In fact, even if we don’t remind us of the gold coin, we still know that our attributes are declining, because the obvious sense of strength in the body is disappearing, and it feels like being sick, and obviously feeling the strength of the body. Not enough, it seems that I feel a little tired even standing.

The decline of this attribute is so rapid that we have basically stopped the decline before we can fully react to this attribute, and although we haven’t looked at the decline of the attribute yet, We can probably guess that it must have become the state we calculated before.

Our attribute is quickly reduced to only a few Level 10 levels, and as the strongest existence here, I only have one hundred and zero level 8 status attributes. At first, what advantage did I have when I was in 100 Level 8, it may be that the equipment attributes are better and the optional skills are more, and the other is that the familiars are more complete.

Although this BUFF mission has made a proportional drop in our attributes and equipment attributes, we are not actually weakened into real novices, because we are not new players, impossible It really becomes a state of nothing. Although my own attribute is indeed the same as when I was 10Level 8, but at that time, I only had a few skills, but now, my choice range is much larger, so even if the attribute is the same, The battle strength is definitely different.

Also. My equipment itself is a growth type equipment, which means that its attributes have been growing. Although it has been weakened a lot by the BUFF task, this weakening ratio is not calculated according to the equipment growth value. After all, BUFF missions need to be fair, and the weakening ratio for all players must be the same. If even my dragon soul suit is weakened to the same attribute as general equipment, what will the general equipment become? Is it a negative attribute? So, even if it is scaled down, there is still a huge attribute gap between the dragon soul suit I am wearing and the magic dragon suit I just got. At the very least, there are a lot of status attributes attached to this dragon soul suit that the magic dragon suit does not have. Even though these statuses have been weakened a lot, they are not gone. It's like increasing the attribute of magic resistance, even if it is weakened from 97% to only 7%, but this 7% will still have an effect after all. So, even if it is a proportional decline, my current equipment attributes are also very top-quality. At least if everyone is 10Level 8, this set of equipment on me is definitely the best of the best. Of course, this is calculated based on the average attribute of everyone's equipment at 10Level 8.

In addition to equipment, I have another advantage that is the familiar. This BUFF mission does not limit the summon of the familiar, but the attribute of the familiar has also been weakened proportionally. However, although the attribute has been weakened, the number of my familiars has not decreased. Even Legion-level summon units such as Death God Guards and Qilin warrior have not changed in the slightest amount. Only their attributes are weakened, not their rank and quantity. Like Death God's guards, after being weakened, the strength can actually reach the level 20 status of ordinary players.

Don't think that Level 20 is very low. If it is in the normal space outside, everyone is more than a thousand levels, the Level 20 trumpet is naturally as fragile as an ant, and any player can kill such a powerful player with a little rub. However, now this is in the space of the BUFF task. Here, the strength of the ordinary players with more than 1,000 levels outside is probably only two eighteen-nineteen level. In other words, my Death God guards here are basically equal to the battle strength of ordinary players. The problem is that even if ordinary players enter this mission, the number will certainly not be too much, while my Death God guards Can summon close to 50,000 people. Can you imagine what destructive power an army of this size can produce in such a place?

If the battle strength of the personnel in the BUFF task is analogous to the battle strength of a natural person in reality, then the battle strength of Level 20 is equivalent to the battle strength of an ordinary person who does not engage in heavy physical labor and does not understand fighting skills. , And the battle strength of the second eighteen-nineteen level is approximately equal to the battle strength of migrant workers who often move bricks or people who have learned about a year of Taekwondo. Although it is a migrant worker with a physical advantage or a person who can only play taekwondo, they will definitely be able to fight more than the ordinary person who has no time to exercise from 9 to 5, but this kind of ability to fight and support is just one pick and three wins. . In most cases, one-to-two may not guarantee victory. However, my Death God guards can summon nearly 50,000 people, and even if there are players who are hostile to us enter the BUFF mission, it is estimated that it is unlikely to come in at a time of 20,000 or 30,000, right? So, as long as there is enough space for me to unfold all my staff, even if it is a large-scale battle at the campaign level, I can have no worries. It's just... I guess there may not be many opportunities for me to use all the battle strength in the town. After all, the area that can be fully expanded by tens of thousands of people is not something that can be encountered casually.

