"Is there anything you can't say?" Seeing that the female ghost was a little hesitant, I quickly asked aloud.

"It’s not that I can’t tell, but I’m really not quite clear."

"I’m not sure? The time you stay here is not short, you tell me now that you don’t Clearly, do you think I can believe?"

"But I really don't know!" The female ghost said aggrievedly: "Although I have memories after entering here, I have always been in one. In a half-dream and half-awake state, I didn’t feel like I suddenly woke up until you brought me to this place. Now that I think about many of the previous behaviors, it was very strange, but at that time I didn’t know why I did it so sloppyly. Come out."

"I probably know what's going on when you are outside, but in that case, you don't have much effect on me."

Listen to me The implied meaning in the words, the female ghost immediately said in a panic: "no no no, I am still useful to you."

"Then you tell me what's the use of you in the first place?"


"I...I know the general situation of the ghosts here."

"Then what do you talk about?"

The female ghost hesitated, but thought After thinking about it, he said: "There are a lot of ghosts here, but they are mainly divided into two types. One is the fixed type, which only moves in a specific area, and the other is the wandering type, who likes to run around. The fixed type is generally very difficult. To deal with, the wandering type is relatively easier to deal with. But also not absolutely, there are also strong existences in the wandering type, but most of them are weaker. In addition, the fixed type is not that it is not. They will move, but they will not take the initiative to leave their territory, so if they enter their territory and run out again, these fixed-type ones will still be chased out."

" Only this information?"

"no no no, and others. I still know. The ghosts here are all very interested in the flesh and soul of human beings. If you appear near them I will definitely be attacked as a target."

"Is it over?"

Under my persecution, the female ghost started racking her brain again to think about what else, but It's a pity that she finally said it for a long time and didn't say any useful information. Obviously, as the female ghost said, her thinking outside this Soul Space is chaotic, basically the same as what a person dreams. When people are dreaming, some obviously unreasonable things will automatically be ignored, and they will be regarded as reasonable things without feeling any strangeness. However, thinking about the things in these dreams while a person is awake will find that the situation at that time is actually very unreasonable. A little memory is full of loopholes, but when you are dreaming, you just can't feel it.

This female ghost must also be affected by some attribute when she was outside, so she didn't have her own clear thinking at all when she was outside, and her actions became very abnormal. It feels like I am attached to someone else's body, my main consciousness is a passenger, and I simply can't control my behavior.

It is obviously impossible to expect this female ghost to know something in this completely unconscious state, so I have no hope for this.

Seeing that the other party couldn't say anything, I just waved to her. "Come here."

Although I don't know what I'm going to do, the female ghost walked over obediently. I slapped her on the forehead immediately after she approached. The female ghost only felt for a moment that her head seemed to be smashed with a hammer. After staggering back two steps, she suddenly realized that she was lying on the ground, and when she took a closer look, she had returned to the house outside. She was lying on the ground by herself, and I kept pinching her neck.

"Don’t mess around, you have returned to your normal space. As your previous cooperation, I promised not to kill you, but only if you don’t mess with me again. Otherwise, I will catch you. You are ready to be unlucky.” After I finished speaking, I let go of the female ghost and stood up from her, then turned and walked to the door and opened the door to go outside.

Watching me walk to the door, the female ghost suddenly sat up from the ground and called me. "Hey..."

"Is there anything else?"

The female ghost looked at me and paused for a while before she suddenly said, "Be careful, there are two more on this floor. My companion. There are three downstairs."

I nodded and said thank you, then turned around and went out and closed the door again.

To be honest, I am not worried about these demons and ghosts at all. My psychological quality is absolutely excellent, so these things can't scare me at all. In terms of pure battle strength, it seems that these things are not my opponents, so the ghosts here are not the slightest threat to me.

With the warning from the female ghost, I walked directly out of the room, and checked the room by room along the corridor.

I was not sure before, but now it seems that this place is most likely to be a hotel or the like, because almost one floor of this place is full of bedrooms. If it is really a big family house, the layout of the room should be made very large, but although the area of ​​the house is not small, it is divided into many small rooms by those partitions, which is obviously not suitable The setting of a large family, and if it is a small family, it is impossible to have so many bedrooms. Unless his family is the whole family system living in this house is pretty similar.

