"Boss, emergency!" I just found out that those things are indestructible, but didn't expect Christina screamed again.

"What's the matter?"

Kristina said nervously: "My attribute value is declining!"

"What's the matter? "

"I don't know, but it may be related to those things. As long as I attack them, my attributes will drop, very fast!"

gold coin said beside: "You kill the most, and you will definitely be affected the most."

I turned my head and looked at Zhenhong and asked: "Are you in any situation?"

"No, I have all I didn't kill a few!"

"Me too!" Gold coin followed.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Don't worry about it, Summon mount, everyone concentrates on rushing out."


With When my order was given, three creatures appeared immediately beside us. My mount is of course Night Shadow, and the ability of Night Shadow in this kind of melee situation is too prominent.

The mount of gold coin is her demon familiar, the snow-white Heavenly Fox, an all-round transformable demon familiar. It needs output and support, and there is almost nothing bad at it. The key thing is that it can also be used as a mount, and it is very beautiful after being humanized, but gold coin is a girl, and this is not very useful in the end.

Zhenhong does not have the summon Divine Dragon this time, but it is not a normal thing, but a Qilin that is two laps larger than Night Shadow.

This Qilin inherited the glittering style of True Red himself. Anyway, as long as the things are really red, they are basically all golden. Not to mention her equipment, the True Martial suit is basically similar to the Chinese version of the gold saint clothing, and her main battle favorite is the golden Divine Dragon, and it is still two twin Divine Dragons. As for this Qilin now...at first glance it looks like Fire Qilin, because this guy's body is always burning with a raging flame, but the flame is not red, but golden. In addition, except for the eyes and mouth of this guy, everything else is golden. Even in such a dark place, the golden hair is still dazzling.

In fact, the true red mount is not a Fire Qilin, but a hybrid Qilin. However, based on hybrid strength, hybrid creatures are usually stronger than purebred creatures. This hybrid Qilin is no exception. The transpiring golden flame on his body is actually the anode flame mentioned by Celestial Court. It is a Pure Yang Fire, more powerful than Samadhi True Fire. Thanks to the fact that the flames on this guy can't be actively controlled, they can only surround the surface of the body for some protection. If this thing can spray around like Long Yan, the formidable power is absolutely terrifying. However, the real power of this guy is not the anode flame, but the skin and hair on his body. Don't look at the flying mane on this guy, as soft as velvet. In fact, the defensive power of the thing is comparable to diamond stone, and it is only effective for attacks. In other words, when you touch him, the hair is hairy, soft and comfortable, giving people an urge to rub with your face, but if you want to attack him, the hair will instantly become invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. The armor of general swords can not even leave a mark when cut up. And this guy’s skin is the same as the hair, neither water nor fire can approach, defensive power is more exaggerated than the battleship shell, although it is not absolutely invincible, the attribute of this thing is immune to 90% attack damage, and it also comes with an extra Defense enhancement and damage rebound characteristics. Anyway, this thing is defensive power just like a tank. It is almost hard to kill him with a frontal attack.

Originally, defensive power is not very useful for a mount, anyway, if the owner is dead, no matter how strong the mount is, it will be useless. But really red is different. True Red’s True Martial suit and the identity of the national weapon holder determine her combat feature is brave straight line. This feature determines that True Red usually rushes to the front line, and in most cases it is faced with masses. The enemy of, smashed a bloody path in the encirclement of the enemy. Think about it just now, in such a critical situation, I still let Zhenhong go to clear the way, you can see what Zhenhong usually fights like. Under such a battle method, if the true red mount cannot resist, it is very likely that true red will be fine and the mount will hang up first. Although her two dragons can also serve as cameo mounts, they are the main battle strength after all. If they are dragged because they serve as mounts, it is definitely a big restriction on the true red battle strength. Therefore, in this case, a hard mount like a tank is absolutely necessary.

After the completion of our three mount summon, Christina jumped directly on the fox of gold coin. Real red needs to open the road ahead, and taking a person will affect the battle strength. I want the queen, the situation is similar. Gold coin is the only suitable candidate. As for Christina herself... Although she has a lot of Familiars, and her level is not low, it seems that none of them are suitable as mounts. So this kind of time can only be a free rider.

After the infantry was transferred to the cavalry, the mobility obviously increased. Although the attributes of the pets were suppressed by the mission, the speed was not a thousand faster, but after all, the mounts are all speed specialties, so run It's definitely much faster than our own legs.

