"You don’t need to do anything, just help me understand the situation here. Isn’t this difficult for you?"

Nodded female ghost, Then he said: "Just ask what you want to know. But you have to give me half of the benefits you mentioned, and you have to write down the blood oath, and then you can't trouble me anymore."

"The deal. "As I said, I started to ask how to write that blood oath, and then I quickly completed a writing book under the guidance of the female ghost. Poor my finger was pierced several times in order to write this, but I finally let this The female ghost is willing to cooperate with my work. Of course, I also got an extra bonus, that is the blood oath contract.

The blood oath contract is something similar to the system contract. It is actually an oath written in blood, but has specific formats and requirements, and creatures without blood can also use their own energy Writing, the effect is the same. The completed blood oath contract will have third-party binding force, that is, no matter which of the two parties breaches the contract, it can be bound or punished by the contract.

Compared with the system contract, the blood oath has obvious advantages. You don't need to pay for this stuff, just write it directly. The second is that the content of this thing is relatively random, and some content that the system is not responsible for guarantees can be written on it. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The biggest flaw of the blood oath is that the punishment is not as exaggerated as the system contract. Although most people use the system contract, they will not set particularly scary punishment content, but as long as you want, the system contract can actually be deleted directly. Or permanently seal the level of a certain account at Level 1 as a super punishment, and the blood oath cannot produce such a strong constraint, even if you write it on, it will not take effect. The punishment for the blood oath can only be a certain range of adjustments to the data on the player's attribute panel, and it can also have a certain impact on things like luck.

For example, you can write in the punishment of the blood oath that someone often loses money in the future, so as long as the other party signs the blood oath and violates it, the money in his body will be from time to time. A part of it disappears randomly, and there is no way to prevent it. In addition, you can also set the punishment content to how much someone’s attribute drops, or permanently bring some kind of negative BUFF that cannot be expelled. This is all possible. Of course, the settings of these attributes should not be too exaggerated. After all, the blood oath is a low-level contract that can only be used to make simple constraints on certain small things.

In addition, the blood oath has a flaw, that is, its restraints are only for individuals. In other words, if it is a collective action, this blood oath is actually simply not binding. For example, if I write a blood oath to guarantee that the Frost Rose Alliance will never attack Japanese players in the future, but in fact, this agreement can restrict me alone, because I am a member of the Frost Rose Alliance, and the blood oath is written by me. Yes, so the only requirement of this blood oath is that I can't attack Japanese players, and other people in the guild have no problem attacking, because the agreement is not signed by them, and I can't represent them even as the president. To make the content of this agreement not just in name only, but also in reality, all the people in the guild must sign their names. The system guarantee agreement does not matter at this point. As long as I am the president, theoretically I can sign an agreement representing the entire guild. Of course, if the punishment content is set more historically, the system will still provide all involved If a person sends an inquiry, the agreement will only take effect if the other party confirms the content of the agreement.

Anyway, getting a good form of contract is a bonus.

"Okay, the contract is finished, now you have anything you want to know, just ask." After the female ghost swallowed the blood contract as a whole, she began to give me the content of the contract previously agreed. Become a guide.

Actually, I was only planning to inquire about something, but now that the contract has been produced and so many benefits have been given, the natural services will be in place, so I will simply ask questions. Become a guide. The female ghost does not need to participate in the battle, but she must always follow me, provide information support to me at any time, and be responsible for guiding me to where I want to go.

"Since you are already my guide, please give a brief introduction here."

"Introduction?" The female ghost is obviously a little confused. "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"Of course it is information about what is here and what features are there. By the way, you don't know that this is not the main world, right?"< /p>

"Of course this is not the main world, because this is Spirit World."

I heard the word "Spirit World?" for the first time, so I was very curious.

Female ghost introduced: "The so-called Spirit World is actually an Independent Space established by wraith. The creators of this place are three very powerful ghosts. They created this place and set the rules here."

"Similar to the God of Creation?"

"Almost, but not so exaggerated."

"Number, I know the origin of this place now. Now, let’s talk about the situation here."

"I actually simply don't have much information to tell you about the situation in this world." The female ghost said very directly.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to say, I really don't know how to say it!" The female ghost hesitated for a while before opening the mouth and said again: "Spirit World is different from the general world. The world structure here is very chaotic. The space point is not continuous, and the time is not continuous. You may suddenly fall to another point in time when you are walking, or you may change suddenly. A position, and this point in time and space point are independent. There are overlapping parts between each other, but there is not much connection."

"You mean this world is actually caused by one by one’s independent small planes?"

"I don’t know what the plane you are talking about is, but I can feel it is almost that kind of thing. You can imagine this world as There are a lot of independent rooms, and they don’t have any fixed connection with each other, but will constantly change the way of connection. You may encounter a spatial opening at any time."

Although I still can’t fully understand the female ghost now Speaking, but I know at least one thing, that is, it is probably unlikely that I will find Christina and Gold Coin anymore. According to this female ghost, time and space in this world are not continuous, and the connection is not fixed. In this case, it is possible that when you pass through a door and turn around and walk out, you will already be in another place. . If you follow someone else at this time, you may be divided into two different worlds or two different times. Anyway, you are separated.

