Military God did not respond to my excitement and replied calmly: "Yamamoto Fifty-Five has now appeared in a small city in Russia. According to his report , The opponent immediately arranged for all NPCs to board and leave the port after arriving at the port, but none of their players boarded the boat, instead they used suicide and returned to a nearby island city. Because he resurrected the past, Yamamoto Fifty-five, I can’t determine the exact location of the city, but I know that this city is called the Horn of Aken, which belongs to a certain Russian guild. They transited in the city, and then they arrived in Russia. As for those NPCs, they should get After obtaining the specific route coordinates, they may return from the sea later."

"That means we can't find them anymore, right?"

"At least from Yamamoto Fifty Five I can’t get any information anymore."

"I’m afraid it’s like this."

I helplessly face the military Shinto: "Okay, I understand, now the fleet that is running away Leave the information aside for the time being. It is estimated that even if it is tracking, there is no possibility of catching up. But you first record our current location. This place can exist as a midway supply base for our guild in the future."

"Is it necessary to build a permanent base or is it temporary?"

The permanent and temporary question asked by the military god is to ask me whether I want to confirm the city recognized by the system. The former is more difficult to establish, with large investment, long construction time, and high maintenance costs in the later period, but it has a greater role and complete functions, especially large-scale Transmission Formation and special buildings can be built. This advantage is not available in temporary cities like outdoor strongholds. Comparable. Of course, on the other hand, temporary bases also have their own benefits. At least the construction cost is much lower, and there is no need to maintain them in the later stage. Even if they are pushed down by the enemy or monster, the reconstruction will not lose much. Anyway, it is flexible and investment. It's not very useful or very useful, it depends on how you want to use it.

The location of this island is really good, the natural environment is good, so I simply asked the military god to record the construction of a permanent base here, the scale is the entire island and the seabed base below . As for whether it is a two-connected city or a city, I did not say that this is dead, let the military god and the later construction personnel discuss it.

After the arrangements were made here, I asked again: "By the way, how did you contact me just now? I remember this is not the coverage of our guild."

"It is not true, but a fleet of our guild is approaching you. You have now entered the signal coverage of the communications ship of this fleet."

The so-called communications ship It is a special ship equipped with large communication crystals. Just like radio transmission in reality, the communicator used by our guild also has a limited range. The crystal communicator used by our guild relies on the resonance relationship between the Atlantis crystals for communication, and the resonance response range depends entirely on the volume of the Atlantis crystal. To put it simply, the volume determines the transmission distance. If there is an Atlantis crystal equivalent to the size of the Himalayas, our signal can cover the entire solar system, but if there is only a crystal the size of a skyscraper, the communication distance can only be guaranteed to cover the entire Earth. Note that there is a feature different from radio, that is, the resonance relationship of the Atlantis crystal is very little affected by the terrain, that is, as long as the Atlantis crystal is large enough, they can communicate with each other across the Earth. It is necessary to set up satellites in space for transit like radio.

However, the Atlantis crystal as big as a skyscraper is obviously impossible, so among the Atlantis crystals we can use, the largest piece is only equivalent to a fourth layer The one-unit residential building is so big. The communication coverage distance of the Atlantis crystal of this size is actually very large. As long as the location is suitable, one such crystal can cover the communication needs of the whole China. Moreover, the Atlantis crystal has an advantage, that is, as long as there is a large crystal, no matter how small the crystal is within its coverage, it can communicate with each other, that is to say, the communication distance of the Atlantis crystal depends on the communication distance. It can cover the signal range of the largest signal source at the location, rather than the coverage range of the Atlantis crystal itself. In other words, as long as one of the largest Atlantis crystals is placed in China, everyone can use communicators of any size throughout China, even if two people are at the east and west ends of China and both use them. It is the smallest Atlantis crystal, and the communication between them can be unimpeded.

In addition, Atlantis crystal has another outstanding feature, that is, the signal transfer is not affected by volume. Even if it is an Atlantis crystal the size of a fingernail, it can also be used as an intermediate transmission medium between two countries for signal transfer without information congestion. This feature determines that the cost of the transfer station is very low, almost negligibly small.

