No matter how these Japanese people got in, at least I know one thing now, that is, I can’t let those monsters kill all these Japanese players, or who I will call? Go ask the situation?

After trying to understand, I quickly jumped out from where I was standing, and then spread my wings in the air and slammed it down two times at a high distance and directly rushed into one of the outermost black mists. One rushed up.

Those black fog detection capabilities may not be very good. They didn’t respond at all when I first appeared. They weren’t discovered until I flew up. It can be seen that these guys are very vigilant and detection abilities. Oops, if Christina was here, they probably wouldn't know how they died until they died. After all, this little distance is just the most huge might range in terms of Kristina's attack method, it's a direct aim shooting!

The movement speed of those black creatures obviously started to increase after they found me, and two of them flashed directly in front of me. It is now certain that some of these guys are not invisibility, but some kind of ability like space spanning. Anyway, they can jump and shuttle in a large range, so they appear and disappear unpredictably.

Of course, the mobility of these guys is useless, because they are actually melee creatures. They must be close to within two meters before they can attack the enemy. This distance is for me. In fact, it is already an absolute air defense circle. In this range, you must ensure that you attack me and you don’t want to be hit by me. It is basically the same as the probability of winning the first prize in a lottery. If you come once in a while, even if you do dogshit luck, If you want to fail every time, unless you cheat.

The two monsters that flashed to my side immediately launched a surprise attack on me, but before they could take action, I gave them a sword one step at a time, and then the two monsters were burned directly in front of me. Two large Fireballs were burned before they fell to the ground.

The remaining three monsters and the leading creature on the other side originally had two companions to deal with me and didn’t pay attention to my situation anymore, but the fire that suddenly appeared was immediately Attracted their attention. The guy who took the lead yelled directly at me, but strangely no sound came out, and the remaining three monsters on the other side immediately gave up their deterrence against the Japanese players below moved towards me and rushed over.


"The unclean thing, accept the trial." Lingling, who was just out of summon, came up with two beautiful swords that ignited two of the monsters in the air. And I also lighted the remaining one into a torch. The leader knew that he was not an opponent when he saw the situation. He turned around and planned to run, but unfortunately our speed was too fast. As soon as he turned around, I pounced from behind. That guy immediately began to vanish, hoping to dodge my attack through the characteristics of vanity, but what made him didn't expect is that I actually pinched his neck from behind and forcibly pulled it out of the vanity form.

"You idiot still wants to become nihilistic in front of me, don't you know what Hell is doing?" I directly pinched the guy’s neck and dived into the ground, and then used that guy as the landing gear. I rubbed the ground for more than ten meters before stopping, and at this time the guy had been killed by me and was only half-life left.

I smoothed out the monsters like lightning, but the Japanese players on the other side had their mouths open, as if their jaw joints were dislocated, and I didn’t know how to fix them. The mouth was closed. It’s not that they don’t know the strength of your creatures. Before, these creatures just paid the price of existence and reduced their more than 250 people to just 30. Don’t think about this terrifying lethality. I also know. However, this kind of creature that could almost crush them turned into a soft-footed shrimp in front of me, and it was all killed in three or two strokes like a fly. This contrast really made them unacceptable.

I didn’t care about the Japanese players over there, so I turned around and moved towards the mansion and shouted: "Come and see what this is."

The one I held. The guy is already a bit dying at this time, his entire front is almost flattened, and his facial features are almost falling off. If there is no obvious change in the shape of the limbs, it is almost impossible to see the original human form.

Although generally speaking Spirit Physique can also be hurt, they are more like a collection of semi-fluid components. If a certain part is hurt, it will only be a part of another place after a period of time. It will shunt some to fill the wounds, so Spirit Physique rarely has concentrated damage in a certain area. Their injuries are generally of a whole body nature. After all, our attack on Spirit Physique is essentially consuming their soul energy.

Because the soul composed of energy bodies is unlikely to be made like this, this guy in my hand looks strange. But now I have a guide, so I can just ask if I don't understand, I don't have to guess by myself.

Hearing my call, the female ghost immediately floated over from the mansion over there. I lifted the guy in my hand to show her, and then asked, "Is this the wronged soul? Why is it so strange?"

"No." The female ghost replied very simply: " This is the Spirit of Fear, a creature born from human fear, not a real ghost. Their faces are all stolen from other Spirit Physiques that have been swallowed, so once they are attacked, they will disappear. "

"Is this something powerful?"

The female ghost was nodded first, and then shook the head as if remembering something: "It is very powerful for us, but for you... …I think you are just a monster!"

"Perhaps, but what I want to tell you is that I am actually limited to most of my power now. If I leave this damn ghost Wherever I am, I will let you know what truly monster-like destructive power is."

