The final search results were exactly the same as we thought. Although we insisted on searching all the remaining houses, we couldn't find Matsumoto's whereabouts in the end. Obviously Matsumoto and the others are not in this village, at least not in the house, so we now have two choices.

Choose one, of course, is to continue to find Masaga Matsumoto and the others. Although Masaka Matsumoto, Gold Coin, and Kazutsuka are all very survivable existences, even I can’t guarantee that I will survive this kind of super-difficult task, so Masaka Matsumoto He, their current situation is actually not safe, it can only be said that their survivability is slightly stronger than that of ordinary players, but they really have to say how much stronger... that's really not sure.

If we don’t find Masaka Matsumoto and the others, then we have a second option. This option is to find the soul well and let us temporarily open our seal. According to the female ghost, the water in the soul well combined with the psionic crystals we collected can temporarily unlock our seal. Of course, the time when this seal is opened and the extent to which it is opened are not completely certain. The only thing that is certain is that the more psionic crystals, the more beneficial to us, and the other kind of red crystals are the same thing, which can also open a part of the seal. , But the direction is different from the psionic crystal. Generally speaking, these things are useful to us, but it is not clear how much they can play.

In addition, there is another problem, that is, the soul well needs these crystals to provide energy, and then we can open our seal, but if we go directly in this way, the crystal in our hand will only be so small. NS. So, in fact, we still have a third option, which is to go to other villages to actively search for those ghosts and go hunting, and then we can hoard a lot of crystals.

The three programs have their own benefits. Finding Masaka Matsumoto first means a relatively safe and conservative strategy, but the shortcomings are obvious. This scheme will undoubtedly lengthen the entire mission, and there is no guarantee that we will not encounter any danger during the search process.

The second option looks the most secure, but it is actually a moderate approach. The benefits are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious. However, on the whole, this option is actually the most reasonable.

The third plan can actually be crossed with the first plan. During the hunt, you can search for the trails of Masaga Matsumoto and the others, but this has a primary and secondary problem. If we hit and search the trails of Masaga Matsumoto, then we don't need to clean up the monsters one by one. Otherwise, we need to clean up room by room, so the two seem to do the same thing, in fact, the content is different.

After these three proposals were put forward, there was also a debate on our side.

True Red and Chi Fire Dragon Ji are more inclined to go to the third plan, which is to clean up some monster multi-power crystals first. Ying Yu Shen Hina hopes to find Masaga Matsumoto and the others first, and wait for everyone to gather together before taking the next step. Christina and I are more inclined to the second plan, because this plan does not seem to have any outstanding performance, but it is the most balanced. After all, we already have hundreds of crystals in our hands. If we take the soul well, at least we should be able to concentrate our efforts to unlock part of a person’s abilities first, so that our survival rate in future battles will be much higher, no matter what we do. Everything will become full of confidence.

Because the only one who supported the first plan was Yingyu Shencu, so the first plan was directly passed down by PASS, and the remaining choice was to either go to the mopping up or go directly to the soul well. These two choices are two-to-two, but because I am the president, in the end Zhenhong and Chi Fire Dragon Ji did not insist on their opinions, and directly chose to listen to me after everyone expressed their opinions.

I was originally inclined to the second choice. Now that Zhenhong and Chi Fire Dragon Ji do not make any demands, then I am naturally not welcome and decided to go to the soul well together.

"OK, that’s it. Hey, who... By the way, I haven’t asked what your name is until now?" name.

The other party was stunned for a while after I asked, and then he lowered his head and thought for a long time before looking towards me: "What do you think is the right name for me?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? What is the proper name for me? Don't you have a name?"

"You have been a ghost for too long, I don't remember it!"< /p>

"I'm dizzy!" Looking at this female ghost, I thought about it for a while and simply said: "Since you don't remember what your name is, then we will give you something easy to remember. Question?"

The other party obviously has no special requirements for this, so we just nodded and let us name it casually. Christina and I discussed a little bit and decided to name this female ghost "Yuriko". The reason why the name is used has no special meaning, just because it is convenient to call, and the clothes on the female ghost changed from red to white after being convinced by me, so this Lily is very good to her appearance, as for The extra sub-character is added in consideration of the Japanese naming convention.

"Then what, Yuriko. Now we have decided to go to the soul well first, you can lead the way. But this place is too dangerous, if you walk outside, if something kills us, then we But it’s troublesome. So you’d better walk in the middle of the line and just tell us how to go, don’t stay in front."