Since it is a hotel, the structure of this house is much easier to confirm. When I checked the rooms one by one before, all the rooms I saw were all guest rooms, so they looked exactly the same. However, as my inspection proceeded, I soon discovered a new problem.

"These damn monsters, the ability is really annoying." As I was advancing, I walked well and suddenly stretched out my hand to pull out the eternity from my waist, and then turned into a hook and sickle gun form ready to launch attack.

Actually, the hooking gun is not suitable for this kind of place. After all, the hooking gun can be regarded as a long weapon. The length of more than two meters cannot be used in such a narrow corridor. In other words, as long as I wield this weapon, I will chop down nearby buildings. However, now I need a long weapon, because the strange target I just discovered is more than one meter behind me. If the weapon is not long enough, it may not hit it.

After silently turning eternity into an attack weapon, I immediately launched an attack. As I was advancing, I suddenly turned around without warning. At the same time, the eternal hook spear stabs and hooks forward, and the surrounding space is distorted. A female ghost who is even more weird than the previous female ghost suddenly fell. On the ground in front of me.

Compared with the female ghost before, the shape of this female ghost can basically be said to be a series, but it is different from the previous one. This one's hair is really long. The entire corridor is actually full of her hair, and it is not spread on the ground, but a complex Dao Body system is constructed criss-crossed in the corridor like a spider web. If you can’t see these nets, You will be constantly entangled by these things, and as long as they entangle you, they will automatically soften. It won't hold you, but will move with you until the other person feels that there is enough hair around you, that's when the real killer is.

Although this ability looks weird, it would be impossible if I wanted to use it to harm me under the premise of being discovered by me.

Eternal gradually shrunk into two daggers in my hand, and then I cut it back and forth for a long time by one left and right, and soon all the things that had been attached to my body were cut off, but the opposite The corridors were still covered with this kind of hair, and there was simply no room for me to pass. However, even if there is a passage, I will not dodge, because my purpose is to catch the female ghost in front of me. The previous female ghost knew too little. This does not mean that this female ghost must not know much. Maybe this female ghost knows more.

After the decision was made, I immediately walked to the female ghost who was just injured by me. The other party obviously did not expect that I could find her, and my attack speed was too fast, so she was caught without a reaction. I was injured directly.

Feeling my approach, this female ghost immediately jumped up from the ground, and then leaped forward to the door next to her, but I reacted much faster than she expected, and she When I jumped out, I had already shot a dragon's tendon towards the gate. The cable head accurately passed through the gap between the hair and nailed it to the door frame, and then the female ghost jumped onto the dragon tendon cable. I saw that the almost invisible cable suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light when the female ghost touched it. The female ghost seemed to have touched the wire. She screamed and she was bounced backwards. After falling to the ground, dozens of golden lightning arcs popped up all over his body. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

Seeing the female ghost bounced back, I withdrew the dragon's tendons, then strode over and stepped on the ground.

"Okay, although the Extreme Yang True Fire burns quite painful, but I didn't add much magic power as fuel, it shouldn't hurt much. If you pretend to be me again, you will be really welcome."

What made me didn’t expect was that the other party didn’t immediately obediently express acknowledge allegiance after I finished speaking, but suddenly bounced from the ground and stretched out two long claws towards me. Want to pinch me. But... accompanied by a scream, the female ghost suddenly felt her world turned upside down, and then she was directly lifted up.

"It looks like you don’t plan to cooperate, but you are not alone here, and I don’t mind changing to another collaborator."

I just finished talking here. , I suddenly felt a burst of electrical numbness at the position of the caudal vertebrae all the way up the spine to the scalp. I had felt that horrible feeling before, and this feeling generally represents extreme danger. Because this kind of intuition is rarely wrong, I immediately chose to believe in this kind of induction, and no longer care about the female ghost in my hand. I jumped directly to the side, and a red rays of light appeared where I was just now. Suddenly disappeared again.

"What the hell?" Feeling that the thing can be completely invisible in front of me, I started to worry a little bit.

