Although it is a matter of consideration, it is on the battlefield after all now, and there is not so much time for Christina to think slowly there, so soon Christina A decision was made.

After deciding on the magic she was about to use, Christina didn’t say hello to me, she unblocked the scroll, and then she used it before we could react. I have developed the skills I thought of.

Quite unexpectedly, what Christina uses is not attack magic, or even magic that acts on the enemy, but a boost-type auxiliary skill. To put it bluntly, it adds a status to all of us.

Normally, if Christina uses attack skills, this will definitely produce a very exaggerated combat effect. Although this time is not enough, she can use a wide range of super skills. Kristina's shooting speed is enough to display a very lethal skill even in such a short period of time. However, Kristina did not use this skill, but used an auxiliary skill, and it was not the state of adding attributes directly to us, but an auxiliary skill with additional characteristics.

The moment Christina finished using the skill, the rest of us were all stunned, but when we discovered the usefulness of this skill, we all showed excitement, because The magic chosen by Christina is too powerful. I can argue that if we would definitely choose this magic, because compared to attack magic, the actual effect of this magic is definitely dozens of times stronger than attack magic. Although this magic itself does not produce any lethality, but this magic can change the balance between friend and foe in battle.

In fact, the attribute of this skill Kristina uses is not very complicated. It has only one ability, which is to steal health and mana every time it hits.

Hit to steal health. This attribute can be said to be a Divine Attribute for the melee system, because if there is such an attribute in the existence of True Red, then unless you can kill her, otherwise She is almost immortal on the battlefield, thinking that her damage value is far more than her own life value, so unless you can kill her at one time so that she has no chance to regain her blood, she will kill a few enemies and her blood is almost the same. It's full again. In this case, it is of course impossible to kill the real red.

Because the attack power of an existence like Zhenhong is much higher than her own life value, for her, this kind of life-stealing attribute is the Divine Attribute. However, in fact, this kind of attribute not only appears very few, but also has a very low proportion. Even with the melee system with very high attacks like the real red, the backfeeding after having this kind of attribute is actually not enough to make ends meet. Because of this, although this attribute has always been regarded as a very powerful attribute, it is only powerful, and it has not reached the level of guarding the sky. After all, the steal ratio is very low, and it does not constitute an overwhelming advantage.

For example, the skill Christina just used for us belongs to dual attribute stealing. On the one hand, it steals health in battle, and on the other hand, it is also responsible for stealing magic power. Under normal circumstances, Christina will never use it, not because this skill is demanding, but because it is almost meaningless in actual use, because this skill is not proportional to the return of magic, but on a time basis. .

Normal life-stealing or magical attributes are generally based on the damage you cause to the enemy after a hit, and then directly return the percentage to yourself, but Christina’s This skill is not proportional, but returned in accordance with each hit. If it is a defensive hit, it will be compensated with 10 points of health and 10 points of mana at one time. And if it doesn't break the defense, it will give you a little health and a little magic every time.

This value is definitely a taste in normal games, because the number of supplements is too small. The data in the game "Zero" is different from that of many online games. Its data values ​​have always been too large. Many attributes on the player are in units of 10,000, so the attribute simply at 10:20 can't see anything. reaction. Because of this, the magic Christina doesn't bother to use it at all. After all, it doesn't make any sense to give you 10:20 blood back at a time.

However, although the magic itself is not of much value, it is different here on time.

Now we are in the BUFF mission, and in this mission, our attributes have been severely suppressed, so that now everyone’s attributes are almost the same as their own at about 100 levels. . For those players with more than one thousand levels, there is no response at all if they add 10:20 life or magic power every time, but for a 100-level player, the ratio is unbelievable. Under this level, even the blood bull type player's health is just close to one thousand, and the average player's health is more than five hundred, even if it is quite a lot. Under this circumstance, it would be different if each attack could get 10:20 blood rebirth and demonic rebirth subsidy. When you know this level, whether it’s the monster or the player, the damage caused to the opponent is usually only thirty or fifty points. Ten points are made up at a time, which is equivalent to reducing the opponent’s attack power by one third! Such a powerful attribute bonus, it is definitely quite awesome. So, if in the normal mode outside, this kind of magic is simply and useless on us, but here, this kind of magic is already considered a super spell.

