After this huge Japanese general appeared, he didn’t stay there, and he walked towards us in strides. Seeing his feeling of going down each step, this guy definitely weighs a ton or two. NS.

"Should I try?" Zhen Hong looked back at me and asked.

I thought about it and shook my head and said, "I'll do it."

The reason why I have to come by myself is not because I am worried about the strength of real red, but because I want to get Comprehensive data for this guy. The true red battle method is too single. Although it is not a problem to discuss battle strength alone, it is not enough to test the overall attributes of the target.

True Red didn't compete with me, and directly gave up the starting position. I walked past them and took the initiative to meet the giant generals over there. However, we haven't officially contacted yet, but I first discovered other problems.

Just now, Xiaochun's big move cleared the nearby living corpses almost at once, and even if the rest did not disappear, there was almost no battle strength at all. However, now I found some new creatures appeared in the houses in the vicinity. These guys still looked like humans, but they were different from the living corpses before. The living corpses were supposed to be farmers before they died, so they wore homespun clothes in myriad style, and these people wore uniform navy blue robes with a strange shape on their heads, at least There is a hat with a height of one meter, and there is a curtain on the front of the hat on the front of the forehead that hangs down to a point under the chin, which means that this thing covers their entire face.

If it's just a curtain, it's better to say something, the key is that there is a special red mark on the curtain. This imprint looks similar to some kind of charm, and not everyone’s imprint is the same. But in general there are only so few, not everyone is the same.

At this moment, these people are standing in the room. This place is already dark, and the room is even darker, but the mark on the curtain on these people’s faces is spreading dark red. The light is so bright that it appears even more in the dark. However, what I am concerned about is not those marks, but the curtains themselves.

Although these guys’ hats are very tall, they don’t have a brim in front, so when the curtain is hung down, it is equivalent to covering their faces. However, these curtains covering their faces were completely silent at this time, which was very strange. It is a person who needs to breathe, and breathing will drive the airflow, and the curtain does not look thick, so it is directly covered on the face, and the breath will inevitably float along with the airflow. But the fact is that these curtains simply don't move, which means that these people simply don't breathe.

Obviously, these guys are also dead, and they seem to have a higher level of existence, at least better than the villager’s corpses. At least the spell items on their faces are spell items, which are better than nothing at all. The farmer corpse needs to be stronger.

Although I noticed the existence of these people, none of these people in front of me moved, so I just took a second look before accelerating the moved towards that military commander rushed up.

The military commander only strode at first, but as the distance approached, this guy suddenly began to accelerate, and the naginata was dragged behind by him and moved on the ground as he ran. The sparks of the rubbish flew everywhere.

Because we are relative and fast, Hekuai entered the attack range. The opponent is tall and arms long, and he is holding a long weapon in his hand, so naturally he is the first to attack. When we entered the five-meter range, the guy suddenly stepped on the ground and stopped the forward momentum. At the same time, with the help of inertia, he threw the naginata that had been dragging behind him directly and hit me with a stab. Coming horizontally.

Looking at the huge naginata suddenly swept over with the whistling wind, I didn't hide it, and in fact I couldn't hide it at all. The opponent's blade is very fast. My attribute is now falling, but I can't keep up with a lot of actions. I can only hang the shield on my shoulder and carry this blade hard. On the one hand, I need to protect myself, on the other hand, I can also test the strength of this guy by the way.

When... amid the loud bangs of an ancient temple, I kept my whole body in an anti-impact posture against the shield and slid out seven or eight meters horizontally, slammed through the wall of a nearby house and fell into it with a bang. It stopped completely when he was in the room.

As soon as I stabilized, I immediately shook my arm with an expression of pain, and now I feel that my entire left arm is almost out of sensation. Just now, it felt like I was hit by a heavy truck. The huge force not only pushed me seven or eight meters away, it also shook my arm. This is something that will never happen under normal circumstances, unless the attacker is a Divine Race or regional guard-level regional boss. However, the giant general in front of him could do it so easily. Although the inertial acceleration was borrowed, this guy was obviously not a full strength attack just now. In this case, he still said that my arm was shook. This is really terrifying attack power.

"I'll go!" Before the pain disappeared, the guy's attribute appeared. Star pupil’s attribute was not affected. As soon as I contacted me, I immediately saw the other’s attribute.

It turned out to be similar to what I expected. The general in front of us actually has more than 200 levels. Now that I am the only one of us who are above level 100, this kind of BOSS is simply an existence against the sky! Moreover, this guy's level is not exactly two hundred, but two hundred and five Level 10, which is nearly one hundred and five Level 10 higher than mine. With such an exaggerated level difference, if I first entered the game, I would definitely turn my head and run, because there is no Divine Prediction at all. Fortunately, even though the attribute has been reduced to only one hundred and level 8, the number of my familiars is there. Normal novice players will not have so many summon creatures when they are in one hundred and level 8. So although this general is nearly one hundred and five Level 10 higher than me, but also not there is absolutely no way to defeat it.

Before I came out of the house, I suddenly heard the cry of them who were really red from outside. I was just looking at the attribute read by the star pupil, so I didn’t pay attention to the opposite. The whereabouts of the military commander, but when he heard the voice and looked at it again, he found that the target was missing. I didn’t find the target at first sight, but I immediately caught the opponent’s position from the sound, and immediately raised my shield to meet, and in the next second I heard the sound of the wall bursting, and a huge naginata cut in, like crushing dry weeds and The smashing rotten wood cut off the wall in front of me directly, and then hit my shield again without any reduction in speed.

