I was surprised. I was really surprised. What I didn't expect to see was not something terrifying, but a big beautiful woman.

Of course, although it is indeed a beautiful woman, in this case, it is estimated that people with a big heart like me will have time to consider this, because the beautiful shape can definitely scare ordinary people out of heart disease. Come.

The beauty in front of me has a very delicate oval face. The fair skin can make Princess Baixue commit suicide in embarrassment, until the black long straight hair on the waist is smooth, I can go directly to the shampoo ad without any technical special effects. . As for the beautiful figure... Although the snow-white robe is very wide, the unexpected fabric feels like silk, which is translucent. In the faintly discernible material, a shadowy curve can be seen vaguely. Compared with the direct exposure, this half-concealed effect is more advanced.

However, although these seem to be all attractive big beauties, they are actually not the case. Although this beauty’s face is very beautiful and her facial features are very good, her eyes have no pupils and are completely white. Moreover, although this beauty’s long straight hair is very long and beautiful, it is not draped. Behind her, but all forwards blocked the entire face, if it weren't because my dynamic vision was more abnormal, it was also impossible to see her complete appearance through the gaps revealed when her hair was swaying while she was moving.

In fact, the above is not enough to completely scare everyone, there are two really more frightening. First, this beauty did not come by herself, but floated over. Of course, it can also be understood that she was taken over, because this person’s head has been shrugged in front of her, and behind her, there is a thick hemp rope extending straight up to a length of tens of centimeters, and then suddenly disappearing into one Among the black vortex a few millimeters thicker than the rope. This rope that can't find the upper end, plus the beautiful girl's hands hanging in front of her and her feet 30 centimeters above the ground, all show that this is a Hanged Ghost.

In addition, there is another scary thing about this woman. From time to time, there will be a trace of black mist coming out of her body, and these black smoke will occasionally gather after being separated. Together, some distorted faces will be formed, which seem to be wailing or cursing, in short, they are very horrible and distorted.

Looking at this horrible beauty that suddenly appeared, I didn’t have the slightest fear in my heart. On the contrary, I was quite puzzled and surprised, because although the individual in front of me looked scary, the entanglement of her body was not Not strong. For me, who is used to using energy sensors to distinguish the target hazard level, even if the appearance is scary, as long as the energy intensity is not high, it will not scare me at all. After all, torches will not be affected by candles.

I didn’t move here, but the beauty didn’t move either, just floating in front of me and swaying from side to side, feeling like the corpse hanging from the beam of the house, of course. She is indeed a Hanged Ghost. However, it is not a problem to keep looking at each other so affectionately, I still have to break this situation.


The female ghost obviously didn't expect me to say hello to her suddenly, obviously froze, but I don’t know if my behavior angered her or I reminded her that after I finished saying hello, the female ghost who had been still for a long time suddenly moved, and then moved towards me and rushed over.

"Fuck me!" Seeing the female ghost rushing over, I quickly took a step back, and then I felt a cold breath blowing towards my neck from behind, which scared me quickly. Shrinking his head, squatting and flashing to the side. Thanks to my quick response, I found out that another Ominous Ghost was coming up behind me after I got out of the way just now. This guy is completely different from the previous Hanged Ghost. Although the Hanged Ghost was a bit scary, it was still a beautiful woman, but the one who attacked me behind was a very ugly and disgusting male ghost. This guy’s height is estimated to be only one meter six, and his weight is at least one hundred ninety-nine upwards. His head is smashed by something. The middle is flattened down. The eyeball on the right is completely gone, but the one on the left is staring. The boss half hung outside his eye sockets, and there were a lot of red and white dirt on the top of his head, which seemed to be a mixture of brain plasma and blood.

Of course I can't let him touch such a disgusting guy, but I didn't plan to touch the beauty on the other side, after all, these two are ghosts.

I stepped back here, and the two ghosts became directly face-to-face. What surprised me was that they didn't turn around to chase them. Instead, they started demonstrating each other, and there was obviously a tendency to fight each other.

Although I don't know why these two ghosts are not in the same group, I didn't intend to watch them either. The dodge just now was just because I felt an attack, so I dodged immediately, but in terms of strength, I am actually not afraid of these two evil spirits, because their combined strength is not as high as my current strength.

While the two evil spirits were arguing there, I simply held Eternity in my hand, and then rushed up to the male evil spirit in a hack.

My fighting skills are actually very good. Many people know this, but for this kind of ghost, attacking skills are actually useless. If I were in his heyday, then as long as a knife passed, I can basically be sure that the ghost is finished. But now I am not in a peak state, and this ghost is not a very weak one, although it is still not as strong as me, but also not comparable to the new ghost that has just turned into a ghost.

