At first, I was quite worried about this dangerous scoring behavior. After all, there are too many enemies in this place. Although our strength is not very good, our strength is also suppressed. Very difficult to deal with, it is impossible to completely suppress the enemies in front of us at present, so it is a risky behavior to deal with these hostile creatures at present, and it is very likely to be killed by these guys.

However, after actually fighting for a while, I discovered a new situation, and this new discovery made me completely relieved.

In fact, these hostile creatures in front of us can provide far more than the ones we discovered before. The reason why we didn't find them at first was just because we killed too few. After a period of fighting, we discovered that the creatures here seem to carry a lot of messy attributes at random. Among them, one of the more attributes is to increase one of our attributes. Among them, more power and intelligence are added, and other attributes may appear occasionally. Some, just not too often. In addition, the creatures here will continue to provide super high EXP, and almost every enemy's EXP is above the average EXP of two thousand level monsters outside.

Be aware that the two thousand-level monsters are actually very awesome monsters outside, so real first-line players like Christina and I can use this monster as a leveling object. Use, if the average player encounters a monster of this level, the best situation in the case of placing an order is to retreat. Normally, it is mostly killed directly, and if the player squad encounters a monster of this level, the battle is usually Can win, but the player squad generally will not deal with monsters of this level. After all, although the player squad can kill monsters of this level, the relative investment is too large. In order to lose a lot of life and magic power to such a monster, and then take medicine to replenish it, it is better to deal with the mobs directly. Not only is it safer, but the EXP ratio per unit time is actually higher. The most important thing is that dealing with low-level monsters consumes less health and mana. In other words, the money to buy medicine can be much less, and the economic benefit is obviously higher than that of high-level monsters.

Because of this, two thousand-level monsters are very good monsters outside. Although they are not BOSS, at least half of the players will not touch them easily. However, each of these hostile creatures around us only has the strength of six or seven Level 10 monsters, but their EXP has reached five-six hundred times the average level of two thousand monsters. If it wasn't for our own strength to be suppressed to a level of only a hundred or so, this place is simply a point of heaven. Of course, even now, this place is definitely a good place to score points. Of course, it would be better if the terrain is not so open.

This place is wide open, there are many enemies around, and all of them are active attack types. There is no way to attract waves at your own pace like you usually fight BOSS, because we enter this place. From the beginning, all the monsters here have already focused on us. If it weren't for they were very orderly and wouldn't push their companions, we would definitely have been crushed.

In addition to the EXP of these monsters and the addition of some attribute values ​​as mentioned earlier, there are actually some monsters here that are not high in appearance, but there are really a small amount of rewards. Among them, Christina and I each played a 3 minutes experience double reward.

In normal game mode, the experience of 3 minutes is not very useful at all, unless this 3 minutes allows you to control when it takes effect, and then use these 3 at the moment of the final death of the big boss minutes to get double experience. However, what we got here is that there is no control ability to double the experience. That is to say, after killing the enemy with this attribute, we immediately start to double the experience, and after 3 minutes, the attribute will immediately be doubled. Will disappear.

Originally, this kind of attribute is really useless outside, but here we found that this 3 minutes experience doubled is really awesome. First of all, the monsters here have a lot of EXP. Normally two thousand-level monsters have five-six hundred times the experience, and this double is more than one thousand times the experience. What is this concept? More than a thousand times the experience. I usually play for a few days, but now I only need one or two monsters to make up for it. To know that the EXP of a monster is a thousand times that of another monster, it does not mean that you can gain experience a thousand times faster. In fact, the actual value should be more than a thousand times. Because although calculated according to the data, a thousand ordinary monsters are the same as such a super experience monster EXP, but those monsters impossible line up one by one to fight you in order, right? If there are many monsters, then the monsters cooperate with each other in the battle, and your speed at killing the enemy will decrease. And if there are not many monsters, it is even worse. You kill a monster and cover the mountains and plains to find where the next monster is. So, the time to kill a thousand ordinary monsters outside is definitely not equal to a thousand times the time to kill a monster, but it will definitely be longer. Of course, this situation I am talking about refers to killing monsters of the same level as yours. If you abuse Level 20 mobs, then it is completely possible to kill one thousand and it takes the same time as killing one. After all, yes. For some high-level players' favorite big moves, whether there is one monster or a thousand monsters standing in front, it is actually one move.

According to this situation, after gaining 3 minutes double EXP, the experience reward actually obtained is at least a thousand two-three hundred times faster than training outside, maybe It's more than that. Moreover, there is another advantage here, that is, there are so many monsters here, so we don't need to cover the mountains and plains to find the blame. Although a large number of monsters squeezed together also affected our speed of killing enemies, after all, it was much faster than killing one for a long time. In this way, the speed at which we actually get EXP is much faster than imagined.

According to this calculation, 3 minutes is actually a long time, after all, we are not wooden people. As a big living person, we are of course subjectively active. Therefore, whenever we find that we have obtained this double reward, we will start to explode, and concentrate all the accumulated use of skills on the body. This way Within 3 minutes, our number of kills can only be said to be a straight rise, and the growth rate of EXP makes us all eyelids. It can be said that since I played the Novice Village, apart from the system settlement guild leader's experience rake after the guild battle, I have never added experience like this.

In addition, in addition to these double experience rewards, the creatures here also carry a lot of strange rewards. For example, before True Red hit a state of absolute invincibility for fifteen seconds, then gold coin also hit a death halo. After killing a target, all enemies within a radius of five meters all died in an instant. Gold coin was shocked. Then, Kristina luckily played a super mode to unblock the scroll. According to the recorded content, after the use of this scroll, any of us can return to a state that has not been suppressed by the BUFF mission. However, the effective time of this scroll is only three seconds.

Originally, if we could return to a normal state, even if it was only eight seconds, the significance of this scroll would be extremely huge, because if there were eight seconds, it meant that a super big move could be completed. And no matter who the ultimate kill of the four of us is, we can instantly kill more than half of the enemies here. However, now the scroll time is only three seconds, this time is not enough to use large skills, the strongest skills we can think of seems to be only Christina's medium skills.

"Then what? Kristina, this is for you to use. Try to attack as far as possible and give us a way out." I handed it over after watching Kristina. After the scroll was handed back.

Kristina hesitated after seeing me hand it back again. It’s not that she wanted to resign. After all, it was handed to me just out of trust in my judgment, hoping to play This thing has the greatest value, but since I gave it back to her, it means that she used it best. In this case, Christina would certainly not refuse. It's just that she has to carefully consider what skills to use, otherwise this precious three seconds will be wasted.

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