After getting the magic addition, every time we attack the enemy, we can get a certain amount of additional health and magic power, and our own physical strength can be restored with magic. On the premise of sufficient mana, our stamina will not be inadequate, and as long as the stamina is sufficient, we can continue to fight, plus the HP will be supplemented from time to time, so that our lives will also Don't worry anymore. As long as we control the rhythm of practical body magic and physical attacks, melee systems such as me and Zhenhong can basically achieve a balance of income and expenditure, which means that our health, physical strength, and magical attributes are in battle. It will hardly change. In this way, we can continue to fight like a perpetual motion machine, and although there are many enemies here, they are not infinite, so as long as we don't have any problems, we can kill all the enemies here without any problems.

Of course, gold coin and Christina's own reaction to this spell is a little worse, because they use magic power to fight, although this spell will also supplement magic power, but fight like this There will still be times when their magic power is not enough, but the situation will be much better than before. However, because Zhen Hong and I are nearby, Christina and Gold Coin can use our cover to avoid a break. Kristina returns to the demons very quickly, as long as she takes a break from time to time, she should be able to use it. As for gold coin, although she is not as fast as Christina, she is not a pure spell, so her magic power will not be consumed too quickly, and she can even be the same as me and true red when necessary. Perform full close combat.

Anyway, as soon as this magic was used, our situation immediately improved. Although there are still so many monsters around, although their battle strength has not been reduced, although our battle The strength hasn’t improved, but we don’t worry about being beaten by the gang at all.

"Kristina, how long can you manage this magic?" After discovering the benefits of this spell, the first thing I thought of was to ask how long this spell can last. After all, this spell is only so One use opportunity, in case one will disappear after a short while, the price/performance ratio is not as high as we imagined.

Fortunately, Christina is not an idiot. Of course, she will calculate the use time limit. So after I asked, Christina immediately replied: "Don't worry, this spell The time limit for the use of is set according to your combat situation, as long as you do not leave the battle, you will not disappear."

With this sentence, we are completely relieved. This place is full of enemies. Out of the fight? That kind of thing can happen unless all the enemies here are killed.

Since we have such spell protection, we of course have to let go of our hands and feet and kill more enemies to gain more experience. It's rare that there are so many highly experienced monsters in this place, and Christina also gave us a double insurance. In this case, if we don't seize the opportunity to score points, then we might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill it.

Although she said she wanted to let go of her hands and feet, it was Christina herself who actually let go. Gold coin is also okay. A little bit of convergence will only be her strongest. Several Flying Swords flew around to attack the surrounding enemies, but Zhen Hong and I were totally afraid to let go of our hands and feet, because we had to fight on our own, but also to protect Christy. Na and the task of gold coin. Although Christina finally broke out as the fort should be, she could not lift her head by crushing nearby enemies alone, and was still cleaning up the enemies in pieces, but Zhenhong and I still dare not. It’s too far away, because if something goes wrong with Christina, we must at least ensure that we can immediately rush back to support. Otherwise, once Christina’s central fort is destroyed, it’s me alone. It is obviously not enough to form a triangular formation with gold coin and true red. If there is no suppression of the attribute, with gold coin's ten thousand swords formation and the powerful output of me and Zhenhong, there is no problem with the formation of three people. The key is that everyone's attributes here are suppressed. Gold coin's Wanjian Great Array requires too much magic power, and she simply can't play it now. Without the suppression of large-scale mass killing skills like the Ten Thousand Swords Array, we and gold coin can be counted as three close battles at most. Is this a situation like this?

