"President, you have been out of our communication range during this time, so the signal was interrupted for a while. There is one thing that I haven't had time to tell you."

< p>"What's the matter?"

"The system just released a notice for the whole world."

"System notice?" I asked in confusion: "Why do we Didn’t receive it here? Shouldn’t the world-wide notifications be delivered to every player?"

"This time the notification is a bit strange. The content is not directly notified through the system, but NPC is used. This notification itself is a reward for the task. Only by discovering the task and completing the task can we know about this."

"A notification actually requires us to do the task first before we can see it."

" Go to the content?" Gold coin standing next to me also heard the words of the military god, so he asked.

Military god replied: "We also think this notification is strange, but the system is released in this way. Moreover, this task is a repetitive multiplayer task, and the minimum requirement is a scale of more than 100 people to enter. Task. The task process is very short and the difficulty is not very high, but the demanding team tacit understanding, so temporary teams are generally unable to complete this task. Although there are no mandatory requirements in the task conditions, we speculate that this kind of task is actually specifically aimed at The guild is set up, and it is only aimed at medium and large guilds with certain strength, because only such guilds will have a fighting team with more than 100 people and tacit cooperation."

"Then our guild should now Has the task been completed?" Christina asked.

"Yes, this task is very simple for our guild. I didn’t even know about this task. The people of our guild had already completed it spontaneously, and it was a success. ."

I don't think it's strange about the military god's words. The military god has already said that the difficulty of this task is very low, and there is almost no difficulty except for the stricter requirements for team cooperation. This team can reach a certain level as long as it is a slightly run-in combat team. What's more, our guild will have a super cheating device like the military god. Under the command density of the military god accurate to the individual, our guild does not matter how much it is. Everyone participating in the war can be as uniform as a single person. This is also one of the main reasons why our guild is clearly not the number one in the world, but battle strength is the number one in the world.

"What is the content of the information obtained after completing the task?"

"The content of the information is about the news that the system will open a new type of task."

"New mission type?"

"Yes, this is a brand new mission mode. The content of the mission is myriad, and the release location is also uncertain, but there are several basic restrictions."

< p>"What are the restrictions?"

"First, the task can only be accepted by guild members with either the dominant guild or the ruling guild, that is to say, only one country can occupy absolute Only members of the leading guild can receive this kind of task, and people other than the members of this guild will not receive this kind of task."

I just heard this first article. I didn't have much reaction when it was restricted. Anyway, it was just a mission mode, nothing strange. However, I quickly thought of a question, and immediately asked nervously: "Military God, what is the reward for this kind of mission? Is it mentioned in the notice?"

"Why is it the president? , I found the key point at a glance.” The voice of the military god at a moderate pace said: “The rewards of this type of task are all set to the guild overall type additional BUFF. The specific attributes and action time are determined by the difficulty of the task, as long as it does not Beyond the effective time of BUFF, unlimited stacking of BUFF is allowed."

"I'm going!" Zhenhong listened directly and exploded: "This is to force those national guilds that have not completed national reunification to accelerate. Civil war!"

In fact, this matter is easy to understand.

This kind of special task can add a holistic BUFF for the whole guild, and as long as the BUFF does not expire, it can be stacked infinitely. Its battle strength will soar in a straight line, and even turning it three or five times in a short period of time is very likely to happen. When the two guilds were evenly matched, the strength of one of the guilds suddenly overturned. What do you think will be the outcome of the battle? Therefore, the attraction of this task is definitely incomparable, and everyone will desperately grab it. However, this kind of task acceptance conditions restricts that only the strongest guild of a country can take on the task, and this strongest is not simply as simple as surpassing other guilds, but to form an overwhelming victory, you must have a hegemony. Either one of the qualifications of the guild or the ruling guild can be used, and both of these titles are the kind of super guilds that can be obtained by a guild that can defeat all players in the country except for their own personnel.

As far as I know so far, among the major world powers, only our country, Germany, and the United Kingdom have completed this process, and basically none of the other countries have decided on the strongest meeting. Japan used to have this status in the first Masaga era of Matsumoto, but it does not exist anymore. So Japan is not in this range.

With so many countries in the whole world, only three countries have completed this process. That is to say, only three guilds in the whole world can receive this kind of group BUFF task. If you take this BUFF to attack other guilds, you will definitely like a hot knife through butter, so this thing will seriously affect the direction of the battle. In order to combat this situation, those countries that do not have a hegemonic guild must find a way to get a hegemon as soon as possible. This is simply forcing the guilds of various countries to engage in civil war!