The female ghost next to me took advantage of this opportunity to immediately get up and run, but I didn’t even look at and raised my hand threw away a throwing knife, and only heard a scream, the girl The ghost fell to the ground, and when he looked back, a throwing knives was inserted in the lumbar spine and the nerve center of her entire lower body was amputated. Although this is a female ghost, just like humans, as long as you can harm them, you can have a certain critical attack effect. Of course, this effect is incomparable to dealing with living people. At least the ghost is only seriously injured when the heart is pierced, and will not directly die like a living creature.

The female ghost did not give up after being attacked by me. She actually pulled out the throwing knives and got up again, but she just raised her hand and flew out three throwing knives in one breath. One of them hit her. On the back of her right shoulder, her entire right hand slumped in an instant, while the other two handles hit her left shoulder and cervical vertebrae respectively. At this time, she was completely transformed into a vegetative shape, slumped on the ground. I can't move it anymore. Of course, as long as someone helped to pull out the throwing knife, she would recover immediately. The ghost is good for this, there is no serious injury in the true sense. As long as enough energy is added, any damage can be instantly healed.

Just as I continued to attack the female ghost with a throwing knife, the space next to it suddenly flickered again, and I was also keenly looking back and saw a red katana from Cut in front of me. If I move a little slower, the nose is probably gone. But this time I saw it, and it wasn't me who was unlucky.

Just when the other party’s katana swept past me and did not touch any target, I suddenly reached out and pinched the handle of the katana, and at the same time there was another Only cold dead hand.

Feeling that his hand was being grasped, the other party immediately drew back hard, but his strength was obviously not as great as mine. As a result, I was dragged out with brute force.

As soon as this guy came out of invisibility, I was staring at him. He directly raised his leg and hit his side waist. The guy knelt to the ground in an instant, and then I quickly stepped forward. Pinch his neck with the other hand, twist his wrist with the other hand and twist it to the ground, then twist his hands from behind and pinch it in his hands to completely restrain it.

"In addition to being able to be invisible and moving in space, your abilities are also very average." As I said, I cried off the head of the guy in front of me, but I regret it. It's incredible.

When I was wearing a helmet with the fake, it looked scary, but it was just scary, but when the guy’s helmet was removed, I not only saw a half-rotten face , Let's even smell an irritating stench.

"I rely on..." I quickly pulled the mask down and took a few deep breaths to make it a little more comfortable. The smell of this guy is really awesome. This is simply a biochemical weapon!

The guy below me obviously cares about my normal reaction to his actual situation. A pair of eyeballs that are about to fall out are so round at this time, and there is still cloth on it. Bloodshot.

My ability to withstand this kind of disgusting thing is obviously much better than that of normal people, so I didn’t try to save trouble and kill this guy directly, but this kind of thing in front of me is really unpleasant. So I finally thought of a way. I first handcuffed this guy with eternal handcuffs, and then asked, "Are you also a resident ghost here? Tell me about your current strength?"

The other party is obviously not as good as the female ghost before. He just glared at me after hearing what I said, and simply didn't mean to give in. I guessed this situation before, so I am not in a hurry now.

"Shape, don’t you say yes? Anyway, there are many monsters down there. It’s the same when I ask others."

I am doing something after I finish talking. , I heard a loud noise suddenly, as if the house had collapsed. Because the sound was too loud, I couldn't help turning around and opening the window and stretched my head to take a look. Not to mention, this glance really made me discover something.

On the diagonally opposite corner of the house where I am, it is also a two-story building with a loft. This kind of small building is actually three-story, the lower two sides are normal height, and the third layer is the layer separated by the spire of the house. Because of the uneven height, it is generally not inhabited and mainly used as a storage room.

The sound just now came from the attic of the house diagonally opposite, because I discovered that there was a big hole in the side of the attic, almost half of the wall was gone.

As soon as I stretched my head to look over, there was another noise suddenly, and then I saw something like a ball flying out of the window on one side of the second layer . This thing obviously didn’t pay attention to the window when it came out, so it smashed the wooden window directly, but after the thing flew out, the wall around the window suddenly burst, and a silhouette flew from there. Came out, then chased the ball and fell on the street.

Of course I wouldn’t care if I just fly out, but the key is that I know this person! I didn't expect Fire Dragon Ji that flew out from there. As for the ball that flew out before her, I don't know what it is.

