Fortunately, I am a career in Dark Element. It is estimated that the life energy is more conspicuous in this vast fire sea, so I quickly locked the target position and moved quickly.

After I ran to the location of the Life Aura cluster that I sensed before, I discovered that this place is not on the ground, but underground. But it’s right to think about it. If they were on the ground, even if they weren’t burned to death, they would have been roasted to death, and only underground could survive. Of course, if I don’t rescue, these people will die sooner or later, because the fire scene will consume a lot of oxygen. If these exits are closed, then there is no need for me to say what will happen in a completely closed environment, as suffocation is only a matter of time.

The building of the basement is obviously a very large building, because the flames on it are extremely strong at this time, so I still have some trouble to go in and save people. It’s a burden for me to enter the ruins like this big torch, and the people who rescued it need to clean up the fire site first, otherwise, as long as I open the entrance of the basement, the people inside will immediately become Roast chicken, when the time comes, I am not saving but killing!

"True Red, gold coin, Christina, have you found any survivors there?"

"No." True Hong first reported.

"People are burnt to ashes, so there are no survivors!" Gold coin complained.

"I didn't find it here either." Christina said at last.

"Boss, what's the situation with you?" Real red suddenly asked.

"I found a large number of survivors here."

"As expected! The survivors are better than us!" Gold coin said with a smile .

"I would rather pick up something else." After I finished speaking, I looked towards the big fire over there and said: "If you didn't find the survivors, just write down where you searched, and then come and help. I'll get everyone here."

"Boss, can't you handle it all by yourself?" Zhen Hong asked.

"People are in the basement, and there is a whole house on it, and it's burning. I just need to open the door to make sure it's all dead in a few seconds."

"That's true." Zhenhong said: "You wait, I'll be there soon."

"We will go there too." Christina said with gold coin.

The village was not very big, so a few people gathered quickly. When Zhenhong saw the huge fire in front of her, he asked me: "Boss, how do you know there are people down there?"

"Don't you know?" I turned my head in surprise and looked towards Zhenhong, because if it is true Hong said that she didn’t know, which meant that I had to do it again in the area she searched. After all, she still could not confirm that there were people buried under the building under the premise of clear guidance. This meant that she might have missed some The place for survivors.

Sure enough, really red nodded and said: "I just can't feel it!"

"That's bad!" Gold coin also discovered this problem. It seems that Real Red is the most serious of the four of us. Although her battle strength ranking is very high, her ability is too concentrated. Almost all ability data are concentrated in destructive power. Therefore, in many cases, the real red society is stronger than me and Christina, but she is obviously not good in investigating ability.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhenhong obviously didn't realize the problem.

gold coin directly told her the reason, Zhenhong quickly realized the problem, and finally after we discussed it, we could only arrange for her to perform the search task with me, anyway she went by herself If I did, I will run again wherever I have been. It doesn’t make much sense if I don’t separate them.

After saying this, we immediately started the rescue operation. Of course, True Red has to act as a bulldozer. First, all the larger pieces of wood pressed on the basement are lifted and thrown elsewhere. In fact, only True Red is suitable for this job, because after the power drops, I have to carry some of it here. The extra-large logs are a bit difficult, although they can be moved, but they are very difficult. In contrast, the power of True Red was much more, and he picked up the whole wood with ease, turned around and threw it out.

With the real red bulldozer here, our cleaning speed went up straight, and soon the burning wood on the ruins was almost cleaned up, and the rest were small pieces of wood. Originally, this kind of shredded wood film could be done directly with a violent wind technique, but the problem is that it is on fire now. Once the summon violent wind, it is equivalent to fueling the fire, so we can only find a way by ourselves.

After simple thinking, gold coin came up with a very simple method, which is to first cast a floating technique on this area to make all the small pieces of wood fly up, and then we don’t need to worry about it.

The heat island effect produced by a large area of ​​flame will make the air in this area accelerate to rise, forming a fairly strong updraft well, and the weight of the wood that has been applied with floatation will disappear, and the air will lose its weight. Driven by them, they will continue to fly up until the floating spell fails. They will not fall on their own, and these small pieces of wood will burn out if the spell fails. When the time comes, even if they can fall, then There is only ash.

After clearing the wood on the ground, what is left is the stone ground. According to the location of those Life Aura, we directly found the hidden basement entrance.