Of course, if a guild with the same leader appears in the country, it can also be done through peaceful negotiations and then integration with each other. However, how many people do you think would be willing to give up their vested interests to perfect others? The situation in the United States is a bit better. The three biggest forces of the Holy Lance League, the Sea King Palace, and the Rainbow Alliance still maintain the superficial harmony of large enterprises. Although there is competition, there is also cooperation, and finally the relationship is still harmonious. But for the relationship between Masaga Matsumoto and Nobunaga on the Japanese side, you let them fuse or admit each other, isn't this a joke? However, even in a situation that seems to be peaceful on the surface like the United States, is it possible to integrate normally? Longlan, Elsa, and Gunman, who do you want them to be the boss? The three men’s own guilds are not small. The Dragon Blue Sea King Hall is No. 1 in the U.S. Navy, Elsa’s Rainbow Alliance is No. 1 in the U.S. for economic development, occupation area, and technology tree, and the Gun God’s battle strength is No. 1 in the U.S. . You said let them merge? Who will be the president after the merger? Originally all bosses, who would be willing to subdue to others now?

So, it is possible to talk about mergers, if you really want to do it...I think it is basically unreliable anyway. In other words, this time the leading guilds of various countries can only be launched by martial power, and once a war starts, the final result can only be one-a full-scale civil war.

I have to say that system's trick is really poisonous. In fact, in the world, it is not very common for Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Oniteda to die in Japan, as there is a certain tacit understanding between large-scale guilds in most countries, although they all want to be the bosses. But everyone abides by the final bottom line, in order to concentrate their own power to the outside world as much as possible. This can be considered a compromise. However, the current situation is that system uses the threat of team BUFF to force the guilds of these countries to have civil war, because without civil war, BUFF will not be grabbed, and without this thing, it will definitely not be able to defeat the enemy country guild with BUFF. If everyone didn’t have it, then it’s better to say something. What’s worse is that we and Germany have the conditions to get the BUFF mission, and our guild is basically a public enemy in Asia, and the Iron Crusade has similar status in Europe. Not that we hate, but because we are too strong. The only thing those guilds that are not strong enough for us can do is to unite with each other and then fight against us together.

In this case, our two countries have the opportunity to get the BUFF mission, and other countries will naturally have a great sense of crisis, which forces them to go to civil war, and there is no time Let them play slowly, they can only play dead hands, fight all the family property in one breath, and quickly separate out one, two, three, four and five, otherwise once we get a lot of long-lasting BUFF, then they will be unlucky. .

Although the Americans are not on the same continent as us, the transportation in the game is quite convenient. Transmission Formation is faster than airplanes. In fact, this distance does not make much sense of security. Therefore, the Americans must not wait any longer. In the end, they can only engage in civil war together.

It can be said that this kind of news is simply a blockbuster. After trying to understand the key points, all of us are stunned.

"Then what... God of war, the fleet you mentioned before...?" I asked uncertainly.

"They came out for refuge." The god of war replied very directly: "The three major guilds in the United States have responded very quickly, and they have begun to actively prepare for battle. The Sea King Palace and the Rainbow Alliance fleet were there this morning. There have been two small-scale exchanges of fire, and the battle is on the verge of breaking out. In order to avoid being involved for no reason, our guild has discussed with the think tank and suggested that we should first shrink the forces in the United States and avoid it before we talk."

Listen. I am also nodded in the words of Wanjunshen, saying that this decision is correct. Before, our guild had been relatively low-key in the United States, and there was a relatively large trade relationship between China and the United States, so they turned a blind eye to it. After all, the Frost Rose League is very large, and I am the first in the battle strength list. Normal people will not want to offend me severely.

However, things are different now. Lao Mei is going to fight a civil war. What's the matter with us as an outsider standing aside? It’s as if a salesman came to the house of the third brother, and it’s not a problem to deal with it in normal times, but if the third brother is fighting at home because of the separation of the family, do you think the salesman will stay at home at this time? ? Obviously impossible. Therefore, in order to avoid being expelled by the opponent's martial power, it is better for us to run out first. It's not that I am afraid of them, but that there is no benefit to getting involved in this kind of thing, it is purely uncomfortable. We are not so stupid.

Furthermore, if our strength makes them feel a lot of pressure, and the three parties regroup peacefully due to external pressure, wouldn't we have no place to cry? So, the best way at this time is to run quickly, and I will come back after you finish the fight.

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