Kristina immediately said after I asked: "There is no big problem, the magic power has basically been restored."

"That's good. "After I finished speaking, I turned to Chi Fire Dragon Ji and asked: "Are you used to it now?"

Chi Fire Dragon Ji shook the head and said: "It's still a bit uncomfortable, but it should be better soon, you I don’t care if I want to set off now."

"You should be more careful." As I said, I looked at other houses in the town and decided to continue hunting for crystals after thinking about it. I also greeted Christina and the others. If there is a monster that I can't solve, I will lead it to this side, and then everyone will kill it together.

After briefly talking about the arrangements, Chi Fire Dragon Ji and Christina went straight back to rest, and I continued to search. The big toad before has already ran away. At the speed of that guy, I don’t expect to be able to catch up anyway. I hope that the monster I will encounter later will not have this kind of super-moving individual again, otherwise I can only do it. Work for nothing!

Fortunately, creatures like the big toad just now are a few, after all, I didn’t find anything like that in the next move, but most of the monsters encountered in the house behind There are also some weird existences. Basically, every room here has five to fifteen monsters of various types. Some of them are ghosts and some are demons. Anyway, they are not normal creatures.

However, although the shapes and abilities of these creatures are all kinds of strange things, there are only two things exploded after these guys die. Among them, Spirit Physique, the last thing that bursts out is definitely a psionic crystal, and as long as it is an entity, it must be the kind of red spherical crystal, and this kind of crystal will definitely appear in the heart of the monster.

Following the scouting of houses from house to house on the street, I killed a lot of weird things all the way, and finally I was in my hands when I walked around to the house where Christina and the others were resting. There are already more than 500 psionic crystals and almost 300 red crystals.

When I returned to the house with these things, I unexpectedly found that someone was chatting inside. Before I could ask what was going on, I saw Ying Yu Shen and Chi Fire Dragon together from the second floor. Walked down.

"Huh? Yingyu? Why are you here? Are you alone or with others?"

"I am with the red elder sister." Yingyu As she spoke, she jumped down the stairs and said, "When we first arrived here, we encountered a very scary and scary ghost. Both the true red elder sister and I were scared to death. Later on our side. I finally managed to hide here when I ran to fight back. Didn’t expect unexpectedly met Christina’s Elder sister and Chihuo sister. Oh, right. We also saw a big toad coming from here on the way. Did you fly out?"

"Well...Anyway, it’s a good thing that you can find us. Since everyone is here, then we will act together and quickly search the town all over again. Right?"

According to the previous plan, we should go directly to the soul well that the female ghost and I talked about, but now the situation has changed again.

When we were teleported to this place, the people with me were Zhenhong, gold coin, Christina, Matsumoto Masaka, Augustsuki, Sakura Rain, Chi Fire Dragon Ji counts me as a total of eight people. The geographical situation here, according to the description of the female ghost I accepted, should be a medium-sized mountain, plus a circle of villages at the foot of the mountain. In other words, the area is actually not small. However, in such a large area, Zhenhong, Christina, Fire Dragon, Sakura Rain, and me, plus a piece of five people, were actually teleported to this town, and in fact our The distance between the landing points is less than two hundred meters.

Such a high-density concentrated landing means that the teleportation does not randomly keep us in this entire active area, because if that is the case, we should be very open to each other. That's right. Impossible are so densely gathered together, so according to my judgment, most of the remaining gold coins, Matsumoto Masaga, and August Kaoru have not been thrown far away, but should be in the village. The reason why it is difficult for us to meet each other is mainly because our strength is suppressed, so the detection range is reduced a lot, and the heavy rain outside produces quite a lot of noise, so there is no way to use sound to locate companions. s position. Coupled with the dim light caused by the rain screen blocking the line of sight and the dark clouds above the head, it is difficult to find others in such a place even if it is 50 meters apart, let alone 200 meters.

So, most of the three of Matsumoto Masaka are still in the village, but they don’t know where they are.

Although there is no detailed reminder about our location, because I have just gone out to clean up half of the village’s monsters, so now Matsumoto Masaga is actually where they might exist. Only the other half of the village is left, so the search range is actually reduced a lot.

