After I asked Masaka Matsumoto why they came here, Masaka Matsumoto didn’t immediately explain to me. He fired a magic flare at the top of his head, and soon the three of Ying Yu Shen Hina and the others ran over one after another. During the time when the four of them gathered together, Zhenhong finally came back. The result was not bad. Although she was beaten by the monster, at least she was fine. She finally recovered after taking some medicine. All the medicine on my body ran out all at once.

After all the people arrived, Masaga Matsumoto finally spared some time to explain to me the reason for their arrival, and in the process of this explanation, we have been fighting constantly, and simply didn’t have time to rest. .

In fact, this matter is not very complicated. It is just a piece of information to explain, that system actually has additional settings for BUFF tasks.

The task of providing BUFF task information that the military god said before actually does not provide all the information, but because we all habitually think that since it is the information obtained by the task, it must be very comprehensive Information. However, this information is not comprehensive at all. The information we obtained in the BUFF mission is actually just some of the most basic pre-information. The reason why this information will be released is entirely because if the information is not revealed in advance, the players may be fundamental. The BUFF task cannot be started normally, so the information will be released in advance. However, the system is broken here. He didn’t directly release the information that should have been released. Instead, he let us do the task by ourselves and sent the information as a reward. On the one hand, we did a troublesome task in vain, and on the other hand, we used it in reverse The difficulty of obtaining this information makes us think that this information is very comprehensive and complete, but in fact this information is not complete at all.

According to what Matsumoto Masaga told us, some time after we entered this BUFF mission, system suddenly started two missions system in China and Japan at the same time, this mission system It seems that the starting condition of the Chinese guild player entered the BUFF mission, and the starting condition of the Japanese side is that the Japanese BUFF mission scene was activated. In other words, if a player from his home country enters the BUFF mission or the home country BUFF mission scene starts, this new mission system will be started.

Although the start of the new mission is based on the start of the national player or one of the national scenes as the precondition, this mission is not started at the same time as our BUFF mission starts, but there is a lag sex. In other words, if we can complete the BUFF task before the new task outside starts, then the subsequent tasks of the BUFF task of the system will not start.

After the start of the BUFF mission, the follow-up mission will be launched in China and Japan at the same time. It is oriented to all players in relevant countries, that is, all players in China and Japan meet the requirements. You are not required to be specified What level or identity.

The follow-up mission of the BUFF mission is different from the general mission. You will be told the mission reward first, and this reward is to allow the completer to enter the previous BUFF mission. Masaga Matsumoto and the others entered the BUFF mission where we are after completing the follow-up mission of their country's BUFF mission. This is different from the two groups of people we met before. They were drawn in directly, but Masaga Matsumoto and the others chose their own initiative.

After informing the player of the task reward, the players can decide for themselves whether to take the follow-up task of the BUFF task, and then as long as you accept it, the system will give a small task. The difficulty of this task is not low, but the task time is very short. It can usually be completed or failed within half an hour. Anyway, the result will be quickly produced. Either the task fails or the task is directly transmitted to the previous BUFF task. middle. And Masaga Matsumoto and the others successfully entered after completing the task.

After successfully entering the BUFF mission, the player who enters can choose to help or hinder the completion of the mission according to their own judgment. This choice is not a system option, but is determined by the player’s behavior, but the system It will not mark you whether you are helping the previous mission personnel or hindering the other party. Anyway, these people who enter later want to be free people, they can do things according to their own ideas, as for their rewards... in fact, they are all negative. of.

To put it bluntly, the follow-up task of this BUFF mission is to give outside players a chance to enter the BUFF mission to help or interfere with the mission. In fact, there is no direct reward, but even if it is not directly Rewards, there are definitely a lot of people who want to get in. The reason is simple. The result of the BUFF mission is not related to a certain person, but a large group of people. As players in the country where the mission map is located, as long as they find that players in their country are not entering the level, of course they will find ways to prevent others from completing the mission. It will cause direct damage to the country, but the strengthening of the strength of the people of other countries is always not a good thing for your country. Therefore, as the country where the map is located, there must be a large number of people trying to interfere with the mission, especially the leading guilds or those powerful large guilds. They certainly don’t want to see guilds from other countries. Be strong.

On the contrary, as players from the country of the players who are doing quests, of course most of them want to go in and help. Although only the overlord guild or the ruling guild can accept the BUFF task, the rewards won are not necessarily for the whole country, and many are only for the guild itself. However, since the overlord's guild has become such an existence, it itself shows that it is a huge guild. There was a limit to the number of people who entered when the task was first accepted. Too many people will affect the difficulty and evaluation of the game, but those who enter through subsequent tasks will not affect these things. Therefore, as a player in the dominant guild, it must be I hope to use this opportunity to enter a large number of BUFF missions to help players who entered before to complete this mission. Moreover, in addition to the people of the Overlord's Guild, the Overlord's Guild must also have some supporters. Besides, it is actually a good thing for the country to become stronger for the Overlord's Guild in the country, so most of the players in the country should be supportive.

"You mean, you just completed the follow-up mission of what BUFF mission, and then came in?" Christina looked at Matsumoto Masaka and asked.

Nodded Matsumoto said: "We are actually only the most advanced. As far as I know, there are still many people who are rushing through the barrier. They are likely to be there soon."

" Damn it, it seems that our task is going to be in trouble!"

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