According to normal circumstances, the people at the entrance should have a better view than ours. However, this is not the case now.

The entrance of this hall is not on the floor of the hall, but at half waist of a wall. That place is two more than a hundred meters away from the ground, which is indeed higher than ours. There are many, in theory, we should be able to see us at a glance. However, human eyes are not electronic identification software. There are hundreds of thousands of people standing in a square. If you want to find someone you know within a second, it basically depends on luck, unless you look at it at first glance. It happened to be aimed at that person, otherwise it would take a long time to sweep the past one by one.

And this is almost the case now.

We are now in the middle and rear part of the hall, several kilometers away from the entrance there. Let’s not say whether the other person’s eyesight can see us, even if the sight range is sufficient. With so many people huddled together in this place, it takes time for each other to identify. If you want to do it, the entrance where the opponent appears hangs alone in midair, and there is a silhouette on it, which will naturally be found immediately. Therefore, we can immediately find the person above, and the person above may be able to see here on our own. He saw us at the first sight, but his attention was absolutely unable to focus on us. It's like there is a special mark in a picture, you can actually see it at first glance, after all, a picture is not beyond your sight, but to find this mark you need to pay attention and slowly But distinguish the content in the painting.

The guy who appeared at the entrance must have seen us, but his attention did not find us. It takes a little bit of comparison with the crowd below to find us. Of course, this process will certainly not take too long. After all, there is still a big difference between the shapes of the enemies around us and these creatures, and there is no battle between these creatures, so it is not difficult to find us, but the premise is The other party can really see such a far place, and even if it can, it takes at least tens of seconds to search for the other party to notice us.

While the other party hasn't noticed our side, Masaga Matsumoto has already separated from us with Akatsuki Kaoru and they are constantly separating from us while pretending to be fighting hard. . This situation is actually easy to explain even if it is discovered, because although we can clearly see the relative position of us and Matsumoto Masaga on the top, it is actually difficult to identify the direction once we enter the battlefield below. . Enemies are everywhere in front, back, left, and right, and this place is not allowed to fly. If you are blocked in the crowd, you will naturally not be able to see the surrounding situation. So even if Masaga Matsumoto and the others ran over us, and later told others that they didn't see us at the time, it made sense. After all, do others know that Masaka Matsumoto and us are actually in the same group, and we are carrying positioning communicators with each other.

Less than five seconds after the person above appeared at the entrance, we have already determined the identity of this person. Quite surprisingly, it was not a Japanese player who appeared there, but... an eagle.

Less than two seconds after the eagle appeared at the entrance, another person appeared next to him. This time we all immediately distinguished the identity of the visitor, because the movement method robe on Hong Yue's body was quite special. After Hong Yue appeared, I found a third silhouette, and this time it was my wife Rose.

"Damn, what's the situation?" We are not calm when we see the three people appearing.

True red moved towards Masaga Matsumoto who has not yet gone far and they shouted: "Don’t run, it’s reinforcements!" At first, he looked at the location of the entrance, and then he didn't immediately return, but stopped there and didn't move. In fact, I also know why Matsumoto Masaga didn’t rush back, because it’s still not sure if it’s only Rose and the three who came in. If there are still our players who are being caught, Matsumoto Masaga is actually not suitable for us. Contact. After all, the news that Masaga Matsumoto is a member of our guild has always been out of lockdown. Even though the scope has been slightly expanded recently, it is actually limited to the top executives of the guild and directly related to this matter. The people at, for now, most of the players in the guild actually don't know the true identity of Masaka Matsumoto. So, in order to prevent someone who shouldn't know about this in the event of someone coming in, Masaka Matsumoto and the others chose to stand still, and plan to wait until the confirmation is over there.

Matsumoto Masaga and the others did not move, but a newsletter link suddenly came from the entrance. Although there is no transfer station we set up in the BUFF mission, the crystal communicator can be used for this distance, but I don't know why the signal is so bad and the noise is very loud.

"Purple Moon, are you here?" Rose shouted directly in the communicator.

I switched to the ring of love and activated the couple's dedicated communication mode, and then said: "The communicator signal is not good, but it is still so clear. We are here, why are you also coming in?"

"We saw that your mission has not come out until now, and there are so many people coming in from Japan. We are worried that your mission will be blocked and cannot be carried out, so we all came in."

Hong Yue At this time, I squeezed in front of the window and said, "Where are you? We can't see you here!"

When I heard it, I winked at Christina, Christie Na immediately raised her hand and fired a magic bullet into the sky, and then I heard Hong Yue's exchange: "You fired that magic bullet, right? I saw you. The distance is so far! There are so many enemies below you. How did you get there?"

