Following my order, Christina and the others immediately jumped off the platform with me. If we go down this time, we will be completely hopeless if we can't get to the other side. So this time it's a last resort.

Because Christina and I have wings, the direction of whereabouts is controlled by the two of us. Fortunately, we only need to bring one person, so even if there is a forbidden area, we Still accurately pressed against the wall and descended.

Before Christina gets the first skill, we must ensure that there are not too many enemies around, so it is obviously the most reasonable way to back against the wall. Before we were about to land, I directly held Eternal and waved downwards, a red sword glow immediately smashed into the crowd below, and instantly divided a few enemies who were waiting to kill us.

True Red was surprised when he saw that I could use my skills and asked: "Boss, why are you so skilled?"

"Nonsense, I just went down and killed a few enemies. Is this one skill left. But just now I killed six more enemies and removed the one that was used, making a net profit of five skills."

"It seems that the number of skills used is still quite high. Is it a good profit?"

"It should be considered as such." As I said, I already landed on the ground with everyone, because the skill just now destroyed the enemies in our drop zone, so we landed We were not attacked at the time, but nearby enemies were not far away, so as soon as we landed here, we immediately ushered in a fierce attack from the surrounding area.

This time, the location of the fall is rather unlucky. Just as I stood firm, I heard the heavy footsteps of dong dong dong in front of me, and then I saw an overweight infantry who was obviously two heads higher than the person in front of me. Slapped away a light infantry in front of him, and then rushed up in big strides.

When I saw this guy rushing up, I was planning to go up and block it. Didn’t expect really red, but he dragged me to her side and changed my position, and then said excitedly : "Let me do this."

Although it is quite passive to be pulled over like this, this kind of super-heavy infantry is indeed more suitable for dealing with red, so I didn’t say anything, just let it go. After reaching the position, he waved forever to block the two light infantry from the other side. The speed of these light infantry is very fast, because there are no shields and metal armor, so the flexibility of these guys is hardly restricted in any way. When the two guys rushed in front of me, they actually played a little cooperation. The one in front of me went forward and forced me to avoid, and then the other guy took the opportunity to sneak attack from the side and wanted to bring me down, but these two infantrymen were too underestimated. My strength is gone. Looking at the guy who rushed in front of me, I didn't make a large-scale dodge at all, but turned my head slightly and let his sword slid over the edge of my helmet.

Although I don't use it very often, I can only play micro exercises when my physical fitness can't keep up with the nerve reflexes. For example, the grazing mode just now is the highest realm of micro-manipulation. Faced with an enemy’s attack, I don’t need to do a large-scale dodge. I just need to confirm that I avoid the opponent’s attack route, and this minimal dodge The action is the so-called grazing, which means grazing the enemy's bullets without being hit.

Of course, this kind of technique is difficult to achieve in reality. Most of it is luck. Only my kind of creature whose thinking reaction speed exceeds the normal level of humans can do this kind of thing. However, even with my nerve reflex speed, this kind of action is still quite dangerous, because you need to judge the enemy's attack range. Don’t think that you’re absolutely safe from being stabbed by the opponent with a sword. Many weapons in "Zero" have magic attributes, and the user has certain attributes. Anyway, it’s the attack of those weapons. The range is often larger than its physical volume, and this extra part can be called a sword gang. If this kind of sword gang is threw away, it is a so-called sword glow attack. Because of the existence of this attribute in the game, we actually have no way to accurately judge the enemy's weapon attack range, and can only guess based on energy sensing and our own experience. If in normal combat, the problem of guessing wrong is not big, after all, the range of Jian Gang is generally not large, but it is very dangerous in this grazing mode. A sword gang that can't dodge the opponent's weapon but hasn't dodged the weapon would be troublesome.

Although this kind of grazing behavior is very dangerous, it can almost be said to be dancing on the tip of a knife, but against these enemies, I can still control my grazing risk more accurately, so the previous guy’s attack It just fell through. Not only did I not have a large-scale dodge, but because I just staggered the attack range of the blade, I rushed in front of him. Without waiting for him to react, I directly knocked the guy out with an iron mountain, followed by a Divine Dragon Swings Its Tail, and kicked around to the side to prepare for a sneak attack. My guy got in. The center of our protective circle.

Gold coin and Christina are waiting here for an opportunity. Of course, seeing an enemy kicked in by me will not miss such a good opportunity. Gold coin went up and pierced the guy's shoulder blade with a sword, and then pressed it backhand in front of Christina. Kristina also moved quickly, and directly took out the less commonly used magic sword and pierced the back of this guy's head. Although the magic sword is not actually used for fighting, this thing is sharp after all, so the attack power is not bad. The most important thing is that this is a light infantry, with only leather armor on his body, and no protection on his head, so this one was successfully terminated.

