When we returned to Yellow Stone Village again, of course we were impossible and we went straight into the village. When we came out, we already knew that this place was full of undead creatures, so We adopted a relatively safe method, which is to go around the periphery of the village before talking about it.

Huang Stone Village is much smaller than Shanxia Village, which has been burnt to white ground, and it is more like a village. As for Shanxia Village, although it is called Shanxia Village, it should be called Shanxia Village. Or Shanxia Town is more suitable. No matter in terms of scale or building type, Shanxia Village does not look like a village. In contrast, Huang Stone Village is not just in name only, but also in reality.

We first conducted a simple investigation around the periphery of Yellow Stone Village. The purpose was to find out where the walking corpses that surrounded us before came from, but we were very disappointed because we were all around. It's been over, and there is no place where the body may be hidden. Besides, there are not only one or two walking zombies. The hiding place must be very large, or there are a lot of them. Ordinarily, this kind of place should not be difficult to find, but in the end we still haven't found any clues.

There are no traces of walking corpses near the village, which means that walking corpses did not run out in the vicinity. There are three remaining probabilities. First, the walking corpse is hidden in the village, but this probability is not big. After all, Huang Stone Village is basically half a ruin, and nothing can be hidden. The second may be that the walking corpse was brought out by summon. If this is the case, it means that there are one or more summon enemies nearby. Of course, I guess it should be the summon of multiple enemies, not one, because if a single person can summon so many walking corpses at a time, then the summoner's power would be too strong, because at that time I and the real Red and the four of them acted together and they just barely rushed out. They simply failed to deal with those walking corpses. In other words, the opponent's strength has exceeded the sum of the battle strength of the four people on our side. This is definitely too exaggerated, so the probability is not big. The biggest probability is that the walking corpses are summon objects belonging to multiple summoners instead of one summoner.

Third Type It is possible that the walking dead still exist directly, but they are not hidden in the village, but come from outside. However, this probability is not high, because the previous movement speed of the walking corpses has shown that they are impossible to run for a long distance, and our appearance is an accident. The other party is impossible to move the walking corpse in advance to wait for us, and naturally it is impossible. There is the probability that the walking corpses come. Unless the opponent has the ability to know the prophet.

Considering many factors, the biggest probability is the summon from a group of summoners, and the summoner’s movement speed is usually not slow. It's because they can't run fast by themselves, and the summoner's movement speed is definitely not too slow.

After roughly determining the source of the walking corpse, our next step is to wait, and I believe the system will not let us wait too long.

The facts are almost as we guessed. We just found some clues when we lurked around the village. It was Zhen Hong that first discovered the situation, because a group of Unknown Creatures ran past where she was hiding, and Zhen Hong took the opportunity to hear a few conversations from the other party. Those Unknown Creature seemingly path-finder teams did not enter the village after coming here, but left the area directly after going around the periphery.

After the alien creatures left, several people in the village immediately walked out. Of course, the people mentioned here are just humanoid creatures. As for the specifics, I don't know. Anyway, these guys obviously came out because of the few Unknown Creatures just now. After running outside the village, these people paused at the place where the creatures stayed, then looked at the creatures that went away, and then returned. In the village.

It wasn't until these people returned that True Red rushed to move cautiously to our side, and then asked me in a low voice: "Is this going to go to war?"

Gold coin preemptively said: "It should be just exploring the way. When will the large forces behind arrive?"

Kristina said: "After all, monsters are not humans. Their battles It shouldn't be like Human warfare is so strict, right? Since they even sent troops to explore the way, I guess they should be able to see the big troops soon."

Zhenhong moved his hands and feet. "Hope! I'll be rusty if I squat down!"

"You only lurked for ten minutes, right?" Gold coin teased.

"Do you know how life is like a year? One day is equal to one year. I have spent two or three days in the past ten minutes? It's been lurking for two or three days. Isn't it normal to be a little tired? "

"That's an exaggeration, you take it seriously!"

We were fighting over there, and suddenly we heard a violent rumble of horseshoes. Come, the speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye to reach our neighborhood. I took a look at the situation outside and then re-disguised it. Just a glance I had already seen the situation clearly.

The people on horses simply didn’t intend to conceal anything. The whole is a large group of cavalry rushing along the road, and less than half a minute after the sound of the horses’ hoofs appeared, the village here There was an immediate reaction among them, and the first thing that ran out was our old acquaintance, that is, the group of walking corpses with their faces covered with cloth curtains.

These walking corpses are still the same old style. After they appeared, they began to walk along the road to the cavalry at a very slow speed. The speed was very slow. It felt like they were going for a walk instead of fighting.

