The area near the soul well is completely a monster concentration camp, and it is also a Gu Insect concentration camp similar to practicing Gu, where all monsters are constantly killing each other and swallowing them alive. Kill the loser, then use the body of the loser to strengthen yourself, and then be killed and eaten by a stronger opponent to contribute to the birth of an ultimate monster in the future.

"There is simply no way to travel with this kind of place, right?" Christina asked, looking at the chaotic situation in front of her.

True red nodded said: "I think this kind of place is simply not a place we should enter."

"But now I think we have come right." I said directly.

When I heard what I said, not only was it really red, but even Christina and Yingyu Shenyou looked towards me in doubt. I don’t know what I mean.

"Have you not thought about it? This place looks like a huge Gu Insect cultivation base. Monsters are constantly attracted here to integrate into the strongest monsters. We see now These monsters are likely to all change in a few hours. Some of them die, and the rest are more powerful. If our task progress is too slow, we will see it when we get here. It will be an invincible super monster, do you think we still have a chance at that time?"

When I said that, Christina and the others also reacted. Indeed, I was right. Although the soul well itself is not a required part of the mission, the environment here is so complicated and various monsters emerge in an endless stream. In this kind of place, we urgently need to strengthen our own strength, and if we need to strengthen our strength, we must untie a part of the seal in the soul well. Only in this way can I hope to clear this super complex task. However, everyone has seen the situation near this soul well. This is completely a cage for practicing Gu. The longer you delay in this place, the more difficult it will be to deal with the monsters. Therefore, the most correct way is to take advantage of the fact that the monsters are still very difficult. Go straight in when you are low-level. Maybe there is a lot of resistance to doing this, but at least it is not that absolutely does not have hope?

In addition, there is a potential benefit of killing these monsters here, that is, most of the monsters here will also be produced by crystals, and since the monsters here are strengthened by swallowing each other, then Most of the various crystals they produce will have some special effects, or the crystals may be relatively large, so it may be better to collect these monster crystals than to collect those primary level monster crystals in the village. Some.

After understanding what I said, everyone’s eyes became firmer. They no longer complained that this kind of place is difficult to enter. Instead, they started to concentrate on thinking about how to get into it and touch the soul well. .

"That..." While we were there trying to think about the solution, Yuriko, who had been behind us, yelled very quietly. After we all looked towards her, she whispered: "Um, you don't have to worry so much!"

"Is there any rules here that we don't know?" Kristina guessed at once When it comes to Yuriko, what is it to say. There are so many monsters in it. Normally, we will definitely be attacked after we go in, so most people who have no problem in their minds will not think this is simple. Yuriko seems to have a normal thinking ability, so since she can say this, she probably knows some rules and things that we don't know. In short, the actual situation may not be as bad as we thought.

Sure enough, Yuriko continued with the encouragement in my eyes: "In fact, all the creatures near the soul well have lost their thinking ability, so they will not besiege you. Those creatures will only be one-to-one. Fight, and if you are fighting a certain creature, no other creature will intervene in the fight between you, so..."

Although Yuriko hasn’t finished talking, we One's eyes are already gleaming.

"As long as we are fighting, other monsters will not intervene? There is such a setting? Doesn't it mean that we only need to face one monster every time?" Zhen Hong asked.

I rushed to ask before Yuriko answered, "What if we attack one monster at the same time? Other monsters will still not intervene in the battle between us or there will be many monsters who will come in to help. , Or form an equal number of fighting teams? And what happens if we pretend to be fighting between ourselves? The other side will think we are fighting and ignore us?"

I There are obviously many problems with Yuriko. Yuriko froze for a while before she said not knowing what to do: "That...I am not very clear about the details. I came here once before. At that time, my sanity was still normal, no Just like when I first met you. At that time, I still had many companions, and we could all feel the attraction here, and then someone couldn’t help but walked in and lost their minds and started attacking each other and shouting at the outside. There was no response at all. We tried to rescue the people who entered, but only two more people were lost. In addition, we discovered the pattern I mentioned before in the rescue process, but we did not test whether it was ourselves or not. After people fight each other, other monsters will not participate in the attack."

After listening to Yuriko’s words, I nodded and said: "It looks like we need to try it out by ourselves. Also, since Yuriko and they will enter If we lose our sanity, then we also need to do some tests. Although I don’t think we will lose our sanity too, it’s better to test it just in case."

"How do we test this?" Really red Asked.

I directly pulled my dragon's tendons out of my wrist, and said, "Of course it's a practice."

"Count me." Zhenhong stood directly. Come out and say.

"No." I directly handed the cable head to Chi Fire Dragon Ji and Ying Yu Shen Hina and asked them to wrap the dragon tendon around their waist a few times, and then tie a knot. Looking at Real Red who didn’t understand, I explained, “You’re the strongest here. If you lose your mind and rush in, we won’t necessarily pull you in. But it’s different if you’re outside. He Chi Fire Dragon lost control, and the power of the two of us can pull them out."

True red felt reasonable when I heard it, and then we were ready according to my plan. experiment. Sakura Rain God and Fire Dragon Ji tentatively walked into the open space after tying the dragon's tendons, but although they had left the surrounding forest, the monsters over there did not affect them. Any interest. Although those monsters are in such an environment as if they are raising Gu, the battle between them is not frequent. These monsters all seem to be drunk, they act very slowly, and they look dull and silly. Only when the two monsters just get close to a very close range will they suddenly return to normal and start to fight desperately, while killing each other. After eating the essence of the other party, it will immediately return to this silly state.

At this time, although Yingyu Shenyou and Chi Fire Dragon Ji have entered this range, because there is still some distance from the monster group over there, the monsters did not have any reaction. Obviously what Yuriko said is basically correct, at least these monsters will not besiege outsiders.

"Okay, it seems that your sanity has not been affected in any way. Now you lean up and test whether other monsters will intervene if you pretend to fight with each other."

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