We felt like we were in a coma during the transfer, so we don’t know how we got off, but from the current situation, we probably did it in the same way. Those who enter this world, that is to say, those who are teleported in will probably fall directly into the building below and then wake up.

Considering that the three of Masaga Matsumoto have not been able to meet with us up to now, we believe that the location of the people who fell is mostly random, which means that these people who came down must be in a mess. Both. In this case, teamwork can't be counted on, only personal strength can be relied on, and even a top guild like our guild, it is impossible that every member is the main combatant. A guild is an organization, and there must be various divisions of labor in the organization. For a resurrected mage like Rose, as long as there is one, the strength of the entire team can increase by more than 50%, but you have to say Rose's own survivability...maybe the average level of ordinary players is slightly higher. It’s all because Rose’s equipment is so good, plus the magic familiars are top-notch goods, so they have a little self-protection ability. For most auxiliary professions, their only safety guarantee is the front teammates, and the main battle Players also know that the enemy must not injure the auxiliary player before the combatant is dead.

Because they will become their own key protection targets in battle, players who practice support will generally tilt their attribute points to the road of enhanced support during the development process. The result is that the support capabilities of the support personnel have developed extremely Fast, but there is often no obvious change in survivability. Players often joked that BOSS unanimously commented: "Priest MM is the most delicious, and Level 10 priest is as tender as a thousand-level priest." Although this sentence is used when male players make jokes with little MM, it is also indirect. Reflects the development characteristics of the auxiliary department with the pastor as the main representative. As the level increases, the defensive power and health of this profession hardly move. This is of course the reason for the system setting, but it is more of the player's own choice. Everyone knows that every aspect of your own abilities is not as good, and you might as well develop an attribute to its limit. For example, an assassin that is so fast that it flies, even if you have zero defense and one blood, no matter how high the attack power of others can't touch you at all, it is all useless, and you can only watch and be played to death by you. Of course, the actual situation is impossible so extreme, but the truth is such a truth.

Anyway, the auxiliary system professions are crispy, and you won't die with one touch, but two more touches are definitely inevitable, and the auxiliary system mostly does not have the ability to prevent others from touching yourself. Therefore, once you are hit by the opponent's tank or main output without a companion, there is really only one way left to die!

Although Christina and I reacted fairly quickly, but we had to rush down from the mountainside. At this time, we definitely did not land as fast as the other party. After all, they fell directly in free fall. of.

As we rushed down the mountain in a hurry, the people over there also landed on rustling sound. Of course, there was an unknown force protecting them during the landing, so no one had any problems with it, and everyone woke up as soon as they landed, and even the ceiling of the building above their heads was not damaged by them. It was as if they were all illusory Spirit Physiques before they landed.

Rose is also among this group of people, and unfortunately, the place where she landed happened to be in the same house with Nobunaga Guishou. After Rose woke up, she just came out of the room and saw Guishou Nobunaga faintly walking out of a room directly opposite. There is a one-meter wide aisle between the two people, almost face to face.

Because everyone didn't expect to run into this situation, and the previous transmission also made everyone confused, so the two people here are obviously stunned when they see each other For a moment. However, at this time, the difference between people can be seen. Rose was stunned, but it took only a few tenths of a second to react. The doctor snapped shut the door and turned and ran towards the window. Nobunaga Guishou didn't react until the door closed on the other side and hurriedly chased after him. He ran into it before the door opened. Anyway, the door panel is made of hard shell paper, except that the horizontal stiffener in the middle of the door is made of wood, there is almost no defensive power at all.

Even if a large part of the attribute is suppressed, Nobunaga Guishou is someone who can play with me after all. How can a piece of wood and two layers of paper stop him? With a bang, he opened the paper door and jumped into the room, but before he could react, he felt a sudden gust of wind blowing around him. When he turned around, he saw that the rose had rushed out. After the door closed for a long time, Rose suddenly reacted. She jumped out of the window like this and was probably caught up. So she simply hid by the door and waited for Nobunaga to rush in and took advantage of the chance that the opponent's vision was disturbed at the moment when the other party smashed open the door. Ran out through the gate.