It’s almost the same as before. I was knocked into the air again, and because I was unprepared, I flew farther. Fortunately, the opponent was attacking through the wall, and this is inside the house, even though it’s broken. The wooden wall didn’t have much hindrance, but that guy’s attack was greatly affected after all, so this one didn’t really knock me far away, it just flew out of the room, and it was the same as last time. , I still maintained my balance without falling. Although the BUFF mission can weaken the player's attribute value, it is impossible to change the player's thinking, so things like combat skills will not be affected in any way. My balance is very exaggerated, even if the attribute drops, there is no way to overwhelm the opponent on the attribute, but at least my fighting skills are still there, and I won’t be beaten all over the floor.

After one blow forced me out of the room, the general immediately rushed towards me with a big stride. The huge naginata was raised high by him, and then he slashed at me. Come down.

I have probably tried out the range of this guy’s power in the previous two strikes, so this time I still didn’t hide, but directly changed Eternity into a Tang Sword shape, and then the knife edge turned up against the opponent The attack line greeted us. I only heard a loud bang, my eternity and the opponent’s naginata slammed together, and then I felt a huge force forcibly smashing my eternity, but if I was prepared, I immediately used the other A hand against the back of the knife stopped the sinking trend.

In the general's surprised gaze, I used a very narrow-looking long knife to hold his attack, and unexpectedly put his attack into a stalemate. However, compared to the Japanese military commander, my mood is much better, because I found that the eternal destructive ability is not very difficult to deal with.

I don't know if it is because the opponent's weapon itself is not a high-end item, or because the attribute of Eternity's own law is not easy to be weakened, anyway, part of the law of cut-off carried before Eternity has been retained. What turned out to be almost broken, now it has become a kind of incomparable sharpness. This impossible kind of sharpness produces the kind of ability that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, but it is indeed very sharp, because just now, my eternity has actually cut into the opponent's blade as much as one third. In other words, if the opponent's weapon was not larger, according to the structure of the normal naginata, the opponent's blade was basically cut off just now. Even higher-grade weapons won't be cut off easily, but as long as you fight with them a few times forever, you can probably make the weapon scrapped. After all, the gap will affect the overall structure of the weapon. If you continue to use it, it will soon break from the position of the gap, so Eternity now means that it still retains the ability to cut the opponent's weapon, but it is not as exaggerated as under normal conditions.

Although he held the opponent's attack, the guy was just a little stunned, and immediately raised his big foot and kicked towards me in the next second. With Eternal in my hand, I can't move at all, because as long as I loosen the strength in my hand, the opponent's knife will continue to press down, so even if I know that the opponent is going to kick me, I can't hide at all. However, I am not an ordinary professional player. I am a trainer. My main battle strength comes from my familiar, not myself, so...

There was a loud noise, that guy. Suddenly he flew out sideways. The tank slowly retracted his huge forelimbs, and then gradually faded and disappeared in the air, while the military commander flew out in one breath and could reach more than 28 meters, and landed directly on the hillside outside the village. Smashed a big humanoid hole.

There are two huge bone hammers on the forelimbs of the tank, and his forelimb structure is designed to imitate the forelimb structure of a mantis shrimp. The finger-length mantis shrimp suddenly pops out after accumulating the force of the forelimb joints, which can produce formidable power equivalent to 9mm pistol bullets. Needless to say how big the tank is, although the striking power is not proportional to the large Small Accomplishment, it is certainly not a problem that a single blow of the tank can produce tens of thousands of times the striking power of the mantis shrimp. In other words, this move formidable power of the tank is no less than a 400mm caliber artillery shell, and the military commander was equivalent to being directly hit by a 400mm caliber artillery shell, so it flew so far.

The general who was bombarded by a move was embedded in the mountain for a long time and did not move, until ten seconds later, he twisted, but did not sit up, but just raised his head, as if he had worked hard. But in the end it was unsuccessful. Obviously, the formidable power of the tank's blow is really not small, at least the military commander has completely lost the battle strength.

"Boss, those things are moving." Before I had time to be happy to get rid of the generals, I suddenly heard the calls from the other side, really red, and turned my head to look, sure enough, Those corpses in long robes with curtains on their faces have walked out of the house where they were and came towards us.

These guys are different from the previous living corpses. They move very slowly when they come over. It feels like an ordinary person is walking, and they don’t have any obvious attacking movements, they just keep approaching. That's us.

Seeing this situation, I asked Xiaochun to try again, and the result was Xiaochun's exclamation. "Master, my magic is sealed!"

"Damn, what's the situation?"

"The things that I killed just now are cursed. If you use spell to attack, attack The spell of the writer will be completely sealed."

"I rely on, then you are not abolished?"

Xiaochun is the angel of light, once Goddess of Light, although It’s not only Light Element’s spell, but the problem is that this is her main ability direction! Without the Light Element spell, Xiaochun's strength is not even as good as that of an ordinary mage. What's the difference between this and abolition?

Although we have known that monsters with BUFF attributes are difficult to entangle, but now it seems that we still underestimated the terrifying of these BUFF monsters. Maybe one or two monsters is nothing, the key is to be afraid of BUFF stacking. According to intelligence, every monster in the BUFF mission has a BUFF attribute. That is to say, the more monsters we kill here, the worse the strength will be. Just now, Xiaochun’s Light Element spell is just the beginning, and there will definitely be other annoying BUFFs after that.

"Boss, those things are coming around. What should we do?" Zhenhong looked at the unknown existences getting closer and anxiously urging me to make a decision quickly.

Although I just learned that the more battles in this place, the more likely the battle strength will drop, but at this moment, what can we do if we don’t fight in this situation?

"Come here all and form a defensive circle. Let's go out. Don't be entangled, try not to kill you, and prevent being cursed!"

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