Under my deterrence, the old man immediately obediently nodded and said that he would follow my requirements. After confirming that this guy has understood what I mean, I opened the mouth and said: "Now tell me where this is."

The old man is very old after all, and I have more experience in life and everything. After just asking a question, he found out what was wrong, but this guy is more savvy. After looking at me, he didn't reveal my identity, but seriously said: "The front is Shanxia Village, and the direction you came just now is Huang Stone. Village, this area is under the rule of General Qiman."

"What kind of person is General Qiman? What is his personality? What is his personal battle strength?"

old man hesitated for a while and said: "General Qiman is not bad, he is generous to the people, but he has a little courage and is easily threatened. As for personal strength... In fact, General Qiman has not passed through. What kind of formal training, I haven't studied art, so..."

I nodded and stopped the old man and went on. This Qiman general was obviously a civilian general, and such people were not uncommon. Even in ancient history, generals with ordinary battle strengths existed.

"Your general himself basically has no battle strength, so he must have his own army or armed forces such as warrior? Tell me the composition of these armed forces and the approximate battle strength."



"Why? Do you think that your general Qiman will kill you, don't I?"

old man a listen Immediately he shook his head desperately and said: "No, no. I just don’t know how to answer. That, the people who can fight under the general are divided into four categories. One is the guard, which is actually just some trained family members. Battle strength is better than The poor are better, but not many. The second is the warrior, there are about 30 people. The third is the ninja. I don’t know if there are too few people. I only know that General Chiman has ninjas. Finally, there are ninjas. One is the guest official, there are three people in total, each of whom has their own unique skills. However, apart from the guards, I really don’t know the battle strength of the others!"

I don't doubt what the old man said, because under normal circumstances, he knows it but it is not normal. Just like what he said, the guards are armed men with a slightly larger number of people, and they are not always in a fighting state. They usually do some work as ordinary men, so the old man can get in touch with these people and understand their battle strength. This is not surprising. However, the warrior itself is a privileged class, and its status is much higher than that of the old man. The old man is basically impossible to talk about their friendship, so naturally there is no way to understand their strength. As for the ninja... they are all personal bodyguards hidden in the dark, plus dead men who perform suicide missions when necessary. Anyway, they are very hidden ones. If this old man knows their strength, I guess he won’t be able to live by me. Grab the questioning. As for those guest official...this one can ask more questions.

"How about the abilities of those three guest official? You should know something?"

"Return to adults. I only know some simple information about these three guest official, no Knowing right and wrong is not necessarily comprehensive."

"It doesn't matter, you can tell me as much as you know."

"Well, then!" old man nodded and said: " Among the three guest official, two are warriors and the other is mage."


"I'm not sure what type of mage it is." old man Hearing me repeat the two words "Master", I knew that I wanted to know the specific details, so I said: "I also heard people say that there are many types of teachers, but I am a poor man who grew up in a village. I have limited knowledge and I don't know how to distinguish. Anyway. I know that this guest official will use powerful mana to make the dead climb out of the ground to help him. Of course, these dead men awakened by the Master can also be used in battle."

"Then you Do you know the color of this wizard's costume?"

"Yellow. There is still a gossip on the chest."

I nodded let it continue. Only Necromancer is Onmyouji who can manipulate the dead to fight. The old man said that the mage is wearing yellow clothes and has gossip, so it can only be Onmyouji. Although there are no specific rules for Necromancer's clothing, most of them are black and rarely have other colors. Even if there is, the color must be very dark, and the impossible is such an eye-catching color as yellow. As for gossip, this thing is something that the more standard Taoist system branch will have, and Onmyouji is just that way.

The old man watched me gesture to continue and immediately said: "The remaining two guest official are a man and a woman, both warriors. They have a lot more experience than the warriors raised by General Qiman. But I don’t know how powerful it is. I’m not a warrior, so I can’t tell who is strong or weak."

"Very good, your previous answer satisfied me, as long as If you keep this way of cooperation, I will release you after knowing the information I want to know. Is there a problem?"

The old man quickly nodded and said: "No problem, I promise to know something What to say."

I nodded and continued to ask: "You obviously recognized the wrong person before, tell me who you think of us?" Since the old man has discovered that we are not the ones they are afraid of If you need to send off your relatives, then I don’t have to shy away. Anyway, as long as he can maintain an oppressive posture on the martial power, he can guarantee that he dare not play tricks with me. After all, the strength is not equal, and the result of playing tricks will be unbearable for him.

The old man even revealed all the information of his own people before. Naturally, these outsiders’ information does not need to be concealed, so he replied very quickly: "Before I regarded you as Monster King’s. People."

"Monster King?"

"In fact, it was a Great Demon in this mountain. I didn’t know how to ran out and occupied the Yellow Stone Village over there, and then A lot of dead people also attacked nearby villages. You are coming to our side. If you go to the other side, you can see several killed villages. All of them belong to the other side of the mountain. A general, but their general did not love the people as much as our general Qiman, so they did not care about the people in those villages, and they were all killed."

"Then you fought the monsters?"

"That's not the case." The old man said somewhat sorry: "General Qiman sent his guest official and reached an agreement with the other party, which is to send four brides every six months, and then the monsters promise not Will attack any village in the territory of General Qiman again."

"Do you know what this Monster King turned into a monster? How strong is it?" I finally asked the most critical question, just old Man's answer surprised me.

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