After all of us stood on the marble platform, the golden sphere had flown to a height of about 1.5 meters above the ground, and the speed was so fast that its surface structure was basically unclear. To the point. And as the golden sphere rotates, we find that the scenery in the room also starts to rotate slowly. At first, it only turned slowly, but the speed was getting faster and faster, and soon I couldn't see the outside environment at all. I felt that the surrounding pictures turned into streamers, and I couldn't see any specific things at all.

This state of high-speed rotation lasted more than ten seconds and then the speed began to slowly decrease, and then slower and slower, but soon we found the surrounding changes. Before the beginning of the rotation, we were in a rather dilapidated thatched hut. Although the floor is marble, the structure looks like the platform of the Transmission Formation, and the walls and top of the room are very dilapidated. However, the current situation has obviously changed. Although the surrounding situation is still not clear during the rotation, it is already certain that the room we are in is no longer the thatched hut before, at least the original room does not have this kind of granite roof. of.

As the platform's rotation further decreased, we soon discovered more and more differences around us. The first thing that caught our attention was the size of the room. The original thatched house was only a circle larger than the marble platform under our feet, but now this room has at least the area of ​​a small supermarket, and the platform we are on only occupies one third less. area.

It took about ten seconds for the platform to level off. At this time, the situation in the room finally came into our sight. However, the situation in this room is now that we simply don't have time to observe the environment here, because when we saw some of the outside situation clearly, the people outside obviously also saw our silhouette.

Different from the Transmission Formation in the thatched hut over there, this side of the Transmission Formation is guarded, and not one or two guards, but a large group of guards.

Before this special Transmission Formation turned too fast, the guard just knew that someone was coming, and couldn't see who was coming, so he thought it was his own person. Who knew that after seeing it clearly, he realized that he was not his own, so the guards immediately rushed up with their weapons. In addition, some of the guards even separated out and ran out directly, obviously reporting the letter.

Seeing the guards of charge ahead, I directly shouted to Zhenhong: "True Hong, go and intercept those people."

True Hong just said nothing. Rushing up, Christina threw out an energy shock and blasted all the people who rushed up. Zhenhong took this opportunity to get through the crowd, and she didn't know if she could catch up with the two outside to report the letter. Guard.

Although I really want to support Real Red, it would be a problem if the guards in the room don't get rid of it, so we can't leave yet.

After the guards recovered from the formidable power of the energy shock, they found that I was already blocking the gate, and the gold coin was protecting Christina from standing on the Transmission Formation and starting fire coverage. The guard in the middle suddenly got up a bit not knowing what to do. From a strategic point of view, they always say that they should rush to my side first, and then support the messenger to ensure that the news of the invasion can be sent. However, from a tactical point of view, the output of Christina’s firepower point is too high. , If this firepower cannot be removed as soon as possible, their casualties will be very terrifying, so tactically, they should kill Christina first, at least to ensure that she can't continue to play the firepower advantage.

There seems to be a very urgent matter on both sides. The guards really didn’t know what to do for a while, and time didn’t allow them to think too much. The help guy did a very stupid thing. The guards actually divided the two teams directly without discussing it. One team turned and rushed to the gate to try to break through my line of defense, while the other team ran for Christina and gold coin and passed by, in a vain attempt. Solve the problems on both sides at the same time.

If there are enough guards on their side, and the battle strength is sturdy, this kind of decision-making may be a good way, but unfortunately, the enemy they face is us even if After weakening the enemy that is also very difficult to deal with, and more importantly, their number is not enough to form any numerical advantage. After the division of troops, the number drops even more, and the advantage has turned into a disadvantage.

The number of guards is actually not a lot. There is only one Transmission Formation. Eight guards are already quite a lot. Just after one was sent out to report, there were only seven people left. This time the seven people split up again, three of them came to attack my defense line, and the other four rushed to Christina and gold coin, which means that each of them only needs to deal with two enemies and it’s done. Even I only need to deal with three enemies. Players like us usually have to face enemies hundreds to thousands of times their own. After a war is fought, such as me and Zhenhong can kill at least thousands of enemies, like Christina and gold coin. Let alone the battlefield, it is basically the battlefield meat grinder. It is common for a large Legion-level magic to destroy tens of thousands of people. Now as long as you face two or three people, this is not a matter of the same level at all! Of course, we are not in the state of total annihilation on the battlefield now, but as the saying goes a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, the ship still has three thousand nails, even players of this level It is weakened, and it is not a problem to deal with three or five guards.

