Although I have never seen a giant Divine Weapon, and I don’t know what this thing looks like when it attacks, but the moment when the flat X shape changes from blue to red, I am first One thing that comes to mind is the offensive response. The reason for this judgment is considered from three directions. The first is pure feeling. Blue represents tranquility, which is the normal mode. Red is more passionate and passionate. Therefore, compared to blue light, red is generally very violent and agitated, and the attack mode means violence. As for the second article, this is mainly summarized from the movies and animations I have seen before, because in those film and television works involving robots, as long as the eyes of the robots turn red, most of them are about to attack. Although "Zero" is not a movie or anime, it is a game and a cultural work woven by a group of designers, so it shouldn't be a normal habit in terms of setting.

In addition to the above two points, there is one last point, and that is the real experience. Unlike most players, as the core of the man-made Heavenly God project, Eldest Young Master of Longyuan Group, I have actually seen combat robots, and the eyepieces of those real combat robots will indeed turn red before the attack. . This phenomenon is not for good-looking, but there are two kinds of one. First, when the robot enters the attack mode, the eyepiece turns red and equivalent to turn on the warning light. The purpose is to tell all nearby personnel that it is now in attack mode and may launch an attack at any time. If the eyepiece is not red, it means the robot is currently In the locked state of the weapon system, equivalent to activated the safety device, which means you can rest assured. As for the second reason, this is mainly due to the need for laser sighting.

Before attacking, the combat robot needs to irradiate the target with an active infrared transmitter to confirm the target, and then it needs to be irradiated with multiple weak lasers for the purpose of ranging and providing continuous locking. Both of these actions are things that must be done before attacking, but the infrared searchlights and red lasers in it actually emit light outside the pure visible light band, and their extended spectrum will include the red band of visible light, so as long as these systems Once activated, the eyepiece will naturally turn red.

Based on the above three cognitions, the red eyes of the robot almost all represent an attack precursor. Although this giant Divine Weapon should be called a construct creature according to the game settings, it doesn’t matter how you look at it. It's more like a robot, so my eyes suddenly turned red when I saw this thing. Of course, I immediately thought that this thing was going to launch an attack, but in fact my guess was not wrong at all.

Just as the shouting sound from my side, the eyepiece of the giant Divine Weapon suddenly emits dazzling strong light from the four corners of X, and then the four strong lights quickly move towards the center of X The point moves, and finally merges into a huge red flare at this center point. About 0.1 second later, the red flare seemed to be suddenly dimmed, but at the same time a beam of red light suddenly shot out from the center of this guy's eyepiece.

Because I got my reminder in advance, everyone’s reaction was very fast. They rushed out to all directions almost like lightning, but the place where we just stood was suddenly blasted. Blew up. Even if we jumped far away, we still haven't completely avoided the formidable power of this thing. The huge shock wave blew us all out, and it felt like an atomic bomb exploded behind us.

After the huge and terrifying explosion passed, we turned our heads one after another. As a result, we saw that the place on the ground where we just stood had become a brand new big pit, and there was still a lot of lava at the bottom of the pit, and it was Braving. According to the formidable power of this thing just now, if it hits directly, we estimate that few people here can really withstand the attack of this thing.

"Damn it, this thing is too fierce, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly dismantle it!" Seeing that Zhenhong has time to complain, I shouted directly He ran towards the top of the mountain first. I discussed the countermeasures with you before because we thought that the boss was sealed in the temple, and when we went up to fight it all depends on what we meant, but now it’s different. The temple itself was originally a BOSS, and it wasn't that it couldn't move at all, it was just too lazy to move before. Now that everyone has come out, if we stop to discuss countermeasures, won't it be courting death? So, we simply can't stop, we can only fight before we talk.

Speaking of which is such a big thing, although it is an advantage, is it not a disadvantage to turn it over? It's like elephants can be afraid of mice without fear of lions. Once they are too big, it will be quite difficult to deal with small things. The size of this giant Divine Weapon is definitely beyond imagination, the size of a mountain, we are not as tall as this guy's instep when we stand in front of it. For such a big thing, we are the mouse to it.