"Damn, I thought I was alone, didn't expect someone to be with me!" Seeing Chi Fire Dragon Ji, I immediately felt more relieved. Not for self-rest, but for others to rest assured.

Fire Dragon Ji can be with me, which shows that the previous teleportation should not be a single-person teleportation. Even if we are not on the same map, we should be a group of several people. In this case, we and I can be a little relieved about the girl’s problems. After all, many of the quests are enemies like ghosts, and the battle strength of these things is tentatively aside, just the scary atmosphere is probably enough. Many female players can be disarmed directly. So, I was very worried about the girls in the same industry, no matter how strong the battle strength is, they are all women. I am afraid that ghosts and insects are normal.

Since I found my companion, I don’t bother to talk nonsense with this thing here, take the eternity back and hold down the guy’s head and gently pull, the guy instantly turns into a plume of smoke and dissipates It dropped, but what surprised me was that this guy actually burst out a crystal. Although it was small, I picked it up smoothly, maybe it was an important task item.

After I got the things, I didn’t care about the paralyzed female ghost on the ground, so I turned the window and jumped out, and when I got to the ground, I realized that the outside situation was much more complicated than I thought. Because the companion is not only Chi Fire Dragon Ji, there is actually Christina, but I am quite surprised that Christina is not fighting, but lying on the ground motionless.

The position where Christina is lying is quite far away from my side. It can be about fifteen to twenty meters, and Chi Fire Dragon is here at this time. I was fighting a spherical object less than five meters away. Because it has been raining heavily outside and the light is not good, I couldn't see exactly what the ball was with a finger. However, after waiting for a close match, I found out that it was a ball, it was clearly a big head!

This thing itself is the shape of a human head. The face is highly decayed and has no lips. You can see that the teeth are exposed, and one eye is still hanging out of the eye socket. I don’t know if it was originally like this or It was typed out.

However, although this head looks the same as a human head, it is not an ordinary human head because it is very large. The diameter of this head can be about one meter. Although it is not the size of a complete human being, a single head has a diameter of one meter. If the body is also here, the size of this guy is definitely larger than the giant Japanese warrior we saw before. Much bigger.

This head is flying in midair at this time and is constantly moving, while Chi Fire Dragon is holding the giant sword to follow behind and chasing constantly. His head can only counterattack occasionally, but most of them are After intercepting it, Chi Fire Dragon Ji can hit once or twice from time to time, so Fire Dragon Ji has the upper hand.

Seeing this situation, I can’t control Christina first, so I rushed up from behind and shouted at Chi Fire Dragon Ji: "Prepare for a heavy blow." After finishing the photo. There was a kick behind the head that didn't react. This head didn’t notice my presence at all. The sound from the broken window was obscured by the sound of the rainstorm, so it didn’t realize that there were more people behind it. As a result, it was too late to hear the shouting, and I kicked it out. .

When I heard my voice, the ready Fire Dragon Ji saw the head moved towards herself. She flew over, and immediately it was a heavy blow full of power. He clicked and smashed this head directly to the ground. In the face, the heavy sword cut into this head one third in one breath, and almost split it directly.

Looking at the head still struggling on the ground, I ran over and jumped up suddenly, then stepped on the hilt of the sword, and at the same time yelled for Chi Fire Dragon Ji Songshou.

As soon as Chi Fire Dragon Ji let go, I stepped directly on the hilt, and the weight of the whole person immediately caused the heavy sword to continue sinking, cutting the head in half at once. The head burst into a cloud of blue smoke immediately after being separated, and then the same crystal as before popped out.

I caught the crystal smoothly and moved towards Christina and ran over there. There is no time to deal with the crystal problem now. We still have to look at Christina's situation first.

Fortunately, when I got to the front, I found that Christina was still alive with a pulse. No trauma was found on her body. It was a pool of blood under the back of her head, although it had been washed away because of the heavy rain. , But you can see a large piece of red.

"What's the matter?" I looked at Chi Fire Dragon Ji and asked.

Fire Dragon Ji also helpedlessly said when he heard my question: "I don't know what happened! I was suddenly teleported to this house, and then I heard the sound of fighting from above. , I saw Christina flying out from the window before I went up, and then the big head flew down from the attic. I reacted quickly, kicked him out with a kick, and then I jumped down too. , You will know everything afterwards."

