"Military god, you said before that there are several restrictions on this new type of mission. You just said that the overlord or the ruling guild can accept missions, so there are a few more. What is the restriction?" After I figured out the first restriction, I started to understand the second condition.

Military god explained: "The second limitation is that all BUFF tasks are very difficult. The difficulty can only be divided into three levels: high level difficulty, special difficulty and hell difficulty. There are no common tasks. The starting difficulty is high level."

"This should have little effect on us, right?" Christina immediately finished speaking. Changed his words: "No, it should be said that it is good for us. The more difficult the BUFF mission, the lower the probability that others will get it, and our guild occupies nine places in the top 20 rankings of the world battle strength list. , And the top four are the four of us. The difficulty of system increasing the BUFF task does not mean that we will not let everyone get the BUFF, and since we are the top four in the battle strength list, the probability of us getting the BUFF will be much higher than the average person. In this way, the increase in difficulty has become our advantage."

Kristina’s analysis is relatively reliable, and we all have the same idea here, it’s just a military god. But we are very heart-warming when we pour cold water on our heads. "If there is no third restriction, Christina's analysis is very correct, but it is a pity that the system has made restrictions on this. It seems to be to balance the power gap between the various forces and make the battle more It’s hard to distinguish and increase the severity of the war."

"Limit? Is it to prevent players above a certain level from entering the mission?"

"That's not it." Army God explained: "The BUFF task can be transferred at will after it is accepted. As long as you can receive the task, even if it is transferred to another guild player to perform it. Of course, the premise is that the opponent must also be the overlord or ruling guild. Members, the system prohibits any players who are not hegemons or ruling guilds from receiving, transferring, and entering BUFF missions."

"Then what are the restrictions you are talking about?"

"I The limitation is that the system reduces the strength of all players who enter the mission. After all players enter the mission, all attributes will be punished by half of the level."

"The attribute divided by the half of the level? That is not a change. New account?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

Kristina said: "No, the attributes of the novice account still have to be out a lot. After all, it is only divided by half of the level, not directly by the level, so although the strength will be greatly reduced. , But it won’t become a newcomer account, but there’s definitely not much left."

Gold coin suddenly said at this time: "I just calculated it, and my attribute is divided by half of the level. After that, the remaining attributes are about the same as my own 7 Level 17 attributes! It's really a newcomer!"

"There are only seven Level 17 left?" Real Red is really not calm. "Which one of you can do the math for me!"

I asked Zhenhong to open the attribute panel, and then helped her take a look, and the result was soon obtained. "Your strength after being weakened is roughly equal to your level of around 7 Level 18."

"Huh? Why is she higher than my attribute?" Gold coin was surprised: "My ranking ratio She is ahead!"

"It's not a question of ranking. Your career has a late-stage bonus. The higher the attribute, the more exaggerated the battle strength. After weakening, it will not be as high as the true red absolute attribute."

Kristina also exclaimed at this time: "Strange, am I wrong. After weakening my attribute, I can actually reach the attribute at 8 Level 16."

"So much?" I turned around and asked Christina to release her attributes to help her do the calculations, and the result was really like this. Kristina’s attributes do seem to be much higher than the others. But for this situation, I guess it is mainly caused by additional attributes.

According to the attribute calculation method mentioned by the military god, if you divide by half of the level, a normal player's attribute should become his own two-level attribute, because the player in the "Zero" game The attribute is multiplied by the initial setting according to the level, so dividing by the number of levels will return to the Level 1 state, of course, if divided by half of the level, it will become the attribute of the Level 2 state. However, the player’s attribute is actually not just the initial attribute multiplied by the level, because the player can also get a lot of additional attributes during the game. For example, there are many tasks that will permanently increase the number of certain attributes, and even some The initial attribute points are directly added, and each level 1 player after the 200th level will be given additional free attribute points ranging from zero to three points according to the current level of performance. This additional attribute will also change the player Therefore, the actual attribute obtained by the player after dividing by the level will not really be the same as the attribute at Level 2, but will become a higher level state according to the number of additional attributes you obtain.

Kristina obviously takes a lot of extra attributes, so the attribute can reach the status of eight Level 16, and gold coin belongs to the relatively few extra attributes, even the real red is not as good.

"Boss, how many attributes do you have?"

"Wait a moment." I looked at my attributes, and then I calculated it, and it turned out that even myself Shocked. "Damn, after I divide it, there are still 100 Level 8 attributes."

"You bull!" Gold coin admired directly with his thumb.

Kristina said at this time: "In this way, although high level players have more attributes weakened, they still have an advantage, that is, the attribute advantage is not as obvious as before. That's it."

