"Don’t worry, this place is impossible, it’s just because the fog blocks your sight and makes you feel irritable." I comforted Zhen Hong and wanted her to calm down, but it’s a pity The effect is obviously not good. Zhenhong has been in a very excited state.

I was persuading Zhen Hong, but Christina suddenly reached out to signal us to be quiet. Both Zhen Hong and I looked at her in confusion and didn't know what she meant, but Christina pointed in one direction. Said: "Don't you feel it?"

"What do you feel?"

"Energy shock wave. It's like a heartbeat, very rhythmic."

"How can I not feel it?" Gold coin asked suspiciously. "Did any of you feel it?"

True red shook the head. "I didn't feel anything anyway."

Gold coin looked towards me afterwards. I seriously sensed it and shook my head and said: "No, I can't feel anything. But we don't feel that it doesn't mean There must not be any. Christina is the most sensitive to magic fluctuations here, and her sensing range and intensity must be greater than ours."

"Then what should we do now? In the past?" Zhenhong asked me .

"Anyway, it's also aimlessly looking for a target. It's the same everywhere, right?" Gold coin said.

It’s right to think about it, so I simply said to Christina: "Take us there."

Christina nodded walked over directly following her own induction, and we The Death God guards here also followed the collective turn and continued to form a protective circle around us to step on landmines for us.

The room we are in may be a very asymmetrical rectangular room. If you reduce it, this place may be more like a corridor, and its length is much larger than its width. . The location of the wave that Christina sensed was on our side, so our direction of movement changed from vertical to horizontal. As a result, we found a wall before we went too far, indicating that we had reached the edge of the room. , If the distance between the left and right sides of this room is the same from the door we enter, then the width of this room is actually less than one kilometer, and its length is at least five kilometers, after all, we start from entering I've walked more than five kilometers, and I don't know how long it is.

Although I didn't find the gate or anything after seeing the wall, I knew that the place was not endless when I saw the wall, so the real red mood was obviously stabilized.

gold coin looked at me and asked me: "Should we continue forward or backward in this situation?"

Christina pointed to the wall and said: "If there is If possible, I would like to open a hole here and take a look. That thing is not far from us."

"Are you sure?" I looked at Christina and asked.

Christina nodded said: "Let's take a look if you can."

I nodded directly let the Death God guards on both sides get out of the way, and then drew out the eternal force against the wall. The sword stabbed up.

The walls are not very strong. The hardness of the granite itself is not bad, but it is not much better than tofu in the face of eternity. The easy penetration of a sword even makes me feel some abnormal touch. As for the snorted that I was puzzled when entering the sword.

Kristina heard my voice and asked me puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

"It doesn't feel right."

"Is there something hard? "Christina asked.

Gold coin immediately said to Christina: "What do you think is a hard thing for the eternity of the boss?"

Christina thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes. ! President, what do you feel?"

"I don’t know, it feels soft and elastic. It doesn’t seem to be pierced completely. It can sense a certain resistance, but there is still something A certain degree of flexibility."

"Why does it sound so disgusting?" Really red said.

I shrugged helplessly: "I don’t know, it just feels weird. I will know by opening the granite outside."

It doesn’t take much effort to cut the granite. We peeled off a large piece of granite on the lower layer of three or two, but what was hidden under this layer of granite that was sixty centimeters thick made us a little confused.

Behind the granite is actually a layer of cyan-gray color, with a little bit of transparent gel-like things. Of course, the thickness of this substance in front of us is quite amazing, because it is very soft, if it is not thick enough, it is probably easy to be destroyed. But in fact, even my eternal sword can hardly cause any substantial damage to this thing. It's not that my eternity is not sharp enough, but that this thing is too soft to be forceful at all.

gold coin tentatively poked a few times with his Heavenly Venerable sword, and the result was the same as eternity, completely useless. This thing is very tough and incredibly soft. The tip of the sword is a pit when you touch it gently, but it will be restored as soon as you put it away, and it will not move at all.

Christina also came over to feel this thing with her hand, and to our surprise, she actually pressed her palm into the inside of the thing with force, even she herself was stunned. .

We heard Christina’s voice and immediately looked over, and it happened to see Christina’s palm sinking into the gel, but what made us even more surprised was the gel. It seemed that something was pulling Christina, and even taking advantage of Christina's unsuspecting opportunity, she pulled half of her body in. As soon as we saw that it was okay, we hurried up to help. Gold coin and I directly grabbed Christina's exposed body and began to pull it out, while True Red simply used the punching technique and hit it directly on the surface of the soft gel-like substance.