True Red rushed out first, and the monsters on the ground had stood up again at this time, but the blood Qilin who was in contact with True Red was hit and flew directly. All of the monsters burned up, and when they landed, they turned into a pool of black asphalt-like things. I also specially observed one of the monsters, and found that it did not come back to life. In other words, the anode flame can actually end this thing completely. It's a pity that this thing is mixed with the characteristic attributes of Blood Qilin. It is not a skill. There is no way to actively use it. Besides, we are not thinking about killing all the monsters here, so I didn't remind you how many of these things are really red.

Before, our team was blocked because of the blocking of the trailblazer Real Red. Now that the bulldozer is resurrected, our team will naturally not be trapped anymore. Because of the fast speed, the route that was really red rushed before it was filled with gold coins by the monsters before it rushed over, and when I followed, there were only a few monsters that could touch my side. Sitting on Ye Ying's back, just pull it twice with the eternally changing hook and sickle, and it's done.

Though these corpses turned into monsters can be resurrected, but they are too slow, as long as they are not entangled, they simply do not pose any threat. Zhen Hong led us all the way to the past, and was killed from the encirclement of this group of monsters in less than ten seconds, and those monsters who could only walk and could not run could not even catch up with the ordinary person, let alone our mounts.

Seeing that we run out of the encirclement circle, we are somewhat relaxed. I asked Christina and Gold Coin to report their battle records. The last check revealed the reason why Christina’s attributes dropped. After a long time, the monster that the corpse turned into has a damage counterattack buff. Although Kristina’s combat report did not mention the hint of attribute loss due to BUFF, the hint of attribute reduction appeared in proportion to the attack damage hint. According to the data comparison, the final conclusion is that for every 100 points of health damage to those monsters, the attacker will randomly lose a little attribute. This attribute may be attack power, defensive power, or life. Other attributes such as value have no obvious regularity, but they have a clear numerical ratio to the damage value.

This discovery drove us crazy. Although we can use our own attributes in exchange for the drop in the opponent's health, the problem is that those things can be resurrected. Although I don’t know if it’s an infinite resurrection, it can only be resurrected how many times, anyway, looking at it now, using our attributes to fight for each other’s lives is an absolute loss-making business. In addition, there are some very strange problems with the attributes on our side, and this problem is that there is no change in the attributes that are really red. No, it is not that absolutely does not have change. In fact, the red attributes also declined during the at first battle, just like us, but they disappeared after the mount was put on. Inferring from this situation, all monsters burned to death by the anode flame have no effect on the BUFF attribute. I don’t know if this BUFF is not effective for the pet, or because the true red pet is special, or it is simply the attribute of the anode flame to restrain the negative BUFF. After all, the anode flame represents the most rigid to pure, and it is everything in a normal environment. The nemesis of negative things includes curses.

Anyway, we at least now know what to do when we encounter that kind of corpse with a face covered again, at least not to let Christina go up and wash the floor. Just now, the attribute value of Christina has gone down a lot, thanks to the time limit of BUFFattribute, so we are not too worried, as long as we get out of the battle, it will be gone after a while.

I just remembered to run away before. Now that we are better, we naturally start to reconsider the task. speaking of which we can be sure that we have entered the BUFF mission, but to be honest, we can almost say that we know nothing about the content of the mission. Of course, the words that the girl said before her death must be the mission goal, but what exactly does this goal mean? She said that she wanted us to help them out. This sentence was obviously not to save lives, because there were no living people in the village except herself. Then, according to the initial background setting of this task, its content should be something related to ghosts. And if this is the case, then death is not the end, and the liberation should not be their body but the soul.

Based on the above information, it is speculated that the current situation is that our mission should be to rescue the souls of the villagers. However, at first glance it seems that the content of the task is very clear, but when we think about it carefully, we still don't know anything. Because we don’t know where this is, we don’t know what the villagers are being persecuted by, and we simply don’t know what forces are here. I can even say that we actually don't know anything about this place.

The first thing we should do in this kind of blackened eyes is to quickly gather intelligence, but the problem is that from entering the mission to now, we have hit three waves of enemies in a row, but I didn't even see one who could talk. Where are we going to collect information in this situation?

Don't say anything. When we were going to get information from our distress, a bunch of ready-made tongues appeared in front of us.

"This is... the welcoming team?" We have run out of the village for many miles. Although the attributes have been weakened, our mounts are originally divine objects, so no matter how slow they are, they can’t be slower. In just a few moments, we were almost running to the neighboring village, and the team in front of us was obviously moving towards the village where we came out. As a result, we met head-on at a corner of the road.

Because this is a mountainous area, as long as the road turns a little bit, there is no one on the opposite side. As a result, when we both appeared in each other’s sight range, we were already very close. However, this time the opposing team didn't immediately rush to launch an attack, but just the opposite. The whole team was messed up instantly after seeing us. The team that was still on the road fell apart in an instant, and those who carried the sedan chair ignored the burden on their bodies, and ran away as soon as they threw them away. Of course, there are still a small number of people who can run, and most of them are simply scared and paralyzed on the ground and can't move.

