After I expressed my intention to help, the skeleton girl slowly raised a hand with difficulty and pointed it at the only remaining piece of furniture in the room.

This is a very ordinary chest of drawers, the bottom of the 5-Layer drawer, the upper cover can be opened, and the inside is also a storage compartment for small pieces.

Seeing the other person pointing to the chest of drawers, Zhen Hong immediately walked over and put her hand on the top cover and looked towards the girl, her consciousness was asking which drawer. The girl swallowed hard, and then opened the mouth and said: "The pattern on the front...can be turned."

True Red turned her head and looked at the baffle on the cabinet with surprise, here There is indeed a relief of golden chrysanthemum, but it doesn't look like it is moving. But since the other party said it, it shouldn't be wrong again. Zhen Hong tried to turn it a bit and found that she couldn't move, but she felt that the thing could be pressed down, so she pressed it down gently. After the golden chrysanthemum sank a little bit, there was a big thrust suddenly. It was really red and let go. The golden chrysanthemum directly popped out of the horizontal board for a section. Now it can be clearly seen that there is a rotation behind this thing. The shaft is indeed rotatable.

Seeing that True Red touched the mechanism, the girl immediately said: "Turn clockwise."

True Red nodded began to twist the golden chrysanthemum, but found that this thing is not a switch , But something like a crank handle. It is not a simple rotation that will open the mechanism, but a continuous rotation of many times. Zhen Hong twisted there for a long time and found that there was no response, so she turned her head in confusion and looked towards the girl to seek answers. I was also puzzled looking towards the girl and waiting for her explanation.

The girl took a sigh of relief before opening the mouth and said: "It needs to be turned a lot. The opening is... in the bottom of the well outside. It needs to be turned until... Press the golden chrysanthemum back, otherwise...the mechanism will be restored as soon as you let go."

Zhen Hong was stunned when she heard this, and then looked towards the golden chrysanthemum in her hand and the gold coin simply ran to it. I looked down at the mouth of the well, but I couldn't see anything except the thick purple mist that couldn't be melted away. I couldn't even see the water at the bottom of the well.

"I can't see anything here." Gold coin shouted at the room.

We looked towards the girl when we heard the voice, but the other party had no reaction at all. The eyeballs that lost her body showed that she had gone.

"It looks like I can only do what she said." I just stood up and walked to Zhenhong's side to let her go, and then I gave Summon out. This golden chrysanthemum is not only the opening device of the mechanism, but also provides the power for the mechanism to start, and the rotation resistance of this thing is very small, which can only show that the gear set in this thing must have a large proportion, so I guess this thing is definitely It takes many turns to fully open the mechanism. Human wrist rotation ability is very bad, it can only rotate about 180 degrees at a time, and the speed of continuous back and forth rotation is definitely not fast. Therefore, I directly let Inverite take the place of Zhenhong's job.

Ivorite is a constructive creature, essentially not much different from a robot. His wrist can be moved towards one direction and rotate continuously without worrying about twisting, and the most important thing is The first point is that Ivorite’s wrist can be rotated as fast as an electric drill, and it’s absolutely fine for one minute to rotate thousands of times. This is too exhausting to be really red.

After squeezing the golden chrysanthemum, we saw that Ivorite’s wrist began to rotate slowly, and then the speed became faster and faster, and finally we could only see a completely muddled ball. It's just a hand shadow. After rotating at this speed for ten seconds, I suddenly heard a click, and Ivorite's hand stopped in an instant.

"Is it the end?"

Ivrit nodded said: "I can't turn it anymore. I'm afraid that too much strength will break the bearing."

"That's it. Press to try."

Ivorite Yiyan pressed the golden chrysanthemum in. This thing is the same as a spring switch. It pops out after pressing it once, but now it becomes the same as before. It is embedded in the groove and cannot be turned. Seeing this result, I temporarily put away Ivorite moved towards and walked outside, and Christina and the others immediately followed me out.