Anyway, the soul well is not in a hurry. We just used this opportunity to find out if Matsumoto Masaka and others are also in this village, so that we can get together as soon as possible. In this kind of ghost place where people are unfamiliar, everyone still gathers together and the survival rate is higher.

Because I didn’t meet Zhenhong and Yingyu before, I thought it was an accident that I met Chi Fire Dragon Ji and Christina. Now it seems that this is all because of the previous transmission. It's just that it covers a large area, and it doesn't throw us around. Now that so many people have gathered together, it is naturally not difficult to find the rest.

After Christina and Zhenhong came down from the stairs, I briefly talked to them. Of course, they had no opinion on this, so we went into the street outside and searched for Masamoto Matsumoto. Congratulate their position.

"This is the first time since entering the game that I have felt that my choice of the mage profession was a mistake." Christina said while walking holding my shield.

As a mage, Christina of course does not have a helmet, but this is not a problem at all, because there are at least ten common spells that all mages can learn. More than one kind of magic can be used to keep out the rain. What is said here is not only that this method has the ability to prevent rain, but also that the consumption of this kind of magic is very low, so that the wizard can always support the spell through the entire raining process without seriously affecting the individual The battle strength.

However, although there are many magics that can be used to cover wind and rain, under the current conditions, everyone’s abilities are suppressed very powerfully, so even a super mage like Christina I dare not say that I have a lot of magic power. The result is that she now simply does not dare to use magic to block the rain, because here, the consumption of any magic is amazing, even the small magic to block the rain cannot be sustained by Christina's current magic for a long time. It was also because there was no way to use magic to block the rain, so Christina could only consider other methods.

It was a good choice to get a warrior helmet temporarily, because Christina actually has armor on her body. Her robes are not purely made of woven fabrics. In fact, the set of things on Christina should be called wizard armor instead of wizard robes. The upper body of this thing uses something similar to the light armor worn by warriors. The difference is just Christina. The structure of this set of things is more tight-fitting and looks more beautiful. After all, the armor used by the warrior needs to consider the structural strength and range of motion, and the wizards do not need too much physical movement, so the armor does not need any mobility, and the thickness does not need to be so exaggerated. Because of this, the armor on Christina looked like a one-piece armor corset, and it was not too much to say that it was a corset. As for Christina's lower body...

Below her waist is a circle of skirt armor that is about the same length as the miniskirt. In fact, it is just a circle of nail leaves extending down the waist. There is a real skirt inside the skirt armor, this one is made of braid. The top of this layer of skirt starts from the waist and extends from the bottom to the outside of the skirt, but the length is not the same. The front part of the skirt for this lining is actually very short, that is, a little longer than the skirt armor, but the back part is dragged to the ground. The whole skirt uses a front-to-back asymmetric design, the front is short and the back is long. .

Of course, this skirt is not made of ordinary materials, but is woven with silk threads produced by five or six different magic creatures and silk drawn from several kinds of magic metals. In addition to the scary magical properties of this material, the physical properties of the skirt are almost perfect. Not only is it tenacious, the thin layer of silk can have the defensive power of Kevlar armor, and more importantly, This thing is as soft as the highest level silk, and neither water nor fire can approach dripping water, even if it is rubbed in the mud, as long as it is picked up, the muddy water on it will flow by itself. Going down, you can't even see a trace.

Because of this terrifying performance, Christina's skirt is not afraid of water at all. And there are sleeves made of similar material under her upper body armor, extending to the wrist part, which means that Christina's whole body clothes are almost waterproof, and can be worn as a raincoat. The only problem is the head.

In the equipment of the wizards, there are generally two things used on the head—headwear or crown. However, no matter whether it is a headdress or a crown, it does not seem to be able to block the rain. Christina's own crown area is not small, but there are still a lot of hollow designs, anyway, it is definitely not good for rain caps.

If there is no way to block the rain on your head, your eyes will be affected by heavy rain. Even if you don’t care about the wet feeling on your body, just blocking your vision is a major trouble. Therefore, the best way for Christina is to get a Knight helmet to buckle her head. The advantage of this is that it can block the rain and will not affect the combat attributes.

