After we asked the question, the staff member began to explain to us why we shouldn’t worry about what happened later, and the reason was unexpectedly simple.

According to the intelligence sent back by General Qiman’s intelligence network, Monster King is currently facing the challenge of another Monster Race, and the contradiction between the two Monster Races cannot be resolved, which means that soon There will be war, and when the time comes, there will be a population war between Monster King and Monster King. After such a war, even if the current Monster King is the winner, his strength will inevitably drop drastically. When the time comes, the guest official of General Qiman can execute the decapitation operation on the Medicine King, and when the time comes, the Monster King threat can be solved once and for all.

I don't have much doubt about General Qiman's judgment, but what makes me very confused is how they obtained such information. You must know that monsters and humans are two completely different races. Although there is a certain degree of communication between the two, they are not particularly close contacts. Therefore, it becomes extremely difficult to investigate the news of the other party. For example, it's better for Demon to investigate human intelligence. Anyway, monsters are all Transformation Techniques. As long as they become humans and don't encounter certain powers, they don't have to worry about wearing them. But if humans want to spy on the information of monsters, it is extremely difficult. On the one hand, human beings rarely know the Transformation Technique, and on the other hand, most monsters have good noses, and they can smell humanity across several hundred meters, even if they are hidden, it is useless. The third is that once the target is exposed, the monster can quickly escape, it is easy to run away first, and most humans will be buried in the belly of the monster.

With such a high degree of difficulty and such a large price, it is really extremely difficult for humans to obtain information about monsters. However, General Qiman not only got the information, but also seemed to be quite comprehensive, which was not normal.

"How do you know these things?"

"Of course it was my spies who reported it back." General Qiman said.

gold coin looked up and down the Qiman general puzzledly, and then asked: "Are you a monster?"

Qiman obviously did not understand the meaning of gold coin. Then he asked in confusion: "Why are you asking like this?"

"It's very simple, because humans are almost impossible to inquire about Demon's message, but you know, so the biggest probability is that you are not a human being but a monster. "

When Qiman heard this, he immediately laughed. "I said that my spies can inquire about Demon's information, but have I ever said that my spies are humans?"

"Eh..." Gold coin was stunned by the question, and We also all reacted. Yes. It is indeed not easy for humans to inquire about Demon, but if Demon in turn wants to inquire about Demon, it is different. But having said that, how can a human lord have a Demon spy?

When we asked our own doubts, Qiman directly replied: "In fact, it is not a spy, it should be said that I bought the rape. This Demon and I have reached an agreement to sell the information to me. That’s why I can know about Demon."

"You and Demon have reached an agreement?" Although we were surprised to hear this answer, it was not difficult to understand. Demon's personality is also complicated, because the body of Demon itself may be anything, so they have all kinds of personalities after they become monsters. Among them are the existence of steadfastness and unyielding, and naturally there are also the type of wall grass. And the one that General Qiman bought was mostly a selfish, greedy and cheap type.

Now that the source of the information has been determined, the rest is simple, as long as the people who sent the family to the team are brought in. If you don’t know the situation before, of course it’s right to save people out. But since the fire was set by themselves and the purpose was to commit death, naturally they couldn’t take them out, and they could only kill the people outside. Pull in.

For things like bringing people in, Zhenhong and I didn’t help much. In the end, gold coin and Christina took the initiative to get everyone outside, just for the sake of Christina. I wasted a lot of magic power with gold coin, and I feel a bit at a loss!

However, our mood quickly turned into excitement, because after we brought the family-sending team into the underground shelter, the general Qiman actually took out a small box and handed it to I.

"This is...?" I was quite surprised when I looked at the miniature wooden box in my hand that looked like a small cosmetic box. Even though this thing is exactly the same as the large wooden box that is common in ancient times, but its volume is much smaller, it is estimated that it can hold an apple.

Such a small box, even if it is filled with gold, silver or precious stones, is not scary. After all, it is so big. The value of general things is not so amazing, and it is really a high level item. Seven General Man estimated that he would not be willing to give it to us.

After the box was handed over to me, General Qiman began to say: "This is given to me by the Demon I traded with. It is a very precious medicine, but unfortunately we don’t even know it. I don’t know if it’s really precious. But you are all expert, experienced and knowledgeable, this thing may be useful to you. This time you helped us so much, this is a gift to you as a thank you."

