"Alert, there is a situation."

"What's the situation?" Zhenhong and Christina quickly moved closer to me, and then asked on alert.

"I don't know either." I replied helplessly: "A Death God guard suddenly lost contact in my induction!"

"Death God guard lost contact Was it killed?" Gold coin asked.

"I don’t know, the speed is too fast, and the surrounding Death God guards didn’t have time to respond. I don’t know what happened, but suddenly I found that there was a Death God guard missing."

"Then let the nearby Death God guard go to the place where the Death God guard disappeared to see if there is a trap underground." Gold coin said.

"I'm already doing it."

The two Death God guards quickly moved to the location where the Death God guard just disappeared, and then searched on the ground for a while. Although they can't see anything under the fog, they can use their weapons to test the situation on the ground. If there is a trap or something, they can definitely try it out. However, the result was not the same as expected. After some temptation, the two Death God guards boldly stepped on that position in a circle, but found nothing. The ground was confirmed to be flat, without any traps, at least for now.

"It seems we need to be careful." After learning that there is no problem with the ground, we did not relax our vigilance, but became more careful.

If there is no problem on the ground, it does not mean that we are completely safe. On the contrary, if the ground is okay, it can only show that our current situation is more dangerous. Because the Death God guard impossible disappeared for no reason, he must have encountered something. Well, since it’s not a trap from the ground, it can only be something that moves, and it’s mostly a creature. Otherwise, it’s impossible to use such a fast speed to accurately make a Death God guard disappear under so many eyes. .

Regardless of what the attacker is, what we can be sure of now is that there is at least one dangerous creature that moves extremely fast and has one strike certain kill ability to the Death God guard is in the vicinity, and this The guy has taken us as prey.

Just as we were carefully guarding this thing, the attack happened again, but the direction was completely different this time. The Death God guard that was missing is located at the front left of our team, and the Death God guard that was attacked this time is located at the rear right of our team, that is, it is completely diagonal. Moreover, this time we also confirmed one thing, that is, the attacker must be hidden in the dense fog, either on top of our head or under our feet, anyway, it must be hidden in the dense fog. Because the Death God guard that was attacked this time was not at the outermost periphery, but at a slightly inner position. Although his position is not the center of the team, there are other Death God guards on the periphery of this place. Unless the opponent can be invisible, it is absolutely impossible to pass through the sight of other Death God guards without being discovered. Moreover. There is fog everywhere in this place, even if the target can be invisible, it is useless. After all, as long as it is an entity, no matter where it moves, it will dispel the surrounding fog, which cannot be hidden. Therefore, the attacker must be hiding in the thick fog above our heads or feet, otherwise it would be impossible to bypass the Death God guards on the periphery and attack the Death God guards in the middle.

Although we probably know the target area, we still have no defense against it, because neither the fog above the head nor the foot is ordinary. In fact, when we first entered here, we already tried to expel the thick fog, but this fog obviously has some kind of anti-magic attribute. The wind spell we created simply can't blow the fog, but I use my own wings instead. You can blow away the nearby mist for a short time, but this method is too expensive and not practical.

"Everyone stay still." I loudly reminded the people around me to pay attention, and then quickly summoned a batch of Death God guards, the number was exactly the same as the current number, and then let the Death God guards two by one. Stand together in groups, one of them pays attention to the ground, and the other pays attention to the top of the head, so that they can take care of each other a little bit, making it easier to spot the target.

After the Death God guards formed a duo, I couldn't be idle here either. Christina and I quickly pasted together, while True Red was pasted back to back with gold coin, so that we also formed a security alert area to ensure that we would not be attacked suddenly.

In fact, this method is quite passive, but there is really no good way at the moment, we can only stay like this for the first time, at least we must first figure out what we were attacked by. Row.

Obviously, our attacker is not a patient hunter, because he still took a surprise attack under our guard, and it was less than one minute before the last victim was attacked.

Just when we were on guard, very close to Christina and me, a black shadow suddenly flashed by, and then my Death God guard was missing one instantly. The Death God guard next to him found the target but did not have time to react. But this time the guy was courting death himself, and the target of the attack was actually beside me, the Death God guard located on the innermost side, almost close to us. So, at the moment that thing launched the attack, I also moved. Of course, let me pounce on myself. The probability is not great. After all, I don't have the speed, so I just threw Eternity as a flying knife.

The rotating eternal electric shot went away, the pu' sound nailed into the ground, and at the same time we all heard a sharp neighing sound, and eternity was carried by the mist on the ground. Moved quickly.