The equipment in "Zero" actually does not prohibit you from wearing multiple pieces of equipment in one location. As long as you have a way to put them on, the system will not prevent you from wearing them. For example, you can wear a 10th layer robe on your body. Although it looks bloated, you can wear it. There is no doubt about this. However, what you wear does not mean that the system will admit that the things you wear are "equipped" by you.

Wearing on the body and equipment, that is simply not a concept. Give a simple example. Many weapons in "Zero" have attribute restrictions, which require the user to achieve a minimum strength or agility. Of course, there are also attributes such as levels. The wizard's staff generally requires the level of intelligence to be used before they can be used. However, before your attribute is hit, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get that thing, you can still pick it up and use it, but the system doesn’t recognize the attribute, which means that although you are holding a weapon in your hand, this weapon The attribute of is not calculated into your battle strength, you are actually the same as the battle strength without weapons.

This mage robe is also the same concept. You can wear the 10th layer on your body, but the system only recognizes the innermost layer, because that is the first one you put on, and it is the "in-equipment" equipment recognized by the system.

Like Christina now, she only needs to put on a large helmet on the outside of her crown to prevent rain, but the system will not calculate the attributes of this helmet. Christina's own crown can still play a role, so that it will not affect the battle strength, but also ensure that it will not affect the line of sight due to water in the eyes.

Unfortunately, although this method is simple, it cannot be used now. The reason is that this place prohibits all space channels from opening. When I first arrived here, I found out that the Phoenix and Dragon Space, the Door of the Earth, or even the storage window on my body cannot be opened here. Anyway, all the doors with storage capabilities cannot be opened. It is precisely because everyone's storage space can't be opened, so although we have a lot of unused equipment, we just can't get it out. Christina actually has a helmet herself, which she uses when she dives, but it's a pity that she can't get it out. In order not to get caught in the rain, she had to borrow a shield from me.

There are two detachable shields on my dragon soul suit, which are hung on the upper arm part of my left and right arms. However, this shield is a folding shield. It looks like a large shoulder armor, but in fact, as long as it is held in the hand and shaken vigorously, it will unfold and become a large shield of standard shape. Although the attributes required for this shield are very high and Christina cannot be equipped, it does not prevent her from holding a shield as an umbrella. Of course, the shield is not used to keep out the rain after all, so putting it on your head is actually very hard. After all, this thing is a warrior equipment, the weight is not light. Fortunately, Christina could barely handle it.

"Actually, you don't need to hold that thing at all." Zhen Hong said suddenly next to her.

Kristina looked really blush and asked with a gloomy look: "If I don't hold this, I'll be a chicken, do you want to see me embarrassed?"

"I don't mean that. I mean you can ask them to borrow wings!"

"Wings?" Christina was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted: "Huh? Why didn't I expect." As she said, she turned and looked towards us.

There are only three people with wings here, me, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji. Christina knows me best, but the problem is that I am a man and she is a woman. If I want to use my wings to keep out the rain, I must be close to me. But even though Christina didn't mind this very much, she couldn't completely care about it after all. However, there are not many opportunities for Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji and Christina to meet. They can only be regarded as acquaintances. It is really impossible to talk about familiarity. After all, the time when we are really together will not be enough. Three days.

Although she struggled a little bit, Kristina finally chose Ying Yu Shen Hina, because Ying Yu Shen Hina seemed the best to talk, and the girls were more able to talk. Besides, there is another feature of Yingyu Shenchu ​​that I and Fire Dragon Ji don't have, that is, she is a semi-support, similar to gold coin. In contrast, once a battle occurs, Fire Dragon and I will definitely be on the front line. In this case, if there is an emergency, I ran with Fire Dragon and Christina reacted. When the time comes, I am definitely more embarrassed. Therefore, in comparison, it is best to stay with Ying Yu Shen Hina, at least Ying Yu Shen Hsin does not have to rush to the front, and Christina can stay with her forever.

Sakura Rain God of course would not refuse Christina's request, and directly spread the white wings behind her back on top of her head to form an existence like a rain shed.