For this kind of ghost, one knife is definitely not dead, because the soul does not have a critical problem. For living creatures, you can attack the brain and heart to achieve a critical strike, but as long as your Spiritual Qi is not used up, you can theoretically cut it indefinitely. In other words, attacking the ghost is actually equivalent to consuming the other's Spiritual Qi, and once the Spiritual Qi is exhausted, the ghost will completely disappear. Therefore, in order to quickly consume the soul energy of the ghost in front of me, that is, the spiritual power, I must cut it again and again in the fastest way as soon as possible, so as to quickly consume the other’s spiritual power. In this case, it doesn't really make any sense to pay attention to the moves. It's better to follow your own feelings as quickly as possible. Anyway, I don't worry about the bones in the ghost's body that will jam my sword.

My attack itself is very high, and the attribute contains the attribute that suppresses all the dead, so this unlucky ghost just reacted and screamed, and then his whole body was burned. When I got up, it disappeared completely in front of us as if it had evaporated in the blink of an eye.

In fact, the fact that the guy disappeared so quickly is not entirely because of me. More importantly, the hell flame on me has the ability to burn all things, and this flame is especially keen on burning souls. For the Hell Flame, the soul is equivalent to gasoline, as long as it touches a little, it will burn wildly, and the speed is absolutely very fast. Just now, this ghost was touched by the hellfire that I inspired by eternity, and it burned directly.

The Hanged Ghost on the other side originally wanted to attack me, but in the blink of an eye, the male ghost who was comparable to her was burned into slag. The contrast is really too big. It was a little bit, and the result was that your female ghost stayed on the spot for two seconds, then turned around and ran. It is estimated that the speed will almost catch up with the crossbow arrow shot.

Although the female ghost is fast, I am not slow. I really can't run at her speed, but I don't have to catch up by myself, right?

I raised my hand and pointed at the hanging rope behind the female ghost. With a move of my finger, the head of the dragon jinsuo slammed out, and then caught up with the female ghost in the blink of an eye. , Following the original arrow-like cable head suddenly opened and became like a big spider spreading all its limbs. The cable head holding this posture almost touched the sling on the female ghost’s neck as soon as it was deformed, and then it was as if the mechanism was triggered. The open cable head suddenly closed again, but the female ghost His upper sling was also caught in the cable head and clamped.

After successfully locking the sling rope, my fingers moved again, and the cable take-up device of the dragon's tendon was immediately locked, and the cable straightened instantly, and the female ghost only felt a sudden jerking on her neck. Tight, it feels exactly the same as when I was hanging and dying. This painful feeling made the female ghost dare not even struggle, so she hurriedly pinched the rope on her head with both hands to prevent it from retracting, but unfortunately I didn’t plan to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and the power of this female ghost is far inferior to me, so there is no suspense. When I activated the reel, the female ghost was immediately dragged back upside down.

In fact, the reason why this method like I was able to achieve just now, in addition to the characteristics of the dragon's tendons itself, is the rope that is most important.

The rope wrapped around the neck of Hanged Ghost after hanging up is actually a weakness of Hanged Ghost. Although Hanged Ghost can usually make itself incorporeal like a normal ghost, and then move through the wall, that It is under normal conditions. However, as long as someone actively and consciously grabs this rope, unless the Hanged Ghost can become emptied before being touched, otherwise once it is confirmed that the rope is caught, the Hanged Ghost will lose the rope again. The ability to change. Therefore, although the female ghost transformed herself into a state of emptiness without worrying about being worn out by the ground, she just couldn't break free from my shackles and could only be pulled back slowly.

"Does it seem that your abilities are not as scary as your looks." Pulling the Hanged Ghost in front of me, I directly loosened the cable and grabbed the rope and lifted her from the ground. stand up.

Although it is said to be carrying this female ghost, in fact, there is no sense of weight in my hand. The ghost itself has no weight, but the rope around her neck does. Especially when the rope of Hanged Ghost is pinched, the rope basically becomes a physical thing, not only has weight, but also can be touched.

I held the rope and shook it a bit, and then I looked towards the female ghost I was holding: "Don’t struggle, Hanged Ghost’s hanging rope will never break free, unless You have the ability to upgrade yourself to the ghost level or above, otherwise you don’t waste your energy."

"Ha..." After I finished speaking, the female ghost did not struggle anymore, but she He didn't give up the resistance. Instead, he stretched out his ghost claws and rushed towards me. Of course, I won't be slapped in dealing with this situation. The other party's weakness is pinched by me. If this can be countered, then I might as well just buy a piece of tofu and smash it to death.

Just as the female ghost was about to touch my neck, I suddenly input a trace of pure light into the rope. Although the so-called light element is defined in magic, things in legends and myths around the "Zero" world have been integrated, so here, in addition to being a magic element, the light element is also a magical element. It represents sunshine, or positive energy.