"haha, with such an attribute, it feels much easier to kill the enemy." Compared with so much I thought, Real Red doesn't have that much thought. This girl is so cool to be killed alone now. She originally had a high defense and high battle strength. The enemy would lose very little blood when hitting her. She was either dead or disabled if she gave her a shot. So she was actually rarely injured and the amount of blood lost on her body was minimal. However, in normal terms, you still need to pay attention to the enemy’s attack. After all, no matter how little blood is lost, it is also blood loss. To a very small extent, the player’s blood volume is not as long as the BOSS health bar. Sooner or later, it will be finished. . Therefore, Zhenhong is not as good as imagined, and it is not really unmovable. However, now that he is really red after getting the support of this skill, he is really starting to be bullish. Her attack frequency was originally very high, but now she is deliberately controlled, she no longer pursues the momentum is big, power is deep, but replaced with a light jab. The speed is very fast, and she can swing more in a short time. A combination of punches, and that skill is based on the number of hits to replenish blood, so in this way, the amount of replenishing blood obtained by Zhenhong is much faster than her own blood loss.

After discovering how her blood volume didn’t fall down, Real Red began to consciously let go of her hands and feet, and she didn’t dodge some attacks that didn’t seem to be very difficult to deal with at all, and rushed directly. Going up and swapping injuries with others, Zhen Hong found out that she could still guarantee that her blood volume would not drop under this mode. This discovery can be regarded as completely liberating Zhen Hong's violent factor. After that, Zhenhong's whole person became a battlefield meat grinder, constantly killing around us and killing her. She never hides from the enemy's attacks, and only seeks to give the enemy the most attacks as quickly as possible.

In fact, the judgment of Zhenhong is not entirely due to her personality. This is actually the most suitable battle method for her at present, because she can give full play to her offensive power in this way. The ultimate spirit of the True Martial suit, Profound Truth, is to go forward courageously, but in fact True Red is impossible to dodge enemy attacks at all in battle. The trouble with True Martial suit is that the more you dodge the enemy’s attacks, the more you do. The less battle strength will be exerted. Therefore, when Zhenhong really started to never dodge attacks, her attack power began to soar.

Compared to real red, the fighting situation on my side is obviously much milder. Of course, the main reason for this is that I didn’t completely let go of my hands and feet to fight. After all, the situation here is more complicated. The crazy red man is not a reliable person, and Christina and gold coin can’t. I don't care about it at all, so I have to take care of it a little bit by myself. Of course, Christina and gold coin are not weak in themselves. It's just that anything can happen in this kind of turmoil. I'm just taking precautions.

Facts have proved that my idea is not wrong, but the development of things is slightly off the track. My goal of taking precautions is fine, and the most awesome real red actually went wrong first.

I said before, when I was on the upper platform, I found out that the four infantry soldiers in the following enemies are just the main force, not all enemies. In fact, among these enemies There are still many high level units, and now we happen to run into one, and unfortunately, the first person to encounter this situation is really red. Of course, it is actually a good thing for Real Red to run into this situation first, at least better than letting Christina or gold coin run into it.

Originally, the rising real red who was killing in our outer circle area was hitting an enemy in front of him like the previous situation. Normally, this fist will go down regardless of whether the opponent is counterattack or block. , It was a death in the end, but Zhenhong miscalculated this time. She punched out, but the other party brought her wrist to one side with a gentle and clever stroke, and followed the guy directly into the red absolute dominance circle. However, this is only the beginning.

True Red was taken aback when he discovered that the opponent entered his dominance circle, and then immediately moved to the side to try to get a distance, but the opponent was obviously an expert, and actively moved in the opposite direction when True Red was moving. , Seems to have missed the direction of real red's movement, as if there is no threat. However, at the moment when the two were about to separate, the guy suddenly recoiled, coming up with an elbow hitting the real red ear door.

This way of attacking with an elbow is a bit similar to Muay Thai, but this guy’s attack speed is too fast. Real Red can’t keep up with his rhythm when he sees his movements, so he just comes in a hurry. And put a hand on the side of the door to hardly take his elbow. However, this guy's attack was very rapid. Before the final attack, he turned around. The body that was rotating counterclockwise suddenly rotated in the opposite direction. He stepped his left foot forward and caught the red inner left foot. To prevent her from continuing to retreat and dodge, he himself turned back to counterclockwise after a short clockwise rotation, turned sideways, and turned around one and a half steps behind the real red. The original right hand elbow was abandoned and changed. For the left elbow, with the help of the body's rotational inertia, he smashed the real red head from behind.

