No matter what others think, Baiyu Shouzuru believes it anyway, because he just saw this scene that would never happen normally. Of course, even if he believed it, Bai Yu Shouhe still feels a little dreaming. It's not that he didn't want to believe the facts, but that the result was too unacceptable.

Although he had a great reaction in his heart, Baiyu Shouhe still rushed forward with the fastest speed. Unfortunately, the current situation is not very good, that is, besides he is running there, he is grabbing ice. Also running. The ice grabbing and Baiyu Shouhe fell out of the house together, but the landing positions of the two people were different, and when they first landed, the two people rolled and unloaded in two directions respectively, so when two people got up The location is very different. Compared to Baiyu Shouhe, Xiaobing was nearly seven or eight meters closer to Guishou Nobunaga.

Don’t look at the distance of seven or eight meters, but when the speed is about the same, the seven or eight meters can’t be chased back at all. Baiyu Shouhe can only watch the ice rushing forward first. On the side of Guishou Nobunaga and Rose, because when Guishou Nobunaga called for help, the ice-grabbing was also awakened together. The two are now moving forward in sync. According to this situation, the ice-grabbing must be the first step in the end. Although it cannot be said that the ice grabbing can kill Nobunaga the ghost hand in seconds, but in any case, people can always take the lead if they arrive first, and there must be time for a stab. And being stabbed first in such a place is not fun.

In fact, Baiyu Shouhe’s worries are completely unnecessary, because the ice-grabbing has no intention of rushing to help Rose, he is just trying to get close to the casting distance of Rose.

The so-called help or reinforcement is only useful when needed. The current situation is that Rose has locked Guisou Nobunaga tightly with a cross lock, and also pulled one of Guisou Nobunaga's arm to dislocate. Under such a situation, Guisou Nobunaga has almost no chance to come back. NS. His arms don't use strength, there is no way to simply take the rose, and other positions can't attack the rose. Besides waiting for death, he can only wait for rescue, otherwise he won't be ashamed to call for help. In this case, grabbing ice and rushing by himself is actually meaningless. Anyway, he can strangle the ghost hand Nobunaga to death by just waiting for a few minutes, and he is completely useless.

Because roses don’t actually need the help of ice-grabbing, the best strategy for ice-grabbing was finally chosen, which is to ignore the ghost hands Nobunaga and roses on the ground, anyway, our side has the advantage. , Victory is only a matter of time. What you need to grab the ice is to enter Rose’s casting range to get reinforcements from Rose, and then intercept Baiyu Shouhe in turn, so that even if he can’t get Baiyu Shouhe, he can at least guarantee a stable win on Rose’s side, and then wait for Rose to free himself. , The unlucky one must be Baiyu Shouhe.

Thinking of this method, the ice-grabbing ran all the way, stepping on the muddy water and rushing to within ten meters of Rose's side, and then suddenly a turned around holding a long spear and blocking in front of the Baiyu Shouhe. On the other side, Rose is also unambiguous. Although she doesn't participate in the battle very much, Rose's intelligence is there, and her reaction is super fast. Although she now locks Nobunaga Guisou in this position and cannot move, she is different from Nobunaga Guisou. The feature of the auxiliary system is that it doesn't need to move, so the posture is actually meaningless. With the incantion, the rose immediately lost a speed boost to the ice-grabbing body after the ice-grabbing entered the casting range, and then another iron wall was thrown onto the ice-grabbing body at an interval of less than a second.

I have been thrown two low-level support in a row, and his confidence in the ice-grabbing is greatly increased. He was originally on the same level as Baiyu Shouhe, and the relationship between the winner and the loser in a short time was indistinguishable. Now he was suddenly thrown away. With two assists, this strength gap was immediately opened.

Don't think that these two magics are both low-level auxiliary skills, but they are no different from them but they are big. Agility enhancement can increase the speed by 5%. Although the ratio is not large, faster means faster. This speed increase means the difference between being hit and not being hit, and the impact on combat can be said to be very large. As for the iron wall, it is just a double insurance. This magic can increase one's own physical defense by 10%, and it has certain resistance to effects such as shock retreat. It can be said that this kind of magic is specially used to fight against the warrior.