"Then we're welcome, thank you for your generosity." Gold coin, a guy who loves petty cheapness, snatched the small box directly, and then opened it no matter what was polite or impolite. Originally, I would definitely not look at the gift in front of others, but since it has been opened, I took a look at it and found that there were rows of black spherical objects, which looked like pills.

After discovering that this thing was probably a medicine, I quickly took it and used Appraisal Technique to identify it. The attributes I saw made me almost stretched the expression on my face and showed a real reaction.

In fact, the things in this box are indeed medicines, and they are special medicines for the BUFF mission. We must know that all the external medicines in this BUFF mission cannot be used, and the only ones that can take effect here are the special medicines obtained in the mission. Such restrictions force us to make careful calculations of every savings in this mission. A little magic power, isn’t it just for fear that the magic power is not enough in case of battle? However, with these drugs in front of us, although it cannot be said that there is no problem, at least I can say that our safety factor has been greatly improved.

The box is not all a kind of medicine, but it is divided into three kinds, a total of eight.

Five of these eight pills are healing potions, and one can increase blood volume by about 200 points. Under normal conditions, we will not see this supplement amount. If this pill falls on the ground, it is estimated that most players will treat a dime on the ground as if they were actually treated as if they had fallen on the ground. , I don’t even bother to pick it up. However, that is in a normal state without any restrictions. At this time, all the attributes in the BUFF mission we are in have been reduced, including the damage caused by the enemy to us. After all, if it's just that our attributes drop, and the enemy is still at the level of a few thousand, then there is no need to do a task, everyone just surrender. Therefore, the enemy’s battle strength has actually been lowered, but it’s not as much as ours. Therefore, in this case, even if we are attacked, the loss of life should be very small, and this The amount of 200 points of blood supplement is not less than the amount of blood loss here, at least one pill occasionally is enough to meet the needs of medium-intensity combat.

Although the blood tonic has a great effect, relatively speaking, the least valuable of the eight pills is the five blood rejuvenating pills, because the remaining three are more effective.

Two of the remaining three pills are magic replenishing potions, and the replenishment amount has reached 500 points, which is definitely a very large number. Moreover, unlike the five blood tonic medicines, this is an instant recovery medicine.

The five healing medicines are all delayed healing medicines. They will only instantly recover half of their total value immediately after swallowing them, which means that they will give you one hundred points of HP at a time. The remaining one hundred points will be slowly added to you in the next twenty seconds. Although this recovery method is considered good among the blood recovery medicines, it is still a bit weaker than the instant recovery medicine that can completely recover the full medicine efficacy value immediately after swallowing it. And those two magic healing potions are instant recovery potions, as long as you eat them, they will immediately add up to 500 mana points.

Although the requirement for instant recovery of magic power is not as urgent as life recovery, it is better to be able to recover instantaneously than to replenish slowly. In addition, the amount of replenishment itself is large, so these two magic recovery potions are absolutely More than the value of two life restoration potions.

As for the last pill left in the box... I think the value of this pill even exceeds the total value of the previous seven pills, because it is a "full purification potion".

The so-called purification medicine is not a medicine recognized by the system, but refers to all medicines that can get rid of negative states. As for the comprehensive purification potion, as the name implies, it is a potion that can completely eliminate all negative states.

If it is in normal mode, the purpose of this medicine will be very narrow, because the probability of being affected by negative attributes in normal games is not very high, and most players will have one or two resistances. Ability, even if you really run into an enemy with cursing ability, it may not necessarily be hit. As for a few of us, don't talk about it. It is not a simple thing to curse us, so I have almost never used this kind of purification medicine. Besides, there are experts such as Xiaochun that purify negative attributes among the familiars around me. Naturally, I don’t need these. Something out.

However, now we are not in a normal mission, but in a BUFF mission, and we already know that all enemies in this BUFF mission have a BUFF attribute. What is this BUFFattribute? Isn't it the attribute of various status classes? The curse is the most common status attribute, so the comprehensive purification potions that can clean all the curses are definitely much more precious than those blood potions or magic potions in this BUFF mission.

In fact, this comprehensive purification medicine is more precious than this, because this pill actually has a delay protection function. As long as you take this pill, you can not only remove all status attributes from your body in an instant, but also ensure that you will not be affected by attributes such as curses for a period of time. This is equivalent to turning on the curse for a period of time to be invalid. In such a BUFF mission, such an attribute is definitely a good thing that you can't even think of.