This action is actually quite dangerous in reality. It is normal to attack the back of someone’s head with a hard place like the elbow joint, and to cause disability and death, and as long as you really use great effort, at least Can cause a concussion. This is just the reality. The combatants in the game all have special abilities, even if they are not martial arts, they are also Battle Qi and the like. Anyway, it is not just physical strength. That guy was already very powerful after he turned around. If this posture hits the back of Real Red's head, he can definitely bring Real Red directly down on the spot.

However, the really red body refinement is awesome. When the opponent was about to hit the back of Zhenhong's head from behind, Zhenhong suddenly bent forward and kicked out from behind with one leg raised. From our side, we can see that Zhen Hong only supported her body with one leg and kicked and turned sideways on the spot. The action arrows were just like the dancers, which was exaggerated and unbelievable. However, Zhenhong actually completed this action, and because her response was beyond imagination, not only did she avoid the opponent's elbow because of her lowering head, but also because of her action that caused her to push her ass out backwards. It became a point of support, blocking the guy’s waist movement, and then her long leg swinging backwards went directly around a big loop in the middle of the guy’s face door, and the guy was leaning against the real red waist. The buttocks did not retreat angle, so after the face was recruited, he actually passed directly from the real red body. It felt like a person who was retreating suddenly hit a table and then fell over from the table.

In fact, the real red attack is not over yet. After a big loop, she not only threw the guy over, but her long legs that came around happened to step on the guy. Neck.

Zhenhong has never been a person who likes to reason with others, so after stepping on someone's neck, she immediately twisted it without the slightest hesitation. Hearing a click, the guy turned his eyes and hung up.

This was a clean and tidy move, and Zhenhong was immediately excited to find that he had actually received a special reward. It turns out that there are special rewards for killing this high level enemy, and the reward she just killed is the red agility attribute, which has been partially unblocked. Although her other attributes are still suppressed before, her agility attributes have been directly doubled. Although there is still no way to compare with her agile attributes in full physical state, at least it is a big improvement in the current situation. . In addition, in addition to doubling the number of agility, Zhenhong also received an additional full attribute plus three rewards. This reward, like the previous random reward attributes, is also a common attribute during and outside the mission, and its effectiveness during the mission is absolutely exaggerated.

Getting so many benefits at once is really red, of course, the happiness has blossomed. As a result, unfortunate things happened afterwards.

The super monster I want to talk about is actually not the martial artist-like enemy that Zhenhong just killed, but the latter one. Although the guy behind is a kind of existence with little technical content, but you sometimes have to admit that those super-level existences can still play ordinary players alive even if they have no skills. The so-called single force subduing ten will be such a reason.

The guy who appeared later just approached her when True Red was fighting the first high level creature, and because True Red’s attention was attracted before, he didn’t find this. Actually very conspicuous guy. This guy's height is more than two meters and three meters. Such a big head is obviously half tall when he is stuck in the crowd. If he is really red under normal circumstances, he must have discovered such a conspicuous existence. But unfortunately, really red happened to be fighting the high-level creature at the time. In that case, of course, we need to devote ourselves to it. How can I pay attention to the surrounding situation? When the kung fu masters in movies and TV always teach the discipline, they say that they have to watch and listen to all directions during the battle. In fact, it is simply a false theory. In the battle, you don't stare at your enemy, but glanced around to pay attention to whether there is a sneak attack. You can indeed prevent the sneak attack, but the result will definitely be directly killed by your current enemy. Therefore, unless you are as comfortable as an adult and a child in a battle, it is better to focus all your attention on your target. Distraction is a taboo, especially if you are weaker or stronger than the opponent. This is especially important when the difference is not obvious.

Because Zhen Hong’s attention was all on the enemy at the time, she didn’t even notice the big guy afterwards, and after the first high level creature was killed. I was excited to find a lot of rewards and EXP, and when I was happy, I forgot to pay attention to other dangers around me. Those ordinary enemies appeared a little jealous because a high-level existence was killed. All those who looked really red didn't dare to step forward, but later this high-level existence didn't care about that much. This guy directly slapped the companion who was in the way, and then went up and swung a stick to the real red face like a baseball. If it hadn't reacted in time to block in front of him with both hands at the last moment, then I suspect that the only real red head that would fly out in the end would be. However, with such a block, the person who flew out was really red.