The ice-grabbing has a magical effect and a direct counter-impact. The Hell Magic Spear in his hand, Black Rose, directly stabs directly. Although the action is simple, the speed is super fast, and this kind of straight-line attack is simply not easy to dodge. Everyone knows the shortest straight line between the points, which means that the speed of the straight line attack is the fastest. In this mode, Baiyu Shouhe can only hold the grind gun with the long knife in his hand, but the problem is that long spear is a long weapon, and it is not light. Such a large weight suddenly smashed over, even the opposite Baiyu Shouhe I couldn't stand this kind of power at all, and was forcibly pushed back.

After one hit intercepted Baiyu Shouhe’s attack, the ice-grabbing guy started to spoil him again. Seeing Baiyu Shouhe paused there seemed to be planning to come up with a countermeasure, but he suddenly turned around He made the move of throwing out the long spear to pierce the ghost hand Nobunaga.

Shibayu Morizuru knew that once the ghost hand Nobunaga was finished, he would definitely not be able to handle the combination of ice-grabbing and roses. Although it is the first time that Baiyu Shouhe knows that Rose has such a strong melee combat ability, he has long known that Rose’s support ability is very abnormal, so Baiyu Shouhe does not dare to let Ice Snatch and Rose join forces. If this is the case, he can only Waiting to die.

Because I can’t let Nobunaga Guishou die, so seeing the ice-grabbing turn around to pierce Nobunaga Guishou, Baiyu Shouhe can only rush forward to rescue Nobunaga Guishou, but In this way, Baiyu Shouhe's movements are tantamount to falling into the calculation of the ice-grabbing, because whenever the ice-grabbing turns to pierce the ghost hand Nobunaga, Baiyu Shouhe will not fly forward. With such a fixed battle mode, it is strange not to be scammed, and in this situation, there is no need to say anything about the initiative. Apart from being led by the nose, you can only be led by the nose.

Of course, being suppressed on the battlefield is not the most terrible thing. The real most terrible thing is that not only can the ice grab control the battle rhythm, but also get the support of roses. Although because of the current state, many of Rose's intermediate support skills cannot be used, the simple support that can cast spells quickly can be thrown at will. Even if these auxiliary effects are very general, they can produce a great effect if they are piled up. Besides, the gap between ice grabbing and Baiyu Shouhe is not very big, let alone such suppression. What's more, what makes Baiyu Shouhe most depressed is that there is a super advantage for ice-grabbing, that is, ice-grabbing does not need to do anything to him, as long as it can maintain the status quo for a period of time, after Guishou Nobunaga is hanged by a rose, he will still be Baiyu Shouhe Unlucky. Therefore, Baiyu Shouhe must find a way to defeat the ice grab, and the ice grab only needs to maintain the status quo. The requirements of the two are completely different, and the difficulty is obviously that Baiyu Shouhe's own purpose is more difficult. In this case, fighting is really painful.

I didn't expect to be completely suppressed, the more anxious Baiyu Morizuru became, the more chaotic he became. When he rushed forward to rescue the ghost hand Nobunaga, Jibing suddenly turned around and came up with a sudden thrust, which immediately pierced Baiyu Shouhe's shoulder. The ice-grabbing is also unreasonable. After a successful blow, he immediately grabbed the magic gun and charged forward. Forcibly used the speed advantage to push the white feather guard crane down, and then the magic spear poured into the ground, and the white feather guard crane was nailed to death at once. on the ground.

After successfully nailing the Baiyu Shouhe, Xiaobing immediately let go and retreated, then drew his second weapon and rushed forward. Bai Yu Shouhe took advantage of the opportunity of Qi Bing to let go and directly pulled out the magic spear on his shoulders. He was about to turn over and avoid him in the blood splashed, but a cold blade first stood up to his throat.