Of course, it does not mean that large creatures are not lethal to small creatures. The elephant is afraid that the mouse is just afraid that the mouse gets into its nose. If it is really hit, the mouse will still be trampled by the elephant.

The place where we can deal with the giant Divine Weapon now is that we can rely on our body's high flexibility to prevent being hit, but once we are hit, with this guy’s attack power, it is probably the result of a spike. We simply don't have the strength to compete with this thing.

I found that we were actually running up the mountain, but the giant Divine Weapon did not continue to attack, but suddenly looked up at the sky, then clenched fists with both hands on the waist and made it a bit like Horse-Riding in martial arts training. Stance's movements started to squat with this guy, his legs bent, obviously accumulating strength.

When I saw this action, I suddenly felt that this picture seemed to have been seen somewhere, but before I remembered it, the giant Divine Weapon showed it to me. With only a bang, a pair of huge metal wings suddenly spread out behind the guy, and at the same time the backpack-like thing on its back also stretched out, revealing four huge propellers. Accompanied by a louder engine starting sound, the tail ends of the four jet thrusters gradually sprayed out four thick flames, and the laminated baffles of the flame nozzles were slowly gathering, gradually gathering the flames into bunches. shape.

"Fuck me!" When I see this, how can I not know what this thing is doing? I quickly turned around and ran back, and then hugged the rose to overwhelm her. I squatted down and stretched out my wings to wrap up the two of us. At the same time, Eternal was turned over by me and inserted directly into the ground to form a huge holder. .

While completing the action on my side, my familiars also moved closer to each other and used their abilities to fix themselves on the ground, and the nearby Qilin warrior and Death God guards because If there are too many, there is no other way. They can only find a place to hide as much as possible, and as many as they can survive!

In fact, my guess is quite accurate. Just after we made preparations here, the four propellers behind the giant Divine Weapon over there gave out deafening rumbling sound at the same time. With this rumbling sound, two halos appeared at each of the four nozzles behind the thing. This is actually the aperture formed by the distortion of the light caused by the high-speed jet in the jet, and as the propeller further increases the output, Those apertures even tend to be gradually blown away from the jet.

Said so much, it took less than five seconds before and after, and the jet behind the giant Divine Weapon suddenly increased its force to its limit, and then suddenly kicked the ground, the huge body was just like that. A terrifying air current rushed into the sky, and the mountain below seemed to have been hit by an atomic bomb. A huge shock wave swept across the mountain like lightning, and then rushed down the hillside to reach our location. The villages around us were like paper models in front of a typhoon. They were completely blown into pieces of wood flying all over the sky in an instant. That terrifying power simply cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

The shock wave has been raging on the ground for seven or eight seconds before it is completely stopped. When I opened my wings and released me and the rose, the surroundings had completely changed. The mountain that was originally all dryads not only collapsed because of the departure of the giant Divine Weapon, but more importantly, there were no more dryads left on the mountain. This has completely turned into a barren mountain, really not even a single hair left.

Such terrifying impact is really undead that most people can bear.

As I put away my defenses, beside us, Lucky and Plague, as well as Xiaosan and the other dragons, put their wings away, and under their wings, except mine In addition to the familiars, Christina and others, and even many Death God guards and Qilin warrior were protected together, but compared to the loss of those Death God guards and Qilin warrior. , What is protected is just one hair from nine oxen.

This kind of terrifying shock wave is not an attack by the opponent, but a collateral reaction when people take off, but it is this kind of thing that almost completely wiped out my Death God guards and Qilin warrior. Now, the terrifying of the battle strength of this giant Divine Weapon is already evident.

"Damn, what about that thing?" Zhen Hong started to look around after walking out of the dragon wing, but the thing was completely invisible within the range of her sight.

Kristina looked at the sky suspiciously, then looked around, then frowned and said, “Isn’t this place saying that all sides are enclosed? If that thing cannot be separated from the range around the mountain. , Then it can only fly upwards. But how high does it have to fly so large that we can’t see it?"