Of course, even if I’m impossible to summon so many men over to help, but with a large number of Death God guards playing wheel warfare or using cannon fodder to consume the enemy’s strength, my grasp of the initiative on the battlefield will definitely be Much bigger than the average player. What's more, I have more powerful monster pet units. The battle strength of these monster pets can definitely be used as high-end existence, so I can say that there is neither a shortage of people nor high-end battle strength.

However, although I am satisfied with the strength I brought into the mission, I am not completely relieved. It's not that I'm worried that the BUFF mission will let ordinary players enter the mission and interfere with our mission execution, but that the NPCs are worried. I don't know the level of NPC in the BUFF mission so far. If their strength is the same as ours and only a few Level 10 players, then of course there is no problem. However, if the strength of the NPC here is very exaggerated, then we may be in trouble. Even these NPCs don’t need to be too strong, as long as they can have a level of one hundred fifty-sixty, plus all the NPCs and monsters here have at least one BUFF, in this case I even can Summon has tens of thousands of troops, but it is estimated that they may not be enough.

Some people may think that the mission will not be so perverted. After all, even high-end players like me have been weakened to only 100 Level 8 left. Monster and NPC It shouldn't be such a high level. . However, don't forget. The military gods told us before that according to the information they obtained, the lowest difficulty of the BUFF mission starts from the high level difficulty. In case of hell difficulty...not to mention a hundred fifty-sixty level, there will be one Two two-three hundred-level monsters I will not be surprised.

The ghastly looking guys who surround us now, if nothing else, should be dead, because this horrible atmosphere is not the feeling of a living person, just because of the attributes of these guys. I can't read anything at all, so we don't know if these are zombies, ghosts, or other things. Anyway, these are all dead.

After encircling us, the dead people no longer hide their positions, and start to walk out of the shadows of houses and buildings in small groups. There are so many of them that they can be swept away. See two or three hundred. On such a small square that is not so spacious, these people have almost filled all the nearby passages, and they don't know how many are left behind.

"Aren't these all dead people?" Christina soon discovered the fact that these things are not living.

True Red is saying: "I don’t know the alive and dead, but they are definitely not ghosts. These guys have sounds when they walk."

Ghosts are all incorporeal, although the high-end Nether Soul The entity can be condensed, but this entity has almost no weight, so walking does not produce footsteps. However, the steps of these guys around are abnormally heavy, which is obviously not a feature of incorporeal body.

Compared with the half-hearted real red and Christina, who doesn’t understand Asian culture, the Taoist priest, gold coin, clearly understands more.

"These should be living corpses, a kind of zombie, defensive power is not as abnormal as zombie, but agility is several levels higher than zombie, and even more flexible than ordinary person."

< p>"Is there any point?" Zhen Hong asked.

"The head and heart can be discarded in other places except these two places, but these guys have very average recovery ability, so breaking their joints can make them lose part of their battle strength. Oh, By the way, by the way, although the hearts and heads of these guys are the key points, they are not as fragile as imagined. It is useless to make a small hole. It must cause more than 20% of the damage to make these The guy stopped his activities completely."

"Can I cut my head?" I asked back.

"Yes. As long as the heart and head are not in a whole, these guys can be completely stopped. In addition, these guys have a small amount of memories from life, so not only are they flexible, they may also use weapons. "

"I think it doesn't matter if you don't say it." Zhenhong pointed to the front, and we saw a living corpse actually carrying a medium-sized sickle for cutting wheat in his hand. .

"Do I need to test the defensive ability of these things first?" Christina asked.

