"What should I do now?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked, but her eyes were fixed on the little girl, not daring to move. The opponent's moving method is too weird and the speed is so fast. Even if we can correctly predict the opponent's actions, there is still no way to make an effective hit. This can no longer be described as "Quickly".

"Let me think about it first." Facing this kind of ability is too special existence, even I feel a little bit helpless.

We haven’t figured out any countermeasures yet, but the little girl over there moved first, but the other party’s actions this time were quite strange. She didn’t attack Chris, who seemed to be very easy to deal with. Tina, but suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of me.

This time it flashed very fast, almost one shadow disappeared and the other appeared at the same time less than twenty centimeters in front of me. It was almost face-to-face.

It’s nothing at worst when it suddenly flashes in front of others, but this little girl is an Ominous Ghost! Therefore, after she appeared in front of me, she directly gave me a very terrifying face. Originally, this girl was actually pretty good. Just take care of the hair hanging in front of her, and then deal with the dark circles and cyan-gray color complexion. In fact, this girl is still a little beauty. However, after arriving in front of me this time, the little girl finally revealed the true nature of evil spirits. When the other party flashed to me and immediately looked towards my eyes, and at the same time, her eyes, nostrils, and mouth all shed a lot of blood at the same time. It felt like a waterfall, even if a big living person took this It is estimated that the speed will have to be mummified if the speed is at most tens of seconds. That’s not even counted, the little girl suddenly opened her small mouth to me while Qiqiao was bleeding, and then the small mouth opened wider and bigger, and finally cracked directly from the middle to the ears. Go, turn over the work points of the entire head. If the average person is frightened and fainted, fortunately, I am not afraid of these things. When the other party opened his mouth, I suddenly reached out and rushed up, and then clasped her chin with one hand, and clasped her with the other. With the force of opening her mouth, her upper jaw desperately tore to both sides.

"Ah..." This time the little girl was not screaming with shock waves, it was a real scream. My reaction obviously exceeded the other party's expectations. She didn't expect me to take the initiative to touch her after she became like this, and even put my hand in her mouth.

Actually, this thing is not terrifying if you analyze it with a rational mind. The key is that most people can't calm down when they encounter that kind of environment. The little girl opened her mouth to that angle, and even torn her facial muscles in order to adapt to this angle. In this case, her masseter muscles don’t have any meaning. What can support her bite is the psychic energy she carries. The difficulty of this little girl lies in her movement and reaction speed. Including her absolute strength, so when I was holding my upper and lower jaws torn to the sides, she did not have enough strength to resist. Even if my hands were holding my hands and resisting desperately, I still held her against her strength. The chin gets bigger and bigger, and I can tear the upper half of her head from her neck just by making it a little bigger.

Looking at the blazing Fire Dragon beside me, Ji and Christina are completely stupid. Although the evil spirits are terrifying, they now think that I am more evil than the others. The ghost is even scarier. After all, no matter who sees me standing there to lift the entire upper jaw of that little girl, it will be frightened. This is even more terrifying than a butcher. After all, even a butcher will not tear it directly.

Seeing that power is not my opponent at all, the cry of the little girl gradually turned into a miserable howl, but my hands didn't mean to relax at all. This girl's moving method is too strong, so I can't let her run anymore when I get the chance, otherwise I can't guarantee that I still have a chance to catch her again.

Just when I was about to successfully lift the upper jaw of the little girl to get it done, there was a sudden shout from upstairs. "Don't!"

When I heard the shouting, I instinctively turned my head and looked towards upstairs, and then I saw that the female ghost I had defeated before came out of Christina just now Floating down in the big hole. Kristina and Fire Dragon Ji didn’t know that this was the female ghost I subdued, so immediately took a defensive posture, but the female ghost did not care about them, but flew directly to my side and knelt down. The ground pleaded: "Please let her go! I promise to be optimistic that she will not let her mess with you anymore."

"This little thing has made us use up a lot of energy, you are sure to Protect her?" I looked towards the female ghost and asked.

The female ghost nodded and said: "She is my daughter and a poor child. Please please do me a favour. Can you let her go?"

" Let her go Yes, but what good do I have?" I said very directly: "After releasing her, she still has the probability of attacking us, and I have to bear this additional risk. You must at least let me get some equivalent compensation, right? "

The female ghost obviously didn't expect me to ask like this. After a little silence, she seemed to have made some decision and said: "I have nothing to become like this. But... if you want Let go of my daughter, I am willing to burn my soul to refine a soul essence for you. This is the only benefit I can give you!"

"This thing is the soul essence you said?" I asked, taking out a crystal that had fallen out of the ghosts that were killed before.

The female ghost saw this thing but shook the head, and then said: "What you got is just a psionic crystal that carries all the grievances of Evil Spirit. For us evil spirits, it Equivalent to is a kind of energy that can increase our strength."

After listening to the explanation of this female ghost, I took a look at the attribute of this crystal. Fortunately, the attributes are visible and not blocked. The system attribute description of this thing is relatively simple. In addition to the name of a psychic crystal, it also reminds that this thing can be used to strengthen the existence of the spirit transformation body, and then there is no extra information. Although the content is very small, the ability of this thing should be what the female ghost said, but it's a pity that I can't summon my own demon now, otherwise no matter if it is Sha Yezi, the king or the phantom, this thing can be used to strengthen it. Of course, most of the things exploded from low-level ghosts have strengthening abilities and are very weak, so I didn't expect this thing to produce much power enhancement.

"What do you mean by refinement?"