"Is there anything happening?" I asked when I saw gold coin still lying on the well.

gold coin just shook his head and said: "The fog is too thick to see the following conditions. I can't get rid of these mists with Immortal Technique. And I also found a very strange situation."


"What's the situation?"

"I don't know if the mist in the well can absorb sound. I dropped some rocks down, but I couldn't hear the bottoming sound at all. If not If this fog can absorb sound, there is only one answer!" The answer that gold coin did not say is that this well may be connected to another space, and it may be the entrance of a space channel , So the stone fell and didn't hit the bottom of the well here, but flew directly to the opposite side.

"No matter what the situation is, we will go down and take a look." I said, turning my head and looking around, and then I found a huge stone standing at the entrance of the village with the name of the village written on it. . I walked straight over, and then circled the big rock twice. After confirming that this thing is big enough, I shouted to Zhenhong over there, "Hey, Zhenhong, can you help me? Get this thing up to the mouth of the well."

"I am happy to help. "Zhen Hong walked over, and then looked at this huge boulder more than three meters high, then suddenly raised his hand and threw it into the rock with a fist, followed by the whole body's force, accompanied by a shock, the big one The stone suddenly moved towards her and fell down, and her other hand was immediately pushed up, catching the boulder firmly with a boom, and the only effect this had on her was that her waist was slightly bent. .

After holding the boulder weighing more than ten tons, Zhenhong suddenly exerted force, and her waist was raised. With her strength, the part of the boulder that fell into the ground was pulled up by the roots, and then She was carried up sideways. Seeing Real Red’s petite silhouette carrying such a big object, it’s almost like a four- or five-year-old child holding a car, but in fact, it took a little effort to get this thing out. It's really red when it's really carrying this thing, but it doesn't take much effort. Of course, she really didn't feel much carrying it by herself, but we still seemed to feel super shocked.

After lifting the rock completely, Zhenhong immediately moved towards the direction of Iguchi and walked over. Each step of her fall can cause the feeling of a small earthquake, and every step of her foot can be on the ground. Stepping out of a large hole a few centimeters deep, she felt as if she was not walking on a hard rammed earth road, but as if she was walking in the desert.

"I have to say that you really feel like a rare beast now." Gold coin couldn't help teased as he watched the red rumbling coming over.

Zhenhong walked to the well and threw the boulder to Gold Coin's side. With a bang, Gold Coin almost bounced from the ground and knocked it down. "It's really red, you are revenge!"

"Who told you to say I'm like a rare beast?"

"Okay, let me take a good look at this place, let me first Go down to find the way, you are waiting on it." After I finished speaking, I directly raised my left hand and aimed at the boulder, moved my finger, pu' sound, the head of the dragon's tendons shot directly, and then embedded into the rock with a ding sound. Open instantly and lock himself completely. After having this fixed point, I walked directly to the side of the well and stepped in.

I immediately fell into the fog that obstructed my vision after jumping off the well, but this situation was strange. I thought that this place should be at least ten meters deep, but what surprised me was that I almost just entered the mist, and the next second I directly touched the ground. Presumably from the time of whereabouts, I just passed four or five meters at most and I was there. If I knew that the depth was such a little bit, I didn't need to fix the dragon's tendons, just jump straight down!

After landing, I immediately observed the surrounding environment and found that my own was indeed at the bottom of the well, but this well was different from what I had imagined before. This is a dry well with the ground underneath. There is no water, but there are many...skeletons. There are a lot of these bones. It seems that they are not just human bones, but also some bones that don’t know anything. Anyway, my feet are full of these things. The so-called ground is completely accumulated by bones. There is simply no mud or anything else. thing.

The well I'm in is obviously not the same well as the one I jumped down before, because there is not the slightest mist in this well, and there is a place less than a meter away above my head. The black vortex is spinning there, and my dragon tendons are still connected in that vortex. Obviously, I just fell in from the same place as the vortex, and this is indeed not the main map space.

