"Damn it, don't be stunned, hurry up and put out the fire!" The old man reacted first and rushed up as he shouted, but to be honest, this kind of fire is Under the current conditions, saving or not saving is actually meaningless.

as everyone knows, Japanese buildings are mostly wooden structures, and there are few masonry materials. The whole house of this structure is like a huge pile of firewood. When it is not on fire, it is better to say a little bit. Once it really burns, it is almost impossible to extinguish it. Of course, it does not mean that there must be no way to fight the fire, but the only fire fighting tool in this village is a bucket, and the nearest water source is a stream more than three hundred meters away from the village. Relying on manpower to carry water back and forth, this speed is difficult to extinguish even if the cement building is on fire, let alone the entire wooden city walled on fire.

In fact, the old man and the people in the team were not able to rush to the edge of the walled city and were blocked by the heat wave. Anyone who has really come into contact with larger flames knows that the temperature of a big fire is completely different from that of a gas flame at home. Take the bonfire used in the bonfire party, it is simply to pile some wood together and ignite it. When the flame is in its most vigorous state, it will not stand within one meter and five meters around it, and you can feel it two meters away. To the billowing heat. And like this kind of situation where the whole city is on fire, there is basically a direct burn effect on the human body within 100 meters of the fire scene without heat insulation clothing.

Obviously normal people are impossible to pour the river water with buckets 100 meters away to fight the fire, so the old man and the servants can only be blocked by the high temperature and heat wave in the city walled by not knowing what to do Running back and forth beyond not knowing what to do. Some people covered their heads and faces with clothes and tried to rush forward, but they started running back after less than 20 meters. When they came out, even many people's skin had burned to varying degrees.

In the beginning, many people could not react for a while and were still trying to get close to the walled city, but soon those people realized that all their actions were futile, so many people began to kneel down decadently. Weeping bitter tears on the ground, some people are sitting there staring blankly at the fire scene in a daze.

I can understand the situation of these people, but I have no way to help them. After all, the flame burns too hard. If I am in perfect physical condition, I can kill the flame, but unfortunately The impact of the BUFF mission, my strength is only a fraction of the state of the province. In this case, what I can do is to ensure that I am not burned to death. It is obviously not enough to put out the fire.

I thought these people would sit here and wait until the fire goes out, but what I didn’t expect was that a youngster suddenly jumped up in the crowd over there, and then used him He said that he rushed in front of me at a very exaggerated speed, fell to the ground and hugged my leg, crying and begging: "My lord, please my lord. I know you are very difficult to deal with, you must not be afraid of this flame, please Please do me a favour, go into the walled city and help me find my younger sister! I beg you, sir!" After the guy finished speaking, regardless of whether I said yes or not, he just got up and started kowtow desperately. "I will die here if you don't go in".

Looking at this guy's behavior, I really hesitate. It's not that I don't want to help, but that I really need to give a lot of things. We are not complete bodies now, and our own magic resistance is naturally unable to resist such high temperatures. If you want to enter, you must use additional fire resistance magic to enter. However, after we arrived in this task, our own magic power recovery speed also dropped drastically, and the mana consumption of the skill did not drop to the same level as our attribute. As a result, everyone’s magic power gauge became abnormally tense. Do not use magic as much as possible, otherwise, what if the magic power is not enough when a large skill is really needed later? Don't forget that the drugs in the BUFF mission are ineffective, and the drugs must be found in the mission to be effective. But we have entered this mission and haven't even found a pill now, which shows that this medicine is definitely a very rare thing. So, we simply don't dare to use magic indiscriminately now. However, these NPCs now actually ask us to save people, and once they enter the fire scene, they must use magic power. This is okay to save people, but what if they can't be saved? How can we just do this kind of high investment, unstable return, or even no return?

Although this kind of thing is completely unnecessary from the point of view of interest, from the point of view of emotion, it is supposed to happen in order to save people. It's one thing to encounter enemies fighting each other, and it's another thing to fail to save such unrelated personnel when they encounter danger. Besides, we are not powerless. On the contrary, we have this ability. If we don't save in this situation, it is a matter of character.

Someone took the lead, and everyone else responded. This request is only for his wife, who wants to save his own wife, and also wants to save his own children, and of course more is to save his own family. The people in these family-sending teams are basically people from this village, and this village is said to be a village, but in fact it should be regarded as a small county town, and the population is actually not large. Basically, these people present have several family members in it, so when they see the city on fire, they will rush in crazily to save people at the very beginning.