"You are scary now."

I laughed and didn’t say anything, but Threw the guy in her hand directly to the female ghost and said: "Tip for you."

The female ghost glanced at the fearful spirit on the ground with a slight surprise, and then directly without the slightest hesitation. He jumped up and picked up the guy and gnawed.

In fact, many people don’t know that Spirit Physique can directly swallow and fuse each other, but this process seems a bit scary, because the way they swallow it is to eat directly with their mouths, and the food is very ugly. .

Ignore the female ghost who is devouring soul energy behind, I walked directly to the group of Japanese players over there. The other party had already reacted from the shock at this time, and then they recognized my identity, and then everyone put on a guard posture, anyway, in their opinion, I am not much better than monster.

"What are you doing with such a big reaction? You don't know that you can't beat me." I didn't even take out the weapon, so I walked up to the group of Japanese players casually, and then sat calmly On the edge of that well.

The group of Japanese players looked at me nervously, and no one of them said, "What do you want to do? Even though we can't beat you, we won't wait to die." "

"The question now is not what I want to do, but what you want to do." As I said, I suddenly stood up, and the Japanese player on the opposite side immediately rang out, and all the weapons were erected. I got up, but instead of launching an attack, I turned around and hit the bucket of water from the well with a bucket. I took out a short cone from my waist and dipped it in the water, then took it out and looked at it. After confirming that there was no problem, I took out a fruit and squatted on the side of the bucket while washing it and asked: "Don’t you guys? Do you feel strange?"

"Should we feel strange?" the guy who spoke before asked.

"Aren't you weird?" I asked back. "The difficulty of this task, the situation here, the various restrictions, don't you feel strange at all?"

"It is indeed a bit." The Japanese player nodded admitted: "The difficulty here It's really hard beyond imagination. I even feel that this is not a task for us to complete. When we first came in, there were more than 2,000 people. Less than an hour after entering the task, there were less than 500 dead, until we met you. We only stayed here for less than a hundred minutes, and in the end there were so few people left. This difficulty is simply not something that ordinary players can survive!"

I nodded and said: "Indeed, because of this This is not a dungeon for you to play. This is a super-difficult dungeon task. It is a super-difficult task system exclusively for Overlord level guilds or national ruling guilds. It is a task that can only be entered by the elite of the elite. You group of fighting five scums actually came in, this is the main reason why you die so fast."

"But if this is a mission exclusively for you high level players, then why can we come in? What?" the Japanese player asked suspiciously.

After washing the fruit, I gnawed and said, "This is what makes me strange. You shouldn't be here, but in fact you are still here, so I just want to know who you are How did you get in. Of course, given the relationship between our two sides, I think you probably won’t tell me these things for no reason. However, I think even enemies can sometimes cooperate with each other. If you are willing to tell I’m here for the detailed process of your entry, I can give you some extra compensation and other things. Do you think this condition can be negotiated? Of course, you have the right to decide, if you don’t want to cooperate, I will kill you all and send you all It’s okay to go out."

"We already understand what you mean." The Japanese player who took the lead said: "Although you can benefit us, we refuse to cooperate."

"Does this mean you personally or all of you?"

"Of course it is all of us." The group of Japanese players were surprisingly united, and they shouted directly.

I helplessly shook the head and said: "Then there is no way. I think you should leave this mission as soon as possible." As I said, I threw out the fruit that was almost gnawed in my hand. , And then stretched out his hand to take Eternal from his wrist and restore it to the shape of a sword.

The group of players who saw me entering the combat stance immediately became alert, but what made them didn't expect was that after I prepared the weapon, I suddenly raised my head and nodded behind them and said: " I'll leave it to you."

The group of Japanese players looked back in panic when they saw my reaction, but before they could see what was going on, they saw the flames spilling down. , Instantly submerged them all in the fire sea.

After letting the lucky clear these people, I was still thinking about how to get the news of these people entering the mission, didn't expect I just turned around and heard the sound of running horses hoofs, and I looked up. Seeing it was stunned.

The sound of horseshoes came from outside the village, and my current location was in the middle of the largest main road in the village, so the other party entered my line of sight as soon as it approached. These horses are all players, and I recognized the equipment of these people at a glance, because they are all equipped with Northern Alliance standard equipment.

"Well, what's the situation? Didn't it mean that only the overlord's guild can enter? What kind of situation is this?"

The opposite group of players rushed to the middle of the street The position also saw me standing in the middle of the village, and then the team started to slow down, and finally stopped slowly in front of me.

After the horse team arrived at my side, Knight of the front horse immediately turned over and jumped off, and the players behind also dismounted, and then the Knight who took the lead immediately took off his helmet and ran over and asked. "Are you the president of Purple Moon?"