It is obvious that eternity is directly inserted into the monster, and that thing is now running away with eternity.

Although Eternity did not result in this guy once, but now that guy is walking under the fog, the eternal sword hilt is completely exposed on the fog, which is equivalent to pointing out the target location for everyone, if it can’t be hit again Zhong Ke is damned.

In fact, besides borrowing the help of the mist, the guy who attacked us is also quite exaggerated. Before it was hidden in the fog, it could not be seen. Now that there is eternity that can mark its course of action, you can find that this guy is fast and very flexible. That guy walked around among my Death God guards, accurately avoiding all Death God guards, and the speed was always unabated. Even without these fogs, it is actually not too easy to hit such a flexible target. Things. But I'm all experts here, so I don't have to worry about missed hits if I can determine the opponent's position.

Just as the thing turned around and was about to run out of our surveillance range, Christina's magic was finally completed. I saw a white ball of light with a clear blue ring swaying along the S-shaped route past the Death God guards along the way, and plunged into a position a little forward below Eternity. A large shining arc exploded in that area in an instant, and a large area of ​​the surrounding fog was cleared in a short time, and we finally saw the tip of the iceberg of the attacker.

First of all, we can be sure that this attacker is very large, because the arc blasting range is actually quite large, but we only saw one part of this guy's body. In fact, this guy is probably some kind of crawler similar to centipede, and he is very huge. The part that was exposed in the dispelled mist was a body about four meters long, but there was no head and tail of the guy in this range, which meant that the guy was definitely more than four meters long. Moreover, the exposed body width of the monster at that time was at least about one meter. According to this ratio, the length of this thing would not be less than eight meters, otherwise it would appear too stubby.

Although Christina’s attack only covers an Avatar body of that thing, the formidable power of the arc attack is very huge. After the thing is hit, it twitches on the ground. Look It looks very painful.

When I saw the thing twisting and struggling in the arc, I was of course impossible. I let go of such a good opportunity and rushed up directly after accelerating, but the recovery speed of the thing was obviously much faster than I expected. , Before I rushed to my side, the thing had already jumped up, and it was swiftly diving into the mist that didn't spread around it.

Although I have been able to respond relatively quickly, it is a pity that the thing is faster, and it almost drew past me with a slight difference. What's even worse is that this guy actually sprayed a large green liquid at this area with his tail after he got out.

Although I don’t know what it is, it doesn’t look like a good thing, so I quickly stepped back to avoid the thing, and the liquid confirmed my guess after it hits the ground. , The green smoke burst from the ground that burned in an instant. Obviously this thing is a kind of strong corrosive acid, and even the ground of the granite can be corroded. If this is accidentally sprayed on the body...I don't plan to try it anyway.

Looking at the thing taking my Eternal to the distance, I stretched out my hand directly from a distance, Eternal immediately retreated from the guy, and then flew back towards me. In the end, it steadily fell into my hands.

The monster over there wailed again when it fell down forever. Obviously, the friction on the wound made him very painful.

Looking at the direction in which the animation disappeared, gold coin couldn't help asking: "Boss, why did you get the eternity back? How can we find that thing now?"

< p>"How can I let Eternity come back as a whole? Don't worry, I left a mark on it."

In fact, only the most part of Eternity came back, and the little bit of Eternity is still attached. Provide me with the coordinates of the other party on that monster. However, what made me didn't expect was that my perfect preparation did not come in handy. It's not that the thing won't come here, nor is it because of eternal shedding or insensibility. The real problem is that when the guy came back, he didn't hide his figure anymore, but directly rushed up in a desperate posture.

Originally, I was staring at this guy in the direction where the eternal part disappeared. Suddenly, the thick fog on the ground in front of me suddenly swelled up, as if something was moving at high speed under the water. As we move forward, a large bulge will rise on the surface of the water. This thing travels under the clouds and fog and pushes up a bulge, which is too thick to dissolve. With the rapid approach of that bulge, we can easily Judging the position of the opponent, and the guy directly killed it without evasiveness.

Seeing a rolling fog advancing to a place less than two meters in front of us, followed by the fog surface suddenly exploded, a huge black head suddenly bounced out of the fog, fast It's almost like a bullet. It's almost too late to respond.

Actually, I don’t really fail to react. The key is that the body can’t keep up with the speed of neural reflexes after the attribute is reduced. So even if I see the guy’s movements, I can’t prepare at all. I can only I watched the guy open a huge mouth and swallow the real red next to me.