However, the small Atlantis crystal relay signal is no problem, but the volume determines the signal range. The signal range of the two large crystals overlaps each other and cannot make the two directly communicate. It must be ensured that both At least one of the signal coverage areas can include the other party's body, or at least one Atlantis crystal can exist as a relay signal station in both coverage areas at the same time.

This characteristic of Atlantis crystal determines that our guild’s communication network is all star-shaped, that is, there is a large Atlantis crystal for signal coverage in one area. A dedicated signal relay crystal is used to connect between regions. Among them, the large Atlantis crystals are generally set up in Fortress City and must be protected by heavy soldiers, or they are hidden so that no one can find them. The communication relay node uses a wide-spreading method. Anyway, the relay is very cheap. You can make hundreds of them and throw them within a suitable range. Even if they are destroyed or moved, they are impossible to be reimbursed at the same time.

However, this kind of information chain has become a big problem at sea, especially the two super oceans of the Pacific and Atlantic. Not only are they large in size, but they are not completely controlled by our guild, so it is naturally inconvenient. Placing large Atlantis crystals is quite difficult after all. That Atlantis crystal like the fourth layer building is the largest one we have so far, and so far we haven't found a second one of this size. Among other Atlantis crystals, the common Atlantis crystals that we use as large-scale coverage sources are only two containers as big. This volume is probably less than one-eighth of the largest Atlantis crystal.

This kind of slightly more common large Atlantis crystal signal coverage is not bad, but to cover the Pacific Ocean, the number required is still quite scary. Therefore, we have set up transit stations near the commonly used main waterways. This kind of maritime signal transfer station is just like a maritime buoy, with an Atlantis crystal about the size of two adults built in. Crystals of this size are easy to obtain, so they can be set up in large quantities and placed in a checkerboard pattern near the channel to ensure that each signal buoy can cover at least eight nearby buoys. This can ensure that the signal will not be accidentally interrupted.

But. The transport ship can sail along the channel, and the battleship can also sail along the channel when the battleship is not in battle. There is no problem. However, battleship impossible does not fight, and there is no way to guarantee the channel problem during the battle. Even sometimes in order to transfer special materials, it is necessary to leave the channel and sail in secret. In this process, the signal will be lost because it is too far away from the channel and the signal station cannot cover it.

In response to this situation, the method we use is to install larger Atlantis crystals on all the large battleships in the fleet. For example, the Biling class battleship is equipped with an equivalent to one. Atlantis crystal the size of a minivan. The coverage of this thing is not bad, but it is not enough.

Battleship is a battleship after all. The internal space is used for the installation of combat facilities, so there is not much space for crystals. More importantly, the Atlantis crystal is a relatively fragile thing after all, and the probability of damage in battle is too high, while the large pieces of Atlantis crystal are more precious and impossible to replace frequently. Therefore, the communication ship came into being.

Just like the lead ship, the communications ship is also a dedicated ship. This communication ship has very little self-defense firepower, and the battle strength can basically be ignored. However, the size of this guy is actually not small, generally comparable to the size of a light cruiser, and most of these ships are trimaran or catamaran, with a communication boat parking garage inside. When the large fleet deviates from the main channel, this communication ship will be accompanied by guarantees. The large Atlantis crystal carried on it has the ability to cover regional signals and can ensure ultra-long-distance communication. Although this large Atlantis crystal is easy to break, the communication ship is specially designed for communication, so it can be far away from the battlefield when fighting. With its special balance setting, the stability is very good, and the speed is very good. Quickly, the enemy can't catch up. What's more important is that there are many small boats with small Atlantis crystals in this thing. When leaving the channel very far, the boats can also be used as a transfer station to establish a temporary signal channel.

The reason why I can hear the words of the military god now is because there is a large fleet of ships approaching in this direction, and the signal of the communication ship attached to it can cover our location. Of course, because the volume of this signal source is large enough and the coverage is very wide, the fleet is actually very far away from us.

"This place is not the main channel. Why did the fleet come here?" I asked the god of war suspiciously. Who knew the answer of the god of war surprised me.

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