The entrance to the basement is not a wooden door, but a stone gate. This is probably the main reason why the people inside can live up to now, but how to open the stone gate now has caused us A lot of trouble. It's not that we can't destroy this door, but we don't know what the structure behind the door is. If the formidable power skill is too big to be killed together, wouldn’t it be a waste of work?

After a little summing up, we decided to adopt a more secure method and first open a hole in the door to ask about the situation inside.

If it’s just a hole, it’s much easier for us. Directly use eternity to become a drill, and then Ivorite will go out and grab the end of eternity and start drilling. The biggest difference between Ivorite as a construct creature and ours is that the joints of the construct creature can rotate infinitely in one direction without worrying about twisting. Moreover, some constructs rotate their joints very fast, such as Inverite's wrist, which can easily reach seven or eight thousand revolutions per minute after being rotated. This speed is definitely faster than a human hand. Therefore, letting Ifrit to punch holes is definitely a professional counterpart.

Thanks to the eternal powerful cutting ability and Inverite’s hand speed, perhaps because the material of the door is indeed ordinary slate, in short, we only took less than 30 seconds to successfully A round hole the size of a wrist was opened in the door.

"Almost, pull it out." Seeing Iverite's wrist slammed down, I knew it must have been punched through.

Inverrit began to reverse his wrist rotation, and the thread of eternity helped him easily pull eternity out of the door. I quickly leaned to the hole in the door and looked inside, and found that I couldn’t see anything, not because it was dark inside, but because there was a turn behind the door, and I also saw a few steps. In other words, there is still a lot of depth below.

Although we did not see the survivors, at least we know that there is no one behind the gate, so the next thing is simple.

I directly acted upon Zhen Hong, and then moved to the side, while Zhen Hong walked forward with three punches and two kicks and turned the stone gate into a piece of gravel. It turns out that even if the attribute is suppressed, Zhenhong is still a bulldozer.

Behind the gate, turning to the right is a long downward step. After going down from here, we found that there was a fork at the end of the step. The structure of this place is much more complicated than we thought.

The fork roads extend from left to right, but we cannot rely on the position of life energy to determine which way to go, because the direction of life energy shows us up ahead, and the two fork roads are separate Extending to the left and right, which means that no matter which one of these fork roads is, it is possible to lead to the location of the survivor.

Since there is no way to judge directly, we only have to check one by one. Anyway, there are only two ways. And how big can the basement attached to a house in a village be?

Anyway, we don’t know which way is the right way. We simply chose one at random. After walking less than ten meters, we found that it was a dead end. The passage went seven or eight meters and then turned into it. Arriving in a small room of five or six square meters, there is no one in it, and there is no other entrance or exit. I had no choice but to change to another road. After the same length, I turned a corner, but the connection here was not a house, but a new passage.

This new passage is very narrow and long, and the downward slope is very large. After we entered, we still felt a faint feeling of coolness.

"Why is there wind in this place?" Gold coin asked in surprise.

"I feel it too." Zhenhong said.

It’s not surprising that there is wind, as long as there is more than one outlet, even the basement will have air flow, and as long as the air flow is fast enough, it can be felt. We are not surprised to feel the wind underground. What really makes us strange is that there is wind in the basement of this building, and this is generally a phenomenon that occurs only in dense tunnels. In other words, we may not enter a basement but a secret passage.

"What should I do now?" Christina looked at me and asked.

"What else can I do? Search down."

In fact, we really have no good way, we can only move forward continuously along the induction signal Fortunately, the position of this signal has not changed, so we are always getting closer to that signal source. After about more than two hundred meters in this passage, we finally finished the passage, and the end of the passage is the survivors we were looking for.

Although when I was on the ground, I knew that there was definitely a large group of survivors below. After all, Life Aura is very large and there is no energy fluctuation. Then it must be impossible to be a single powerful individual. It can be a lot of small lives. However, the number of survivors in front of me still surprised me. I even wonder if the entire village is here.

The room at the end of this passage is basically similar to a huge indoor stadium, the surrounding circle is relatively high, and the center point is the shortest. When we came in, there were at least several thousand people gathered here. According to the scale of the buildings on the ground, the total population of this walled city might be only 20,000 to 30,000, and this room alone gathers. It's as many as seven or eight thousand. Even if we were prepared, we didn't expect that there would be so many people.

While we looked at the survivors in this underground shelter, those survivors also looked at us without saying a word, their expressions were the same as the previous ones. The team was exactly the same when they first met us. When we realized this, we suddenly thought of what might happen in the future, but the problem is that we did not have time to act and those survivors moved first.

