The stunned female ghost finally calmed down under my threat. Although the evil spirits themselves are very violent, they only need intelligence if they are completely suppressed. If you don't have any problems, you should know that you can't move. In fact, this situation is common in wild beasts, such as those wild beasts. As long as you make sure you are still struggling and then find your throat is locked, you will usually stop struggling quickly. This is not true. How much intelligence is needed.

Although the female ghost stopped quietly, the hostility on her face did not dissipate, and the black eyes without white eyes looked very scary, but I didn’t react much to this. . In Longyuan's laboratory, those prototype biological weapons that failed genetic guidance were much uglier than this guy. Many of the shapes challenged the limits of human endurance! In contrast, the color of the eyes and skin of the one in front of me is not normal, and the expression on his face is distorted, and everything else is pretty good.

"Well, it seems that you have not completely lost your mind. This is good, at least I don’t have to kill you. However, whether you can survive safely for a long time depends on your next Performance is good. Do you understand what I am saying?"

The female ghost didn't respond when she looked at me. She didn't know if she couldn't speak or didn't want to answer, or she simply couldn't understand. She didn't react at all anyway. But I didn't particularly care about it, just as she acquiesced.

"Since you don’t speak, then I will take it as your default. Okay, now let’s talk about business. First, what is this place?"

Female After the ghost heard my question, he still didn't respond. It was exactly the same as before, and I couldn't tolerate it. To one side, he said with a slightly ferocious tone: "Although you are a ghost, I hope you understand that sometimes people are more terrifying than ghosts. Of course, I am not a human, so I am definitely more cruel than you. If you don't want to happen What you don’t want to experience, I advise you to cooperate. If you can understand me but can’t speak, move your fingers and give me some hints anyway. If you still have no response, I can I'm really welcome."

I finished talking here, and the ghost was nodded immediately. I'm relieved now. The performance of the other party showed that she did not want to cooperate, but was unable to speak.

"So you can't speak. It doesn't matter, then...Are you literate?"

The other party shook his head directly.

"Can’t read? That’s troublesome. It seems that I can only use this trick." After I finished speaking, I used the other hand to pinch the female ghost’s head and straighten her face. Facing me, and then put my face together.

Of course I am not planning to kiss her. Although I am immune to this disgusting look, there is no problem with my aesthetics. Besides, I am not the kind of person who will be swayed by desire!

I put my face closer to the female ghost about half a foot away, and then I stared at her eyes firmly, and said at the same time: "Look at my eyes. Don't resist, otherwise it will hurt. ."

Just after I finished speaking, I felt my body suddenly loosened, and then I appeared in a brand new environment. This place is much stranger than the wooden house just now. There are no walls here, the ground is just a flat floor, and it is as smooth as a mirror, there are no gaps in sight, and I don’t know what material it is. It feels a bit like frosted glass, and it’s still pure white. However, the area of ​​this floor is completely invisible, because it is pitch black except for this area where we are. It's not the kind of black that doesn't have a light source, but it's really complete black, the kind of general black that doesn't exist at all.

At the center of this area, where the ghost and I are, is a circular area with a radius of ten meters. Saying that it is an area actually means that there is light in this place, and there is no wall or the like to block it.

Compared to me, the reaction of the female ghost at this time is much more intense. As soon as she got here, she lost one's head out of fear. First, she looked around all around the environment before she noticed the changes in her body. Yes. The current female ghost is no longer a ghost, because she looks very beautiful. A snow-white one-piece dress, long black hair hanging down to the waist, and a clean face. This is a little beauty. Moreover, now this little ghost ghost has completely lost her advantage as a ghost, not only can't fly, some special abilities have also disappeared.

"Don’t bother, this place is the connection point of our spiritual world, because it is constructed with the spiritual world of the two of us, so there are no stable rules, it can be said that there are no rules. Therefore, all abilities are useless here, because there is no corresponding rule to support. Hey, in order to say these things that you don’t understand, anyway, you just need to know that there is no ability to use it. And that’s, This is a good place to talk, you should be able to talk now."

"I..." The female ghost was taken aback as soon as she made a sound, and then touched her throat in surprise. "I can speak?"

"I said, this is the spiritual world. The communication between the two of us is completed through spiritual connection, so whether you have the ability to speak and the language barrier is not the problem. Obstacles, as long as you can think about it, you can communicate. By the way. I didn’t make you look like you now, it was your subconscious image of yourself. I think this should be the way you were before you were alive?"

The other party looked at his hands, and then nodded and said: "Yes, I was like this when I was alive. How many years have it been? I can't remember it myself!"

" Let’s not talk about the sad things. Let’s say something useful. First tell me what is the place where we were just now?"

The female ghost shook the head and said: "Actually, neither I know where it is." After the other party finished speaking, it was obvious that my expression was unsatisfactory, and then he quickly added: "I only know that I was normal when I was alive, but then the people in the village started to feel unfathomable mystery. Illness. There is no reason for this disease, and there is no way to treat it. At first I felt tired and wanted to sleep, but gradually I couldn’t get up. In the end, the condition became more and more serious, and the person gradually disappeared. Mobility, you can’t get out of bed at all. Some people can’t even wake up completely. After three or five days of sleep, they are starved to death in their sleep."

"I think I probably know what you got. I'm sick."

"You know?" The female ghost looked very excited.

I nodded and said: "Knowing is to know, but it is not important anymore. You can talk about the situation afterwards."

The female ghost is right to think about it. Anyway, people are dead, can they cure themselves if they know what the disease is? So she didn’t think too much about it, but continued: “I found out that I came to this place after I died. But this place I’m talking about is not just the house, but the village outside and the mountain behind. There are also several villages on the other side of the mountain. Oh, yes. There is a temple on the top of the mountain, but I can’t get in. I feel that several villages exist around the mountain and can enter the mountain, but the outer circle area of ​​the village is just right. I can’t make it. Although the total area is very large, we are indeed trapped here."

The existence of ghosts and ghosts, right?"


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