons like treasures, they belong to a collection that cannot be explained. addiction.

The two players in front of me are obviously a couple. The male wears something like an expensive patriarch robe, and the female wears a set of fairy-like veil, especially on her shoulders. The ribbon looked like an ordinary ribbon, but it floated on the shoulder against gravity, as if floating. This is the characteristic of fashion, everything starts with beauty.

Being able to wear this thing means that it is a player, NPC can not buy fashion, and will not buy it at all.

I got up directly from the rubble and walked to the two of them, but the other party had actually stopped there long ago and looked at me dumbfoundedly. This is of course not because of some arrogance in my body that has suppressed others, it is simply scared. Of course, this scare wasn't me scared, eh...it should be said that it was not scared by my appearance or identity, but because when I just came out of the wall, the big hole that I knocked out was the distance between the two people. The location is only less than two meters away. It's as if you were walking well along the outer wall of a building. Suddenly a big hole was knocked out in the front wall, and a person flew out of it. The feeling of passing by Death God is really scary. After all, emergencies are easy to scare people. Do all the ghosts in the ghost movies like to make surprise attacks?

The two of them are probably still immersed in the fear of being almost hit by me. They did not completely spirit slowly recovers. When they saw me coming over, they stood there stupidly with the frozen expression just now, until they didn’t move. I walked over and shook my hand in front of the two before returning to normal.

"That, sorry scared you. I'll ask you something. What is this place?"

"This...this is Xitian City!"

"Nishida?" I was stunned for a moment, then opened the Phoenix Dragon space and directly took out a crystal ball. I pressed the eternal position on my wrist, and then immediately projected a giant map in the air in front of the ball. Come. I found the city with a simple drag on the top, and then when I saw the location was quite close to Isengard, just a few hundred kilometers away from Isengard Southwest.

"Damn, how come out of this place?" After I complained, I looked up and asked, "Did you see a very large construct passing by here before?"< /p>

"Constructed creatures?" The woman obviously didn't know much about Western magic and had no idea about it, but the man knew, and shook his head directly: "I didn't see it. How big is the thing you said? "

"It's about several hundred meters high!"

"That's definitely not. Such a big thing unless invisible, otherwise it is impossible to see!"

I was right to think about it, and then thanked me and turned back to Christina and they talked about the situation they had just asked. Rose and Christina also just finished listening to the system hint, and they started to analyze after hearing what I asked, but they didn't wait for them to analyze anything. The communication from the military god's side sounded first.

"President, how did you send it to China? I don't have your transfer record here!"

"We are not quite clear!"

"Then let's not talk about it. Please teleport to the following coordinates immediately. In case of emergency. A super-constructed creature appeared here, attacking Isengard."

"What did you say? "

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