"Monster King is nothing, he is Monster King." old man replied.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Monster King is the king, the king of Monster Race."

"Yes, I understand Monster King is the king. I just want to know what kind of monster he is. For example, some monsters were originally some kind of beasts, or some kind of equipment. What do you mean by Monster King?"

" Monster King is a person."

"People? Are you referring to us?"

"Forgive me, you are Human Race?" The old man looked at me in surprise Asked.

I was asked for a moment, and then I realized that I was indeed not Human Race in the game, and not even in reality. However, this Monster King is actually a Human Race, which is an anecdote in the world.

"How can the King of Monster Race be a human?"

"In fact, it is not entirely human." Old man said: "Monster King was once a human, but then it happened Some things are transformed into half-human and half-monster, but part of him is still human, but he has become a Monster King."

"Do you know the reason for this transformation?"< /p>

The old man shook his head and said: "I only know some legends, it seems that Monster King was once sacrificed as a sacrifice, but the sacrifice failed, and then I don’t know how it became the current Monster. King. But this is what I heard, and I am not sure if it is true. Also, Monster King has a very strange character, sometimes very kind, sometimes very evil."

< p>"Do you know what his battle strength is?"

"Don't make fun of me! If I had seen the Monster King, I would have died a long time ago. Where else can I be? Speaking to you here?"

I nodded recognized the words of the old man, and then said: "Well, call your people and take us back. I want to see your general Qiman. "


As soon as the old man said a word, he saw Zhenhong walk by and lightly lift up an upside-down bullock cart, and then immediately Succumbed.

Although our strength in this BUFF mission is greatly restricted, the really red power attribute is there after all, even if it is suppressed like this, what about turning a car? There is still no pressure.

The scared old man soon began to appoint other people who were frightened to return to the team, but the effect was very bad. Except for a few people who returned to the team after being yelled by the old man, most of them were still limp there and there was no movement, and even some people even howled and fled immediately after being awakened.

Of course we will not be polite to those who try to escape, but we are not killing Demon King, not that we dare not kill NPC, but because we are afraid that it will affect the follow-up mission, so we just arrest these people I came back and threw it back into the team, and didn't really kill anyone. However, because some guys were too "brave", in the end we had to use some cruel methods.

Speaking of these "brave" guys, I can only say that I can't understand their behavior at all. These guys were one of the people who were frightened and fainted before. After being awakened, they started running out of the team. Of course, they were also intercepted like others. Several of them were thrown directly back into the team. But they will get up and continue running. After that, the gold coin that was forced had to waste magic power and began to manipulate Flying Sword to stop these guys, and also cut off the arm of one of them. In this case, it is said that those who ran away because of fear should stop because of fear. However, the fact is that instead of stopping, these guys ran faster.

After those guys accelerated, gold coin began to arrange a Flying Sword in front of them like a meat grinder-like wall. This wall is all made up of Flying Sword blades. The effect is even better than barbed wire. To be exaggerated, as long as anyone rushes up, they will be immediately delayed by the continuously rotating Flying Sword roller. However, because the Flying Sword roller doesn't move, so as long as those people don't hit them on their own, there will never be a problem. After all, the roller won't chase people.

But this is also one of the reasons why I call those guys "brave" and unreasonable. They were obviously frightened and fled, which shows that they should be relatively timid. However, if they were timid, these guys rushed into the drum against the rotating drum.

Because it is not intended to kill these NPCs, the gap between the Flying Sword rollers like the meat grinder set by gold coin is actually much larger than it looks. But it won't really cut you into sauerkraut fish fillets, at most it is just scraping off a layer of meat. However, even just scraping a layer of meat is a very terrifying thing. People's self-protection instinct should prevent people from hitting themselves, but these guys just slammed into it directly and rushed into the inside of the drum. In the process, these guys seemed to have been polished with sandpaper. The skin of the whole body was almost completely scraped off, and the whole person became blood-red and blood-red. The horrible appearance was even more scary than the real skeleton. . After all, the snow-white skeleton of the skeleton does not look very scary. This kind of situation with only flesh and no skin is really super scary.

Because of the tragic situation of being Ling Chi, I felt pain all over the body even when I saw it, but these guys actually rushed in. How much courage does it take to do this kind of thing? However, if they were to be brave, their purpose of rushing in was to escape, which really made me very speechless. If you are really that brave, there is no need to rush into this thing and die, right?

Although we can’t understand the behavior of these guys at all, we can’t really kill these guys, so in the end we simply hang these guys directly on the bullock cart to show the public. Anyway, these guys are watching It's miserable, in fact, the injury is not serious. The pain must be very painful, but it is not so easy to die.

With these few anti-second textbooks, the rest of the people have become a lot more obedient, so the old man quickly regrouped and completed the team, and even the people who ran away before returned partly .

The rectified team began to walk back along the route it came from, and the speed was much faster than before. When they came, they carried the bride to the territory of Monster King, and for humans, they would instinctively resist not wanting to go to that kind of place, and the natural speed would slow down unconsciously. As for now...Following us are four Great Demon Kings. Of course, this group of people can't wait to fly back and get free.

In this weird atmosphere, the team used to rush back to the mountain village twice as fast, and then I saw a very huge walled city, but this village... "Why Burning?"

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