All the people present are experts, and the movements are naturally very fast. As soon as I shouted out, the formation was completed immediately. The red with the strongest single-point breakthrough ability opens the way in the front. I cover at the end. Gold coin and Christina are in the middle. Gold coin is responsible for the enemies that are inserted in the left and right directions, while Christina acts as a mover. The fort provides fire support.

If it's in a normal game space, if we put in this formation, even in the Divine Race army, we can kill seven in and seven out. However, among these weird creatures we have encountered unexpected resistance.

In the process of rushing outwards, Zhen Hong was the first to run into the kind of thing that got in the way. There was no hesitation. Zhen Hong went up with a punch, directly hitting the first one that was close. The enemy who could be determined to be a corpse was brought down directly. Originally, there was no big problem with this one, but when Zhenhong stepped over this guy to continue attacking the enemy below, she suddenly felt a huge resistance from her ankles, if it weren't for the comparison of the fighters themselves. Steady, this time it is estimated to be directly on the street.

However, although Zhenhong did not fall, the strength under her feet was constantly pulling her ankle, and when she turned her head to look, the two monsters in front were already directly stretched out. The arm leaped up.

In fact, this is the first time we have seen these guys launch an attack, and their attack method is very strange, not a common battle method, but the simplest action-pinch. These guys seem to have no fighting skills at all, and their battle method is not as good as the zombies in the movie. At any rate, zombie still knows to open your mouth and bite, but these guys will only reach you with their hands. If they can’t reach you, they will continue to push forward enough. If they reach it, they will start to choke their necks. Anyway, apart from this trick, they won’t be caught at all. The way of attack. These guys can neither bite nor scratch with their nails, nor can they use their fists or legs. However, even if only pinching, these guys still caused us considerable trouble.

True Red was attracted by the monster below, and the two in front immediately rushed up, and then immediately began to pinch. Zhen Hong remembered that there were enemies in front of him, and quickly turned around and punched the monster on the left directly, then grabbed the other arm and lifted it up as a rock and threw it out.

Although the two monsters were knocked into the air, and the guy behind also knocked down a large group of companions, these guys got up immediately and started to approach us without stopping.

True Red is obstructed here, and the people behind us will naturally not be able to move. The monster surrounded by it quickly turned back to both sides of the team. Gold coin had to start using the Heavenly Venerable sword to attack left and right, but she soon found that she could not cope with it by herself, because the Flying Sword skill was too expensive, she I dare not use it, and it is obviously impossible for one person to take care of the left and right sides at the same time. Previously, we designed this formation because we thought we could go all the way. We simply did not consider stopping here. But didn't expect a real red like a bulldozer sometimes got stuck, and we were intercepted when she got stuck. In this way, the subsequent monsters will be surrounded, and the pressure we face will naturally rise substantially.

Seeing this situation, Kristina was of course impossible. Seeing that we were attacked, the magic missile of the cheats flew out of her hand immediately.

Kristina’s rainbow magic is actually not a skill, but a technique. It is essentially the lowest magic missile, but when using rainbow magic, it can make multi-system magic missiles The compound method is generated quickly like a tide. Christina’s current record is 85,000 magic missiles per shot. Its instantaneous lethality is by no means lower than that of some large-scale spells, and its continuity is definitely beyond the reach of large-scale spells.

The weakening of high level skills in this BUFF mission is very difficult to deal with. Although it can still be used, the lethality generated by unit magic is actually much lower than that of low-level magic. The magic missile used in Christina’s rainbow magic is the lowest magic, so the unit’s magic power is the most efficient. In addition, the rainbow magic is just a technique and has not been weakened by the system. As a result, Christina is not only battery life. Except for the slight decrease in power, the formidable power of Rainbow Magic has hardly decreased. After all, Rainbow Magic relies on the system setting of forcing a little blood to deduct as long as it hits to kill the enemy, so even if the formidable power of a single magic missile is weakened, its overall lethality is still the same, and it simply hasn't changed at all.

In this case, Kristina’s magical attack is almost like a six-barreled near-anti-cannon on the ancient battlefield of the Middle Ages. The killing speed is almost as fast as cutting wheat. , It really fell down piece by piece! It took almost a few seconds for Christina to demolish the entire village, including the buildings and the people, with the magic missile torrential rain. The construction area in the village is now only a pile of ruins, and all the monsters that rushed up fell to the ground in blue smoke, and none of them were still standing.

"Doesn't it seem to be great!" Looking at her masterpiece, Christina couldn't help but proudly said. What made us didn't expect was that the mutation happened just as soon as she finished speaking. I saw the monsters that had been put down all of a sudden, as if they had received some kind of order, they squirmed on the ground one after another, and then saw the corpses slowly moving on the ground. At first, only his head moved, and then he began to raise his arms to support the ground. Some directly sat up, while others climbed up with support. Anyway, all the monsters around suddenly got up.

"Damn, what's the situation?" Seeing that the monster around him could stand up again, gold coin immediately became calm.

I looked at the monsters who were getting up, and directly selected one of them and strode over it in two steps, and then cut off the guy's head with a knife and a sword. After I got this one, I immediately cut off the limbs of a monster next to me, leaving only the head, turning this guy into a stick. After the second target was processed, I immediately cut the standing monster next to it into cubes, and then returned to the end of the team.

As I returned to the place, the surrounding monsters also stood up, and I was without the slightest hesitation shouting to Christina again: "Kristina, Once again, I'm going to experiment."

Kristina had another magic missile storm very simply, and then the surrounding monsters lay down again. However, only five seconds later, the corpses on the ground began to move again, but I am not paying attention to the monsters that were just brought down by Christina, but the three that I brought down. monster. However, the situation of these three monsters really surprised me, because they actually got up too, and got up intact.

"Damn, these things are Immortal Body!"

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