"haha, I can use magic." Christina yelled in excitement immediately after killing the enemy, and then she suddenly stepped forward with the magic sword in her hand. With one finger, a white frost corridor appeared instantly in the direction Christina was pointing at sword edge. In this one-meter-wide, fifty-meter-long frost area, countless icy thorns grew out of the ground in an instant. At least dozens of enemies were hit by the ice thorns because they were unable to dodge, although they were not hits. All of them died, but this move killed at least seven or eight enemies, and the rest suffered some injuries.

A skill has been exchanged for more chances to cast spells, Christina did not immediately start the hurricane skills, but directly rushed out with her magic sword, and then when she was about to come into contact with the enemy in front She suddenly pointed the magic sword towards the sky, and then we saw that all of the rune on her magic sword suddenly lit up, immediately following the tip of the sword, a circle of blue and white light burst out. , The dazzling aperture is like a shock wave sweeping through a 50-meter radius around us, and then disappeared, a total of at least twenty auras flashed out before and after, and after the end of the magic, on the battlefield Those enemies hurriedly touched on themselves, only to find that there was no damage. However, when they were proud to continue their attack, they were surprised to find that they seemed to be frozen. Although there was no cold feeling in their bodies, their movements were slowed down by one third, which can be done in three seconds. Now it has become four seconds. This extra speed delay makes these guys' movements very uncoordinated, and the slow speed means that any of their attacks are very easy to dodge.

It can be said that Christina is indeed a combat genius. At this time, she did not rush to use her attack skills to gain experience and skill usage. Instead, she first used a non-lethal field control magic. Created a Safety Sector for us. As long as the enemy is within this range, the enemy will slow down, and in this case we can easily kill the enemy and accumulate the number of kills temporarily, so that not only can we get a lot of EXP, but most importantly, we can also get a lot. The number of skills used, so that we can rush for a certain distance after we get out of this range, and once our use of skills can't keep up, we can stop and do this again. So, Christina solved our biggest problem very simply.

Faced with these slow enemies in front of us, Zhen Hong and I were like no one else. Originally, our attributes were higher than these guys. Now these guys suddenly slow down, and our battle strength can naturally be brought into full play. Taking advantage of those guys' slow response, we directly use the simplest way to attack their vital positions. This is difficult to do in the normal mode. After all, everyone instinctively protects their vital positions, but now because these guys are slowing down, they can't keep up even if they want to protect.

Actually, compared to us, the coolest thing is gold coin. She managed to catch an enemy with my cooperation and gave it to Christina. This will be a worry and there is no way to start. , As a result, Christina solved the problem with one skill. Gold coin can be regarded as a half-melee system. After the enemy slows down, she can easily kill these guys. After the skill is restored, gold coin immediately becomes fierce. Although her ten thousand swords like a lawn mower can't be activated temporarily, even a small skill is enough to abuse these miscellaneous soldiers. Moreover, the EXP of these miscellaneous soldiers is really scary. The gold coin killed it is a joy. I usually worked hard for two days, and now I only need one sword to get it done. Everyone has to laugh at such a profit.

Our side is killing the rise, but Zhenhong suddenly came over and shouted at me: "Boss, I found a new situation."

"Huh? What's the situation?" "

"The enemy in this place not only adds experience, it seems that they also add attributes. I just killed an overweight infantry, and the result is that I got two points of strength, and it is permanently increased. I waited for the task attribute to be restored. It will still take effect afterwards."

"Fuck me, is this okay?"

Actually, those two power attributes are actually complete for True Red's perfect body mode. It's dispensable. After all, her power is already great, so she can't see the more, the two, the less, the two. However, the addition of these two strengths now has great significance. We must know that we are still in the BUFF mission, our attributes have been greatly weakened, so our current actual attribute points are actually not too high. However, these two points of power are not reduced and converted, and two points are directly added to the current power attribute of True Red. Although the system hint is very clear, these two points will not become many points due to weakening the attribute restoration after we go out, but they will always exist, and, in the current situation that the attribute point is generally not high, these two points The point is of great significance. With the current true red power attribute, these two points of power are actually equivalent to a little more than five thousandths of her power value, and this ratio is actually very large.

You must know that this kind of attribute will definitely not be an exception. Although the hostile creatures here will certainly not have attribute rewards, they will definitely not be the only one. So, if we can continue With the attribute bonus, wouldn’t the subsequent battles become easier?

I was thinking about a bright future here. I didn’t expect to hear Christina call out: "President, go on."