The cavalry on the opposite side doesn't care about the situation here. Those riding on horses look like humanoid creatures, and most of them are indistinguishable from humans, only a few have animal heads. These guys are all wearing armor made of bamboo, which is very common in Japan. Most of the weapons are Japanese swords, and a few of them use the giant warrior-like naginata we encountered before. Of course, the naginatas of these cavalry are all naginatas of normal proportions, and the length is no more than two meters, and they are mainly portable.

The galloping cavalry is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye they have rushed in front of the walking corpses. The result is of course no suspense. Those walking corpses are slow and stiff. They simply don't have much battle strength, that is, there are a lot of them. But the problem is that there are a lot of cavalry, and the speed of the cavalry in the level is too fast, the impact of the horses is too big, the walking corpse can only be knocked down if they can't stop the running horses, and once they fall, they will be knocked down. The cavalry behind stepped on them one by one, and finally turned into a pile of rotten meat.

The battle between the two sides is basically a slaughter. The walking dead battallion was completely defeated by almost a charge, but there was no bloody situation in the battle. There were almost zero casualties on the cavalry side. Except for a few cavalrymen who stumbled and fell into the bushes on the side of the road because the charging route was too close to the edge of the road, most of them rushed into the village smoothly. As for the other side The walking corpse...Although the entire army was almost wiped out, these walking corpses didn't know that they had been dead for a long time. Anyway, even if they were chopped up, there was no trace of blood, at most just some pieces of meat.

Although I knew that the system would not let us wait too long, I didn't expect it to be so fast. It hasn't been reflected that everyone has already rushed in.

As the cavalry battallion entered the village, we naturally jumped out and started to touch the village.

I just took a look when the cavalry team passed by. The total number of cavalry is only about a hundred, but according to the information of General Qiman, there are more than two hundred in the village over there. Monsters, that is to say, in terms of numbers, the wave of monsters in the village has the absolute upper hand. Of course, this is just a quantitative advantage. Those foreign monsters who dare to challenge the master here must have a certain understanding of the opponent's strength, and in this case, if they dare to attack, it means that the opponent's strength is actually not worse than the monsters here. How much, otherwise they should simply dare not launch an attack.

We followed the cavalry here and easily touched the outskirts of the village. Along the way, we did not encounter any trouble except for killing a few undead corpses along the way.

"Come back!" As soon as I touched the edge of the village, I grabbed the real red who was about to stretch my head out to look around: "You won’t be spotted as soon as your golden light shines. Is it?"

Zhenhong looked down at her hands, then thought for a while and asked: "What should I do?"

"Of course it was for Christina to come on Now." Gold coin said.

Kristina didn’t talk nonsense, she opened a Water Element mirror directly in front of us, and then let go of a wizard’s eye. This time we can directly see the whole The situation in the village changed.

In fact, Christina’s Wizard Eye is equivalent to an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and it is still invisible. In addition, the mirror of the Water Element is equivalent to the output port of the video monitor corresponding to the unmanned scout. Of course, this thing only has the ability to receive video. Controlling the eyes of the wizard still has to be done by Christina. But with these two things, we are basically the same as having our own unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

In Christina’s magic, we soon discovered that the personnel on both sides had entered a full-scale battle in the Central Region of the village, and the crowds on both sides seemed to be about the same strength, and it happened. Stalemate. The group of Demons who originally occupied Huang Stone Village has a large number of people, but the new group of Demons has a higher single battle strength, so the two sides will be unable to distinguish the victory or defeat for a while. However, as far as I am concerned, it is estimated that the final victory is likely to belong to the invaders, because the latter's single strength is stronger.

In fact, when the total strength of the two sides is not much different, the team with the higher individual battle strength will often win the final victory. This phenomenon has been proven many times on the battlefield in reality. The most obvious evidence is that in the battleship era, a battleship with thick armor and a large caliber can completely torture several times the number of naval guns of the same caliber and higher speed than its own. A battlecruiser with thinner armor alone. Although most people in the country have heard the famous sayings like "only speed can not be broken", in fact, the difference in speed between the two sides in the battle is often not too big, so although the speed is faster, it will indeed occupy Advantages, but the advantages produced by everyone's speed are often unable to offset the advantages brought by heavy armor.

This phenomenon can be seen everywhere in reality. Light tanks can only be used as infantry support firepower, and the ratio of casualties to heavy tanks can scare people to death. Most of the light fighters are multi-purpose auxiliary attack aircraft. Really fighting against the heavy fighters is basically tortured. The same is true at sea. Heavy battleship battle strength is often beyond imagination, and light battleship can only be beaten. Among these objects, the lighter party often has advantages in terms of speed and flexibility, but the result is not enough for the bulky and heavy unit. The reason is that the speed gap between the two sides has not actually reached the point where it can reverse the situation.