I just watched that the red is gorgeous and killed a high level creature. We didn't even have time to say something before seeing the red that made people feel so red. The stick flew, and the contrast was a little too big.

Kristina was the first to react, raising her hand, and throwing it a red burst Fireball, but the thing unexpectedly slapped the Fireball to the side with a slap. Fortunately, Kris Tina had super control ability and detonated the explosive Fireball at the last moment. Although it had deviated a little bit laterally, the explosive force still shook the guy.

In fact, the thing that just hit the "home run" with a giant metal rod is not a human being. Although the height of two meters and three meters can be reached by humans, the creature in front of him is by no means a human being, because he is the same as all heavy combat creatures. Although he is actually very tall, it gives people the feeling that the whole person is long and horizontal. . The guy's body width is actually almost 1.5 meters, even though he is two meters and three meters tall, he still thinks this thing is short.

In addition to being relatively strong, the skin of this thing is not at the level that human skin can reach. In fact, the skin of this thing is brown and red, and the surface has a structure similar to that of a carapace. It looks like a rhino leather. In addition, apart from the difference in skin structure, the least human-like thing is the brain. Although it does not grow the canine teeth of a carnivore, the head of this thing is not in the shape of a human, and it looks a bit like a rhinoceros head. Had it not been for the long horns, I would have almost thought it was a rhino in Beastman Race.

Of course, although he is a monster, this thing belongs to the army, so he not only looks rough, flesh is thick, but he also has heavy plate armor. To be honest, in my opinion, this thing is not much different from a standing human tank. If the wolf fang club in his hand is replaced with a cannon, I think this thing is a heavy individual mecha.

Such a huge and heavy body, but the movements are not slow at all. Although the guy used the opportunity of the previous high level creature to fight with the real red to get close to the real red, but from the large group The personnel flashed out behind to launch an attack. This process is actually a long one. If it is the reaction speed of ordinary creatures, this action process can be really red. However, the actual situation is that True Red was directly knocked into the air, and the time for the opponent to complete this action was less than one-fifth of the normal value. This is his terrifying point.

Obviously it is a heavy tank, but in the end it ran out of the speed of a wheeled reconnaissance vehicle. This clearly shows that it is a bullying configuration!

Although we were all taken aback by the thing in front of us, the other party was obviously not good, so Christina was the first to use Fireball Technique to counterattack, but was knocked into the air by that guy. In the end, under the control of Christina, the guy was blown up, but he didn't seem to have suffered much damage, and he rushed directly.

Faced with this situation, of course I can’t hold back. Real Red was knocked into the air. Christina is a professional turret. Gold coin has too many restrictions in this mission. It can only play soy sauce. At this time, I am the only one who can act as a shield on the scene. Anyway, I am also a super overlord in the tank. Although the opponent is really red with a stick, I also not to be trifled with. At least the weakened attribute value I came in here is much higher than that of real red.

The monster strode up immediately after fending off Christina’s magic, and I was a place where I was blocking him and Christina, and then He rushed forward to meet that guy.

Seeing the moment when we two were about to collide, the guy's face was already showing a smile that could be regarded as a smile. He was obviously confident that he could knock me into the air. However, what made him feel puzzled was that I was also laughing, and then, just as we were about to collide together, the guy suddenly felt his feet slippery, and he lost his weight and jumped forward.

Just kidding, I am not a second fool. Obviously, this guy is tall and strong. The previous attacks proved that his power is also very exaggerated. Playing bumper cars with this thing, I'm not that two yet. Taking advantage of that guy's head sullen and rushing forward thinking that I would have a chance to collide with him, I directly summoned Ling and threw a greasy technique under the guy's feet. Although this kind of little magic doesn't seem to be of much use normally, But as long as you learn to connect in battle, these small skills can actually be very effective. It is said that there is a Demon Sword soldier in Europe who specializes in this route. He focuses on physical attacks and all the magic is learned in this kind of tricks. However, relying on the mutual cooperation and connection of these spells in the battle can be easily achieved. Players whose level is much higher than him are played to death.