Looking at Real Red being swallowed in one bite, I finally know how the previous Death God guards disappeared. But in this situation, we don't have time to care about this, because Zhenhong has been swallowed, and if she can't get her out as soon as possible, she will probably be digested by the monster.

Although I wanted to save Real Red, the monster over there was too fast. After swallowing Real Red, he rushed out in the blink of an eye and disappeared, but we haven’t had time to look for it. Suddenly, I heard a loud explosion sound coming from a distance, and then I saw the green liquid splashing all over the sky.

"Oh...it's disgusting!" A real red voice came from a distance, and after a few seconds we found that real red came out of the fog with a body of slime. It was obvious that she had managed the monster that was going to eat her, and exploded the other party, but she was a little embarrassed.

"You came out by yourself?"

"Otherwise, are you waiting to change that?" After Zhenhong said, she looked down at the slime on her body, and then suddenly frowned: "Oops , Forget this is a BUFF mission!"

"What's the matter?" I looked at Zhenhong nervously and asked.

True Red pointed to the slime on her lower body and said: "Poisoned!"

The toxin system is actually a state attribute, and the poisoning itself can be said to be a curse. BUFF, and the big insect just now looks like a large centipede, and it’s not surprising that the BUFF with toxins on his body.

"Is it poisonous?" I looked at Zhenhong and asked.

True Red shook his head and said: "Fortunately, it's just slowly reducing blood. It looks like a drop of about three seconds, but I don't know how long it will last!"

"No matter how long it lasts For a long time, get rid of those on you first.” I said, summon directly out of Adina to help get some water to make it really red. Although Christina can also Water Element spell, as the main battle strength, her magic power is very useful, and it can save a little.

After flushing out the real red, we continued to search and move forward to find an exit. As for the poisoning problem of real red, there is really no way. Although the centipede's toxin does not damage blood fast, it is very stubborn and can't be purified by any method. It can only wait for it to disappear by itself.

I thought the super large centipede would be fine, but we only walked less than 50 meters and found that the situation was far from as simple as we thought, because the thick fog suddenly appeared in front of us. The tumbling fog dragon rushed towards us, the speed was so fast that we had no time to react. Fortunately, the targets of these fog dragons are Death God guards, not us, so we still have plenty of time to react.

Although we did not see what was under the tumbling fog dragon, we have seen the attack method of the big centipede just now, which is exactly the same as the fog dragons in front of us. Needless to say, these fog dragons The following are all super large centipede.

"Damn, there is more than one thing!" Real Red cried.

"What shall we do now?" Christina looked towards me and asked for a countermeasure.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Kill all these martial arts first."

"Kill them all?" Really red looked at me in surprise. "That will waste a lot of magic power!"

In fact, the reason why Zhenhong and them worry is not because of how strong these centipedes are, but because they don't want to consume magic power. We entered this misty room entirely because we hope to get some additional benefits, and this place is obviously not the area where the main mission is located, which means that if we waste all the magic here, it may affect the main mission. The completion. We must know that all BUFF tasks have a failure penalty, and the content of the penalty for failure is the reverse BUFF of the task reward. The intensity of this punishment is so great that we can't bear it at all, so we really don't want to say that magic is wasted here. However, now that we are stuck here, even if we don't use magic to kill these centipedes, we will inevitably be attacked and cause a lot of blood damage during the retreat. When the time comes, it will be more than worth the loss. So, weighing the pros and cons, I still decided to let them kill these centipede directly, at least it is safer.

After I gave an affirmative answer, Zhenhong and the others were still a little worried, but they did what I said. These centipedes are lurking under the fog on the ground and move at high speed. It seems difficult to attack, but in fact, it is not a difficult thing for us at all. After the restrictions on the use of magic power are released, those centipedes are almost all in the blink of an eye. After being killed, we didn't even waste much of our mana, but our total mana was still dissatisfied after all.

After we got this batch of centipede, we started to move forward again, luckily, we haven’t encountered more centipede since then, but we have never been able to recruit the exit, even None of the walls were encountered.

This fog-covered room is obviously surprisingly large. We have walked two kilometers all the way, but in the end we didn't encounter any wall at all except the pillars. Along the way, I tried to use sonar and other methods to detect the internal space of the room, but it turned out that this fog has strong absorption characteristics, no matter what the detection method is, it can’t cover a place ten meters away, that is to say, our The maximum detection radius is ten meters.

"Damn, is there no end to this place?" When she reached a place three kilometers away from the entrance, Zhen Hong finally couldn't help it.

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