Looking at the large group of people kneeling on the ground in front of me, I can only helplessly turn my head and look at the red one. I'm really a little bit sad about not doing anything at all, so I can only look at other people's opinions.

gold coin shook the head, which is insignificant, and true red is nodded, and Christina is nodded. Obviously, it was two-to-one, and I abstained from voting. The end result was naturally to go to help according to Christina and Zhenhong's opinions.

"Get up all. You are blocking us like this, how can we save people?"

Suddenly when I heard what I said, those who were busy kowtow suddenly froze. There, they looked towards me with shocked expressions on my face. Although they are trying their best to plead with us, they actually know that we are unlikely to help, so these people will be stunned when they hear such an answer.

"Why are you in a daze? If you don't let the people inside, you will be dead!"

This sentence still has a deterrent effect, and the people in front suddenly suddenly They all gave way to both sides. I don't talk nonsense, and I just walked into the fire sea over there first.

Although the BUFF mission limits my attributes, the Dragon Soul suit is still a Divine Item suit after all, and it is a growth type equipment. Even if it has been weakened so much, it still deserves to be a top suit. In this way, without any preparation, I walked directly to a place more than five meters away from the outer wall of the walled city, and then I began to feel the obvious burning sensation, and at this time the flame on the outer wall could almost be licked. My face is gone. At this temperature, even if I walk in like this without any preparation, I guess it will only slowly lose blood at most, and I won't be burnt to death really quickly. This is still the situation after the attributes of the Dragon Soul suit have been weakened. If the Dragon Soul suit is in a full body state, this temperature will not produce any reaction at all.

Compared to my freehand brushwork, they are not much worse than Zhenhong. True Red's own True Martial suit itself is also a type of ultra-high defense. Although it is not a special elemental resistance equipment, after all, the basic data is too high, so it is similar to me, and can almost ignore the temperature of this fire field. However, in order to avoid blood loss, True Red still uses some small skills to assist.

Although gold coin and Christina are both legal systems, in the face of this kind of fire, they are actually better than me and Zhenhong, who have high magic resistance.

Christina added an elemental transformation to herself anyway, and gold coin simply walked into the fire field without any need. What’s more amazing is that all the flames seemed to be afraid of her after gold coin approached. , The flames all tilted away from her, as a result, when viewed from the side, it was as if the flames would automatically separate a path wherever the gold coin went. In contrast, Christina's transformation of elements is a bit low-end.

In fact, elemental transformation is not an active magic, but a passive state magic. After use, it does not need to be maintained, as long as it is not dispelled, it will not disappear automatically. The feature of this spell is that it does not consume any of its own magic power. After activation, a certain element can be used as energy according to the settings before activation, and at the same time, an element balance area is created around the body. Of course, based on the basic world theorem, this spell can only be used when a certain series of elements are too dense, otherwise the element pressure is not enough to maintain its continuous work. However, it turns out that this kind of spell has a good effect in the face of high temperature environment, underwater environment or Extreme Cold state.

Gold coin and Christina finally entered the fire sea easily, and Zhenhong and I also entered smoothly after adding the auxiliary spell.

Actually, to save people in the fire sea, it is not enough to be afraid of the fire. You have to have a way to find the target you need in the fire sea. Flames glow when they burn. Everyone knows this, but because all directions are flames in the fire field, there will be an effect similar to overexposure. The human eye’s ability to distinguish things in this environment is actually very bad, so it’s not enough if you are not afraid of fire. You also need the ability to accurately find the target in the fire field.

Originally, magic sensing is a good ability to explore the fire field without being disturbed by flames. Unfortunately, the target here is an ordinary person, so no magic power can be used to be discovered by us, so naturally it cannot be used. Ways to find. Fortunately, all of us have some little tricks of our own, and finally we can still see objects clearly in the fire scene.

In order to increase the search speed, we automatically dispersed after entering the fire scene. I directly turned on the life detection ability, and then started to search a little bit forward along the burning street.

In fact, I originally thought that there should be no living people here. After all, the temperature is here. However, it turns out that the desire to survive often makes people do a lot of unimaginable things, and the villagers in this village obviously also have a strong desire to survive, so I quickly discovered the breath of living people, and there are more than one. Instead, I found a large group at once.

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