Don’t think that the wings on the player’s body are so small that they can’t block much. In fact, all human-shaped winged creatures in "Zero" have wings on their backs that can stretch. This expansion is not entirely caused by folding, but more of a magical effect, which feels a bit like blowing a balloon. For example, my wings. When I put the wings behind my back, I have two options, one is to make them disappear completely, and I simply can't see the shadow of the wings. This is the mode I use in most cases. Second is to let the wings hang on the back, but the wings are folded. In this mode, my wings look like two huge umbrellas hung together behind their backs. Their length is about one meter, which is not as long as my height, and the thickest part is just like a slender woman. His waist is about the same thickness. If this size doesn't change, the extended wings will not be able to generate enough lift to take me to the sky. However, in fact, as long as I unfold this pair of wings, I can form a pair of huge wings with a maximum wingspan of more than eight meters and a front-to-back width of 1.8 meters. Such a large pair of wings, if they are closed on top of the head, they can naturally form a large shielding area.

Sakura Rain is relatively petite, so her wings are obviously not as big as mine, but it is not a problem to protect Christina from the rain.

With the mobile canopy of Sakura Rain, Christina is obviously much more refreshed, at least she doesn't need to hold a large shield weighing several tens of kilograms.

Going all the way in the rain, Christina and Sakura Yushin were always in the middle of the road, while Zhenhong and I were on both sides, with Chi Fire Dragon in the front.

The current goal of the action is to search for personnel rather than to clear the area, so there is no need for a carpet-like promotion strategy, only a dragnet-like investigation. The advantage of Chi Fire Dragon Ji in the front is that the weakest of the three tanks is left to protect Ying Yu Shen Hina and Christina, and Zhen Hong and I have strong single-player penetration capabilities, so they are completely Can act separately. Our task is to enter the buildings on both sides to search for the possible existence of Masaga Matsumoto and the others, and then quickly exit if there are no enemies. Of course, if the enemy is chasing, we also need to lead the enemy outside the gate, block the opponent's forward path, and finally kill these guys. As for the two types of crystals...Of course, they can be collected as soon as they can be collected. If the monster is not easy to deal with, it doesn't matter as long as the opponent is not an active attack type.

Using this method, our advancing speed is not fast, but it is not slow. After ten minutes, we are almost at the entrance of the village, but we still haven’t found Matsumoto Masaga. Three traces of any one person.

"It's weird, are the three of them really not in this village?" Looking at the entrance of the village in front, Zhen Hong was as puzzled as I was.

Kristina asked: "Would you like me to put a larger flare to draw them out?"

"Don't!" This time it was the one speaking Following our female ghost, she is responsible for taking us to the soul well after we search here, so she is always by our side.

Kristina looked towards the female ghost in confusion. Although she didn't ask, she probably knew why she opposed it. The situation in this kind of place is actually very clear. There are too many monsters. If you release a magic with a great sound effect, you may be able to draw out how many things. Therefore, using a large flare in this kind of place is better than letting us go to a room by ourselves. Search, at least it’s safer, isn’t it?

Although Christina did not ask, the female ghost explained the reason, and the meaning was similar to what we thought. Of course we won't be stupid, we really did that, so everyone went back to the previous way of doing things and continued searching house by house.

Carefully push away the wood in front of me, and after making sure that there is nothing to rush out, I cautiously stepped in, but before my foot hit the ground, I heard a sudden call from behind. There was a sound of wood cracking. In such a heavy rain, you can still hear such a big movement across a road, and it can be seen that the sound on the other side is already very loud. I didn’t even want to turn around and rushed over, but before I got to the middle of the road, I saw one red and one white two balls flying into the room over there, followed by two explosions, and the front of the house was directly bombarded. Open two big holes.

Although we don't want to release the flare to attract unnecessary monsters, we won't be shy away from the loud sound in the battle, otherwise, it would be the cart before the horse.

After two big holes were blasted into the building over there, I also crossed the middle point of the road. Chi Fire Dragon yelled when he saw me, and I turned around and yelled: "Don’t you Move." Then he rushed directly into the opposite building. However, I just rushed in from the first floor, and I immediately heard a loud noise from the upper floor, and then I saw a large pile of wood fragments falling on the street outside, and these things were still coming down. A humanoid object.