Round battle strength Of course, Nobunaga of Guishou is much stronger than Rose, but if you talk about intelligence... these two are completely incomparable, are they? Onitou Nobunaga is a reckless man who adapts to the real situation and needs to be favored by Japanese players. During that period, Japan as a whole was hit hard by our Frost Rose League. Masaka Matsumoto was knocked down to the altar. The confidence of Japanese players almost collapsed. There is an urgent need for a reckless man who can react faster than his head to lead everyone to rise up. Only those with brains can courageously move forward under that kind of atmosphere and unconcernedly unite everyone's strength. As for roses, that's another matter altogether. Rose is not only the chief financial officer of our guild, but also the chief of staff of the guild. It sells you and allows you to collect the payment and send it back, and then happily ran to be the slave of others. host. The IQs of these two people are put together, and that is to fully prove the individual differences of human beings.

As soon as I entered the room, I found Rose ran out. Of course, Nobunaga turned around and chased after him, but he was dumbfounded when he reached the corridor. There was no one in the corridor.

After froze for two seconds, Guishou Nobunaga suddenly reacted, and quickly ran to the place where the footsteps disappeared, opened the door next to it and looked at it, and found that it was an empty room. , There is no one inside. Quickly turned around and kicked open the door on the other side of the aisle. No need to look for it this time, but there was a big hole in the wall. Obviously, the rose went through the wall to the room below after entering it.

This building is a very typical Japanese-style building, and it is relatively simple, even the walls are made of paper instead of wood. As soon as Nobunaga saw the hole, he chased after him not even think. Then he found that there was a small hole on the opposite wall. However, because the hole was knocked open, the cardboard did not fall completely. After being knocked through, the cover fell down again. I lived in most of the cave, so I couldn't see the situation on the other side. However, Guishou Nobunaga felt that since he saw a big hole, it must have been the rose running over, so without the slightest hesitation, he passed through the hole on this side and rushed to the other side, slamming through the opposite wall with a hole and ran to it. In the room below. However, what Guishou Nobunaga didn't know was that when he just left the room here, the closet on the wall of this room suddenly opened with a slit, and then Rose came out of it gently and carefully. He closed the door and went out again.

At this time, Nobunaga Guishou has rushed to the last room where a hole was opened in the wall. That is to say, there is a room separated from the room where Rose is hiding. When it rains heavily, naturally you can't hear the sound here.

Tropically, Rose came out of the door and immediately went back to the room where she first appeared. Then she turned over and jumped out without saying anything. Although it's raining outside, how can the rose care if it rains at this time? As soon as it fell on the eaves, the rose immediately went around the edge of the eaves and jumped down. Although the attribute has been suppressed, plus it is not a combat element, it is after all jumping from the second floor to the ground. Even in reality, it is difficult to cause any damage when prepared, so even the rose is. Landed easily. Don’t forget that Rose is not an ordinary girl, but she is a special family background. She has received special fighting and flexibility training since she was a child. Although the outside physique will not be brought in in the game, all kinds of strength emission skills are unforgettable. Yes, in a virtual world like "Zero" that uses real physics engine algorithms, you can actually use real skills to resist the impact, but this technique will not be displayed in the form of skills. That's it.

After the rose landed on this side, she started to run outside the village, because she needed to find her companion as soon as possible. The terrain outside the village is open. Although the enemy will find her, her companion will definitely. As long as there is a combat element by his side, even if there is only one person left, Rose can keep him from blocking the ghost hand letter for a long time.

The rose rushed out of the house, while the ghost hand Nobunaga was still silly hu hu around the house. After losing the target, Guishou Nobunaga ran back quickly, because he saw the broken potted plant on the ground, which means that the big hole he just passed through was not the rose pierced through, but the potted plant. . In other words, Rose did not enter this room at all, and he was fooled. Nobunaga, who realized that this was lured the tiger away from the mountain, quickly recoiled back, but at this time Rose was already in the opposite room, and of course he hadn't noticed anything. He went crazy and destroyed the ghost hand Nobunaga, who couldn't find any trace at all, only to remember that no matter how Rose runs, he is going to go out, so he hurried to the window and stretched his head to look out, but he really let him see it. Rose that has almost reached the entrance of the village.

Speaking of which is also the Rose’s bad luck. The rainfall at this time has been much smaller. If we cleaned up the monster before the downpour, nobunaga would never see it at this time. One more than a hundred meters other than roses.