At this time, Rose closed her eyes and made a mental calculation, and then said: "With that The volume of something, even if it enters the Earth synchronous orbit, we should be able to see a rough outline with our eyesight."

"This is not this too ridiculous? That thing can fly out of the atmosphere. "Zhen Hong said in surprise.

Kristina interrupted Zhenhong and said, "That’s the problem. Let’s not say how high the thing can fly, even if it can actually fly to the moon, the problem is , Does space exist here?"

Normal people are purely guilty of asking such things in normal mode, but under the current circumstances, Christina asks such questions. Is very reasonable. Let's think about it briefly. This mission map is a mountain, plus a circle of villages under the mountain and the villages extending out a distance of tens of meters. No matter how far away, it will be completely impossible to pass. It is blocked by an invisible wall and can't be moved at all.

According to this situation, the surface area of ​​the task space we are currently in is actually a circular area with a radius of no more than 13 kilometers, and if the surface area of ​​the task space is only this The point is big, so how high can it be?

For a mission where most combatants are operating on the ground, creating space upward is completely meaningless. After all, no matter how powerful the game system is, processing the extra space data also requires a certain amount of calculation. Therefore, the system will definitely not set this kind of unused map. Since the system can add an invisible barrier on the ground to restrict the activity area, why can't it also set up such a barrier in the sky? Players generally don’t fly so high anyway, don’t they?

According to this kind of thinking, most of the area we are in should have a fixed size, which means that although the blue sky above our head looks very high, it is actually an illusion. The layer separation wall keeps us from flying too high.

However, the current situation is that the giant Divine Weapon soared into the sky and then disappeared. If it was the state of heavy rain before, it was easy to understand that it was hiding in the clouds, but now the rain has stopped, and the sky has become abnormally clear. In this state, the giant Divine Weapon has disappeared. How high does it take to fly out? According to the previous analysis, that thing should have hit the defensive wall long ago, right?

"The task space is limited. That thing shouldn’t be out of our sight in the space, but the fact is that the thing is missing." Rose analyzed the situation and said: “It’s reasonable according to existence. Since the thing is missing, there must be a reasonable explanation. Inversely, if the giant Divine Weapon is gone, then there are only two possibilities. First, the thing is too far away from us, so we can’t see it, and second , It’s invisible."

"Invisible?" After I heard it, I turned my head and shouted, "Emmenes!"

Emmenes also heard our conversation , So he immediately stood up and looked at the sky for a while, and then shook his head at me: "That thing is not here, it is really not here."

Rose heard the report and said immediately:" If the thing is really not there, it means that it has flew out of our sight. If this is the case, then there are two kinds of probabilities. First, the task world is really very high, which can make the giant Divine Weapon flew up. Second, this place is really shielded by Formation, but the giant Divine Weapon can penetrate the defensive wall to reach beyond."

The analysis of Rose is of course very reasonable. , But we don’t know what to do now. Even if that thing really rushes into space, can we still knock it down? Don't talk about it now, even in the normal space outside, we actually don't have this ability.

Although the speed of Asuka is very fast, it does not have the ability to bring its own oxidizer. It needs to inhale air and the special biogas produced by itself to burn in the combustion chamber, and then produce the jet propulsion effect. This mode is a common mode for typical aircraft in the atmosphere, because the oxidizer itself is also very heavy, and the atmosphere is full of air, even at high altitudes, it is only a little thinner, and is not that absolutely does not have. Therefore, there is no need for an oxidizer to bring its own. However, if you want to fly out of the atmosphere, then the oxidant becomes a necessary thing, because after leaving the atmosphere, no, because it should be said that when it is about to exit the atmosphere, the oxygen content in the surrounding air has been reduced to a very low level. In this mode, it is simply impossible to ignite the combustion chamber, so once the bird reaches that height, the propeller will gradually lose its power, and eventually the propulsion will be reduced to the same level as the gravity of Earth, so no matter how hard it is, it will not rise anymore. Even if it has reached the ceiling.