After seeing the changes outside, I slammed the brakes, turned around and wanted to rush back, because I don’t know what the battle strengths of these creatures are. There are only two fire dragons outside. I'm not very relieved of being a person with melee combat ability. Although either of them is a first-class expert, don't forget that this is the inner task of the BUFF task. The BUFF mission itself is already extremely rare, and now a deeper mission has emerged. Needless to say, this difficulty is absolutely terrifying. Therefore, no monster can be underestimated in such a place. A saying that players often say is: There are no mobs in hell. This means that there are no mobs in the missions of hell difficulty, and any monster must be played as a boss.

Although I don't know the difficulty of the BUFF mission we entered, even if the BUFF mission itself is the lowest difficulty, that is, the high level difficulty, the mission here is definitely hell difficulty. Therefore, the monsters here must be treated as BOSS or cluster type monsters. The easiest way to deal with these difficult monsters is to gather together and use the advantage of the number of people to flatten the strength of the opponent.

I thought it was pretty good, but unfortunately, everything is impossible to follow my thoughts. Just when I turned to rush out, the ceiling above my head fell with a bang, and there were two silhouettes that fell along with a pile of wood chips. One of them is really red, her golden armor is easy to recognize, and the other silhouette... Is this grandfather's octopus? But how did the octopus land?

Although I don't understand what the situation is, I still made a judgment right away. Zhenhong loudly shouted at the real red over there, "Go and solve the one outside, leave this to me."

During the battle, Zhenhong rarely disputed my decision, and turned around and rushed out. And I took advantage of the chance that the big octopus fell and didn't know East, South, West, North. Eternity quickly condensed in my hands, and then turned into a hook and sickle spear form. Stabbing this thing with a knife is definitely not enough. This thing grows into an octopus-like shape, which shows that it has a strong immunity to physical damage, and it must be accompanied by a strong body regeneration ability. Therefore, to deal with this thing, you can't create those small wounds, otherwise it is purely showing your own specialties.

I took advantage of the chance that the thing hadn't reacted, and I rushed up directly, the eternal hook and sickle spear in my hand made a straight stab, and then raised upwards. Feeling no resistance, my eternal hook and sickle directly cut the boss's piece of meat from the opponent's head. This guy's body was almost translucent, and the meat that fell off began to melt quickly as soon as it hit the ground, turning into a puddle of water in less than ten seconds before and after.

"Fuck me!" Seeing this result, I quickly looked out, and it turned out to be about the same with my guess.

If it is said that after a thing dies, its body can be broken down into water, it means that the body of this thing should actually be composed of a lot of water. For example, a jellyfish in reality will quickly decompose into a puddle of liquid as soon as it gets ashore, and then disappeared, and more than 95% of the body of a jellyfish is made of water, which is why it can be broken down into one on land. The main reason for the big beach water.

The octopus-like thing in front of you can be broken down into water, which means that it is similar to a jellyfish, and its body is basically composed of water. However, although the creatures in the game draw on the blueprints of many real creatures, these creatures in the game are processed after all. They have been strengthened in many ways on the basis of certain creatures in reality. Since most of the body of this octopus-like monster is composed of water and can be decomposed into water after death, can I deduct it backwards, as long as there is enough water, this thing can actually heal wounds quickly?

Just because of this reason, I just looked outside, and what I saw was similar to what I thought. The one who fell outside was actually a Strange Octopus, and at this time, Zhen Hong, Christina, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Blazing Fire Dragon were all coming together, and they were actually crushed and beaten. The reason for this situation is not how powerful the octopus is, but because the opponent can regenerate almost indefinitely. The Strange Octopus in the rainstorm can absorb the water droplets that are falling from the ground and the sky and repair the body. The result is that no matter how Christina and the others attack, the monster is immortal. Any damage will occur in less than five seconds. It will be as good as ever.

For such a perverted creature, it's no wonder Christina and the others can't handle this thing. However, compared to the outside, it is me who should be more worried, because at any rate they are four against one, but I play one-on-one. And, unfortunately, although we are in the house, this house is obviously the same as the previous house because it was beaten into something like a sieve because of the battle. Water is leaking everywhere, and that thing can take in water at will. .

Fighting in a heavy rain with a creature that can regenerate indefinitely as long as there is water, this clearly shows the rhythm of cheating! However, it has become like this, and it is impossible for us to run now. It can only be brace oneself.