The Guishou Nobunaga who found the target jumped directly from the second floor. At this point, Rose is not afraid that he will be fine. However, Nobunaga Guishou was an idiot, and he didn't know if he was too anxious or what happened. When he fell, he fell and fell and gnawed his mouth full of mud. However, there were no people on the street at this time, so no one noticed the embarrassed look of Nobunaga Onitou.

After getting up from the ground, Nobunaga Guishou angrily chased Rose and ran over. After all, it is a combat type, and it is also agile, so Nobunaga is very fast, but the attribute is suppressed too much, and it does not come out much faster. Although it is faster than the rose, it takes a lot to catch up. time.

Rose ran to the entrance of the village to let her companions see herself. She didn't really want to run out of the village, so she turned around immediately when she got here, but she didn't wait to see her companions, but Nobunaga was chased first. Came out. Rose who discovered this situation hesitated, because on the one hand, she felt that the probability of being seen by her companions by staying here was greater, and on the other hand, she was worried that if no one sees herself, wouldn’t it be necessary to confront Nobunaga Onishu directly? Bad?

Although Rose knows that there is no time to hesitate now, this kind of dilemma is really a difficult decision. However, just when Rose was about to give up and continue and the others rushed into the nearby building, two people suddenly fell out of the second floor in the house behind Nobunaga Onitou.

These two people know Rose, one of them is the high level player of our guild who is grazing the ice. This is also a master who can fight. The battle strength is unusually strong. If I don’t need a pet, I have to deal with him. It also takes some time. However, the other person who flew out with him was not a player from our guild, but a Japanese player. This guy is the Baiyu Shouhe. It seems that the two of them fell out together after a fight in the house.

The two people here saw the situation here as soon as they landed. Both of them didn't react slowly, and after rolling down the ground a few times to remove the impact, they all jumped up from the ground, and then moved towards here with a sprint speed of 100 meters.

When Rose saw this situation, she knew she couldn’t enter the room right away. Otherwise, if she ran away, Nobunaga would definitely turn her head back and besiege the ice with Baiyu Shouhe. Although the ice looting is very strong Strong, but impossible to fight at the same time against Guishou Nobunaga and Shiraito. After all, these two are not easy to provoke. Therefore, Rose can't move now, she needs to attract Guishou Nobunaga's attention, at least to let the ice grabbing rush to her vicinity so that she can cast spells. Of course, if you are a smarter person, you will definitely not care about the roses, but concentrate on besieging the ice, but it is a pity that Guishou Nobunaga is not stupid, but he is really not smart enough. So he stared at the rose and went up. Maybe he could not beat me, so he meant to find some interest on my wife in it.

Although this idea is quite evil, Nobunaga is not a good person. He is different from Masaga Matsumoto back then. Masaga Matsumoto can be regarded as a player leader transformed into a social elite, and Nobunaga oni can only be said to be transformed by a rogue. Both have a cultural level and personal thinking. Huge gap. This is also the reason why Nobunaga Onitaka couldn't beat him after being lifted up by us again.

Seeing Guisou Nobunaga rushing towards her, Rose knew she couldn't stand stupidly, so she did something very special. Just when Guishou Nobunaga was about to rush to Rose, Rose suddenly cast a magic on herself. Although Guishou Nobunaga saw Rose casting spells, he didn’t take it seriously, because everyone’s in this space The strength is compressed very powerfully. According to Nobunaga's idea, no matter what magic is at this time, as long as it can be used, it will definitely not be any particularly powerful magic, otherwise it should simply not have enough strength to use it. .

In fact, Nobunaga's statement is not wrong, but the problem is that this thing is a special case in most cases. There are so many people in the game. The game "Zero" likes personal customization, so many players will have some special strange skills or equipment. High level players like Rose who have a lot of resources are certainly more likely. With this weird special ability, Nobunaga Onishu finally missed it. Of course, Nobunaga Onitou was not someone good at plot against.

In fact, the magic that Rose just applied to herself should be said to be quite useless, but super useful. Why do you say that? Because this magic has little effect on the enemy's attributes and basically does not cause much damage, it is useless. As for why it is said that it is super useful? This is because this magic can often prevent the enemy from launching a second attack after an attack.

Seeing this, many people will wonder, what kind of skills can make the enemy suffer a damage and dare not come a second time? The answer is actually very simple, and that is painful attack.