The first guard who rushed in front of me didn’t even wait for the cooperation of the next two people. He came up with a knife and struck him. The sword pierced the throat of the second guard, let go and let the corpse of that guy rush over, pinched the third person’s wrist and pressed it down, twisting the arm forcefully and staggering half a step around the other hand behind him. Make a fist and hit it accurately on the back of the guy's heart. At the same time, the claws on the wrist stretched like lightning, leaving three holes in the guy's vest and heart.

After killing two guards in a row, I stepped out of the room and came to the aisle outside. The guard who rushed up before tripped over me and fell out of the room and hit the opposite side. In the aisle, when he got up, I had already killed two of his companions and stepped out of the room. The guy just got up from the ground and before he turned around, he felt a hand grabbing the back of his neck, then pinched his neck and directly sent his head forward. With a bang, the guy felt his eyes full of Venus, and his whole person instantly lost the ability to think. Before he realized what was going on, he felt a pain in his neck, and then he completely lost consciousness.

It took me three seconds to get the three guards, and I stood in the aisle and looked back inside. Gold coin is recovering her Heavenly Venerable sword, and the three smoking scorched corpses in the middle of the room are probably Christina's masterpieces.

"How are you doing there?" I was turning my head and looking into the room, but a real red voice came from the front of the aisle. When I turned my head and looked over, I found that real red was holding one with one hand. The guard's neck dragged his body back.

"All killed. You haven't been found there, right?"

True Hong lifted the corpse in his hand and shook it: "This kid was just turned around. I caught it. I haven’t had time to report it."

"That’s good." After I finished speaking, I looked at the aisles around me and found that this place looks like the inside of a castle, and there are Some European architecture styles, because Japanese-style buildings rarely have such houses that are all stone structures.

"Have you seen it outside?" Christina asked as she walked out of the room.

"No." Zhenhong said: "I suspect that this place is underground and there is no window. And I also found that this place is very humid."

"Underground?" I thought it was a European-style building, but Jing Zhenhong said that it is indeed possible that it is an underground building, because even Japanese underground buildings are impossible to be made of wood, otherwise it will take less than two months It will start to rot, after all, the underground environment is so humid, the wood will not last long.

"No matter where it is, there will always be an exit, right?" Gold coin said: "Don't we know when we go out?"

"That's the same."


Fortunately, the underground structure of this place is not complicated. Although the corridor is very long and there are many rooms along the way, there have been no forks. The rooms that appear along the way are mostly empty, even if there are The rooms for things are also cellars and the like.

When the corridor came to the end, we found a staircase, but the problem is that this staircase is a middle level, it not only has upward steps, but also downwards.

"What about this?" Zhenhong looked at me and asked: "Are we going up or down?"

"Let's go down and have a look." Gold coin said.

I looked towards gold coin and asked: "Why go down? This may be an underground structure. The exit should be above, right?"

"Because I know this is underground That’s why I suggest going down." Gold coin said: "The structure of the basement is of course the more concealed it goes down, so the important things should be below."

"You are planning not to leave. Empty?" Zhenhong couldn't help being teased.

gold coin said with a smile: "This is called overall planning."

To stop their frolicking, I still accepted gold coin's suggestion to go down first. Going down the steps is less than Level 10, which is a turn, and then there is a door. After pushing open this door, what you see is a vast expanse, because the door is full of thick rolling fog, and you can't see anything except the white expanse.

"Damn, this place is not a substitute for a maze, right?" Seeing the smoke-filled room in front of me, gold coin directly guessed the purpose.

In fact, the fog in this room is not just dense, it is even divided into three layers. On the floor of the room is a dense mist like cotton candy. Standing in it, people can only see the part above their knee joints. As for the part below, they can’t see at all, let alone step on something. , Even if there is a big hole in front, you still can't see it.

Except for this super thick layer of mist under the feet, above the height of the knee joint, up to a height of about two meters and five meters above the ground, this part is the second mist. The visibility of this kind of fog is better than the one under the feet. The visible distance is about three meters, and the silhouette can be barely seen at a distance of four meters, but basically it can be judged whether there is anyone, as for the specifics. Who it is, whether it is a man or a woman, or even if it is not, can't be seen clearly.

The Third Layer mist in this room is just above our heads, and its lower part is located two meters and five meters above the ground, and we don’t know how much there is, because we can’t see it at all. Where's the ceiling is, it's all blocked by this dense mist. In fact, with the exception of one floating on the ceiling and one sinking on the ground, there is almost no difference between the fog above the head and the fog on the ground. They are all the same dense, and the visibility is only a few centimeters.