The reaction of these people was exactly the same as that of the couple who sent off the relatives. They directly exploded. A group of people fled and found that there were only two exits in this place, and we were standing at one of the exits. The people underneath began to gather in that direction, trying to charge ahead.

As soon as I saw this situation, I knew it was going to be worse, so I acted immediately. At this time, the four of us obviously couldn't make the crowd quiet down quickly, so I directly released the Death God guard. A thousand Death God guards surrounded the entire circle around the refuge, and the other exit was where I placed the king and the sickle.

The king has enough battle strength, he can suppress something that really happens, and the sickle I put there is purely an advertising effect. Although the truth is about battle strength, a bundle of three sickles is not the king’s opponent, but sometimes strength alone is useless. Even if the king can beat ten one by one, it seems that there is no deterrent without a sickle. Of course, what I'm talking about is for the ordinary person group. Those who are really knowledgeable will know who is better at a glance. But for an ordinary person, a spider the size of a car and a warrior that looks very majestic, normal people will of course think that the spider is more scary.

My arrangement quickly took effect. The crowd who was rushing towards the exit was quickly scared back, but the crowd was still trying to squeeze into the center, so I loudly shouted again decisively:" Listen to all the Death God guards, leave them alone if you stand still, and get rid of the messy ones."

Of course, I didn’t say this to the Death God guards. I really want to kill. As long as I have a thought, it will be done. The purpose of this sentence is to scare those who run wild, and the effect is surprisingly good. In an instant, all the people present were put into a static state, and an impending stampede accident was strangled in the bud.

"It’s not moving anymore, are you?" Looking at all the frozen crowds below, I once again loudly said: "Since you are not moving anymore, then listen to my conversation. We, not what you think The group of people. We are outsiders who came here from other places, we are not under Monster King. The reason why we have to enter here is because the people in the wedding party saw the village burning up, and they couldn’t rush in. , So please come in and save people. Do you understand your situation now?"

The crowd did not answer my question, but moved again in an instant, of course not running around, and It was as if relaxed as if they were relaxed. This reaction just shows that they understood what I said, otherwise they would definitely not dare to relax like this.

Although most people feel relaxed, some people have different reactions. Some of them rushed over and asked us whether their relatives in the procession were safe. For this kind of problem, we can only say that it should be safe, because we don't know who is in the family-sending team outside, but there was no fighting at the time, so even those who ran away should be still alive.

In addition to those who asked about the status of relatives and friends, there were also personal reactions on the scene that were a bit abnormal, because everyone else felt relaxed, but this guy started to do it since he knew we were not from Monster King. There was a pensive look, and it seemed frowned that it was difficult to make a decision.

Although this guy behaves abnormally, I didn’t mean to look for that guy, but I didn’t plan to ask about the situation, but the other party made a decision quickly, and then walked towards us with a slap on the thigh. Come here.

Gold coin and Christina have also noticed this person and the small group of people around him a long time ago. The reason why these people can be spotted among thousands of people is mainly because of their costumes. Obviously they are not ordinary people. If our guess is correct, these guys are probably the so-called General Qiman and his men.

Sure enough, after this group of people came to us, the guy in the middle who wore the red armor specially designed for Japanese warrior appeared more and more, and then self-introduced: "A few powerhouses, I am the lord of this place. Qiman, I don’t know how to call them?"

On behalf of Zhenhong, I briefly introduced the names and approximate occupations of a few of us, and then asked: "Why are you burning up here? Isn’t the Monster King in the direction we came from? Did they run in front of us from the small road?"

"No, we set the fire ourselves." The one beside Qiman looks like Said the guy like an aide.

"Huh? What did you say?" Real Red looked at the guy in surprise and asked: "You mean you set the torch and burned your own village?"

< p>Qiman explained in frustration: "Although we sent a team to send off the brides, the number of brides was not enough and they were late, so we felt very uneasy after the team left. Afterwards, my staff suggested that we pretend to be dead and set fires. Burn your own city, and then everyone hides, so that even if the Monster King people come, they will think that our whole village is burned to death, so that we can survive."

"It sounds like at first glance. It seems not bad, but you can't always pretend to be dead, right? As long as you go out, you will definitely be found out. When the time comes, isn't it the same to be finished?" Gold coin asked.

"Everyone knows something about this. In fact, as long as we escape recently, we don't have to be afraid of Monster King." The staff member beside Qiman said again.

I looked at him curiously and asked: "Why? Could it be that Monster King is dying?"

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