At first, this ghost was afraid of the sun. In the end, ghosts who are not afraid of the sun are super evil spirits. The Hanged Ghost in front of her is basically a normal ghost, so she is afraid of the sun. It's just that her strength is much more harmful than ordinary ghosts, so the sun's damage to her is relatively minor, and it's far more than just seeing the light die, it can only be said to cause a certain amount of damage. Of course, you can die from the sun after a long period of time. After all, even a big living person can die from the sun if they are exposed to too much sun. Even more how is a ghost.

Just as the Hanged Ghost was about to touch my neck, the light element in my hand started pouring into her body along the hanging rope, and at this time the female ghost seemed to be She was on fire, she screamed and began to twist her body and struggled desperately. As for attacking me... how could she care about those now?

I don’t really want to kill this female ghost. After all, this place is unfamiliar and needs a guide, so I didn’t make a heavy hand. Of course, I don’t want this female ghost to follow me. Disturbing, so even if I subdued her, I didn’t immediately terminate the energy transmission, but maintained for nearly one minute to terminate the input process of the light element, and the female ghost immediately seemed to be motionless immediately after I terminated the input process. If it weren't for me to carry the sling, she would have collapsed directly on the ground.

In fact, this level of female ghost is far more than that weak. The key is that I did not use the light element to attack her just now, but directly input the light element to her using the hanging rope as a medium. Of the body. This is like the difference between applying the toxin on the body surface and drinking it directly. Although the lethality produced by the light element directly acting on the body has not increased much compared with acting on the body surface, the pain in this process is definitely hundreds of times more severe, so that the female ghost is being tossed. After one minute, it went limp and turned into mud.

"Hey, wake up, don't pretend to be dead. I know you can still talk." Without paying attention to the situation of the female ghost, I directly lifted the sling to lift her up and let her My face and I are on the same level. Of course, because the appearance of draped hair is scary, so I simply tilted her head back a little bit so that her hair returned to its normal position. After the beautiful face was exposed, the female ghost's visual lethality dropped significantly. Although the white eyes were still a bit scary, at least it had no effect on me.

When the female ghost awakened by me opened her eyes, the first thing was to raise her hands and prepare to choke my neck, but I immediately straightened my arms and warned: "Eh eh eh...you Do you want to try the feeling you just felt again?"

Sure enough, the female ghost's paws finally froze in front of my neck and did not really touch my neck, but in fact, even if she kept touching No, after all, I am not holding the upper part of the upper sling, but directly holding the sling around her neck, which means that it is basically the same as holding her neck. Although my height is not high, the female ghost in front of me is not as tall as mine, so her arms are not as long as mine. In this way, I only need to stretch my hands, unless she can stretch her arms. Long, otherwise you won’t be able to touch me with Ben.

Of course, Hanged Ghost actually has the ability to extend her arms, but she can’t do it now, because her hanging rope is held in my hand. In this case Her abilities were basically sealed, including the Transformation Technique of extending her arms.

It can be said that the Hanged Ghost caught on the rope is a bullying existence. Even if there was great ability before, this society can only be obediently lying down, and no resistance is needed. .

"Does it seem that you still know what is good or bad." Seeing the female ghost's movements stopped, I immediately laughed and said. "Since you can still tell good from bad, how about we discuss business?" The female ghost looked at me quite surprised, although she only had white eyes and couldn't express feelings with her eyes, but her expression was very different. It is very rich, and now it is obvious that she is surprised. But I didn't wait for her to answer directly, but immediately threw another heavy weight on the balance. "This is a black liquid crystal powder. As a soul body, you should know the meaning of this thing to you. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I will not only not hurt you, but this package of powder can also be given to you. How about? Can I talk about it? ?"

Black liquid crystals are not only useful for undead creatures in the West. This thing is actually good for any soul body or undead creatures without souls, so whether it’s Eastern ghosts and zombies The undead creatures in the West are very fond of black liquid crystal powder. Of course, high level undead don't look down on powder, but the large complete crystal is still very attractive to them.

Seeing the female ghost in front of me still did not respond, I decided to continue to increase the weight.

"This is an energy-gathering array, which can completely transform the energy of the black liquid crystal so that you can absorb 100%, and the array itself can continue to work after the crystal is used up, although the natural energy absorption speed It’s very slow, but it’s always a benefit for nothing. It’s much more cost-effective than your own cultivation. How about? Can you talk about this business?"

The miniature devil in my hands?"

I watched the array and black liquid crystal powder for a long time, but in the end I couldn't resist the temptation to take it orally. "What do you want me to do?"

I smiled triumphantly as soon as I heard the other person speak. Don't be afraid of your high price, as long as you are willing to talk, it will be easy.

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