Speaking of which seems to be very complicated, but it is actually very easy to understand if you change the way of thinking. This Spirit World is actually a large multi-task copy. This copy allows multiple players to receive tasks at any time or at different times. It looks like you are entering a task, but in fact, each is doing its own task. , Although the map and mission process you walk on are the same, you won’t meet each other. Of course, the above is a dungeon task, and this Spirit World has one more situation than a dungeon task, that is, if two people meet certain conditions in the task, you may meet again and directly combine the two Tasks are merged into one task, of course, even if they meet, it does not mean that they will always be together, as long as certain conditions are met, they may be separated again.

Now Christina and I are clearly separated in different mission spaces. The Yellow Stone Village in front of me is still the Yellow Stone Village, which means that the place has not changed at all, and what really changed should be time. However, one thing is strange to me.

The Yellow Stone Village in front of me is very complete, it looks almost new, and the houses in it are not damaged in the slightest. The first two Yellow Stone Villages I met before were all quite dilapidated. It can be said that there are ruined walls everywhere, completely in ruins. If you analyze it in terms of time, the ruins should definitely be a later point in time, because you have to have a house before you can see the ruins of this house. Impossible will directly emerge as a ruin. However, if inferred according to the time point, some of them don't make sense. If the intact Yellow Stone Village where I am now is an earlier point in time, then why would a village completely occupied by Ominous Ghost Evil Spirit develop into an inhabited village? Normally, shouldn't it be inhabited first, then deserted, and then ghosts or monsters appear? How do you feel completely upside down here?

I can’t understand this strange phenomenon, so I can only ignore it for now. However, the top priority now is to find a way to return to the Yellow Stone Village occupied by the monster, and then destroy the soul collector, because that thing is our real mission goal.

"You tell me now, what ghosts are in this Yellow Stone Village." Since the general direction is a bit vague, please figure out what dangerous things are here, so that at least safety is guaranteed. .

The female ghost was about to answer my question after hearing what I said, but suddenly heard a scream from outside. I looked outside suspiciously, and then walked out directly.

The location where the female ghost and I were just now is the largest house near the well in the center of Yellow Stone Village, which is the village chief’s home. This house can be said to be the most central point in the village, so as soon as I came out, I saw the situation on the small square all around the well.

The square at this time is very scary. When I entered the house, it was bare and there was no silhouette, but now, the square can only be described as corpses everywhere across the field. NS. There were at least two hundred people lying on the small square, and none of them looked dead and normal. Those people seemed to have fallen into the meat grinder, all of which appeared strange in a certain part of the body. Twisted to death, it feels as if someone grabbed their limbs and twisted them hard as if they were towels.

Of course, the twisted towel is certainly not terrifying, because the only thing that can be squeezed out of the towel is water, but there are too many things in the human body, so you can imagine when a person is twisted into What happens to the towel like that.

At this time, almost all of the more than 200 dead people in the square looked like this, blood, internal organs, food residues and feces in the intestines were almost everywhere on the ground, and there was no place to get their feet in the entire square. .

Of course, dead people don’t cry. The sound just now came from not dead people on the ground, but a large group of people standing near the mouth of the well. There are about 30 people in this group, including males and females. The occupational mix is ​​a little messy. They are mainly close combat teams, and there are not many remote personnel. The previous calls were made by a few beautiful MMs wearing priestly robes in the center of the team. Of course, they are still blasting the high notes continuously, and they have no intention of stopping at all.

On the opposite side of these guys, there are a few things floating there. The exact number can’t be determined, because except for one of them that obviously looks like a leader, the rest are A black mist. These black mists are very dense, floating in the air about the size of a refrigerator. The overall shape is a short and thick oval structure. Although it is only one meter and six long, as long as it is slightly bent, it is absolutely necessary to hide someone in it. no problem.

There are two very obvious red dots in these black fogs. At first glance, you can guess that they should be eyes. In addition to the two red dots, there are two red dots on the left and right sides of the fog. On the side near the upper end, you can see two arms made of particularly thick black mist, and at the tips of these two arms, you can also see five fingers made of sharp blades. This guy's paws look almost like the perverted Human Demon in the horror movie, let alone being caught, the skin hurts all over the body just by looking at it.

Such terrifying creatures, normal people will definitely be afraid, but what’s more terrible is that these things are not stable. They have been moving back and forth in the air, and they suddenly disappeared when they were flying. The unfathomable mystery flew out suddenly from somewhere else. It is also because these guys are invisible from time to time for a period of time, so I simply can't count the number of these guys, but at least I can be sure that it is more than five, because I can see five things floating at the same time.

In addition to these flickering things, there is another thing in midair in front of the other group of people. This is a humanoid creature, and the larger probability should be some kind of Soul Body, because this guy's body is basically translucent, and you can directly see what is behind him from his body.

These things in the sky seem to be very powerful, otherwise the female players below will not be scared to collapse. But for those monsters, what is even more strange to me now is where those players come from. Isn't the BUFF mission that only people from the Overlord's Guild can enter? But these are obviously Japanese players! Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou have yet to completely separate the winners and losers. Where is the dominant guild in Japan?

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