After confirming that there is no problem here for the time being, I directly raised my hand and shot a Fireball at the space channel port. After a few seconds, I saw the real red falling from the channel port, followed by Kerry. Stina, the last is gold coin.

"This is...independent mission space?" Christina started to check the surrounding environment as soon as she came over.

Gold coin pointed to the top of his head and asked: "Don't you think we should go out first and talk about it?"

"It makes sense." Zhenhong reached out and pressed his hand on the wall after speaking. Like a monkey, he climbed up in twos or twos. With the power of true red, such a shallow cave, of course she can go up as easy as blowing off dust.

"Do me a favor!" Christina looked at me and said.

I laughed, folded my hands in front of me and made a gesture of holding, Christina stepped on my palm with a run-up step, and then I lifted up hard, Christina immediately flew Going up, Zhen Hong grabbed Christina's wrist and lifted it up. After that, the gold coin was thrown up by me in the same way, and I climbed out in the same way as the real red.

"Is this...the problem with my eyes, or did we just jump the wrong well?" I heard the sound of gold coin as soon as I came up, and I was stunned when I looked up. The outside of this well is actually a small mountain village exactly like that over there. Except for the fog that blocks the view, there is almost no difference between the villages here and there.

"Why are the two sides the same?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

Kristina frowned and asked: "Did we get the task wrong?"

"What's the matter?" I looked towards Christina.

Kristina didn't answer, and she showed me her attributes directly. I just took a glance to know what she meant.

The attribute that Christina showed me just now is very normal, with no change at all, and this normal attribute is what makes it abnormal. According to the information given to us by the military god, the BUFF mission world will weaken the player's attribute, and our current attribute has not changed in any way, which means that we have not entered the BUFF mission, but according to our previous speculation, just passed through We should have already entered the BUFF mission at the time of that well, and it shouldn't be the case now.

I don't know the current situation at all, Christina and the others can only focus their eyes on me and want to wait for me to make a decision. As the president, you naturally need to make decisions at critical moments. However, in this situation, I really have no way at all. After all, there is too little information. I am not a Divine Prediction, and I can pinch my fingers to know what to do!

Fortunately, before I had time to make a decision, something came out to relieve me.

Actually, I wanted to say that there were people, but after that thing got closer, I realized that this thing may have been a person before, but now it has absolutely nothing to do with people, because this thing is obviously a monster.

This thing is basically not much different from a human being. I can even confirm from his clothing and facial features that this is a male farmer in his forties, but now the farmer’s head is Crooked on the side of the body, only the skin of the small half of the neck is connected to the head, but this guy is walking quite steadily. Do you think this thing is a human being?

"Should this be regarded as an NPC or a monster?" Zhen Hong asked us in a low voice while looking at the unknown object coming in the distance.

Christina and gold coin are shaking their heads, but I found something else. I don't know when it will start, but we are actually surrounded. The place where we are now is the small square in the center of the previous village, with the well behind and the surrounding houses. Now, the doors of these houses have been opened, and there are several silhouettes standing behind each door, and even the silhouettes are hidden in the alleys between the houses.

If we are simply surrounded by a group of people, then there is nothing at worst. Anyway, we haven't been surrounded by people. However, what makes us feel a little nervous now is that although these people appear around us half-hiddenly, they all have their heads down without exception, and they can’t see their faces at all. Obviously, we just stood there, but it made us feel a tingling sensation like electric tingling all the way from the caudal vertebrae to the top of the scalp, feeling the hairs all over the body stand up. The weird atmosphere makes people want to shiver.

"these all are...?" Zhenhong asked tentatively.

Gold coin looked at the surroundings and whispered: "I don’t know. I can’t see the negative energy attribute. By the way, our attribute value is rapidly declining, and it looks like we are in the right place. . This is the exclusive space for the BUFF mission!"

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