The bird can’t fly up, and my other familiars can’t get up even more. So even if the giant Divine Weapon is really on the top, we can only watch it from below, unless it wants to get down. , Otherwise we would have nothing to do with him.

"What can we do now?" Zhen Hong asked Christina and Rose.

Kristina thought for a while and looked towards Rose and asked: "Rose, you said that if we go to test the environment in the sky?"

Rose just heard this proposal It was still a little confused, but it reacted quickly. "Do you think the sky is a camouflage?"

Kristina did not deny nodded and said: "Think about the size of the giant Divine Weapon, and then think about the size of the mission space, feel Is it as if a person is installed in a large elevator? As long as there are a few giant Divine Weapon holding hands, you can even touch both sides of the space at the same time. Such a large space is absolutely for the giant Divine Weapon It's not a combat attack."

"Do you suspect this is just a storage room?" I now understand what Christina means.

True Hong said on the side: "But how come there are so many ghosts in the storage room?"

"I don’t know about this, it’s just me, that giant Divine Weapon has reached the upper level 80% of the time. Anyway, we are impossible to see it here."

Although Christina said these are just her guesses, but now When nothing is uncertain, we can only verify this first. After all, if this is not the case, we don't even know what we are going to do now.

I found the BOSS so easily, but as soon as this guy came out, he gave us all power, and then turned around and ran without giving us a chance to fight. Now even the boss is passed away, what are we going to fight?

Now that this is the case, we have to do it as Christina said. Rose actually agreed with Christina's idea, so we soon began the search operation. Of course, this action is not only searching the sky, but also searching the ground and surrounding walls of the mission world.

If the giant Divine Weapon can go out from the top partition wall, it can only mean that any partition wall in this place can be passed through for him. In this case, of course we You can't just search the sky. As for the ground problem, this is mainly to see if the Japanese players who chase in are all dead.

The shock wave generated when the giant Divine Weapon took off just now was quite huge. My Death God guards and Qilin warrior were almost completely destroyed, and my familiar and I were alive and well, but We have all suffered blood damage to varying degrees. Only those familiars and Christina who are protected by us are really unharmed, because they don't need to bear the shock wave by themselves. So, based on this inference, since even my Familiar and I will suffer heavy losses if I bear the shock wave, can those Japanese players easily resist it? Therefore, it is very necessary for us to check if the Japanese players are really wiped out. If they are really wiped out, we can let the Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon who are hiding on the other side of the mountain come together. . After all, the two of them are also powerful battle strengths, and now they dare not use them because they are afraid of exposure, which is really a waste.

The search work proceeded quite quickly, but it was far from the luck that was expected. I personally checked the sky with a few demon familiars, and it turned out that I could find the separation wall just a little distance up, just like the one on the ground. You can see the situation on that side through the separation wall, but you can only see it, simply Can't make it through, even those may be nothing more than projections.

Although we found the expected top of the sky, we searched it for a long time but we didn’t find any gaps or passage openings. This is mainly because according to our speculation, this kind of separation wall The calculation is broken down, and there will be no obvious traces at the entrance of the hole, because the dome itself is completely invisible, and a hole appears in an invisible object, then the hole is probably also invisible. In this case, it is really not easy to find this hole.

In this situation, we can only use more patience to find it by ourselves, but the ground search team on the other side confirmed the fact that all Japanese players died before us.

There are quite a few Japanese players here. Except for the ones we killed before, when the giant Divine Weapon took off, there were actually not many Japanese players killed. Although they are not as powerful as me and Christina, they are players. After all, impossible is as powerful as my Death God guards and Qilin warrior, so the heavy losses of Death God guards and Qilin warrior does not mean that Japanese players also Can't hold back such an attack. However, with this kind of impact, even me and Lucky have suffered varying degrees of damage, and those Japanese players are even more impossible. Therefore, when our search team went out to search, they found some players who were seriously injured and could not get up after falling to the ground. In this situation, the people on our side are of course impossible to be soft, and directly fill up the wounded, so that they are completely dead.