"Okay." Yuriko nodded agreed to my arrangement. This female ghost became unusually obedient after being docked by me with Soul Space, and felt a kind of resignation. It is probably because Soul Space removed her hostility as a demon, so that her personality was restored to the time she was alive. In ancient Japan, women respected men. This was even stricter than that in China. Therefore, the other party was very submissive. They almost did what they wanted her to do without hesitation. Of course, we didn't ask too much.

With Yuriko's guidance, our progress has become much simpler. Because we don’t have to worry about going the wrong way, we don’t have to pay attention to the terrain or anything, just follow the route pointed out by Yuriko and head towards the mountain.

The so-called soul well is said to be in the woods on the mountain, and it is not far from us. In addition, this map does not seem to be very big. It is said that there is a circle of villages surrounding a mountain, but the mountain in front of you is actually not very high. The drop from the top to the foot of the mountain is only about 200 meters. It is relatively slow, so the area is large.

As soon as we entered the woodland on the mountain, we began to rejoice thanks to a guide. This place is completely the best in the Ecstasy, because it is a dynamic maze.

The most annoying of all maze types of maps is this kind of dynamic maze, because its route is not fixed, it can be said that it changes all the time. Originally you walked past a dead end place, maybe it became the correct passage as soon as you left, and when you detour to the correct passage before, it will be blocked again. Therefore, if this kind of maze is controlled by an existence with a certain amount of intelligence, then you simply don't expect to be able to walk through it, because no matter how you walk, the other party can block you back. Of course, if you have the ability to meet the wall all the way through the wall and the door smashes the door regardless of those walls, then of course it is another matter.

This woodland where we are now is such a place. It is not that there are many monsters in the woods. Of course, it can also be said that there are many monsters, but it is not the kind of monsters that everyone thinks.

When we first entered the forest, we didn’t realize it, but when Yuriko walked to a place, I suddenly let me pierce one of the big trees and we suddenly realized this forest. There is no tree at all.

Yes, you read it right. There is simply no tree on this mountain. The entire forest is made up of a kind of spirit called wood spirit. This thing is exactly the same as the big tree when it is not moving. There is no detection spell that can distinguish them from the real big tree. Open. However, no matter how good the disguise ability is, these guys are not trees after all, and as the aboriginal people here, Yuriko certainly knows this. Therefore, if you know that these are not big trees, of course you won't be confused.

Although this tree spirit looks the same as a big tree when it is not moving, and their appearance is also messy, some are like maple trees, some are like cherry trees, and others All kinds of tree species look different in shape, but they are actually all tree spirits.

Speaking of which We have kept a lot of this thing in our guild, and they are basically planted around the city where the guild belongs to serve as a secret whistle. These dryads themselves are no different from the big trees, and unless they are in danger or the environment is not suitable for survival, the dryads are actually no different from ordinary big trees. They have no desire to run everywhere. , As long as they are rooted somewhere and there is nothing threatening their survival, they will no longer move.

This characteristic determines that once these tree spirits take root, they can stay in one place for a long time, and because of their own characteristics, they can be completely integrated with the surrounding forest. Finding a tree spirit from a forest is basically the same as finding a needle in a haystack, because there is no magic to detect, you can only experiment one by one by physical means.

Because of these guys' super camouflage ability, after equipped with communication crystals, these guys can completely become a fixed sentry. When the enemy thinks that they are quietly lurking outside the city, But I don't know that the big tree he is hiding in is probably one of our sentries. This ability is absolutely against the sky. Of course, due to the limitations of the system, any existence with some kind of anti-sky ability must have anti-sky defects, and the anti-sky defect of the tree spirits is that they have almost no battle awareness.

Although the roots of these guys can be pulled out from the ground to make them move around like an octopus, and this movement speed is very fast, but these guys are simply too lazy to move, unless it is life-threatening, or there are plants with high affinity Communicate with them and reach an agreement, just like the sentinel agreement signed by our guild with them. Without these external influences, the tree spirit might not move on its own for a lifetime. Moreover, their branches can also be swayed at will. When they beat or entangle the enemy, they can even make a thousand level players unable to break free in a short period of time, even if they are more than two thousand high level players like me, they don’t need to be eternal. Once entangled, there is absolutely no way out without three or five seconds. This shows that the attack power and restraint ability of these things are actually very strong.