The magic that Rose exerts on itself has very little effect on the enemy’s attributes, because its only attribute effect is that it will bounce one-tenth of the damage to the enemy when the subject is attacked. . Here Rose applied this magic to herself, that is to say, Rose himself is the subject of the spell, and whoever attacks Rose will have to bear one-tenth of the rebound damage.

Rose itself is a resurrection mage, which is a support system, so her health is actually quite small. In this case, the rebound attack does not make much sense for players of the main tank type like Nobunaga Onihand, because the main tank itself is the person who undertakes the first-line attack in the team. In addition to high output, they usually also It has high defense and high life, so even if it is a 100% injury to the ghost hand Nobunaga, he will never be afraid of auxiliary systems like Rose. Even more how this is only a one-tenth of the rebound. Even if the Rose is killed, The damage from the rebound is nothing to Nobunaga Onizu. However, the effect of this magic is not just attribute rebounding. The real terrifying thing is that it will rebound pain.

Unlike the one-tenth damage rebound, this magic can rebound 100% of the pain caused by the damage suffered by the subject, and how much pain the player himself feels after being attacked It all depends on the degree of damage and the level of the bloody mode the player has turned on.

Normally, the bloody mode of female players is generally very low, but Rose is now in order to make the ghost hand Nobunaga dare not start hitting herself, so she directly opened the highest bloody mode for herself. In this mode, about 90% of the pain reflexes in reality will be produced, and in this mode, the pain suffered is actually no significant difference from that in reality. At least when I was suddenly hit by this painful counterattack, I wouldn't feel much lighter than I was injured in reality.

Of course, Nobunaga Guishou doesn't know the characteristics of this spell, because Rose seldom uses this spell. As the chief financial officer of the guild, Rose actually rarely goes out, and even if she wants to go out to practice level, she rarely acts alone. Even if she doesn’t go out with me, it must be part of the with attendants crowding round. Large crowds go out. This is not because Rose likes to call people, but because of Rose's profession. You must know that the resurrection mage is the first Ranked 1st rank in the profession that players most want to team up in the game, especially the resurrection mage of this level like Rose. It can be said that as long as Rose’s magical power does not reach the bottom, the people next to her will almost It is an Immortal Body. Even if the rose is dropped by the enemy in a second, you can be resurrected without damage by using the resurrection technique. If you don’t lose equipment, you will not deduct experience. It will give you full mana and health. You say this Who doesn't want a super powerful support career? So every time Rose is willing to go out for leveling, it is definitely a group of people robbing their heads, just to go out with experience together, and every time they look for the kind of high level monsters to gather together, anyway, if there is a rose, you can’t die. In the high level monster area that you usually don’t dare to visit, you can just go there. Where can you find such a good thing?

Because Rose’s ability is so strong, she will never be singled out every time she goes out, and she can pull out a reinforcement company every time, which is simply a small corps. NS. It is conceivable that in this situation, how can anyone hurt the rose? As long as someone dared to do anything wrong with the rose, he would shoot him into a hedgehog after several hundred meters. Even if he did not die, he would only be chopped into flesh by the following warrior corps. Anyway, he would not hurt the rose. Don't even think about it when you rush together.

This Rose herself is rarely attacked, naturally no one knows that she still has this kind of skill, and Nobunaga Guishou is destined to be unlucky today. Precisely because he didn't know the existence of this magic, Guishou Nobunaga thought it was just a small skill like defense, and didn't take it seriously.

Because the Rose did not move, Nobunaga Guishou quickly rushed to her side. After that, he didn't use any skills. He came up with a sword, which meant that he was about to cut the Rose in the middle. Although Rose is not a combat player, the degree of freedom in the game "Zero" is very high, and the system does not have a fixed mage that is not allowed to dodge attacks, so Rose of course dodges. This first sword didn’t hit the target at all because he was defensive, but the guy Nobunaga Guishou simply rushed for revenge. He wanted to return all the shame of my family on him to Rose, so he swung his sword away. After that, I stopped using the sword anymore, and I just slapped towards Rose's face with a slap on my backhand.

When fighting between players, there are really very few slaps. True Fire clamored to cut the opponent's person in reality, but in most cases, it was just screaming, and no one took it seriously. But it's different if you slap someone in the face. This is not a fight, this is a naked insult!