I nodded and said: "Have you seen anyone else?"

"For the time being, it's just you two."

I also know that Chi Fire Dragon Ji is impossible to see other people, because if she sees it, it means that the other person should see us, but in this case, it's not normal to see that we don't come out yet. So the only reasonable explanation is that there are no companions nearby.

After checking Kristina’s condition, I found that her condition was not very serious. Although the head was hit, it is not a major event in the game, because as long as she is not killed It can only be regarded as blood loss, and blood supplement itself is not a big problem.

To be honest, I really regret it now, because all the medicines we stocked during the mission have been separated and placed in everyone’s Fenglong space, and there is no way to open the Fenglong space here. So we obviously have special medicines for the BUFF mission, but we can't get them out at all.

No way, since you can't use medicine, you can only do something different. I hugged Christina directly, and said to Chi Fire Dragon Ji: "Follow me."

Of course Chi Fire Dragon followed me obediently, and then we walked to me. The gate on the first floor of the house where I was just now. Put Christina under the rain canopy at the door, let Chi Fire Dragon Ji take care of it, and then I pushed open the door on this first floor.

According to the previous female ghost, there are three ghosts on this first floor, so I need to be careful, and the reason why I entered here is mainly because I am familiar with it. According to the female ghost's intelligence, I at least know that there are three enemies here, and the goals on the second floor have been fixed. After the first floor is resolved, we can go up and rest. The female ghost has been beaten by me, and now it shouldn't hurt us anymore.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a white clothed female ghost hanging in the middle of the living room, shaking from side to side like a sandbag, and as soon as I opened the door, the other party suddenly lifted up. His head showed that horrified face, and then he smiled oozingly.

To be honest, although these things don't scare me, I still feel quite uncomfortable when I see them. After all, the sensory stimulation is quite big.

I didn’t care about the Hanged Ghost’s attempt to scare me. I strode over, but the other party was not scared by me. He just fell from the ceiling and turned towards me. With a shake of his head, the rope hanging from the ceiling automatically loosened, and then rolled towards me.

I don’t have time to play with this female ghost, so I simply squeezed the rope and pulled the female ghost in front of me, then picked up the sword and cut it into pieces. Two pieces. As the smoke dissipated, a new crystal fell to the ground.

It is basically certain that the ghosts and other things in this place will produce crystals after they die, but because I don’t have time to look at the attributes of this thing, I don’t know what this thing is for now.

As soon as the female ghost died here, a door on the other side opened automatically, and then I saw a spider-like man hanging upside down from the ceiling with a rapid motion. This guy's whole body is pale, the upper body is completely naked, and he is only wearing a pair of wide trousers on the lower body. But because the body is shriveled and shriveled, there is no way to see men and women at all.

After this guy rushed out, he rushed straight to my side, but when he was about to reach the top of my head, he suddenly turned around and headed towards Christina and Christina at the door. Chi Fire Dragon Ji passed. As soon as I saw this situation, of course I caught up immediately, and at the same time reminded Chi Fire Dragon Ji to be careful.

It was not convenient for Chi Fire Dragon Ji to hug Christina, but when that thing jumped from the ceiling and pounced on Christina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji. By coincidence, Christina just woke up.

You can imagine the reaction of a person who suddenly sees a monster rushing towards him when he just wakes up. Anyway, Christina's reaction was absolutely amazing. She almost instinctively raised her hand and shot it out with a yellow beam, but this time it shocked us all.

The beam emitted by Christina is more than two meters in diameter, and it is like a laser, extending all the way forward, first installing the monster that fell from the ceiling, and then instantly It burned to ashes, and even the crystal was burned away. Then the beam of formidable power keeps going all the way forward. It first penetrates the ceiling on this side, then burns through the wall of a room in the second layer, and then moves on, piercing the roof and illuminating it all the way to the air, forming a strip that can be seen from a few kilometers away. A thick beam of light visible.