In addition, the defensive power of these guys is also quite good. Although they look like ordinary trees, their bodies are actually stiff, except for the outer layer of bark, which is only wood like the real trees. In addition to the basic hardness, the trunk inside is completely similar to a solid iron block, and a general weapon can only make a shallow mark at most when slashing with full force. As for magic attacks... don't even think about that. If they can fight, these guys are simply mage killers, because they have a super rogue ability-spell swallow. To put it simply, as long as there is magic in a certain range around them, it can be absorbed, unless it is strategic-level magic that they can't absorb in time and will be blown up. Normal magic simply can't hurt them, but will let them. The guy absorbs a lot of energy and becomes stronger.

However, although the above data looks like tree spirits and invincible creatures, in fact, these things are really useless except for acting as a sentry. It's not because their battle strength doesn't work, or because their survivability is low, but because... too lazy to move.

Yes, these guys are so lazy that you can't understand them. Not only can they not move without external stimuli, even if they are attacked, their first reaction is determined based on the damage. If the damage is negligible, they will continue to stay still and continue to pretend to be a tree with you. However, if the damage is slightly more obvious but far from lethal, then they will pull out their roots from the ground and move a distance in the opposite direction from the direction they were attacked. In other words, even if they are hurt by someone, they will never fight back, but just avoid you a little distance.

Of course, if you continue to increase the damage and directly make an attack that can endanger their lives, these guys will start to counterattack, but their purpose of counterattack is to escape better. Really smashed with you, at most I will teach you a lesson to let you know that they are not to be trifled with, and then turn around and run, of course, this time you will run far and far until you can’t find them before re-rooting the disguise stand up.

How about such a weird thing even if it has the ability to destroy heaven and extinguishing earth? Even if a rabbit grows a mouth with sharp teeth and sharp teeth, it is still a rabbit. Impossible to become a tiger. These tree spirits are inherently lazy and do not like to move at all. Moreover, they mainly rely on photosynthesis and absorb free magical energy to survive, so they even desire to hunt. nothing. This kind of existence is just like that even if the attribute goes to heaven.

However, we have now discovered an amazing result, that is, this mountain is actually full of dryads, and these dryads are slightly different from those in the general area. The tree spirits here are not as lazy as their relatives outside. Of course, this is also compared to the tree spirits outside. They are actually very lazy.

However, according to Yuriko, although the dryads here are usually lazy, but I don’t know why, they seem to change places by themselves every time, like turning over while sleeping. The frequency is not too high, but because the entire forest is constantly moving like this, there is no way to talk about this thing. Not to mention that there are no animals in this place. Even if a large number of people and animals step on a road, when the time comes one of the tree spirits stops on the road, the road is directly cut off. If people want to walk, they have to go around this tree, that is, around the place where the road was originally, so that a new road will be stepped on, and the original road will slowly be covered by vegetation again, and then the route will change NS.

Based on this situation, there is no road at all in this mountain, and the entire mountain is a huge deformed labyrinth, which is constantly making fine adjustments. Although this adjustment is random and not targeted. But if you don't know this situation, it is really not a simple matter to get out. Thanks to the fact that this forest is not very big, otherwise this place is definitely a maze of the sky.

Because Yuriko knows that all the big trees here are actually dryads, she simply doesn't go around when she walks, because she goes around like that and she doesn't know where she will go around. After she found that the route ahead was blocked, she directly asked me to pierce the tree spirit with a sword. Then the other party felt pain, but there was no fatal threat. He just got up and changed the jade tree according to the basic habits of the tree spirit. Location. So our way is out.

Looking at the This big tree in front of us moved a position, we were all stunned, thinking that thanks to a guide, otherwise we would wait for one day, one night in the woods. !

We drove away the tree spirit in front of us, we continued to move forward, and the road afterwards is the same. Along the way, we are in a straight line, absolutely no detours. Whenever we see the tree spirits blocking the way, we will go up and prick them. Anyway, they will give way if they feel hurt.

It is very fast to move with this method, because there is no need to make a detour, and the natural distance in a straight line is much shorter. However, this is only part of Early-Stage, and as we get closer and closer to the soul well, this situation begins to change. It's not that the tree spirit here won't give way. On the contrary, there are almost no dryads in this place. There is a large open space in front of them. The dryads are very rare. However, here you can see a large number of demons and ghosts gathering together and moving unconsciously. There will be a battle, and the result of the battle is often that one of the monsters swallows the other.

"Damn, how can this go?" Looking at the situation in front of me, I couldn't help but ask, but in fact this is what we want to ask.

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