Normally, it is basically useless to punch this soft object with force, because this thing is soft, it will absorb your punch, and simply won’t produce too much formidable. power. However, the power injection technique is a technique that can control the burst position of power. There are many types of fist techniques that use this technique, and the most well-known one is probably Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain. This Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain is to pour power into the obstacle, but the power itself is contained but not emitted. It will not explode on the target behind the obstacle until it passes through the obstacle to form a killing effect. effort.

The application range of power can be said to be very wide, and its connotation is far from being as simple as sending power a certain distance away, because it can also allow you to easily face situations such as yours. If you are an ordinary person, as long as you don't know the power technique, even if you are the reincarnation of Titan, if you encounter something that is completely weak, you will have to be blind, because this thing is simply not something that can be done with great power. However, we are very lucky, because the real red will have the power skills and the Master Rank level, besides me, in our guild, only the real red has the highest level of power, and because the true red’s power is greater than me, so Although her technique is slightly inferior to mine, the effect produced is even better than mine. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the gel-like thing surrounding Christina exploded completely, and as the gel exploded, Christina and we fell off the wall and rolled into one. group.

Zhenhong doesn't care about us, because she has discovered some more important things just now. An arm appeared in the gel that just exploded. This arm should seem to be a human hand, at least it used to be, but now this hand has decomposed quite badly, obviously it was not just falling from the human body, and the speed of decomposing is at least for a corpse that has been dead for several days. To reach this level of decay, it must be in a very hot and humid place to be so exaggerated. It will take at least ten days to do so if it rots like this in an ordinary area.

It’s such a rotten hand that was about to have only bones. It almost pulled Christina into the gel just now. This shows that this hand can still move before, and it’s rotten. If it can move like this, it can only be an undead creature.

"Undead creature?" Zhen Hong frowned, looking at the bad hand on the ground.

I got up from the ground and walked over and squatted down to look at the hand. After confirming that there was no danger, I reached out and took it up.

"Why did you grab such a disgusting thing, president?" Christina called out immediately when she saw what was in my hand.

"It’s okay, I’ve seen more than this disgusting one." As I said, I rechecked the severed hand in my hand, and then threw the severed hand away and said to Zhenhong and the others: "This It’s very strange. It doesn’t feel like an undead creature, but there is a lifeless existence."

"With a dead life but not an undead creature? Is it an Oriental ghost?" Christina asked.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, this should not be an undead creature."

True Red looked at the big hole in the soft wall that he had exploded and said:" It’s black and rumbling, do I need to go in and check it out?"

"It's better to go in and take a look." As I said, I walked directly to the entrance of the cave and stepped in.

According to the standard procedure, I should throw lighting magic first when encountering this kind of hole, and then the next step is the pet or summon creature to explore the way, and finally it’s my turn to enter, but now The situation is slightly different. Everyone doesn't have much magic power, and we still have a main task that hasn't been completed, so I was a little bit anxious. As a result, I was so anxious that something went wrong.

It's not a major event, but I and the big guy... lost.

Behind the big hole that was exploded just now, there is actually an unknown type of space interface. I actually got to the other side of the passage through the hole. Moreover, I don’t know if the hole is one-way or once. Sexually, or for other reasons, after I got in, I found myself in the middle of Huang Stone Village, beside the dry well we passed through.

Although I know this place, the current situation is quite bad. First, there is no other transmission port near me, that is, no one can use that port to transmit back. Second, although I recognized that this is Yellow Stone Village, I am not sure which Yellow Stone Village it is.

In fact, up to now, this is the third Yellow Stone Village I have seen. The first yellow Stone Village we saw was actually on the normal game map, that is, the yellow Stone Village wrapped in dense fog. That can be said to be the beginning of the BUFF mission. After that, when we jumped from the dry well in the center of Yellow Stone Village, we arrived at the second Yellow Stone Village. This Huang Stone Village is already one of the official maps in the BUFF mission, and we took the mission to destroy the soul collector and actively dived back. However, the third yellow Stone Village appeared before my eyes.

No. 3 Yellow Stone Village is very different from the first two Yellow Stone Villages. I can recognize it at a glance because it is the only Yellow Stone Village that remains intact among the three Yellow Stone Villages.