The beam of light lasted for several seconds before it gradually began to extinguish, while Chi Fire Dragon and I looked at Christina, who was obviously in shock. Just now, Christina was really shocked. No matter how good her mental quality is, she is a girl after all, and in this case, she saw a corpse-like thing rushing towards her. It was so frightening. Ah? In this state of fear, Christina suddenly showed her power. I can understand this, but... how did she use her big trick? I saw it when I just arrived here. Our skills are blocked. Only the primary level skills of all departments can be used. Although there are many types, the formidable power is actually very low. After entering here, our attribute was weakened by more than half again, so in fact, our current battle strength should be very weak. However, the skill Kristina used just now was definitely not primary level magic, and the formidable power was too scary. Even if the corpse is not strong, it shouldn't be the same as paper, right? But the light beam burned that thing to ashes in an instant, and there was no slag left.

"Then what...Kristina, are you okay?" I asked in a low voice when I looked at Christina, who was undecided, for fear that she would be too emotional and give it to me again. With this attribute, I can't stop the formidable power attack just now.

Sure enough, Christina reacted immediately after I finished speaking, then looked around in surprise, and then asked: "How did you find me?"

Chi Fire Dragon Ji talked about the previous situation to Christina at this time, and I talked about my own situation. After summing up the situation of the three people, Christina finally got a general understanding of the current situation, but she still asked: "What kind of expression did you just look at me?"

Or Chi Fire Dragon Ji explained the reason for our surprise, and then Christina started to check her attributes, but the result was amazing.

"What? You said your magic has reached the bottom?" I asked in surprise. If Christina’s magical powers bottom out, based on the attributes of this place, I guess we can’t count on her to do anything. Originally, Christina was the largest formidable power in our place, but now I actually told me that I had just burned out the cannonballs with excitement. This is not good news.

"Without your magic power, do we not count on you anymore" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked directly.

Kristina said embarrassingly: "Indeed, but you just made sure that I fired a yellow beam?"

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Magic It's all gone, what's the use of caring about skills? What if Christina can use all the skills now? The most powerful cannon without ammunition is just a pile of scrap iron.

Kristina said puzzledly: "According to what you saw and my own memory, the skill I just released should be called Thunder Beam. This is an intermediate single attack skill, formidable power. Generally speaking, of course it is for my heyday. But here, this is even the ultimate weapon Level 1 skill. However, I checked this skill just now and it is on the block list."

"Wait, wait." Chi Fire Dragon Ji keenly discovered the problem. "You mean you just used a skill that you shouldn't be able to use?"

Kristina nodded added: "In addition, according to the attributes I see now Look, even if my skill can still be used, my magic power should not be enough to release this skill. However, I was pretty sure just now that the skill was successfully released."

Listen to Christie I frowned and thought about what Na said. A skill that shouldn't have been used was actually used. It was originally not enough to use the magic power of that skill, but Christina still used it. What kind of situation is this? Frightening-Soul Sting's potential explosion? This is obviously not like. Although there is potential in the game, it is not used in this way. Kristina’s just now was absolutely weird. However, we now have too little information to analyze the situation.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly I felt the cold breath again, obviously something was approaching us. The female ghost told us before that there are three ghosts on this floor. We only killed two before, but because of Christina’s outbreak, we were stunned, and the result was that we forgot the facts here. There is another enemy.

When I thought about this situation, I quickly reminded me: "Be careful, there is a ghost here."

Kristina and Chi Fire Dragon are both very experts. , The reaction was very fast, and immediately became energetic when she heard this situation, and Christina was wiser to stick to the back of Chi Fire Dragon, because she has no magic power now and needs protection more than usual.

"Over there." Although there is no magic power, Christina is a mage after all and is sensitive to various energy reactions, so she was the first to find the target.

The thing that appeared this time was a little girl-like ghost, and the other party appeared suddenly, as if the TV signal was not good. It flickered a few times at the end of the corridor and suddenly appeared Was over there, and Christina discovered her at this time. However, after Christina reminded us, the little girl suddenly disappeared after a few flashes again. Of course, we searched for a while, and then found that the other party appeared in the living room on the first floor against the wall. This place is seven or eight meters away from where she disappeared before, but the other party's movement is completely without any trace. Either this little ghost is too fast, or she can use teleporting abilities.

After the opponent appeared here, he moved towards us and took

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