As the check of the sky part failed, and the last Japanese players on the ground had been killed, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Blazing Fire Dragon finally successfully joined us.

The expressions of the ice-grabbing and several other surviving players in the guild were all quite strange when I saw Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji coming over. They are all aware of the fact that Masaga Matsumoto and the others have penetrated into Japanese players and acted as high-level spies. However, unlike our real core personnel, ice-grabbing and several other high-level players in this guild are not the same. They are all good in the guild, but they are just combat players. That is, the main energy is focused on combat. This kind of player is the most important kind of personnel in each guild, because they determine the performance of the guild's battle strength. However, besides being able to fight, these people actually don't know much about politics and conspiracy. They just can fight, but it doesn't mean that they are also good at thinking.

Because these people themselves have a high status in the guild, but they are not good at it, or have no interest in guild leadership, these players usually do not know the super secrets in the cultivation. The reason why these people know now is because the news that Masaga Matsumoto and the others were spies of our guild expanded during the last meeting, so they were fortunate enough to know this news. However, sometimes people's thinking is not so easy to change. Enemies who have been fighting for life and death before are suddenly told that they are their own people. In this case, at best, they can no longer be enemies with each other, but you want them to be as enthusiastic as meeting old friends. It is really difficult for some strong people to meet up or something.

Although these players have weird expressions, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji did not care about this thing. After returning to our side, both of them looked towards me, and then Asked: "Boss, where did that huge robot just go?"

Because when we discussed the issue of the giant Divine Weapon before, Ying Yu Shen and Chi Fire Dragon were not here, so they Neither of them knows anything about it, and we will naturally ask if we see it.

Kristina took the initiative to explain to them after hearing the two people’s inquiry, and then to our surprise, Ying Yu Shen Hina was directly excited and said: "Said Early Ah! I have a way!"

"Do you have a way?" I looked at Ying Yu Divine Young in surprise and asked.

Sakura Rain God’s young nodded said: "Of course, I won’t talk nonsense. Wait a moment, I will let you know where that guy went."

Although I believe Ying Yu Shen Chi will not joke with us about this kind of thing, but we are still curious watching Ying Yu Shen Chi waiting to see how she can find the missing giant Divine Weapon that many of us have not found.

Under everyone's gaze, Yingyu Shenyou quickly ran to the top of the mountain, and then everyone followed along. She first looked at the big hole left by the giant Divine Weapon when she left, and then began to cast the spell, but before that, she asked us for a few bottles of magic potions that can be used here to add a lot of magic power, obviously this skill Perhaps the requirements for magic are very high.

After finishing the spell, Ying Yu Shen Chi did not come up with anything heaven shaking, earth shattering, but released a large piece of sparkling powder from her hand. These powders look like luminous crystal dust floating in the air, and they are constantly shining with rays of light that are strong and weak, and they feel pretty beautiful.

After the crystal dust was released, the Yingyu Divine Hina didn’t care about these things anymore, so we can be sure that the casting is over, but it seems that those things did not indicate the whereabouts of the giant Divine Weapon, we I can only watch it there. However, in the end, Zhen Hong still couldn't hold back, and ran to ask how Yingyu Divine Young found the giant Divine Weapon.

The Yingyu God youngster who has completed the spell actually has nothing to do now, so I will explain it to us. "Actually, this is a little magic that I accidentally learned from a Japanese female player. The other party likes to use this magic on herself when flying, because it will leave a long flash of light behind her during the flight. With it, it looks very beautiful."

"Do you mean that the function of this magic is beautiful?" Real Red asked incredulously.

Sakura rain god young girl said with a smile: "It was not originally like this, but the other party did use it like this, and I learned this magic because it is beautiful and fun."

"Then how does this magic find the whereabouts of the giant Divine Weapon?" Christina asked the key question.