Whether it was the Yellow Stone Village that was used as the entrance to the mission or the Yellow Stone Village that encountered the walking corpse after entering, it is already a half ruin, most of the buildings have collapsed, and the rest They are all in tatters. Some have only one or two walls, and some have open roofs. There is no good house anyway. However, the third Yellow Stone Village where I am now, although the internal buildings are not very new, they are all intact. Even the dust can't be seen at all, as if someone was cleaning it.

Of course, although the third yellow Stone Village is far ahead of the previous two yellow Stone Villages in terms of building newness and cleanliness, I still recognize this is Yellow Stone at a glance. Village, because the architectural structure and layout of the three villages are exactly the same, especially the well in the middle of the village. This thing is simply a huge sign, telling me that this is Huang Stone Village.

After confirming that this place is Yellow Stone Village, what I want to determine most is the whereabouts of Christina and Zhenhong, but the result is very worrying, because I tried to use it in addition to offline All the contact information of, none of them worked. I simply couldn't find where they were, or even if they followed me into the Transmission Passage behind the big hole.

I can’t get in touch with Zhenhong and I have to act alone.

Holding Eternity in my hand, I carefully walked towards the house where the girl I met when I took the task before, because this is the largest house in the village, and the probability of encountering a situation is generally greater. Don’t think that encountering a situation is a bad thing. In fact, encountering various situations in this destined dangerous task is not a bad thing. On the contrary, finding nothing is the worst, because it will mean The entire difficulty of this task may be concentrated in one or two battles. Most of these tasks are gambling, and the hope of victory is actually very slim. Therefore, it is not a good thing to encounter something in the task, but a bad thing.

The house where the girl was located at the time was near the mouth of the well, not far away, but now this place is much more magnificent than the house that she encountered when she took the mission. The most important thing is that we encountered the girl’s house and only half of the house collapsed when we took the task. Lying on the tatami mats, we can directly see the sky. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is in ruins. However, now this house is not only connected to three houses, but also the materials on the surface of the building look very new. In some places, there are even gilded home splendor signs and the like, which are simply incomparable to the previous ruins.

Although the house is very new, the house feels less human than the previous ruins. Although this house is very beautiful, it is full of weirdness, and as I keep getting closer, Death Aura, who is getting richer and richer in this house, is also telling me clearly-this is not a good place.

Although I can clearly sense the weirdness of this place, it is useless to shrink back. I have already arrived here. How can I be reconciled without investigating it? Besides, I have fallen into this Yellow Stone Village and have lost contact with everyone. I can't go back without investigating the situation here, right?

Cautiously moved to the gate, unlike last time, the gate of the house is closed this time. However, when I walked to the door and planned to push it, the door suddenly slid to the side by itself. In fact, I was planning to knock on the door, but only when I got to the front door did I find that the door of the house was papery. I simply couldn't knock, otherwise it would have been a hole. But don't worry about it now, anyway, the door has already opened by itself, just go inside.

The house was not roofed when I took the task, so the brightness is OK, but the house in front of you is new, plus the third yellow Stone Village itself is better than the previous two yellow Stone Villages. The light intensity is lower, so now in the house it can almost be said that I can’t see my fingers. Even my dark vision can only see some outlines.

Despite the poor vision, this place still has to be entered, but I had no choice but to take Eternal and walk forward with caution.

This room is a fan-shaped area as soon as the door enters. This place is covered with a rocky floor, which should be a place for changing shoes, and then there is a tatami-padded floor, which is at least twenty higher than the threshold outside. Centimeters.

Following the light coming in from the door, standing in this fan-shaped area can see the general situation in the center of the room. There is now empty, there is simply no girl who posted the task before. Of course, that girl should be in the main world now, and it should have been dead, so it is normal that the girl is not found here.

Although the total area of ​​this house is not small when in good condition, the characteristic of Japanese architecture is that it can make use of space. There is no single piece of furniture in the house. Everything is either pasted to the wall or under the tatami mats. Anyway, it is rare to see all kinds of furniture so densely packed in Chinese homes. It is also because there is no furniture blocking, so relying on Perfect level's dark vision, I just took a few casual glances and basically confirmed that there is no one here.

"Strange, it's not here!" After searching the house, I couldn't help but mutter to myself. Ordinarily, task triggering should be relatively simple! But why is there not even an event that allows me to trigger a task?

I was talking about that, before I got out of the house, I suddenly felt a chill from the caudal vertebrae all the way to the scalp. My whole body tightened my muscles in an instant, and then slowly Turned his head back. I want to see what the owner here is.

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