Guishou Nobunaga actually wanted to insult Rose in order to vent his anger, while the distant ice-grabbing and Baiyu Shouhe looked at this scene with a change in their eyes. Snatching ice is surprised and angry. Rose is my wife, and that is the first lady of the guild. If such an identity slaps you, it’s not Rose’s face that hurts. It’s like the equivalent to Frost Rose League. . So at that time, I saw Guishou Nobunaga's movements almost staring out, but unfortunately the distance was too far, this place suppressed the attribute, and many skills couldn't be used. In desperation, I could only watch and couldn't do anything.

In contrast, Baiyu Shouhe and Ice Snatch have different reactions. As a Japanese, Shiratori does not care much about Rose’s identity. However, as a Japanese in the new era, Shiraito still has some Western ideas. This is very different from the older generation of Japanese in the past. In the past Japan, the status of women is very low. It is only natural for a man to beat a woman, and even some Japanese men use their wives to vent their excess energy after dinner at night. Of course, that kind of man is also a very special case, but in general, the low status of Japanese women is right. However, as a New Generation Japanese, Shiraba Morizu received a Westernized education. Under this educational philosophy, the status of women is quite high. At least on the surface, women are placed equal to men. Some The place can also get special care in the location. Therefore, for Baiyu Morihe, beating a woman is actually a very bad behavior. In the game, it doesn't matter whether you use combat skills or female players to slash.

Although Baiyu Shouhe and Xiaobing rarely agree on this matter, the two are too far apart now, so there is simply no other way but to watch the ghost. Nobunaga Shounaga slapped it.

However, just as Guishou Nobunaga slapped it out, and the ice-grabbing and Baiyu Shouhe had already finished seeing the picture of the rose's mouth bleeding out and being fanned out, a miracle happened. . No, it should not be called a miracle, but an accident.

Just when Guishou Nobunaga's slap was about to slap Rose's face, a small hand first squeezed Guishou Nobunaga's wrist, and then he didn't know how to turn his wrist. After twisting Guishou Nobunaga, the whole person squatted down according to his own strength, and then Rose twisted and turned and pulled Guishou Nobunaga's wrist forward, and at the same time, the whole person retracted his body with his back to Guishou Nobunaga. Next, with his shoulders and back against the side of Nobunaga Guite, a beautiful over-the-shoulder slam directly carried Nobunaga on his back and fell flat on the ground with a chirp. Although this is not too much, Oniji Nobunaga feels that his life has collapsed.

A warrior player, a super high level main tank, was actually put down by a support player. Regardless of whether it was a mistake or something else, the fact is that Nobunaga Oni, the main combatant, has never worked as a beautiful woman in the auxiliary system, and he was smashed so badly, not to mention the face, even the lining was lost. . If there was a pit ghost on the ground, Nobunaga would wish to jump in immediately and bury himself.

Because this situation was too sudden, the ice-grabbing and Baiyu Shouhe who were originally rushing here couldn’t help but slow down as they ran, and finally stopped there and looked foolishly. Here I forgot what I wanted to move on or what I did.

Just when the three big men here were all dizzy by this sudden change, Rose actually did another amazing thing. She didn't actually let go of Nobunaga's wrist. Instead, she squeezed this wrist and turned and rode on Nobunaga's back. She pressed Nobunaga's hand on his back with the weight of her whole person. superior. As a result, Nobunaga ghost becomes a backhand twisted shape. Normally, ordinary people are absolutely unable to exert strength in this situation, because anti-joint means that you will feel pain when you work hard, and the harder you work The more painful it is, the body's own protective mechanism will force you to reduce your power output, so that you can't use it if you have power.

This kind of standard capture technique is obviously not something that an ordinary girl should know, but Nobunaga Guishou has no time to care about it now. He suddenly realized that his wrist could not use his strength, so he had no choice but to use the other hand to reach it, but the problem was that he was lying in muddy water. Lifting the other hand, his face will completely enter the muddy water, let alone exerting force at this angle, even breathing is a problem.

Enough for two times, there is no way to really attack Rose. Nobunaga suddenly changed his strategy and climbed up from the ground with one hand. However, Rose did not come down from him, but suddenly Pulling his arms to jump on his neck, and then his legs clamped his neck, the whole person swooped down from his front, with his legs clamped the long neck of the ghost hand as a support point, the body turned back from the ghost He moved up on the other side of the shoulder of Nobunaga, and simultaneously used his waist and legs to transmit all the inertial kinetic energy accumulated in the swing to Nobunaga's body, and Nobunaga hadn't reacted yet. Why? It felt like a strong force came, and then the whole person lost his balance and fell backwards, but Rose took advantage of this opportunity to return to the ground and stood there firmly.