The female ghost replied: "The so-called refinement is to use my autonomous consciousness to burn my soul and burn all the negative emotions in my body. In this way, you can get a pure energy crystal without any emotion. This crystal does not need to suppress the evil will inside, so the energy intensity will be much higher, and it will not be strengthened to Spirit Physique, even if it is Physical existence like you can also be used."

After listening to this answer, I can only say that I am very disappointed. The role of this thing is still there, at least it can add some battle strength to us in this task. However, this effect is a little too small. For us at this stage, this thing is almost a dispensable existence.

Probably seeing that I don’t care much about this thing, the female ghost suddenly said: "The psionic crystals in your hand are actually not very useful. Although they can strengthen any Spirit Physique, The resentment in it will also pollute Spirit Physique and make it crazy and evil. I believe you will not like that kind of existence."

"No, I like it very much. I have many evil and powerful servants. Unfortunately, now that I have been sealed, there is no way to summon it out, otherwise I will let you know what the real Evil Spirit is."

Compared with these wraiths that have been transformed because of some of my own humiliation and pain. 、How can Evil Spirit compare with a heroic spirit like a king? The British Spirit Physique, which was transformed by the obsession of all the fallen soldiers on the battlefield, was filled with massive mood swings. Unwillingness, humiliation, longing, fear, resentment, perseverance, and longing for relatives far away. All of these intertwined to form Spirit Physique will be the king of all Spirit Physiques. When the general wraith is just formed, even the sunshine Fear, but the heroic spirit can directly affect the surrounding weather from the moment of birth, keeping himself under the cloud. If it weren’t for the king’s advanced level now and able to manage his abilities freely, normally, wherever a hero walks, blood flowing into a river nearby should be a thousand miles away.

After hearing what I said, the female ghost was obviously stunned for a while, and then suddenly remembered something, she hugged my leg and shouted: "I know. I know. I." There is something I can trade for my daughter, you will definitely be satisfied!"

"Oh? Seeing you are so excited, it seems like a good Dingxi! But why do you think of the good things here?"

"This..." After a little hesitation, the female ghost decided to tell the truth. "Actually, it's not my thing, but in another place, but I think it should be very useful to you."

"Tell me what it is, its specific function, but also How do I get that thing?"

When the female ghost heard that I was interested, she immediately said excitedly: "This thing I'm talking about is called the soul well. The water in this well can help you wake up Some sleeping abilities can also temporarily release the seal on you. If you can seize that moment of time to bring your servant summon over, you may be successful."

"Sounds good Looks like. So where is this thing? What kind of existence are guarding it? What is their strength?"

"The soul well is in the woods, I know the specific location. It doesn't belong to anyone at all. , But because of the existence of this well, there are many demons who want to try their luck to see if they can awaken their abilities. Therefore, a large number of demons gather in the vicinity all year round, and there are also many wandering mountain ghosts in the forest itself. Evil Spirit, in the past, you might have to deal with many enemies on the road."

"Are those things very difficult to deal with?" I asked.

The female ghost thought for a while and said, "Similar to us. In fact, most of the existing strengths here are not much different, but some of the existing abilities are more special. Like my daughter, they are more special. One of the types."

"Are you really sure this is your daughter? Haven't heard you say it before?"

Female ghost nodded and said: "I just thought Get up, I told you before that when I was outside, my thoughts were very confused, as if I was dreaming, until you brought me into that four-dimensional space, my thoughts seemed to wake up. As for my daughter’s I just remembered the matter, otherwise I reminded you that when there are three companions downstairs, I should tell you not to hurt my daughter."

"Since you have said so, then The deal is concluded." I threw the little girl directly to the female ghost and said: "Watch her, next time I will not let her go no matter what you say."

The daughter who hugged herself quickly assured me nodded, and then immediately began to appease the little girl. Although the female ghost has regained her sanity because of me, this little girl still stares at me with that ferocious eyes. The only difference is that her ferocity now has another existence called fear. , So that although she is demonstrating to me, it looks like the kind of puppy who is forced to the corner is demonstrating and howling. This howling actually means more boldness than a real deterrent.

"Okay, my daughter will give it back to you. Now find us a place for us to rest."

"Come upstairs, it's safer here." Female Although the ghost has no way to control those little girls, it is strange that as long as she holds the little girl's hand, the little girl will not struggle, but let her lead herself to move.

Actually, I don’t need to rest. Although I have fought for a while, our loss is not big. The one who really needs rest is Christina, who has not been attacked. The reason It was the super-explosion between half-dream and half-waking that she had just drained her magic power, so she needed to restore a little magic power first.

Fortunately, this house is big enough. Although Christina opened a skylight, it was only three rooms and a corridor that were really damaged, and it did not affect the situation of the other rooms. I hugged Christina directly and followed the female ghost up to the second floor, and then I entered the room where the female ghost and I met for the first time. This room is well furnished and far away from the hole over there. , At least there will be no water leakage here. Don't forget that it's still raining heavily outside.

After putting down Christina, I also sat down. And Chi Fire Dragon Ji simply collapsed at the door. It was not due to excessive physical exertion, but mental fatigue caused by sudden relaxation after tension, but this is also considered a Safety Sector, so a break is also a good thing.

Although Christina and Fire Dragon Ji are resting, I can’t rest, because I always think that the psionic crystal should be of great use, and it must take a lot of it to take effect, otherwise Why do all the ghosts here explode this? So, I plan to take advantage of Christina and the rest of the time to go out and get some more crystals back.

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