Sakura Rain God Hina explained: "The search for the giant Divine Weapon relies on the side effects of this magic. The crystal dust released by this magic has a very special characteristic, that is, it will be affected by strong energy. Attraction, plus they are very light and can be floated by air, so when they are diffused into the air, they will naturally flow to energy-intensive areas, and if there are high-energy objects passing through a certain area, they will This place leaves a pipe through which the energy flows. This trace is very weak and we cannot feel it, but this kind of crystal dust can move along this high-energy channel towards the direction of the energy body."

"Do you mean that these dusty things will drift down the other side's moving route?" Zhen Hong asked.

Sakura rain god young nodded and said: "It is roughly like this, but there is a problem with these crystal dusts, that is, they will always exist and will continue to absorb you unless they are released on the initiative. Don’t look at these things floating there, they are actually consuming my magic power."

"I rely on, these things float so slowly, can your magic power support it?" Look Looking at the slow-moving powder in the sky, we are all very worried about whether the magic of Yingyu Divine Young will bottom out before this thing finds the passageway.

It’s not bad, although everyone is anxious to go up and breathe behind those crystal dust to help them speed up, but we both know that we really want to do that except for a waste of time simply It won't do any good, so we can only end up there in a hurry. Fortunately, the thing finally found the exit, and the location of this exit is quite strange.

Those crystal dusts were originally rising higher and higher in the sky, and because we were worried that our energy fluctuations would affect the detection of those crystal dusts, we were afraid to approach them, so we could only send a small flight The pet goes and stares. And according to the special magic we released on this demon pet, we have all seen those crystal dust flying in the air and disappearing suddenly, which means that there is a passage in this place, and you can't see it when you enter it.

After discovering the entrance, we immediately all took off and rushed up, and then directly found the entrance through the location of that familiar. This entrance is near the contact point between the ceiling of the mission space and the side separation wall, but it is actually located on the separation wall. That is to say, it is placed sideways. When we checked the sky before, we simply did not find this entrance, and the inspectors on the ground just searched the wall along the ground height and did not expect that there would be an entrance at this height. .

Since we found the entrance, of course we can't wait here. After arranging the order of entry a little bit, I was the first to rush out riding a bird.

As soon as I entered this passageway, I felt a sudden blackness around me, and then I felt a sudden light in front of me without waiting for me to react, and immediately after I saw a wall assaults the senses.

"I 嚓......" With a loud explosion sound, Asuka and I, who were too late to brake, hit the wall directly. Fortunately, the wall is not very thick, so let us directly on it. A hole was opened and then flew out.

After coming out of that wall, we didn't stabilize. Instead, we hit another wall before stopping. Fortunately, the impact is not big now, so it's not bad. However, thinking of the companions behind, I hurriedly stood up and wanted to tear down the entire wall so that the people behind could pass through, but when I came together, I found something was wrong.

"Huh...?" When I first got up, I suddenly felt that the strength in my body became very strong. This feeling was obviously not the feeling of being suppressed before, which means that I am now The suppressed state...disappeared?

"Hey...get away..."

Because I felt the changes on my body, so I walked away for a while, and when I came back to his senses, I was already standing. It was in the big hole in the wall that I ran through, and at this time, the real red happened to be the second one to come out. Like me, she found me ahead as soon as she came out, and then hurriedly shouted out.

Although I heard the sound, at this time, I strayed away. The two directly smashed into a ball and flew out of the room, and then crashed into the opposite building.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? What are you doing standing at the exit?" Zhenhong complained as soon as she got up.

I didn’t answer her question. Instead, I asked: "Look at your own attribute."

Although it’s really red and wondering why I want her to look at the attribute, but Still looked at it, and then was stunned. "Huh? How did my attribute recover? Didn't it mean that the attribute in the entire BUFF mission will always be suppressed? Could it be that we...?"

Although Zhenhong has never been thinking about it, But I have to say that her intuition is really accurate, because we are indeed out now, and why would I know this? Of course it is because the system hint rang! But...None of us killed the final boss. How could this task be completed suddenly?

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