Gold coin also nodded and said: "Like the boss, it's okay to hit a hundred each, but after weakening, it may be dangerous to be beaten by a crowd of 20 or 30. "

The situation mentioned by gold coin is true. Normally, the absolute value of my attribute is too high, but there are only a small number of people who can fight with me at the same time. Even if they are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people at the same time, they are impossible to fight with me at the same time. Only the dozens of people in the inner circle, this also includes long-range attacks. In this case, the number advantage doesn't make any sense to me, because multiple people are not enough for me to kill. However, if the attribute is weakened, it is different. Although my attribute is still higher than others, the absolute value gap between the other party and me has been narrowed a lot. In this case, the people surrounding me can use their number advantage to fill this gap, and naturally I may be Killed by human tactics. Of course, the number of enemies that can enter in the BUFF mission is also limited, and we certainly won't be the only one on our side, so this worry is not too big. Besides, no one has officially accepted the BUFF mission, so there may not necessarily be a situation where multiple guilds confront each other.

At this time, the military god continued: "In addition to the weakening of the absolute attribute, the equipment attributes on your body may also be weakened according to the attribute and level of the equipment itself, although the Divine Item is definitely better than the average after weakening. Weapons have been damaged, but just like yourself, the gap will be narrowed a lot. Also, after you enter the BUFF mission, the formidable power of your skills will decrease proportionally, so don’t expect to sweep these weak players with high-level skills. "

Kristina asked with some suspicion: "But after our attribute drops, our health and mana must also drop. The mana required for those high level skills are amazing. In this way, can we not let go of high level skills?"

Military God explained: "The mana consumption of skills will also decrease, so high level skills are not absolutely useless. They are just skills. The percentage of decrease in mana consumption is not as much as formidable power, so the use of high level skills will definitely not reach the state of your heyday. Moreover, some high level skills have actually lost their meaning, because the decrease in mana consumption is not much. Formidable power drops very difficult to deal with, so for the same magic value, releasing multiple low-level magic may produce more damage than releasing one high-level magic. In this way, high-level magic is not as easy to use as low-level magic. "

Christina immediately became happy when she heard this. "Fortunately, my rainbow magic is a superimposed version of low-level magic. Wouldn't I take a big advantage?"

The military god directly confirmed: "I have analyzed it before, like Klee Stina, it is indeed a great advantage to enter the BUFF mission in your situation, and gold coin may be greatly restricted. Her ten thousand swords formation level is too high, but it is not as cost-effective as using ordinary attacks."

"Why is my life so miserable!" Gold coin began to cry.

"Military God, do you have any restrictions?" I interrupted Gold Coin's complaint and continued to ask the Military God.

The army divine fruit then continued: "I haven't finished talking about it before. The second restriction will also be the difficulty of the task. There are additional conditions, that is, the difficulty of the task is opaque."

< p>"What is mission difficulty opaque?"

"Before you accept the mission, you don’t know whether the mission is high level difficulty or hell difficulty. Unlike ordinary tasks, you can directly see the difficulty, and then according to your own strength. Decide whether to pick up or not. The difficulty of the BUFF mission is all hidden, you don't know the specific difficulty unless you enter the mission."

"I rely on it, this is the rhythm of cheating!"

"There are even more pitfalls." The military god probably has the syndrome of hit a person when he's down. At this time, he added: "The fourth restriction, all BUFF missions have failure penalties, and mission penalties. It is the reverse BUFF."

The so-called reverse BUFF is to reverse the attributes of the original BUFF. For example, if the content of a BUFF is to increase the player's health by 50%, then its reverse BUFF is to reduce the player's health by 50%. Anyway, the attribute is the reverse, the increase becomes the decrease, and the protection becomes damage. In this way, players must be careful when accepting BUFF tasks. For such a difficult task, there is actually a penalty, and the difficulty is not optional. It is pure luck. If such a task is accidentally received by mistake, it would be really a tragedy.

"Are there any other restrictions?"

"Yes." I just asked casually, didn't expect actually have it. The military god said very quickly: "The fifth restriction. After all BUFF missions are started, the default player blood level setting is adjusted to 100%, which means that the player is forced to enter the brutal mode. The pain of injury enters the maximum state, and the bloody screen is not blocked. It’s an extra increase. Anyway, if you have a bad psychological endurance, you will be scared and collapsed by the screen, and the mission will fail without hitting it."

"My sun! This is going to fix us to death. !" shouted gold coin.

I shook my head and said: "No, this setting is very reasonable. The usual tasks are open to all players. They are for everyone to play, and entertainment is the main thing, so there is no need to force settings. It is also very user-friendly. Players can decide many features of the mission according to their preferences, so that everyone can play comfortably. But this kind of BUFF mission is basically prepared for large-scale guilds to fight a national war, and you can see from those restrictions. , This thing is actually an additional test for high-end players with strength and perseverance, so there is no need for any humanization, you can do whatever you want, you can’t stand it. When the time comes is driven by others. I can't blame others for Chao."