"A little bit of killer." After I finished speaking, I continued: "How many people are you here? Are you three? Come here? Can you three? Kill it from below?"

I finished talking about Rose and continued: "No, we won’t go there. I saw Matsumoto Masaga and the others on your side. It should be almost the same if they are there. We didn’t have much use in the past, and there are a lot of people here. When the time comes, Masaka Matsumoto’s identity is also a problem. In addition, we can make the best use of it here."

"Huh?" I was stunned for a moment, but suddenly reacted before Rose could explain. "You guys and Nobunaga oni and they caught fire?"

"Not only Nobunaga oni, there are many other Japanese players, and there are actually players from our own country here. "

"Is it normal to have our own players?"

"But they are attacking us!"


Hong Yue rushed and said: "Anyway, you just leave it alone. We have a lot of people here, so we can help you block this road, so you can just rush forward with confidence."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you over there, and we will do it by ourselves."

With Roses, they help us block the door, and the things on our side are much simpler. Since no Japanese players can come, we don’t need to be separated from Masaga Matsumoto. To be honest, with their help, our scoring speed is entirely in the growth of advanced by leaps and bounds, and as we continue to move to the bottom of this hall, our attack skills are becoming more and more open.

Before I didn't dare to use skills indiscriminately, mainly because I was afraid that I would not last until the end because of the magical power, but now it is obvious that the mission goal is in front of my eyes. It doesn't make much sense to continue to accumulate magical power at this time. Therefore, the frequency of skill activation on our side is obviously increasing, and the formidable power of the skill is also getting bigger and bigger. Even gold coin has begun to use the sword array attack, but the sword array is not daring to play. Can use a few flying swords to make a small sword array.

The faster we kill here, the faster it takes to approach the exit over there. Although we are not quite clear on the exit side, we actually don’t care much anymore. .

When we entered here before, we thought that the task was to destroy the soul collector, but now we have determined that it is not the main task, but a side task. Our real task goal is those zombies. As for the rescue of those zombies... Actually, there is no need to worry. Because we lost a lot of zombies before, there are only two hundred zombies left in our hands, and most of them are wizard-type zombies. According to the task requirements discovered later, we only need to save a hundred of them, even if the task is completed, the excess branch will give extra rewards, and the more the number, the more rewards. We have actually obtained more than a hundred soul orbs now, and we have all used them up. In other words, our task has actually been completed, and now we are just scouring points for benefits. There are less than fifty zombies left in our hands. It’s not a big problem to save them. Anyway, we have now properly received the rewards of the BUFF mission. As for these zombies and the soul collectors that may appear at the back of the hall, they are all For the existence of windfall, it is of course better to have it, and there is nothing at worst.

With this kind of reliance and fear, our fighting rhythm is getting faster and faster, and when there is no pressure in the heart, the battle strength actually gets higher. It seems that the fighting on the real red side is about to turn into aerobics. And Christina’s attack is more like conducting a symphony orchestra, anyway, it feels that everyone’s fighting rhythm is good and artistic.

In this relaxed fighting atmosphere, we quickly finished the last dozens of zombie soul orbs, and then the bonus primordial of this BUFF mission was all in hand. It's just that the extra task of the Soul Collector is not completed, but we still have a half of the EXP in our hands, so we can continue to advance, I believe this side task is actually not much left.

There is not much error in our guess. In fact, when we reached the very end of this hall, we saw a doorway about five meters high and five meters wide. There is no door panel in this doorway. After entering, there is a corridor as big as the doorway, but unlike the outside, there is no enemy standing there. The enemies outside also seemed to be restricted. After we all entered here, they all stopped. No monster dared to chase in.

Without the interference of monsters, of course we quickly finished this short passage, but after that, it was a stone chamber the size of an ordinary classroom.

The display in this stone chamber is really super simple, with a stone-carved chair in the center of the empty room. The craftsmanship of this chair is not bad. The chair itself is huge and looks quite domineering, but we don’t feel anything, because I have a more exaggerated throne in the conference hall of Isengard’s guild headquarters, which is more exaggerated than mine. Super Throne, this one is at best a mud embryo.

This chair is not empty at this time, but what sits on it is not a living thing, but a skeleton. The skull tilted its head, not like an undead creature, but a normal, immobile skeleton. The skeleton is wearing a men's Japanese kimono, and he is holding a bamboo tube tightly in his hand. Except for these things, there is really nothing in this room.

"What kind of situation is this?" Looking at the situation in front of her, Chi Fire Dragon Ji couldn't help but ask.

Zhen Hong and Chi Fire Dragon Ji are just as quick-tempered as Chi Fire Dragon Ji, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji just went up and wanted to fiddle with the skeleton frame after asking her questions. Of course I was impossible to let her move the skeleton so recklessly, but it was a pity that when I reached out to pull the real red, the speed was a little slower, and I didn't expect this thing to react as long as I touch it.