Originally, we thought that helping General Qiman and those who sent off the team was doing nothing. Didn't expect not only benefits, but it is so rich. This is really a surprise.

After checking the attributes of these medicines, I quickly expressed my gratitude to General Qiman, and then I was ready to leave. Didn’t expect General Qiman to give me another incidental surprise.

"Wait a minute."

"Is there anything else?"

"It's like this." General Qiman said, "I suddenly thought When I look up, they look pretty good, and maybe they can do something for me. Of course, I will hire you to help, and I will be paid."

"Let’s talk about what it is first. If we think we can, of course we will help you."

"It shouldn't be difficult for you." General Qiman said: "I didn't say it before. The Monster King is suffering from foreign Monster Race recently. Is it a threat?"

"Yes, is your mission related to this?"

"en. When the Race is at war, take advantage of the chaos to get in, and then destroy the soul collector built by the Monster King and the imprisoned soul."

"What are you talking about?"

"A soul collector is a device that can absorb souls, but it is not a one-to-one collection, but a piece of collection of the souls of all living creatures in a certain area. These soul-absorbed creatures will continue for a period of time. The loss of soul energy until complete death. In this process, because the strength of the soul continues to decrease, the absorbed person will exhibit various behavior abnormalities. Most people will self-mutilate and die without waiting for the soul to be sucked up, which is very evil. "

"Your village has also been absorbed?"

"That's not true. If it is really absorbed, I will also be impossible to stand here. It is said that the absorber can only The lifeform that absorbs the foreign world, there is no way to use it in our this world."

As soon as Qiman said such words, my mind immediately popped out of the haunted one we encountered before entering here. Obviously, that village was the object of absorption, and the last survivor in the village we received at that time left them with a wish to help them liberate. If you contact the Qiman mission, our mission clues will be clear. It seems that as long as the device is destroyed, our BUFF task can be completed.

However, the content of this task always makes me feel a little bit wrong. The military god told us before that, according to the information given by the system, the initial difficulty of the BUFF mission is the high level difficulty, and there is no simple mission. However, our current mission actually only needs to take advantage of the chaos to destroy something when the opponent is fighting, and it is finished. This seems a bit too simple, right? In the event of a clan war, how much energy can the opponent have to take care of the equipment? If there is no guard, let alone us, it should be easy to handle even a few ordinary players, right?

If you think about it this way, the content of this mission will no longer match the information we actually get. Either the information is wrong, or there is some hidden content in the mission that we don't know, and this hidden content may be the difficulty of the mission.

Although we don't know what the hidden danger is, we can only brace oneself no matter what the danger is. We can't just give up the mission because of the danger, right?

"We can accept this task, but we need intelligence support. We need to know all the information you know about these two Demon forces."

"This is no problem. "

In the following time, General Qiman began to tell us the information he knew about the two demons.

I have to say that as the leader of Monster King, this General Qiman really collected a lot of information about Monster King these days, but relatively, for the Monster Race that is about to fight Monster King I really don’t know much about the information. After all, the alien Monster Race came from other places, and has not had any actual contact with Qiman. General Qiman can know in advance that there is such a force. It is considered far-sighted, naturally, he cannot be expected to be dedicated. Spend energy to investigate the situation of that Monster Race.

Although the intelligence is only for the Monster King on this side, after all, what we need to destroy is the Monster King’s things, so knowing the situation on this side is basically the same. As for the other side’s situation , It is better to have nature, but not to have much influence.

After we figured out all the information, we started to take action. As for the plan... It can only be used according to circumstances.

Speaking of which This task is our task, but the execution progress cannot be controlled by ourselves, because we need to wait for the other party to start chaos before we can start, which determines that we cannot take the initiative. Start the mission, otherwise, if we rush in first, it will not be the opponent fighting with the alien races, but we will fight with them. Even if the four of us have relatively strong battle strength, we can't be stupid, right? According to General Qiman's intelligence, the other party has a huge population of more than 200 adult Demons. The four of us might be able to kill a lot of the other party, but in the end it was definitely our own bad luck. Therefore, this kind of thing needs to be rushed.

However, although we have to wait for the opportunity, "Zero" is a game after all. The system is impossible and really allows players to wait for the NPC, so I guess as long as we arrive near the mission location, it won’t be half of the time. A Demon melee event will definitely happen within an hour. This is an inevitable setting for any game. Therefore, we did not really wait for news here, but just returned to the village where we left before.

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