However, I only heard a little about the legend of this player occasionally. It is said that the guy is not high-level, so he can't see his rank on the battle strength list yet. After all, there are so many people in the world, and the battle strength list shows the first two hundred people. It is not easy to squeeze in.

The monster fell in front of me with a somersault. I was prepared for a long time. Of course, I would not let go of such a good opportunity. Taking advantage of the chance of him falling to the ground, I jumped up and stepped on it. Hold his shoulders, hold the eternity that has become lance with both hands, let the spear point down, and poke down hard, and then the guy immediately let out a deafening scream.

"I rely on it!"

I thought that this would solve the battle, but I didn’t expect it to go down, but I found a very unfortunate situation, that is me Lance didn't actually pierce this guy's skin.

"ao..." The monster that was pierced immediately jumped up from the ground, then burst out in our surprised eyes, and then roared and grabbed one of my ankles. , And then suddenly used force to shake me up.

"I... day... ah..." The feeling of the whole person being pinched in the opponent's hand as a rope is very bad, but I have no way to control this now. Condition. The opponent's power was too scary. I simply couldn't get rid of the opponent's hand. As a result, I could only be slammed by the guy in a circle, feeling the blood rushing to the head in an instant, and there was a feeling that my head was about to explode.

Seeing that I was pushed back by that thing in an instant, both Christina and Ling were shocked, but fortunately, I’m not that absolutely does not have the ability to resist when I was in the air. The moment the guy shook me, I threw out a large group of summon creatures.

"Your mother, you actually used me as a rope. This time I see how you die!" What I summon is not a large summon, but my self-destruct candle bees. These self-destruct candle bees are very powerful creatures. Although they are for one-time use, the explosive power of a single self-destruct candle bee is enough to knock down a medium-sized monster, even if it’s the skin of the creature in front of me, I don’t know why. Even eternity couldn't do anything about it, but the explosion caused more than just penetrating injuries. On the contrary, the main lethality of the explosion comes from the shock damage, so since this guy is not afraid of puncture, he will definitely not be able to stop my self-destruct candle bee.

All the self-destruct candle bees crawled over the monster’s body as soon as they appeared, and then in the surprised eyes of Christina and the others, only a loud explosion sound was heard, and then Saw a dark figure flying out of the flames. After tumbling in the air for more than N laps, the black shadow smashed into a group of enemies with a burst of smoke, and then bounced on the ground and jumped up, returning with a sword to kill all the monsters around him, with blue smoke all over his body. I finally stood on the ground.

Seeing that I’m okay, Christina and the others were relieved a lot, but just after they felt a little relieved, there was another roar in the smoke ahead, and then we I saw that thing actually stood up from there.

"I rely on!...This is not dead!" Christina has no idea what to say, the point is that the current situation is more troublesome.

After a period of fighting, the situation now becomes very troublesome. Christina and Gold Coin are currently standing next to the monster less than ten meters away. At the speed of the thing, they can run over within one minute, but the distance on our side is even greater. Far. Because of the explosion just now, the thing loosened its fingers, and because of the spinning acceleration, I flew out the moment the guy let go, and the landing position was actually fifty meters away from them.

Usually 50 meters is not a big deal in this situation, but the problem is that now the opponent is only 10 meters away from Christina, and the only two tanks in our team, I and Zhenhong are not there. Around. This is equivalent to the mage being at the front, but the warrior at the back. This is exactly the rhythm of death!

Faced with this situation, the monster on the opposite side is obviously also very clear. Being able to wear armor shows that this thing is not very low-intelligence. It can also be seen when the sneak attack was really red before. Now this guy has once again played his intellectual advantage, and rushed forward at the last time, trying to kill the formidable power turret on our side first.

Kristina, who was suppressing the surrounding soldiers, saw that guy rushing up, of course, to transfer firepower, but the monster and Christina didn’t expect it. , Just before the thing rushed in front of Christina, gold coin actually got in front.

"Get out of the way, you can't stop that thing!" I yelled anxiously from here, but it was too late to dodge the gold coin.

After seeing the thing rushing up, gold coin stood there stupidly holding his sword. We all thought that something was wrong with her, but in the next second we won’t have so much to think about. Yes, because the monster actually grabbed the gol

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