"After we go in, someone must specifically intercept those Fireballs, but our current attributes probably won’t last for long, right?" After explaining the situation to everyone, everyone understood the difficulty of entering here.

Kristina looked at me and asked: "President, how many attacks can Jingjing survive?"

I did not answer directly, but looked towards To Jingjing. Jingjing said directly: "A maximum of eight times, no matter how many times, there will be problems."

"If this is the case, I think we may be able to resist it." Christina said: " First of all, President, you have so many ghost worms, so you can use them for suicide interception. Even if you lose dozens of ghost worms each time, your number of ghost worms should be able to last for a while. If it slips through the net, Jingjing can be used as a second line of defense to intercept, so that it can be guaranteed to be foolproof."

True red suddenly asked: "Don't just think about the Fireball! Christina, don't you remember? Why are your butterflies gone?"

At first, we all forgot about this crop, but suddenly I remembered when Zhen Hong said that. When Christina planned to use the butterfly condensed by magic to investigate the interior of the temple, it seemed that the opponent first used a beam attack. Later, because of the block of the courtyard wall, the beam weapon that would not turn could not be attacked. We were lower than the height of the courtyard wall, and then the opponent had to switch to a Fireball that could turn. If this analysis is done, it seems that the suicidal interception of the ghost worm is meaningless, because no matter how fast the ghost worm is, it is impossible to intercept the beam, right? The dart catches up, but the problem is that his HP is very low. Even if I am willing to let him engage in suicide interception, it is a one-shot deal. Blocking the first beam is impossible to block the second beam.

Faced with this situation, everyone on our side was in deep thought and did not know how to solve it, but this damn task seemed to be sincere in not giving us time. As we were thinking about how to enter the temple, we suddenly heard a loud noise coming from behind. The movement was like thunder, and it was the kind of thunder that exploded directly above our heads.

With the sound of rolling thunder, in the sky behind us suddenly one after another opened seventy-eighty black holes, and then we saw a bunch of small black dots falling from those black holes .

Because the distance is too far, we can't see exactly what it is. Christina raised her hand and threw out two water mirrors, then turned the water mirror into a transparent state, and then adjusted the thickness of the water mirror to form a telescope-like structure. The two water mirrors directly magnified the small black dots in the distance to a state where we can see clearly, and when we saw the true colors of these black dots, we really wanted to bullshitting one by one.

It turned out that what fell from those black spots was not something, but the player. In seventy-eighty black holes, every black hole can have seven or eight black points, which means that at least more than 500 players have entered this world just now. But it's not bad, at least system gave a consolation prize, that is, these people were all in a coma when they entered, and because they were far away, they couldn't see our situation. Otherwise, if these people find that we are standing together with Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji, then it will be really troublesome.

"Damn, someone came in!" After seeing the situation over there, Zhenhong couldn't help but complain.

The first reaction of Yingyu Shenyou was to look at me and ask: "President, what should we do? We can't stand together like this now, right?"

Of course, the two of us referred to by Rain God Hina refer to herself and Chi Fire Dragon Hime. Their external identities are player idols and national heroes in Japan. They are the pioneers and guides leading Japanese players against the "evil Frost Rose League". people. However, if people know that Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji are actually ours at all, then the fun will be great. Although August Xuan and Matsumoto Masaka are not here, August Xuan, Sakura Yujin Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji have always been inseparable. If Sakura Yujin Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime are both found to be us People, then August Xun's identity will definitely not be able to keep. As for Matsumoto Masaka... Even if others don’t directly say that Matsumoto Masaka is ours, but there will certainly be doubts. After all, Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru are in close contact with each other.

I immediately looked towards Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji when I heard Ying Yu Shen Hina’s question, and then thought for a while and said: "Hurry up, you two go to the opposite side of the mountain and look for it. Hide in a place, don’t come out. In case a Japanese player finds you, you will say that you are separated from Masaka Matsumoto and Kazuyuki, because they feel that they are not our opponents in strength, so they are temporarily hidden."

Sakura Rain God youngster was nodded after listening, then turned around and ran away with Chi Fire Dragon Ji, and I quickly said to Zhenhong: "We can't wait here anymore, hurry down. There are Japanese players and ours who have fallen. We can’t let our people suffer."

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