Until when he lay on the ground, Nobunaga Guishou was still there, wondering. He clearly just got up, why did he lie down again?

Here Guishou Nobunaga fell to the ground before he realized what was going on, he suddenly realized that the situation was not right, because his eyes were tilted and Rose was knelt down towards him. Yes, I knelt down, but I knelt down from a height of more than one meter. It seems that the whole person jumped into the air and put on a kneeling posture and fell down with my knees. It’s just this point of landing. It looks like it's your own neck?

In fact, Guishou Nobunaga just realized that the rose had already been smashed down. The weight of the whole person was concentrated on the knees, and the force of the hard bones to smash down was not fun. Rose chose to fall on Guisou Nobunaga's chest. The weight of this hundred catties fell from in midair, and almost didn't press the last breath in Guisou Nobunaga's lungs together, and then did not wait for Guisou nobunaga. What happened? Rose followed this kneeling motion and moved her legs, and one leg slid up the chestplate of Guisou Nobunaga to Guisou Nobunaga's neck, and then stubbornly withstood the Guishou. Nobunaga's throat was pressed down, and her hands were holding one of the arms that held Guito Nobunaga and lifted up desperately.

Almost all the air in my chest was squeezed out just now, this time my throat was suppressed again, Guishou Nobunaga almost didn’t carry it back, struggling desperately while coughing, thanks to the game, In reality, it would be almost the same if people did not die like this. But Rose didn’t mean to slow down the movement at all. Feeling that Guishou Nobunaga was struggling too hard, and she seemed to be unable to restrain him, so she hugged Guishou Nobunaga’s arm and fell back home, just listening to click. With a sound, Nobunaga Onitou immediately let out a scream like a pig. Just now, Rose used her own weight, her own strength and the principle of leverage to directly forcibly dislocate the shoulder joint of Nobunaga Guishou.

"I said!" Standing not far away, Jiubing looked at the painful ghost hand Nobunaga who was rolling all over the floor and almost didn't stare out. I always thought that Rose was just smarter, plus my wife. , So the status is very high, didn't expect close combat is so fierce, it hasn't been two minutes yet, how do you feel that Nobunaga Guishou is about to die?

Of course, this is actually an illusion. In fact, there are still a lot of attribute values ​​for Nobunaga Onishou. Although the attack just now produced a certain amount of lethality, it actually does not have a great impact on Nobunaga Onishou's overall health. If in reality the series of blows just now would cause great pain, it would also strain the muscles and ligaments of the attacked person, and even cause serious consequences such as rib fractures. In other words, in reality, this series of blows would mostly be impossible for the enemy. Moved. But this is in the game. The physical fitness of the player is far from comparable in reality. In addition, Rose is an auxiliary system, its strength is too low, and the calculation effect of attack power is very poor. In addition, the pain in the game has a very low impact on the human body. It is basically nonexistent. Case. So, Nobunaga Guishou looks embarrassed now. In fact, as long as he gets up, he can still fight again. He is only beaten by such a series of beatings. It is estimated that Nobunaga Guishou would be quite jealous of Rose, right?

"cough cough cough...white...white feather...save...save..." Guishou Nobunaga was crushed by the rose on the ground and struggling desperately there, and the rose was always holding his dislocated arm, his legs hang tightly around his neck and do not relax. As long as there is enough time, the rose can hang the ghost hand letter alive, but everyone’s physique in the game is better, and you have to hang the enemy. It may take a long time, but at least in this brief moment Nobunaga Guishou fully understands how terrifying roses are. Now he has no time to care about his face! It's true to call for help quickly. Fortunately, Shiraiwa Shouzuru was in the vicinity, and Nobunaga knew that he was not far away. Of course, he could only call for help quickly at this time.

At this time, Baiyu Shouhe, who was called out, reacted and quickly responded to complied and rushed up, but at this time, his heart is also tens of thousands of fuck your mother in the rush. One of the dignified chiefs of the Japanese area actually asked an auxiliary system to use close combat skills to call for help, and the family was still a woman. Does anyone believe this?

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