I nodded looking at this player I don’t know and asked: "Are you...?"

The guy pointed The badge on my chest said: "I am from the Northern Alliance, I call me three days and two nights. These are all cavalry under my subordinates."

"Cavalry?" I looked at the team behind in surprise. Then he asked: "Are you Great Captain?"

Three days and two nights, he shook his head quickly and said: "No. I am the Captain of the Cavalry Squad. Most of the latter are not mine. We were sucked. After coming in, the team was messy. I was the highest level here, so everyone let me lead the team. Anyway, it’s all cavalry, so it’s easy for me to take it."

"Wait, wait... you stop first . You said you were sucked in?"

"en. "Three days and two nights nodded and said: "We were in the middle of a transition, but during the march, suddenly we didn’t know what to do and the top of our head popped up. A huge black hole was created, and then people like us were sucked in."

"You mean you didn’t choose to enter the mission yourself?"

"Mission?" Three Tian Liangye asked in surprise: "Is this a mission? We thought we were teleported to somewhere! I said that the positioning function is out of order!"

"Oh, damn it! The task is getting more and more weird!"

"What the hell is going on?" asked puzzledly for three days and two nights: "We haven't encountered anything here, now we have a question mark. Chairman Purple Moon, can you explain the current situation to us?"

Since they asked me, I didn’t hide them. I told them all I knew about the situation here, and then the three Days and nights went directly into the dumbfounded mode. It took a long time for this guy to react and ask with a little idiot: "You mean this is a super difficult mission space specially prepared for the Overlord level guild, and we don’t know why we were involved. Are you?"

"Probably that's the case." I pointed to the black gray on the ground and said: "These were a group of Japanese players who were cremated by me just now. They are probably the same as yours, but better than Your luck is much worse. According to them, when they came in, there were more than two thousand people, and five hundred died in less than an hour, and then less than half an hour passed and there were only 30 left. I think you are still lucky."

"It is indeed lucky to hear you say that." After three days and two nights, he asked, "But how do I get out of this mission?"

"I’m also worried. This mission is completely different from ordinary missions. I simply can’t catch the main line of the mission. I don’t even know what I’m going to do when I turn around. Compared to the previous characters, Although there are also very difficult, but the difficulties are in some aspects of combat, such as this kind of task that I don’t know what to do for the first time."

"If I don’t know what to do at all. What are we doing? Actually, we have a way to try." said three days and two nights.

I looked towards Three Days and Two Nights and asked: "How to do it?"

After three days and two nights, I thought about it and said: "Generally speaking, "Zero" rarely appears The kind of task that can't find the focus at all. Therefore, if we encounter this kind of task, it is most likely that we ourselves have fallen into thinking obstacles. Generally, it is caused by thinking the problem too hard. For this kind of situation, we adopt There are two simpler ways of thinking, one is to change the thinking mode, or simply find someone who doesn’t know anything to let him think about, so as to avoid the previous thinking misunderstanding. In addition, we can also use some means to force the system Give us tips."

"Force the system?"

Three days and two nights nodded and said: "It's not really forced, just use some unconventional means to get some tips That’s it."

"Extraordinary? You mean extensive terrain destruction or something?"

"This is one of them, but I think the best way is Burning the mountain, this room is the easiest, and the effect is quick."

"Don't you know that you will be punished by the system if you set the mountain on fire?"

"Of course I know, but I am pressing When there is no other way, I can only do this!"

The three days and two nights actually make some sense, but I can’t turn around for a while, but now I think about it. In fact, it can still be used as a reference. Of course, I would never do things like setting fire to a mountain. At that time, a very serious curse-type penalty would usually be added in the normal game space. I even heard that some players got one because they burned the forest too many times. The title of Plant Destroyer has the effect of reducing the initial favorability of all natural races by 50, which is basically equivalent to the kind of fight that will happen when they meet.

Even the punishment for setting fire to the mountains in the main map is so severe. This is definitely not the case in this buff mission. I don't want to be killed by a bunch of punitive buffs.

Although I would never do such an idiotic act of burning a mountain, the previous suggestion for three days and two nights is not bad. The solution that cannot be thought of under the normal mode can be considered from a different perspective. As long as it is considered in a completely independent situation, the desired solution may be obtained.

Since I had this idea, of course I immediately started to implement it, and let all the cavalry be called up in three days and two nights, and then I began to talk to them about the current situation and let them think together Method. These cavalry players are also just entering this mission, so they have not been affected by the mission, maybe someone can find some problems that we can't notice.

After talking about the situation in the mission to these players, I began to wait for their suggestions, and wanted to see what methods these players could think of to solve this problem.