In such an environment, apart from being able to see the general situation within three or four meters near the gate, we basically can't see anything else. Not to mention whether there are enemies here, we don’t even know how big the room is, because in addition to the ground that can be stepped on with our feet, both the ceiling and the surrounding walls are in a completely invisible position, so there is We don't know how old it is or what is in it.

In the face of this situation, I really hesitated, because according to the information obtained from Qiman, the soul collector we need to destroy is not here, and the room in front of me is obviously a big one. Pit, if we fail the mission due to some extraneous things, then we really lost the watermelon and picked sesame seeds.

"This...Shall we just leave it alone?" Christina obviously had the same idea as me, so she asked.

I also hesitated looking towards gold coin and Zhenhong to ask for their opinions. Zhenhong quickly shook his head and indicated that he abstained, let us decide, while gold coin was a bit unwilling and seemed to want to go down and take a look.

For this situation, I am also very embarrassed, because I know that the theory of gold coin is correct. Generally, there are some good things in the depths of the basement, especially there is such a powerful one in the middle of the road. The protection settings show that there are good things below. If you give up, it is obviously a pity, but if you want to go down, it is really a bit risky.

"I still want to go down and have a look." Gold coin thought for a long time and still wanted to go down.

I thought for a while and then turned to ask Christina: "What do you think?"

"I don't want to go any further, but if you think it is necessary, I don't care. ."

After a little weighing, I decided to say: "Then go and see, danger lurks within the riches and honour, there will be no gains if you don’t take risks."

"Then go on." Zhenhong walked into the room first after speaking, and we also filed into the room. However, Zhen Hong was not really confused and bold. After entering here, she did not sullenly rush forward, but waited for us to enter before moving forward slowly.

Looking at the real red step by step moving forward, I knew she was testing whether there was a trap or something under her feet, but I stopped her as soon as I came in. "You don't move, I'll be better to explore the way."

True Hong also knows that I have a lot of summons, so he didn't say anything, and just retreated to my side.

I did not summon the pathfinder creature as soon as I came up, but first summoned a large group of ghost worms and released them outside the door. These guys will be scattered and lurking near the gate, and their role is equivalent to leave a beacon for myself, in case I encounter a problem and need to come back, I can at least know where the gate is. Otherwise, depending on the concentration of fog in this place, as long as you walk in more than ten meters, it will not be so easy to find the door.

After placing the coordinates of the doorway, I created a large group of hundreds of Death God guards, and then formed a large protected area around us. These Death God guards are scattered in the form of grids, and the distance between two adjacent Death God guards is kept at about two meters to ensure that each other can know what happened to the other side. In this way, hundreds of Death God guards can cover a large detection area around us. As long as any Death God guard is in danger, we can know immediately, so that we can avoid unexpected accidents. And cause unnecessary losses. As for the loss of the Death God guard... Anyway, there are more than 50,000, and it should be dead for a while, right? Besides, the replenishment speed of Death God guards is very fast. As long as it is not destroyed by hundreds of thousands of magic in a large area, it is generally guaranteed that the number will not drop.

After arranging these, I made a few more ghost worms and grabbed them in my hands, and then I began to signal that Zhenhong could start to move forward.

Seeing that I am so prepared, Zhenhong feels much safer. As the team progressed, I started to throw ghost bugs on the ground every few steps. These ghost worms do not move after landing, they just stand there as guideposts for us. As long as there are these ghost worms, a guide belt can be formed, and there is a safety rope between us and the exit of the gate, so that we are not afraid of being lost. After all, remote beacons are still not enough, because some places can be shielded from remote sensing.

Because there are Death God guards in front of the road, we are not worried about "stepping on mines" and there are ghost worm positioning coordinates, so we are advancing very fast, and simply don't have to worry about encountering danger. The whole team almost trot all the way forward for five more than a hundred meters, but in the end they didn't touch anything except a few pillars.

"This damn place won't be boundless, right?" Zhen Hong said, looking at the same mist around him.

gold coin said: "That is your illusion, we actually only walked five more than a hundred meters."

"What? Only five hundred meters?" Real red Looking at me in surprise and asked.

I nodded and said: "Five hundred and three meters. This is an accurate number. I can sense the ghost worm at the door. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Thanks Without the president’s summon creature, otherwise normal people will have a nervous breakdown if they can’t walk a kilometer here.” Christina said.

I was about to pick up the stubbornness and suddenly felt that a Death God guard had died, and I quickly warned loudly: "Alert, there is a situation."

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