I looked at the living corpses that were approaching slowly, and then shook my head and said: "Don't move. Let me first see if these guys can be suppressed by the Xiangke attribute." I just said it. Snapping his fingers brought Xiaochun summon out.

After Xiaochun came out, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly raised the staff in his hand above his head, and then took a heavy pause. I didn't hear the sound of the end of the staff hitting the ground, but the sound rolled like a muffled thunder, accompanied by a white aperture suddenly spreading, and the living corpses immediately seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid after being swept by the aperture. The same dancing and dancing began to roll all over the floor, and at the same time there was a harsh scream.

I found this trick useful, Xiaochun kept holding her hands, the aperture circle began to spread out, and the surrounding living corpses really seemed to have fallen into a sulfuric acid pool and began to melt. The ones in the back are better. The people in the front row are no longer visible. I don't know if I thought it was a puddle of stinky mud on the ground.

"The effect of your move is really good!" Christina sighed as she looked at the corpses rolling around.

I didn’t mean anything to be happy when I heard Christina’s words. Instead, I said with a bitter smile: "The effect is good, but it's a pity that I can pull hatred too much!"

< p>With my voice, Christina and the others have discovered what I said, because the thing has reached the entrance of the village. What's more, what worries us is that the apertures that Xiaochun emits seem to be completely unresponsive to this guy!

In fact, the things that appear at the entrance of the village are not very grotesquely shaped things. This guy is basically a Japanese warrior wearing a full armor. The only special thing is that this guy is slightly larger. a little bit.

Everyone knows that the height of Japanese people in the past was very short. Later, several generations of Japanese girls were used to conduct a lot of in-depth exchanges with American soldiers on human genetics, and then they succeeded in improving their ethnic characteristics. The average height of modern Japanese has reached a normal level. However, even the modern Japanese have only reached the normal level of Asians, and have not developed to the average 18-meter-high status of the whites. However, this guy in a red Japanese warrior armor looks like a giant. He is at least three meters tall and doesn't look tall at all. On the contrary, he is very stocky, even slightly chunky.

This guy is dressed in a red warrior armor, with a ghost mask that is popular in Japan on his face. The Japanese helmet on his head is covered with large and small sword marks. Looking at it, it gives people a sense of killing. The giant warrior held a heavy naginata in his hand, which was more than three meters in length. Even for the height of the warrior, it was a very giant weapon.

Naginata is a long weapon in ancient Japan. Its shape is somewhat similar to that of Chinese long-handled swords, but the difference is that Chinese long-handled swords are of a wide blade type like Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade. However, the blade of the naginata is very narrow, and it feels like the handle of an ordinary Japanese sword is extended to the specification of a long weapon, and its length is already very exaggerated.

The Naginata itself is not actually a very good weapon. The handle of this thing is too long and the blade is not very heavy, so the power is very small when slashing. In the ancient Chinese battlefields where even the small soldiers wore at least leather armor, this thing was basically a display, but in Japan, even the so-called generals did not necessarily have a full set of armor. As for the small soldiers, they were simply a group of farmers. Therefore, this kind of thin blade is very useful in the Japanese battlefield. Anyway, the defensive power of the human body is very bad. It doesn't matter how light the blade is, and the light blade can save more power. This is why Japanese knives are generally not as heavy as Chinese knives, because the two are designed for different purposes. One is specialized in meat cutting, and the other is specialized in armor piercing, so the structure is naturally different.

However, although Naginata is not a professional armor piercing blade, it can even be said that armor piercing is its weakness, but the naginata of this guy in front of us has to be treated with caution. After all, the size of this guy is placed there. Although the knife is also a slender structure, it is due to the proportional inspection caused by its length. In fact, the actual width of the blade is not smaller than that of the ghost knife, and may be slightly thicker. Some. With such a huge blade, armor piercing is absolutely no problem, especially when our equipment attributes have been weakened.

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