When there are more people, the thinking becomes complicated. Everyone thinks differently. Sometimes people who seem stupid can remember things that so-called smart people can’t think of. This is human thinking. The characteristics of it have a strong divergence. This is the weakness of human thinking ability, which makes our thinking not close enough and unable to get up fast, but this is also our advantage, because no matter how fast a computer can do divergent thinking, this is the characteristic of silicon-based organisms. It will not change because of the improvement of computer technology. On the contrary, biological computers can easily solve this problem. Even if the calculation speed is significantly slower than that of silicon-based computers, the divergent thinking ability will be much better.

These cavalry players began to put forward a variety of suggestions and ideas after listening to my various information. Most of them were useless, and some were even quite mentally retarded. Reasonable content.

"Is there a fixed position for the interface between this and other mission spaces?" a cavalry player asked.

I don't know how to answer this question, so I can only turn my head and look towards the female ghost. Anyway, she is a guide. Just ask her if you have any questions.

The female ghost replied when she saw my eyes and said: "The fixed connection point exists, but it will not open at any time."

"Really?" I Looked at the female ghost in surprise.

The female ghost also knows that I probably blamed her for not saying it earlier, so she just explained: "I didn't expect you to care about this before!"

There really is such a channel, the player immediately asked: "Then, we can be sure that we and the missing Miss Christina, Zhenhong, and gold coin are in the same place at different points in time. Is it?"

I nodded and said: "It should be."

At this time, the player said: "I think I know why the system wants us in. It turns out that we are Used to help you."

"Do you mean...?"

The player said, "Although there is a lot of space in this task space, the impossible is unlimited. So Christina and the others will definitely be trapped at a certain point in time. However, because the point in time is uncertain, we have no way to contact them or go there by ourselves. However, if you change it to the contrary, since you can’t go there, then Is it okay for us cannon fodder?" The player said here and continued: "We outside players are used to sacrifice, we can bring Purple Moon, President, your news jumps between spaces, there will always be someone who can run into it. Christina and the others, in this way, can convey the message. Without them, they will start to jump randomly. As long as the President Purple Moon does not move, they will always enter this world. When the time comes, you will complete the 1st Step. That is to get everyone together again."

"But the price is too high, right?" I always feel a little sorry to let so many players do cannon fodder.

The player said righteously: "Highly difficult missions require a certain sacrifice to survive, and now I finally understand why this BUFF mission must be the Overlord’s Guild to participate. It turned out to be because of this mission. Players like us will appear to assist, and if it is not the overlord’s guild, then it is not eligible to mobilize reinforcements like us, so the only one who can participate in the BUFF mission is the overlord’s guild or the ruling guild, otherwise simply not. Way to complete the task. At least like the kind of invitation we are encountering now, if there are not so many of us who are willing to be cannon fodder for you to find the way to send news, it is almost impossible for you to get together again. When the time comes, even if it is. President Purple Moon, you have found the mission goal. It is estimated that it will be difficult to complete the mission based on your strength alone."

After deciding to think about it, the rest will be much simpler. Let the ghost tell you After we fixed the connection point, everyone rushed over. This so-called fixed connection point is actually the well in the middle of the village. I used this connection point to transmit between the first and second yellow Stone Village once, but the well in the third yellow Stone Village in front of me is I don't know how to do it from a dry well to the one with water. So I didn't expect that this well actually still has transmission capacity. But the female ghost is very sure that she can teleport as long as she jumps down and dives one to two meters.

Since we know that this place is a teleportation point, it's simple. Just ask the cavalry to line up with my message and jump down at five-second intervals, because it is said that the portal is changed every five seconds, so as to ensure that more mission space is covered as much as possible, and the probability of finding the target is improved. .

I don’t know if it’s our good luck or the reason. Anyway, after the cavalry team of more than 30 people went down, after waiting less than ten minutes, I saw Zhenhong crawling out from below, and then It took less than thirty seconds to see Christina come out, and the last gold coin made us wait another ten minutes. But being able to gather everyone together in twenty minutes is already quite impressive.

"I thought we were going to complete the task separately. Didn't expect the episodes to come together again." Christina said: "But, President, do you think we will How to complete the mission objectives?"

"To complete the mission objectives, you must first return to the place where the mission objectives exist." I said: "As for how to return... Actually, the method is very simple. With this method of our convergence, we try one point in time, and there should be a melee at the correct point in time. As long as we get there, we will know that we are in the right place. But the trouble is that we were when the Time comes, I guess there is no way to hide it, so I can only punch in."

"Perhaps not necessarily." Kristina suddenly said such a sentence, which made us all looked towards her and waited. Her explanation.

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