However, although this thing can be regenerated infinitely, I believe that infinite regeneration in the true sense does not actually exist. In addition to building the basic materials for the body, regeneration also requires the control of the soul and the supply of energy. these all are essential. The regenerative ability itself can be infinitely developed, and the material needed to build the body in front of this thing can be seen everywhere, so now I can consume its energy and soul.

It may take a long time to consume the energy of this thing. After all, this is the same as exhausting the electricity of an electric machine. The time is certainly not too short, but if it is to deal with its soul , It doesn’t necessarily take long. If the soul of this thing is very strong and has a certain ability to regenerate, it will be more difficult to consume the soul of this guy. However, if the soul of this thing is not enough and does not have the ability to regenerate, then I have to deal with it. Much simpler.

Just when I was thinking about how to deal with this thing, it has stretched its arms and feet to the place where there is water, and then I saw that the gap in its head was moving at a speed visible to naked eye He recovered quickly, and within 30 seconds before and after, the big gap in this guy's head disappeared.

Looking at the amazing healing power of this thing, I once again affirmed that I must use a soul attack to work. Fortunately, the eternal ability switching is very convenient. After I just injected a little magic power, the eternity lit up with a faint blue light.

In fact, this blue light is hellfire. It should be deep purple, and a raging fire a few meters high should be set up. It’s a pity that the attribute has been suppressed, and the purple flame has become blue. And the flame that was a few meters high is now covered with a thin layer on the blade. However, the key to this flame is that it can burn the soul, so the size does not have much effect, as long as it has it.

While the thing still had the last wound that hadn't fully recovered, I rushed up with Eternal. The monster on the opposite side unsurprisingly used his arms and legs to block, and it also tried to restrain my movements with the arms and legs, but its first arm and foot just touched the eternity and immediately seemed to accidentally hit a hot red iron. Bar, with a loud squeak, the guy couldn't help shivering all over his body, and at the same time, his arms and legs were curled back. It was obvious that the pain was just enough.

However, I didn’t intend to let this guy go. Taking advantage of the time when it gave up attacking because of pain, I rushed to it and pierced this guy’s forehead with a sword. On the other hand, the tentacles of the whole body suddenly danced like a sudden electric shock. I didn't expect this thing to react so badly after being injured, I was caught off guard and was taken away, but Eternity stayed on its head. However, even though I was swept away, the guy actually started to slowly melt after a flurry of tentacles.

In fact, I have probably guessed the compositional characteristics of this creature now. Strictly speaking, this thing is simply not a physical creature, it is actually Spirit Physique, which is why an octopus will come to land. It fixed the water around the soul through its own soul, and then simulated a body that was exactly the same before it was alive. However, in fact, these bodies are just water, not real bodies, which is why the cut branches melted. As for wound healing...that should actually be called re-cohesion more appropriately.

My eternity just took the soul-burning hellfire directly into the middle of this guy’s forehead, that is, directly above its soul, and then the hellfire began to burn its soul, and As the soul is continuously burned, its control over the surrounding water is getting weaker and weaker, so it can no longer maintain its physical state, and it looks like it melts in our eyes.

Sure enough, no matter how difficult it is to deal with a monster, it is actually easy to kill as long as it finds the right method. With my example, the octopus outside couldn't last long. Without the soul energy to gather the body, even if it is soaked in water, its regenerative ability will not play any role. On the contrary, the intact body begins to decompose and fall off on its own.

After we got these two monsters, we really got two soul crystals, indicating that these two things are really Spirit Physique. However, even though these two troubles have been resolved, we are not happy, because we are now basically sure that Matsumoto Masaga and the remaining three people are mostly not here.

Just now when we were fighting the two monsters, there was such a big movement that they would have found out if they were sure. But so far, there has been no response. It can only show that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are simply not in the vicinity. However, all five of us have been sent to a village. Why are the three of Matsumoto Masaka, Gold Coin and August Xun exceptional?

"Do you still remember what you were doing when you were teleported?" I searched and found the house of Strange Octopus and asked Zhenhong they wanted to know why Matsumoto Masaga and us teleported The location is different.

Kristina and the others talked about their reactions at the time, but I found that there seemed to be nothing in common, that is to say, the teleportation position may have nothing to do with our reaction. Howeve

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