"Do you mean that after we entered this BUFF mission, players in both countries are staring at our mission progress?" Gold Coin looked at Matsumoto Masaka and asked.

"No, we can't see the progress of your tasks." Masaka Matsumoto explained: "After you enter the task, we will not get any prompts, but as long as someone goes to the system-led tasks to release Click, you can inquire from the NPC that there is a group of people doing the BUFF task, but the specific task progress can not be investigated, but I know that you are doing the task here, and you know that you have not left."

I looked at Matsumoto Masakah and asked: "So you are because of public opinion?"

Matsumoto Masaka is nodded, and then said: "Because the news of your BUFF mission map in Japan has been spread It’s opened, so the pressure on our side is very high. Many Japanese players suggested that we enter the mission to hinder your mission progress."

"I understand this." Christina Said.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji said next to him: "No, what you can understand is only one of the reasons why we came. In fact, there are other reasons for our coming, and that reason is the main reason."< /p>

"Is it because Oniji Nobunaga also came in, right?" I guessed the point right away.

August Kasumu said: "We came in faster just because we were more people. Onizu Nobunaga only had two subordinates to enter the mission with him, so although they started the BUFF mission before us Follow-up missions, but not as fast as us."

"Listen to you, the follow-up missions of this BUFF mission seem to be exaggerated for personal strength?"

"Then Not really." Matsumoto Masaka said: "In fact, the task is not difficult. The key is that the individual strength must be stable, and the team must cooperate with each other tacitly, and the higher the team's average battle strength, the better. The uneven distribution of player strength will affect it. Task progress."

"If you say this, you can enter the task separately if you encounter this situation next time?" Zhen Hong said.

August Xun immediately said: "That's not okay. Like ours, players who enter the BUFF mission through the follow-up mission of the BUFF mission enter the position of the BUFF mission are random, if we enter separately , Then the location where we appear may be divided into many places, and if everyone enters together, the distance between the appearance locations will be very close, at least the kind that can be connected to each other. If this is ordinary terrain, even if we are separated, we You can also find each other, but the problem is that the map of the BUFF mission is different every time, and no one knows what the content of the mission looks like except for the people who have already entered. So if we are separated far away, it may be the whole We can't see each other during the mission. So, if you can, it's better for everyone to enter the mission together."

August Xun was telling the truth. For example, the content map of the BUFF mission we are currently doing is not only large in size, but also divided into different time points. These time points are actually some disconnected independent maps in the game, which means that if they are entered separately , It may be thrown into a certain time segment. When the time comes, people who are unfamiliar with the place of life are really harder than heavenly ascension if they want to gather again.

At this time, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly said: "By the way, let me tell you, as far as we know, in addition to the few of us who have already come in, there is Nobunaga Onishu who is doing missions. Then it seems that Shiraiwa Morizuru also came in."

" Shiratui Morizuru? You said that the last time Nobunaga Onitou introduced weapons of mass destruction from Russia to help guard the gate. That guy?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded: "He entered in a personal way this time, and I don’t know what the purpose is, but it’s not a good thing. But that guy’s not being here now means he’s I must be lost somewhere. As long as he does not show up, we can continue to cooperate."

"Speaking of cooperation." I suddenly asked, "What is the EXP for you to kill these monsters?"< /p>

"EXP?" Because I didn't expect, I would suddenly jump to this kind of question. Masaka Matsumoto didn't react for a while, but since I asked, he immediately opened his attribute. The panel looked at it, and then he asked me: "What EXP? Are these monsters inexperienced?"

"Sure enough!"

After hearing my words, Matsumoto Masaga Looking at me in confusion and asking: "What is it? Did you get EXP to kill these enemies?"

Zhenhong said next to me: "Not only are there, but the amount is amazing."

"How many are there?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked immediately.

"A monster here has at least thirty or fifty two-thousand-level monsters." Christina said.

"Damn!" Masaka Matsumoto called out because he was obviously stimulated. There are thirty or fifty two thousand-level monsters on top of a monster. This EXP ratio is absolutely terrifying. Normal people only have to look at it and know that this is simply a scoring of heaven. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to have this ability.