Suddenly heard When Christina said, I instinctively held out hands to receive, and then I found that there was something like a red glass marble in my hand. Although this thing is opaque, its appearance is very smooth and highly reflective, it looks like it is made of crystal.

After receiving this thing, I glanced at Kristina suspiciously, but the other party just said: "The monster just broke out, I am reminding you to be identified here!"

< p>Since identification is needed, it’s simple. Anyway, I have the Appraisal Technique skill. Although the skill is precious in this place, I really want to know what it is. Besides, I can fight melee, so the skill is for me. Not very important.

Fortunately, the identification of this thing is not difficult, and it succeeded once. The identified bead suddenly changed from a glass marble to the size of a tennis ball. Although it looked like a crystal, the inside became transparent, and there was a golden Chinese character in the center of the red bead— -soul.

"Damn, what is this?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise when he saw the suddenly enlarged beads in my hand.

Of course I can’t answer, because I haven’t read the attributes yet. After opening the attribute, I immediately understood the usefulness of this thing, but immediately followed me in a cold sweat.

True Red and Christina immediately asked when I saw my reaction abnormally: "What's the matter? That thing is dangerous?"

I was resisting nearby enemies. He said: "No, I'm scared! I'm scared!"

"Fearing? What are you afraid of?" Gold coin asked back and then fought with the enemy in front.

"Remember the zombie rewards we got at the tomb in front?"

"Of course." Zhenhong said: "How long has it been?" We are not so forgetful."

I continued: "That is not actually a reward. Those zombie simply are not rewards for us, they are actually mission goals."

"What did you say Aiya!" Zhenhong was so surprised that he was stunned, but was hit by the enemy in front of him. Fortunately, the enemies were in a slowing down state. Zhen Hong reacted and quickly let go of the enemy.

"Remember that when we entered the BUFF mission, the girl who was like a corpse asked us something?"

"It seems to rescue them or something." Zhenhong said.

I followed: "Later we judged that because their souls were brought here by the soul trap, they were trapped and died here. Our task is to destroy the soul extractor. , And then the task will be completed. However, we are only half right. They are indeed attracted here by the soul extractor, but their souls are actually already not in the extractor, but are loaded The body of the zombie we encountered before."

Kristina cry out in surprise: "No wonder those zombies can be magic! It turns out that they have souls in them!"

< p>I nodded and said: "Yes. But the key is not this. We got those zombies before it was a pit. If we sacrificed those zombies as cannon fodder, then our mission would have already failed. But because I have many summon creatures, those zombies have been useless all the time. I put them in the gate of the earth and installed them. Thanks to my useless zombies at the time, the beads we hit are actually rescues. For those soul props, just use this bead to smash the zombie’s forehead lightly, and the opponent’s soul will enter the bead, and then the bead should fly away by itself, sending the soul sucked into it. Where to go. And we only need to save a hundred zombie souls even if the mission is completed, the extra branch will have extra rewards, and the more the number, the more rewards."

"I Damn, I remember that the zombie we were carrying has already died a lot, right?" Really red suddenly asked.

In fact, none of the zombies died before, but because I later found out that these things were not very useful and I put away a part of them, so they didn’t die all, but to be honest, there are still alive. I am already very pleased. If this is replaced by another person, most of it will be pitted alive, and it will be pitted to death by himself. After all, the creatures found in the mission that can help fight, of course will be brought together to fight, who will put them away like us?

This time is really thrilling anyway, otherwise I won't be scared into a cold sweat. And Christina and Zhenhong also reacted at this time and asked me how many zombies were left, after all, they didn't pay attention to this before.

"Don't worry, there are more than two hundred, which is enough."

In fact, most of the dead are the male zombies who can’t magically, and the female zombies have been preserved. , After all, these magic zombies have research value, so I have kept more as a specimen, and it is normal to say that the teacher type is not in the front line, so it is normal that there are fewer deaths.

More than two hundred, as long as one hundred can complete the task, the rest are extra rewards. We left more than double the number, and this reward should be very generous. And... the enemies in this room are actually rewards.

Before we didn’t quite understand why we had to make a pile of monster rooms here. Now I understand it. This is a reward extractor that combines benefits and tasks with double rewards!

"Everyone, let go and kill." Zhen Hong yelled excitedly after reacting.

I quickly grabbed her and said: "Don’t be impulsive, rewards belong to rewards. We still have to be restrained. There are too many monsters in this place. If we fail, the system will give any punishment. So it’s better to be careful. Pay attention to protect yourself while scoring more points."

"Understand, save your life first, scoring second." Zhen Hong said, rushed out again, and I also Can only helplessly follow behind and kill into the enemy. After all, this is all EXP!

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