We have just been chased by a group of monsters. Suddenly we will find that a group of people are frightened and collapsed directly, making us unable to turn around for a while. Zhen Hong lowered her head stupidly and checked her body, thinking that something was on her body. The result is of course nothing. With her mount and the anode flame, even if something really sticks to it, it would have been burnt to ashes a long time ago.

"They are... afraid of us again?" Christina confirmed it for a long time before daring to say her guess.

"Are we that scary?" Zhenhong asked suspiciously.

"Maybe there is some misunderstanding. But I think this group of people helped us solve a big problem." As I said this, I asked Ye Ying to go up and want to ask about the situation, but the person on the other side Seeing us walking past, some people simply shook their heads and fainted gorgeously. Of course, only a few are dizzy. Most of them were still lying on the ground and shivering as before, and some of them sometimes made some indecent objects to make the surrounding smell strange.

I didn't care about the insignificant people. My goal was obvious. It was an old man next to a little donkey in the middle of the team. This old man was originally riding on a donkey, but was scared off by us just now. In this whole team of more than 100 people, there are only 20 people who don’t have to walk on their own. Three of them are in the three sedan chairs. Eight of the remaining people are coachmen, and the rest are all The guard sitting on the side of the ox carts pulling the goods, and the old man alone is riding a donkey, which clearly shows that his status is different.

There are three or five older men in this team, so assigning him a mount is definitely not the reason to respect the old and cherish the young, so this guy must be the person in charge. , The status is high, so there are special treatments. Besides, most of the people on the scene wore ordinary clothes. Although they were not tattered, they were all dusty. At first glance, they had washed clothes that did not know how much water, that is, there were no patches. Only this old man. The clothes on his body are obviously of different materials, and some places are also decorated with silk fabrics, which is unique among this group of people.

No matter when, the manager must know more than the soldiers below, so of course you should look for this kind of person to inquire about things. In the horrified eyes of those around me, I rode Ye Ying and walked to the old man without dismounting. I directly rode on Ye Ying and stared at him condescendingly for several seconds.

The reason for using this very rude way is not because of my poor quality or arrogance, it is purely a technique. I don't know why, the other party was so scared by us. If I have always maintained this condescending position advantage, the other party will naturally not dare to resist, it must be asking what to say. However, if I go down and say hello politely, then I need to clarify the misunderstanding. Then I guess it should become the other person grabbing us and cursing.

In fact, this situation is not difficult to imagine. You can imagine walking home at night when someone suddenly pops up with a gun against your head and says you are going to rob. At this time, most people will definitely be subdued. After all, the other party just wants money, as long as you are not really poor enough If you snatch it, you will starve to death. It is estimated that most people will not resist. However, if the other party suddenly laughed at you when you were about to take the money and said that he was drunk and came out to scare people on purpose, he would apologize to you and tell you that the gun is a toy. How do you feel when you are like this? If you have a good quality, I will go straight to the film if you have a bad temper.

We are in this situation now. Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, we frightened the other party to death. Once the other party reacted and found that we were not what they feared, then the anger would inevitably rise. At this time, I will ask others about things...Anyway, unless you run into that kind of very enlightened existence, most people probably won't pay attention to you. Of course, ignoring you is still of good quality, and making up nonsense to cheat you is normal.

I’m not that two, and I don’t want to play with a gang of NPCs in a state of etiquette, so I just put on a high posture, just follow the other side’s misunderstanding and use the other side’s fearful identity to directly make the other side submit. , And then you can ask what you want to ask. Moreover. These people are obviously at the level of free NPCs. The battle strength is probably the level of Level 5 players. They are the real five scumbags. Our high posture is not entirely like the fox which exploits the tiger's might.

"You are the steward of this team?" Although this old man has good clothes, he doesn't have the imposing manner of being the boss, so I think he is mostly the kind of person in charge. Impossible is The real masters of these people, so you will never go wrong if you ask.

Sure enough, the other party finally reacted after a few seconds of shock, looking at me in panic and saying: "Yes, the villain is the door-door of Qiman General's Residence, and now he is in charge of the sending off team. Please don’t kill me! There was a bride who ran away before. We chased him for a long time before catching it, but sent it..."

"Shut up, I can ask you what I ask, and the rest is me. I don't want to listen." Obviously, the team was delayed because a bride ran away, and the other party regarded us as people who came to ask the crime, that is, as a male Fang Family. However, speaking of which Fang Family is too prestigious? The appearance of these people is not as simple as the delay of the send-off team! However, considering the situation in the previous village, I suddenly had a clear comprehension.

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