"President, you really have some truth to say so." After gold coin finished speaking, he asked, "The god of war, are there any other restrictions?"


"Of course there are, but only the last two are left." Military God said: "The sixth restriction, during the BUFF mission, all medicines brought into the mission by the player will be sealed, even if they are eaten. It will not have any effect. However, medicines can be obtained in some places in the BUFF mission, and the medicines obtained in the mission can be used in this mission. The medicines that have not been used at the end of the mission will automatically disappear."

"This is indeed a cheating task!" Gold coin exclaimed.

Military God continued: "The seventh restriction. Unless otherwise specified, the use of Spatial Teleportation items or attributes is prohibited during mission execution, but there are no restrictions on teleporting skills. There are only seven restrictions. But the information about the BUFF mission does not stop there."

"What else is there?"

"All the monsters in the BUFF mission will be BUFFmonsters, which means these monsters There is at least one kind of BUFF."

"All?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

Military God said very positively: "Yes, all of them. The difference is only the conditions and types of BUFF generation. Of course, the BUFF of the mobs must be very weak, but the BUFF can be superimposed, so As soon as there are more..."

"I just think about it and think it's a bad situation!" Christina said.

I also nodded and said: "As expected, it is a task that can only be opened by the Overlord level guild. The difficulty is different from the general task! Then, do you know the specific BUFF generation conditions?"

"No. What I know is that all monsters have BUFF, but the specific conditions are unknown. Most monsters should be attack-hit BUFF, that is, the one that will take effect after hitting you. However, it does not rule out the possibility of scope BUFF or death BUFF, and other types may also exist, and it is even possible that a monster has multiple BUFFs."

The so-called scope BUFF is actually the same The halo is almost the same. Such as endurance aura and resistance aura, these are all range buffs, that is, they will take effect as long as they enter a certain range. As for the death buff, this is not a buff that will cause death, but a buff that is generated at the moment of death. Some death buffs are triggered when the monster dies, and some death buffs are automatically triggered when the monster kills other creatures. The former tends to have larger formidable power, but the latter can be used multiple times. However, I personally think that as long as it is a monster with BUFF, it is difficult to do, because it is not difficult to kill it, but after killing it, it will often bring a negative BUFF. If it can't be cleared in time, most of the subsequent battles will suffer.

Kristina asked suddenly: "If the monsters in this BUFF mission all have BUFF, does that mean that there may also be a buff-type BUFF in the mission?"

< p>"It is not mentioned in this information, but this possibility is not ruled out."

Kristina thought for a while and said: "In this way, this kind of BUFF mission will greatly restrict players. The battle strength of, but high level players still have great advantages, so even if the world’s countries have their own ruling guilds, our guild still has a great advantage."

"This me I think it still depends on luck." Gold coin said: "Didn't you listen to the military god? BUFF missions are all missions of unknown difficulty, so if you are unlucky, it will be a tragedy to get a very bad mission. "

I didn't care about the discussions of gold coin and the others, but continued to ask the military god: "What information is there about the mission?"

"The remaining information is only a warning. The content is to remind all players who are ready to participate in the BUFF mission. Various seals may appear frequently during the mission. Players are usually impossible to maintain all their abilities, and there will always be some abilities in the sealed state, so it is best to be psychologically prepared."

"Sure enough, it's not worth your life!" Zhenhong sighed.

gold coin followed: "Even if we do this kind of task, we can't guarantee a 100% pass, right? If it fails...the consequences are unimaginable!"

"So Said this thing is simply used to cheat people!" Christina said.

"No matter what this thing does, we must try one of them right away." I said categorically.

Kristina and Zhenhong both looked towards me strangely, don't understand why I decided to take a BUFF mission immediately.

Seeing their questioning eyes, I had to explain it to them. "Now the whole world must be messed up because of this BUFF mission. All countries that have not decided on the hegemonic guild or the ruling guild will inevitably quickly fall into a state of civil war, including Russia, which has been against us, and certainly has no free control. We are here."

Kristina said tentatively: "So we will get a relatively stable safety period, just to test the intensity and effect of the BUFF mission, regardless of success or failure, anyway, the enemy We’re all busy, don’t we have to worry about being attacked?"

I smiled and said nodded: "Most of them are right, but if we succeed in getting multiple high level BUFFs, then we You can temporarily abandon the task of testing the BUFF and go directly to the founding war to find Russia or some other country to start the film. Anyway, they have not decided on the overlord guild, without the support of BUFF, if we have a bunch of continuous BUFF, we can definitely produce Overwhelming power gap. Such a rare opportunity cannot be missed."

Listening to my words, Christina and the others were nodded, so I directly ordered the military god to let the fleet come and pick us back home. The situation of this BUFF mission must be tested as soon as possible.

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