Although the situation in the village is not entirely a speed issue, the more elite invaders have an absolute advantage in terms of single battle strength, so the personnel exchange ratio between the two parties will definitely not be one to one. Once the guarding party starts to die, their overall strength will begin to decline, which leads to a decline in the lethality of the strong party. This Innate weakness will cause the battle to be gradually directed to a more favorable state for the more survivable side. That is to say, the strength of the invader will decrease slowly with the battle, while the defender will quickly lose battle strength. . If this continues, the battle strength on both sides will inevitably increase, and then the guards will have to wait obediently for death.

Of course, this kind of battle is actually beneficial to us, because we can just take this opportunity to destroy the legendary soul collector.

To be honest, what our team is most worried about in this mission is not to sneak into, but how to find the soul collector, because we still don’t know what the soul collector looks like until now. . The Soul Collector of the Monster King is completely hidden. The monster that General Qiman bought only knows that their boss has such a thing, which can absorb a lot of souls and transform them into undead creatures or use them to strengthen their own strength, but none of them have seen them. What did this thing look like? This monster himself doesn't know what this thing looks like, and then General Qiman naturally doesn't know, and we outsiders don't need to say, we must have never seen it.

However, although we don’t know what this soul collector looks like, I personally think it should not be too difficult to identify. The key is that this thing absorbs soul energy, so it will definitely carry a Quantitative soul fluctuation. As long as you use this point to believe that it should not be difficult to find this thing, after all, dead objects should not have soul fluctuations, because they are soulless, and this soul collector carries soul fluctuations, which is the most obvious sign.

After confirming that the monsters have fought, we started to take action. Although General Qiman bought Nei should not see what the soul collector looks like, but he knows where this thing is, so we just need to look for the past in the designated location.

According to the map of Yellow Stone Village that we had seen with General Qiman before, we quickly touched the back of one of the seemingly ordinary houses. The front of the house has collapsed more than half, but the back yard is still there, and the place we have found now is in the entire yard. In fact, there is a row of rooms at the back of the yard, and compared with the front rooms, the back rooms are much more complete, and there is almost no obvious damage.

The destination of our trip is in the room in the middle of the back row of rooms. Since the front room collapsed in half and blocked the entrance door, we can swagger into the back row of rooms, anyway, there is a row of houses in front of it that simply can't see this side.

After the middle room is opened, it is obvious that people often come in and out, because the two sides are not dirty at all, but they are abnormally clean. It can even be said to be untainted by even a speck of dust. . The ground is a marble floor that does not match the exterior of the house. Although the walls are still the structure of thatched houses, there is a watermelon-sized metal ball floating on the ground and slowly rotating on the ground in the center of the room. Although it is not high from the ground, the sphere is indeed suspended and has not fallen to the ground.

"This shouldn't be the collector, right?" Zhen Hong asked unsurely looking at the golden sphere on the ground.

In fact, we are similar to the real red idea. Although this thing looks very special, it does not have the slightest soul fluctuation, and even I can use psionic scanning to perform penetrating scanning on this thing. If this thing can really absorb the soul, even if it can't absorb the soul of people like us, how much psychic energy I actively explored should be able to absorb a little, right? But the fact is that this thing has no response to our soul energy simply, which means that this thing cannot sense the existence of the soul.

After waiting for a long time without hearing our answer, Zhen Hong simply stepped into the room. Before, because the ground was special, we actually stood at the door and didn't walk in, but now that the real red stepped in, the metal ball on the ground immediately reacted.

Originally, the golden sphere was always at a very low height and was spinning at a very slow speed. However, as the real red stepped on the marble ground, the speed of the sphere's rotation It began to accelerate suddenly, and the height of the sphere itself was also rising, but the speed was very slow.

Seeing that this situation was really red, he immediately stepped back, and the metal ball immediately began to decelerate and slowly fell back to its original height.

"This thing can sense someone approaching?" Gold coin asked in surprise as he looked at the metal ball that was quiet again.

Kristina pushed away the real red and gold coin that was blocking the door and walked directly in, and said: "The energy fluctuation just now is based on the space system. This thing is mostly a Transmission Formation or something. The device, come up together, let’s see where it will take us."

When we heard Christina’s words, we immediately walked onto the marble floor and stood on the metal ball. Around it, not because we are confused and brave, but because Christina's guess is very reasonable. This Huang Stone Village is just that big, and most of the houses are in ruins. There are more than 200 people in those Demons. All of them are impossible to live in the ruins of the village. So the bigger probability is the entrance and exit of the space channel. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense why those Demons have to occupy an abandoned human village.

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