In fact, Zhenhong just touched the bamboo tube in the end, but before I had time to pull it off, I grabbed her. However, the moment when Zhen Hong stopped moving and looked back at me, the bamboo tube flashed suddenly, and then I held the posture of stretching the hands of Zhen Hong to freeze there, because I found that I had changed the place of unfathomable mystery.

This is a wooden house, which should be a multi-story building, because the floor under the feet is obviously suspended. My current location is a corridor. Stairs can be seen at both ends of the corridor. One side of the corridor is a row of windows, and the other side is a row of doors.

This place doesn’t look too strange. Wooden houses are very common in Japan. The windows on the left side of the corridor use a dense window pane structure. There is no glass or window paper, so you can see directly. go outside. I don't know what time it is at this time, anyway, it's raining heavily outside, and it's very dim. Fortunately, my perfect night vision ability has not been deprived, so I can see things quite clearly.

The heavy rain outside the window and the dim light, coupled with the empty corridor, the atmosphere of this place is a bit ghostly. But I am not afraid of ghosts anyway, and this has no effect on me. But speaking of which is very painful, and that is that we are actually separated. Before I came over, I obviously stretched out my hand to hold Zhenhong, even if others were not sticking to me, Zhenhong was held by my arm at the time. However, even though I was still in the stretched hand movement when I was teleported over, the arm in my hand was gone. It became me standing there alone, and everyone around me disappeared.

For this situation, the first thing I need to determine is whether I have encountered an illusion or have really been teleported. But the result is unfortunate. Summon Emines actually failed. The gate of the earth and the phoenix dragon space couldn't be opened, and even the space bracelet failed. This place is completely a confined space, sealing all spatial openings. But one thing made me feel more at ease, that is, although the space itself is closed, the interior is not completely sealed, because I can still use teleportation skills.

Speaking of skills, I just discovered that in this place, my attributes have been reduced by more than half. Now my strength is about my level forty or so, at most. Better than an ordinary person. The suppression of the previous BUFF mission was very scary. I was stunned to suppress me from more than two thousand two hundred levels to only one hundred levels. The result is now even more ruthless, with only more than forty levels left. If this strength is outside, it would be trampled on! Fortunately, everyone in this place will be suppressed, so I am not worried anymore. After all, the monsters set by the system are set according to the player's strength. After the players are suppressed, the system is impossible to make those particularly powerful creatures.

Because I am completely confused about the situation, all I can do is try to explore here first. If this is a real space, then Zhenhong and the others may have also been teleported in, but they are in a different place. Of course, I didn't forget to experiment with communicator and the ring of love before the action. As a result, both things were useless, so I still had to find the way by myself.

The structure of this damn wooden building is quite bad. The armor on my body seems to be too heavy. Walking on the floor can clearly hear the ground feeling overwhelmed. The sound of that zhi zhi quack made me want to hide it at all. If there is an enemy in this ghost place, it is estimated that unless he is deaf, he must have known that I am coming. But another way of thinking, if they are really red here, maybe my voice can help us reunite.

Walking two steps forward along the corridor, a door appeared on the right. The door of this Japanese-style building is a sliding door, but it is not a paper-paste door. There are really wooden boards inside, but a layer of paper is pasted on the outside, just like wallpaper, with patterns on it, which is considered a kind of decoration.

After pulling the wooden door open, I realized that it seemed to be the bedroom inside. There is no bed in the Japanese bedroom, at least in ancient times. The floor of the room is a layer of tatami, which is actually just a layer of mats on the ground cage. There is a row of windows on the opposite side of the room, but they are different from the corridor. Those windows are covered with paper, so you can't see the outside. On the right side of the door is the other wall, and the left side is quite a large space, but there is nothing inside, but there is a closet on the side of the wall, and the central position is obviously an open closet, where There is a shrine or something, but I don’t know what it is for, because there is no Divine Idol inside. Now there is no incense, just an incense burner in front of an empty shrine.

I swept around in the room and didn’t seem to see anything, but when I was about to close the door and go out, I suddenly found a bunch of dark shadows on the wall on my right. Past. I keenly caught the black shadow and followed its moving direction and suddenly turned my head and looked towards above me. The moment I turned my head, I felt all the hairs on my body stood up in an instant, because just above my head, above the door, there was a humanoid object clinging to the corner of the ceiling.

This thing is obviously human, wearing a dark red Japanese kimono, with long hair and a little distorted face, but it is definitely a woman's face, but the pale face is a little scary, like a high-mark Like cement powder, it was pale and pale, giving people a feeling of being covered with a layer of frost. Moreover, the eyes of this person's face had no pupils, the entire eyeballs were pitch black, and the lips were jet black and purple, and some were chapped.