Looking at Baiyu Shouhe who was frozen on the ground, he grabbed the ice and lifted his helmet, and then said: "Your combat capability is good, but unfortunately your teammate is too scumbag. Remember to change your partner next time."

Shouhe Baiyu is hearing this with a wry smile and glanced at the rose over there, then helplessly said: "With a god teammate like you, it's useless for me to bring anyone!"

< p>Hearing that the corner of his mouth was slightly upturned, Jibing said: "Then it will not be given." After he pushed his wrist, Baiyu Shouhe fell directly to the ground.

With the sword and the sheath back, Jiubing picked up his magic spear and turned around and walked to the side of Nobunaga Guishou. At this time, Nobunaga Guishou hasn't died yet. After all, he has too strong physical fitness in the game to die so easily. But at this time Nobunaga Guishou is almost reaching its limit. Anyway, this kid's entire face is now the color of pig liver, and his eyes are starting to roll up. Half of his eyes are white outside. It may hang up.

Although the rose can still be dealt with in this way, the look of the rose is not good enough, it is completely holding on, so it is not polite to grab the ice, go up and step on the chest of the ghost hand Nobunaga , And then turned Black Rose in his hand, and pierced the heart of Guishou Nobunaga with a shot.

The heart was pierced, and Nobunaga Guishou moved up, even the rose was taken off the ground, and then fell back into the mud. Rose released her hand and turned over and got up, but Guishou Nobunaga didn't move at all.

"You brat has a good response!" Rose said after she got up and looked at the ice.

Jiubing smiled and touched his head, and then said: "I am older than my eldest sister! I said, eldest sister, did you learn to fight outside? Guishou Nobunaga The guy is not enough to see in front of you!"

Rose smiled and said: "I am not learning fighting, but I do know some. But the main reason for killing Nobunaga is because of the suppression here. attribute .system is here to completely suppress everyone’s attributes, and everyone’s attribute characteristics are not obvious. Fast people are now fast and limited, and those with high attack power are generally high. So, here, It’s all about personal combat skills, and it has nothing to do with attributes. When Nobunaga is outside, the attributes are much higher than me. Even if I can get close, I can’t control him at all. Just now, I almost couldn’t control him. If his power is a little bit bigger, the result will be two talks."

"Then what...Big sister, you can still support and kill one more now. Two?" Ji Bing said as she said, her expression suddenly became quite weird.

Hearing what he said, Rose turned her head and looked towards the direction of the village, but she was startled when she saw it. It turned out that there was no idea when a large group of Japanese players appeared, and there were only three or five Medieval players in total, and one of them was not our guild.

This situation is really unexpected. Most of the Japanese players didn't expect to fall here. In this way, grabbing ice and roses is equivalent to falling into the encirclement. As Rose just said, in this state of suppressed attributes, everyone is left with only their own skills. Without the overwhelming attribute advantage, the number advantage becomes extremely obvious. Although Rose's support ability is very strong, and ice-grabbing is also quite capable, but with the opponent's number of ten times the advantage, it is not enough to see!

The people on the opposite side obviously noticed the situation here, and then all of them started to run here together. Of course, those Chinese players want to stand in front of the auxiliary system to get auxiliary support, and of course those Japanese players have to kill the auxiliary system of Rose first.

In this situation, Rose and Bingbing glanced at each other, and then the two turned around and ran away very tacitly, without any hesitation.

This kind of thing does not need to be discussed and communicated at all. With so many enemies, one's own strength is obviously not the opponent's opponent. In this case, don't you run and wait for death? Anyway, it's not just your own people here, as long as you don't get caught up first, and when you find other people, you can still push back when the number of people on your side comes up. So, of course, a strategic retreat is necessary at this time.

Normally this kind of decision is very correct, because the strength is not as good as the opponent, and there is nothing to stick to. If you don’t run away, there is a problem with your head. However, Rose stopped after two steps, because Japanese players appeared in the forest opposite, and there were as many as seven or eight people. Although this scale is not enough to affect the rose and the ice grab, but if they block it, the Japanese will catch up, and the two of them can only wait to die.