In fact, it looks like this kind of super dense enemy and unobstructed environment can not be said to be a very suitable map for leveling. Yes, this kind of map is very dense with enemies, and there are no obstacles to affect the return of the battle strength, so the battle rhythm must be much faster than in the normal map. At least you can attack the first enemy immediately after killing one enemy. Two, you don’t need to find the monsters one by one, and because the enemies are dense, your range of kill skills, or the ability with splash damage attributes, can be used 100%, so it is equivalent to Maximizing your damage output is applied to the monster, which means that the speed at which you output damage is increased passively. Of course these are all good things, but the problem is that your speed of killing the enemy is faster, and the enemy will kill you faster too! When surrounded by a group of monsters, even if you have a shield, you can only block one face, right? In the face of attacks from all directions, unless you can evade or block with a clever body refinement, you can only use violent attacks like Christina to make the enemy inaccessible. Of course, if you have a way to get a tortoise shell and turn yourself into an impervious to sword and spear mode, you are also considered to have the ability.

Because of the above reasons, fighting in this kind of super dense enemy environment is actually a double-edged sword. Although the speed of killing the enemy has soared, the probability of being killed is also multiplied. In general, this environment still depends on the strength comparison between monsters and players. If the monster here is not strong enough to kill the player in a short time, then this place is heaven for the player, because the enemy is killed quickly. But on the other hand, if you can't stay here for long, then this place is hell. After all, if you are killed in less than two minutes, it is not a leveling but a drop.

"Since you kill a lot of EXP in the monster here, shouldn't we take part in the battle?" Ying Yu Shen Hina asked suddenly.

"Don't!" I hurriedly stopped Matsumoto and the others. "There are too many monsters here. We definitely can't insist on killing them all. You can just take care of yourself. But since you don't have EXP to get it, then I suggest you change your tactics a bit."

" What should I do?" Masaga Matsumoto asked readily.

Although Masaga Matsumoto is the leader of the Japanese players, he is actually ours, and now there are no other Japanese players present, so they don’t care about these things, and directly help us fight let us It's true to finish the task early and go out. As for how to explain to the Japanese players...I don’t think I have to worry about this. After all, the Japanese players outside don’t know how the battle is going on here. As long as Matsumoto and the others come in, it doesn’t matter whether they succeed or fail. After all, what is the internal battle situation. The outsiders of ‘s didn’t know that Masaga Matsumoto and the others could make up whatever they wanted. It was really impossible. It could even be said that they were teleported to a place far away from us, and we were not found during the entire battle. This is also completely credible, after all, many of the other Japanese players who entered here must have been this result, and that Baiyu Shouzuru seems to be in this state at present. So, even if Matsumoto Masaga and the others turned around and said that they could not find us, no one could say anything.

Of course, the premise of making up a fool is that no one sees it. If other Japanese players enter this lobby now, we and Masaka Matsumoto will have to be separated. Because even such blatant cooperation is to be known to outsiders that we are actually wearing a pair of trousers.

However, we are not really worried about this issue. Because of the previous battle, we are actually already not in the side of the wall, but have moved to the middle of this hall. This place is actually very far away from the entrance over there. If Baiyu Shouhe Or if the people of Nobunaga Onitaka enter here, then we can immediately discover that when the time comes, we can deal with it in advance.

"President, you haven't said how we are going to fight?" Ying Yu Shen Chi asked next to him.

I thought about it and said: "You don’t have any experience to take it anyway. It’s better to be like this. You changed the battle method from active offense to goal guarding, just to try to ensure that Christina and gold coin are not injured. So, as for me and Zhenhong, don’t worry about it. Our defense against heights will generally not be a problem. Also, when you are in battle, you can pay attention to the strength of your hands. If you encounter a suitable target, you can hit half-dead directly. Throw it to us to solve it, so that it can help us gain experience."

"This is a way." After Matsumoto said, he began to arrange for August Xun and the others to implement it according to the method I said. Anyway, they have no advantage to take here. They only came in to meet the public opinion of those Japanese players outside, so as long as there are no outsiders, they don't have to fight desperately, just concentrate on assisting us.

However, it is a pity that all four of Matsumoto and the others are the main combat type, that is, everyone’s specialty is the first-line charge. There is no such thing as gold coin or Christina. I will add status to everyone later, otherwise, calculating their strength will be the same as ours. Very difficult to deal with. At least we can add some basic attributes to our guys. There is no way to be credible now.