If a normal person suddenly turns his head after entering the room and sees such a thing hanging upside down on the ceiling above the door frame, I guess most people will be paralyzed at that time. Those who react better may even know to run, scared straight If you call out, you are considered to have a good psychological endurance, and it is estimated that half of the people who fainted directly.

However, I am different from ordinary people. After all, I am not a human being anymore. The physiological characteristics of Dragon Clan are quite different from human beings, at least I am not surprised by this thing. Of course, due to the previous world view, it is certain to be shocked when you see such a thing suddenly. I was also taken aback at the time, but it quickly returned to normal.

However, that thing is obviously not only used to scare people, this guy is really fierce, because after I saw her, she grinned and opened her lips to show her sharp big yellow teeth, and then The palms that stretched out like chicken claws rushed directly from the ceiling.

"Damn, do you want to be so hungry?" Looking at the Evil Spirit who fell down, most people should have turned and escaped now, even if they hadn't been scared before, but my reaction was completely unreacted. The same, because I simply didn't move the footsteps at the moment the Evil Spirit pounced, just lifted up my left hand, and then accurately passed between her hands and pinched her neck.

Ghosts like to choke people's necks, and I also like them. It happened that although our height was not dominant, the female ghost in front of me was obviously shorter than me, so her arms were not as long as mine. As a result, I choked my neck before she touched my neck.

In fact, this action should be regarded as an instinctive reaction. I simply didn't think that this female ghost could be touched. But in fact she can really be touched. The cold touch from my hand numbs my whole body. This guy's body feels like a piece of frozen meat, which is quite uncomfortable cold and hard. Moreover, this guy's power is quite large, of course it may also be because my power has been suppressed too much. Anyway, although I pinched her neck but failed to withstand the impact of this guy, I was turned over. But my reaction was still there, so before I fell, I used my skills to change direction with the female ghost in the air, but when I really fell, she was lying on the ground, and I was pinching with one hand. Her neck is riding on her belly.

The female ghost probably didn’t expect this kind of change. After being screwed up by me, I was stunned for a while, and then began to struggle violently. My colleague also screamed. It's just that the voice isn't very sharp, but it's very hoarse. It feels like a rustling sound when speaking when the throat is dry.

The female ghost wanted to get up after being suppressed, but my hand always pinched her neck and pressed it to the ground to prevent her from moving, so the female ghost pinched me with her right hand She tried to unscrew my hand with her wrist, but although my strength was suppressed, it was obviously a little bit bigger than her. So even though I was struggling, she didn’t open me. Hands.

Feeling that the hand on the neck couldn't be removed, the female ghost immediately changed her strategy and scratched my face with her paw. When I looked up, she realized that my arms were not long enough to reach my hands. When she wanted to change other methods, I suddenly grabbed her by the neck and lifted her from the ground. Then he threw it over his head and hit the floor on the other side. However, this is obviously my mistake, because at the moment when the female ghost collided with the ground, she passed through the ground like a cloud of non-existent shadow. As a result, I turned into a blow by myself. On the ground, with a bang, a hole was opened directly in the ground. If it weren't for my quick reaction and didn't let go, I would just let her run away.

Obviously, this female ghost still has the characteristics of a ghost, she can easily cross the wall, but I don’t know why she can’t seem to be able to break free from my hand by blurring. But no matter what causes this phenomenon, at least this is a good thing for me.

"Are you pretty cunning!" After standing up from the ground, I directly pinched the female ghost by the neck and lifted it up, and then just took advantage of my height to hold it in midair. She touches the walls all around so that her tricks are useless.

The female ghost started struggling desperately when she saw me lifting it up. She pinched my wrists with her hands and wanted me to let go, but the result was the same as before, she simply couldn't move my fingers.

I only found out when I held this female ghost. The weight of this female ghost seems to be very light. It feels about ten kilograms, not as heavy as those fat cats, and if this is a living person , At least it has to be more than ninety catties, right?

The other party struggled for a while and found that she couldn't open it at all. After that, she seemed to realize that it was impossible to be saved, and then she started to change her strategy again, but I didn’t know the soft persimmon. Impossible let her test her slowly there. Various methods. Just when she stopped struggling and started yelling at me, I suddenly raised my hand and slapped her.

This loud slap in the face directly knocked out her scream. It is estimated that she hasn't realized how to run into such a weird thing like me, and dare to slap her in the face. However, before she could figure out what was going on, I gave her five or six slaps again one after another. This time I completely slapped her.

"Don’t call it? If you don’t call, calm down and let’s communicate. Is it annoying to scream at every turn?"

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