The Rose and Ice Snatchers who were gradually forced to retreat to the Central Region, as well as the remaining Chinese players, gathered together, but the outsiders were all Japanese players, and it seemed like they were bound to die. However, things turned again here, because just as the Japanese players were about to launch an attack, a huge black shadow suddenly shrouded from above.

Feeling the sudden stop of the rain, several Japanese players looked up suspiciously, and then saw a black giant dragon made of obsidian wrapped in howling wind and torrential rain and pounced from above. .

Lucky and plague one after the other came directly into a violent landing, and all a dozen people were blown out in one fell swoop. Although the attribute is suppressed, the size of the giant dragon is there. At this time, without attacking power, you can completely overcome those normal-sized creatures by using your physical advantage alone.

Along with the landing of luck and the plague, Christina descended from the sky with a large piece of ice skates, and instantly knocked down a large area of ​​the surrounding enemies.

"Are you all right?" Christina asked as soon as she landed, because she found Rose looked embarrassed.

As soon as Rose heard the other party’s question, she knew what Christina was asking. After all, she had just played a close-range fight with Nobunaga Oni Shou. It couldn't be more normal.

"I'm fine. On the contrary, the ice grazing may need treatment and rest." Rose looked at the ice grazing after speaking. The ice-grabbing was immediately nodded and yelled that he was very hard.

Actually, it didn't take a lot of effort for Rose to fight Nobunaga on the other hand just now. Just take a rest. On the contrary, it was actually the ice grazing that really took over all the way. This kind of consumption is special. Rose's fighting skill is specially designed for women with low energy and energy saving, so the consumption is very low during the battle.

Here I heard that Christina is okay, so I don’t worry anymore, and as Christina arrives, Zhenhong and I will land one after another, followed by a bunch of me. Familiar. Those remaining Japanese players who saw our shuaa rushing down from the mountain knew that they were going to be unlucky, because they simply didn't have so many people, and there were so many people coming down from our side.

Give the remaining people to the Familiar to deal with, I walked over and looked at Rose and Grabbing Ice, and then asked Rose: "How did you do this?"

As soon as I heard the ice grab, I rushed and said: "Boss, you didn't see it. Just now, the eldest sister was called a sturdy man!"

"Okay, don't say it so exaggerated." Rose smiled She interrupted the ice grazing.

Even though Zhu Bing was said, he didn't mean to stop, and continued to tell the glorious deeds of Rose. Of course I am not surprised. Rose has a higher level of Tai Chi Tour than me. I am not an opponent if it is not for the physical advantage, not to mention the kind of person like Nobunaga that hardly has any formal fighting skills. However, speaking of which is also unlucky for Nobunaga, when the chance of encountering Rose is not good, and I actually ran into it at this time. This is purely my own courting death! I thought it was a little white rabbit, who knew it was a millennium rabbit demon who became a spirit, but it didn't take advantage of it to get him into it.

Although I don’t respond much, Zhenhong and Christina are different. I know the history of Rose, but Christina and the others don't know it. After hearing that Rose put Nobunaga on the ground at close range, her jaws almost fell in shock.

"I said sister-in-law, can you be a little more ordinary? It doesn’t matter if you are so beautiful, but your brain is so good. I used to be proud of my physical fitness better than you. Now it seems I really want to run into it in reality, and maybe who is better than anyone else! How do you say you are so good and let us live?"

"Don't make fun of me." Rose laughed He joked, and then said, "By the way, what's the situation on your side? We couldn't stop it. As a result, I simply let people blow up the entrance. These people rushed in when they blew up the entrance. Yes, it shouldn't be there later."

"Our side is almost the same, and the rest is the temple above." I said and pointed to the top of the mountain, and I followed When I looked in the direction, I was stunned for the first time, because the direction of the temple over there did not know when a castle rose from the center, and the buildings we saw before were actually several towers at the top of the castle. "Damn, what's the situation?"

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