With the help of Masaga Matsumoto and the others, our killing speed is significantly faster. It's not because Matsumoto Masaga and the others are helping us kill the enemy and the number of kills is accumulated, but because Matsumoto Masaga and them are using a large area of ​​group attack skills. Because they don't have a fixed goal, they don't need to solve the magic, so they can put those large skills casually. At worst, the magic is exhausted and hanging out is profitable. Therefore, after ensuring that the number of basic skills used was obtained, Matsumoto and the others did not directly kill the enemy. Instead, they began to use large skills to reduce the status and life of nearby enemies in pieces, and then wait for us to kill them. At that time, only a few attributes were left, and most of them were removed, and they were all half-blood enemies.

In the face of this kind of half-disabled enemy, our lethality has undoubtedly become very huge, almost a piece of clean people there, EXP just like crazy, it will turn up, that speed Seeing that we are all eyelids jumping. Of course, this is not a jump in disaster, but a jump in wealth.

"Be careful!" It was pleasant to go in this state, but suddenly there was a little accident. First, we heard Chi Fire Dragon Ji's reminder, and then we saw her flying over our heads, and before we saw her landing, a huge silhouette appeared near us.

"Damn! Why is this thing again?"

The high level enemy that appeared this time was actually a creature we had seen before, and it was my defeated. In fact, this thing is the kind of giant Japanese warrior we encountered in Huang Stone Village before. A warrior armor, plus a long naginata, this thing is actually no different from the day this General we saw before. However, judging from the fact that Chi Fire Dragon Ji was knocked into the air just now, the Japanese military commander who emerged in front of him should be different from the previous one, at least in terms of power attribute.

This huge giant Japanese military commander took off directly after hitting the Fire Dragon Ji without any pause, jumping up to a height of 20 meters, and then directly moved towards Chrissy Tina fell from that position, and the guy had already raised the Naginata in her hand when she was in the air, which was obviously a jump chop. According to this guy's size, coupled with the weight of the naginata, this formidable power of jumping and cutting is absolutely extraordinary. Therefore, we immediately judged that Christina would definitely not be able to catch this move, even with protective magic.

Not bad. August Xun was very strong at the critical moment. He jumped directly from the side, and the whole person was raised seven or eight meters high, and our cooperation is also quite strong. After August Kaun took off, Matsumoto Masaka directly grabbed an enemy next to him and threw it up. The speed was faster than August Kaun. He actually quickly caught up with the rising August Kaun, and August Kaun was watching. Quasi-chance slammed on the back of the guy who was thrown up, and as the guy's upward trend instantly turned into a rapid fall, August Xun himself also gained the strength to continue to rise, and his figure rose again four or five meters.

Just when August Xun was about to start falling down, there was a sudden roar from the monster below. The rare beast, which was controlled by the gold coin, actually grabbed one that had just been killed. The enemy's corpse spun twice and accelerated on the spot, and then suddenly threw the fellow's corpse up again.

The falling August Xun just saw the corpse flying up again below when his power was exhausted. The toe was a little on the corpse. The corpse suddenly sank like the hapless one before, and August Kaoru stopped the downward trend and rose again, and then crossed in the air with the giant Japanese general who had already begun to fall.

August Xun’s fighting style is fast and accurate, that is, the speed is good, so she did not come to a monster with a meet force with force like me or Zhenhong, but lightly rubbed her body. It passed, but the monster immediately found that the naginata in his hand flew out after the mistake with August Xun.

Jump cut, no matter what cut you use, you have to have a weapon in your hand, and August Xun actually broke the guy’s tejin at the moment when he passed by, and then that The naginata of the giant Japanese military commander immediately took off and flew out.

Don't say that this giant Japanese general can't fly, even if he can fly, he can't fly at all within the coverage of this forbidden air field, so this guy has no chance to catch him. Naginata could only watch the thing fly out, and he himself was still moved towards Christina and fell down.

