The returning fleet did not send a transport boat. Instead, the entire fleet drove to the vicinity of our island, and then the few of us flew over. After boarding the ship, in the process of communicating with the captain, we learned that they were not coming to pick us up to shoot flattery, but because there were two fleets facing each other on the main channel. Although there was no actual fight, they could fight at any time.

According to the captain's introduction, the two fleets should be American fleets, which means that the lethality of the BUFF mission has begun to take effect. In order not to be accidentally involved in this war, the North American fleet of our guild had to go around a big circle and avoid the Sea Territory where both sides are located, otherwise they would not enter the vicinity of the island where we are. Waters.

After joining us, the fleet was divided into two parts as required, and nearly half of the battleship was left. Their task was to start the pre-construction of the port on the spot, while the other fleet quickly returned to Isengard.

As soon as I got to Isengard, I directly contacted the military god’s communications and asked: "Is there any news about the BUFF mission before you asked you?"

"Already I received one." Military God answered very quickly.

"The action is very fast." I didn't immediately ask about the content of the mission, but suddenly changed my words and asked: "How is the situation in Russia now?"

"It looks like the BUFF mission Formidable power has begun to show. Both Russian and South Korean players have withdrawn from their home countries. Because the internal forces no longer trust each other, large-scale operations have begun to become difficult, and both sides have to temporarily withdraw their power to their inherent forces. Scope. It seems that until the overlord’s guild is decided, all countries will not be able to carry out foreign warfare."

"This is a good thing. Okay, let’s talk about the task. What task did you receive?"< /p>

"We don't know this for the time being, you need to ask yourself."

"Why? Haven't you already taken the task?" I asked the military god in surprise.

Military God somewhat helplessly said: "This is our first experience. The process of the BUFF mission seems to be very different from the ordinary mission. As long as the members of the overlord guild or the ruling guild can trigger the BUFF mission , But it may be that you know that this kind of task is usually done by the top personnel in the guild, so the BUFF task is directly set to the trading mode. The person who receives the task will not get the task directly from the task NPC, but will be asked Whether you are willing to help, and the NPC will directly give a hint that you can find someone with insufficient strength to complete the task. If you choose to find someone to help, the NPC will not tell the content of the task, but will have to wait until the person who takes the task arrives. Say. As for directly agreeing to help, although we haven’t tested it yet, we guess that most of us will directly determine the candidate, and then we will not be able to transfer the task."

"In other words, to do the task, you must agree on the spot. , And then you can hear the mission briefing, right?"

"Almost that way."

"Well then. Tell me where to pick up the mission. I'll listen to the mission briefing. "

In fact, the place to pick up the task is not too far away, but the location is a bit strange. After confirming the notification of the BUFF mission, the military god immediately began to issue orders to ask our guild players to pay attention to collecting BUFF mission information. However, didn’t expect our guild to have so many members and footprints all over the world, but the first one was received. The BUFF mission arrived was actually in Japan.

Yes. The first task was received by an investigator from our guild. This scout is one of the tactical investigators belonging to Fulcrum City. The task of these people is to operate in the Japanese player control area outside the Fulcrum City control area, monitor and warn in advance the possible offensive activities of Japanese players on Fulcrum City.

Because of this task, these players usually travel in the vicinity of Japanese cities or field activities in disguise. As a result, didn't expect that one of the investigators inside would unexpectedly receive a BUFF mission from unfathomable mystery. As a result, this was actually our guild and the first BUFF mission in the whole world.

Although the mission location is a bit inconvenient, we don’t care much about it either. The strength of the few of us lies here, and most people can't do anything about us. Masaka Matsumoto is our own person, and Nobunaga Oni is thinking about how to seize the supremacy position. Without their experts, no one can hinder our actions even if we swagger in the Japanese territory. Rushing up is meaningless except to die.

After confirming the location, we first get Hades and Pandora from the Temple of Earth Mother, and then let their non-players all return to you. The BUFF mission is not convenient to bring NPC into battle. After sending away their gang of great gods, we are left with four players. As the top four in the world battle strength list, we not only represent the highest battle strength of the Frost Rose League, but also the highest battle strength level of the world, so , The task of testing by the four of us is the best.

Transfer from Isengard to Fulcrum City, and then without any disguise, we rushed directly to the place that the military god said. In fact, this place is not very far from Fulcrum City. After all, it was discovered that the mission was the peripheral investigators of Fulcrum City, so the location must not be too far from Fulcrum City.

According to the coordinates, we quickly found the target location. This place is not actually a city, but a field supply point. It itself is a village where NPCs gather, but there is no Transmission Formation and city wall, but there is an NPC shop that sells medicines, which is commonly known as the system shop. This kind of village-style supply point is very common in the game, and the one in front of you is the same. The only difference is that the village in front of you does not know why it gives people a very strange feeling. We saw this village in the valley when we were far away from the village, but from a distance, we found that the whole village was filled with a layer of purple black smoke, which seemed to be just like a fire. It's over.

Besides the weird smoke, there is another place that makes people feel uncomfortable, and that is the temperature of this place. As we approached the village, the surrounding temperature has been dropping. When we were on the hillside before, we felt a little hot, but when we stood at the entrance of the village, we already felt a little bit cold. This chilly feeling doesn't seem to spread from the surface of the body, but from the body. It is so cold that people want to shiver, but the feeling on the epidermis clearly tells us that the ambient temperature is not low in fact.

"What's going on in this ghost place?" Zhenhong has discovered that the situation here is not quite right.

gold coin is even more straightforward. He took the Heavenly Venerable sword directly in his hand, and said while guarding something, "You are really right, this is a'ghost' place."

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