Of course it is not that dangerous to deal with an enemy without weapons. Besides, because the previous jump cut included the length of the Naginata, now that guy fell down and couldn't hit anyone at all. Kristina changed the direction of the artillery very calmly, and immediately before the guy fell to the ground, he used the magic missile torrential rain to smear the guy's face, so that the guy finally didn't even grasp the balance, and fell flat like this. On the ground.

Lying down from a height of ten to twenty meters, this impact is incredible. If it weren't for a magical creature, you could go directly to the Hades this time. Of course, he still needs to be able to see Hades now, because just after he landed on the ground, he bounced back, and before the upward trend stopped, I had landed on his chest, and my hands were divided into two short cones. Yong's Eternal pierced directly into the left and right sides of this guy's throat.

The hand feels very light. The defensive power of this guy's skin is obviously not as abnormal as the monster controlled by gold coin. Even I have a feeling that this guy seems to be papery, although at the moment of the breakthrough skin I felt a certain resistance, but behind it it felt as if the guy's body was hollow, and there was no resistance at all. If I hadn't grasped it firmly, Eternal would almost be thrown into this guy's body.

After piercing the throat on both sides of this guy, I immediately pulled out the eternal kick of this guy's chest and jumped out, and the decision proved to be correct. The guy's hands swept in front of me the next second I left, if it weren't for my flashes, I would have to be caught. Of course, even if I was caught, I would never be killed so easily, but it would be better not to be touched.

The giant Japanese military commander who had two holes in my neck didn’t end there. After waving his arms and not catching me, the guy turned over immediately, slapped his hands on the ground and stood up again, feeling It's as if the two big holes in the neck that can put people in are in someone else's body.

The giant Japanese general who got up from the ground turned and looked towards me again, but he was attacked just a step away. Of course this is not my hand. We are not alone here, so there is no need for me to deal with him. After a quick run-up, Masaga Matsumoto stepped on the guy's back and ran on his shoulders all the way, and then his legs deliberately slipped forward, just like a child sitting on the shoulders of an adult riding on that guy. On the neck of a giant Japanese military commander. Following the Hikari Divine Sword in Matsumoto Masaka’s hand, he immediately slid across the front of the guy’s neck, and then pulled it back. The guy’s neck was instantly cut off by Hikari Divine Sword, if it wasn’t because the guy’s arms were already stretched. After coming over, Masaga Matsumoto didn't want to fight with this guy, so he could cut off his head directly.

Matsumoto Masaka, who feels that he can’t escape without dodge, leaned back directly from the guy’s back, and turned his head over and fell off the guy, just getting better in the process of falling. When the lap turned to face forward, Masaka Matsumoto's feet suddenly kicked on the guy's back waist, and the whole body immediately rebounded with strength, and instantly broke away from the guy's attack range.

The giant Japanese general was cut off by half of his neck, and there was a sudden hit on his back, and his body immediately staggered forward. I saw the opportunity to rush up to face the direction of his fall and hold his backhand. Zha Eternal flashed past him, and when Eternal lifted and pulled his hand, the guy's head was directly separated from the body and fell on the ground and rolled away far away before being blocked by other enemies.

Seeing that this guy was finally brought down, we were considered relaxed, but the breath was not fully exhaled, and suddenly it tightened again, because we all found that the giant Japanese general’s fingers were unexpectedly Suddenly clenched.

"I rely on it, this thing is going to cheat the corpse!"

Facing this kind of undead enemy is actually the most troublesome. No matter how high the defense is, as long as there is a number, We can always grind it to death slowly, but this kind of undead ability is very annoying, because you don't know whether this kind of immortality is really completely indestructible or there are any restrictions.

They all say when it rains, it pours. When we are struggling with the resurrection of this thing, gold coin, who has been in charge of observing the situation, suddenly reminded: "Attention all, Someone appears at the entrance."

Speaking of which on our side is the most idle of gold coin, and she has monitoring skills, so all the work of keeping an eye on the entrance is given to gold coin, and gold Obviously, the coin was executed very thoroughly, and she was discovered the moment someone appeared at the entrance.

"I don't know who is here?" Zhen Hong said while looking at the entrance over there.

"No matter who it is, let's separate first." I shouted directly to Masaka Matsumoto and the others, and Masaka Matsumoto knew that we could not be seen together, so I immediately brought Then August Xun and they withdrew from the circle of war we were in.

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