Although it took more time than expected, the group of scientific research NPCs still had to take a look, so we still pushed open the door guarded by the golem, and the one behind this The situation is slightly surprising.

According to the original expectation, behind this door should be a place similar to a rest area or an office area, at least a place where people can live. But, in fact, when we open this door, what we see is a natural tunnel. The tunnel is full of naturally formed rocks. At first glance, it is clear that this passage is definitely not artificially constructed. At most, the ground has been slightly flattened, and the walls and roof of the cave are naturally formed.

"There is actually a channel?" Gold coin said: "These guys really brought a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on to the point of perfection!"


"No way, why do we want those scientific research NPCs!" Christina said: "And, don't you think this is a good thing?"

Stina's words are right, this channel is actually a good thing for us. Although the existence of this channel means that the other party has run away from other exits, if it is not for the existence of this channel, the other party will be blocked by us in a dead end. Then the other party will only have no hope of escape. To get rid of those scientific research NPCs first made us nothing. But now, because there are other exits, the other party is not in a state of being exhausted, naturally there is no need to burn both jade and stone. So, speaking of which channel may be considered a good thing.

Although the opponent ran away, we did not intend to give up. That group of guys with a group of scientific research NPCs must be fast, does not raise. Of course, because we were delayed by that damn golem guard for too long, so the other party must have run a certain distance, but as long as the other party has not exceeded us It doesn’t matter if it’s a little farther.

In order to prevent the opponent from setting up a mechanism in the channel, I first released the white waves and darts to let them explore the way in front, but in the end we ran the entire channel in one breath without encountering any The slightest obstacle. Apart from the extremely long length of this passage, there are no traps.

This passage is not in a horizontal direction, but has been turning back and forth in a zigzag shape, and it is constantly climbing up, just like a stairwell, except that there are no steps on the ground. After we ran through this long passage comparable to a marathon track, we were completely dumbfounded as soon as we came out.

What you see is not an underground cave, but a semi-open port. This port is still located inside the mountain, but its opening is large, and although the pier has a large horizontal span, the pier that enters the cave is not deep, so we can see the blue sky outside even if we are standing on the shore and white clouds.

"Are we on the surface of the sea?" Radamantis asked when he looked at the sky outside.

Zhenhong ran back and forth on the pier, and then said: "At least three ships were parked here, but they all went out. The anchor chain on the pier was burned by magic, and the warehouse There are some magic crystal powder in it."

"You guys wait here first." As I said, I spread my wings and flew out, and as soon as I left the port gate, I started to climb upward. During the climb, I first turned around and looked at the situation of the port, and found that the port was built on an island. The area of ​​this island is not very large, of course it is relative to an island. Its actual area may be equivalent to the total area of ​​the three or four capital airports is slightly larger. This area is more than enough as a base anyway.

The topography on this island is not very complicated. The entire island is a crater with a height of more than a hundred meters on the periphery, and a circle of relatively flat woodland towards the inside, but this woodland is The height is relatively high, almost 70 meters higher than the sea level outside, which means it is close to the height of the crater. Inside this relatively flat area is the highest mountain on the island. The altitude of this mountain may be close to 500 meters, which is a lot higher than the crater outside, and the result looks quite stable. Like the kind of easy collapse.

If it is in reality, this island does not actually have much value for reconstruction, because there is no water source, but in the game, this restriction is simply not a problem. Coupled with the vertical passage leading directly to the seabed base and the semi-natural port here, this island can be a sea fortress with a slight modification, not only as a naval supply base, but also as an unsinkable port carrier To use. Of course, the location of this island is also good. It happens to be in the middle of the balance and can provide midway supply and maintenance work for our guild's fleet to the United States.

After observing the situation of the island, I continued to climb, and then in midair summon, there were Asuka and lucky giant dragons.

"Huh? This place is great! Boss, you summon, do we come out on vacation?" Luckily this guy started to tease glib tongue as soon as he came out.

I didn't joking with him, I assigned the task directly. "You guys have good eyesight, so you can search in different directions to see if there are any ships in the nearby Sea Territory. Report to me as soon as you find them."

"Understand." Several dragons and birds received orders immediately. Scattered and flew out in different directions. The opponent used a boat instead of a submarine this time, so we might be able to spot each other from the air. The most important thing is that it is not only daytime, but also the light intensity is very good. There are no clouds in the sky and the visibility is very high. As long as the eyesight is good, things within a range of hundreds of kilometers can be obvious at a glance. I don't think the other party can run hundreds of kilometers away in such a short time.

In fact, although we were delayed by the golem guards for a while, in fact, it was only a dozen minutes before and after. There are so many scientific research NPCs on the other side. We are definitely not as fast as we pass through the passage, and we board the ship to go to sea. It also takes time. Calculated in this way, the other party can leave the port at most a few minutes earlier than us, even assuming that the other party's speed is fast as lightning, and it goes out to sea ten minutes earlier than us. How far can you run even in a Level 1 formula boat in a dozen minutes? With such a good line of sight, we spread out our forces and searched, so it is supposed to be able to publish the target.

But. Sometimes things are not that you think there will be no problems, so there will be no problems. For example, now. When my group of demons and I flew in the sky for half an hour, we finally reluctantly gave up the search and returned to the port.

The slowest speed of these monsters of mine and I have a flight speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour. This speed is absolutely impossible for any ship, including hovercraft and hydrofoil. However, even after flying out at this speed for half an hour, we still could not find any ships. No, it's not that I didn't find anything. During the period, Xiaosan and Asuka each found a ship, but Asuka discovered an Australian player’s sailing ship, and it was a wooden transport ship. The structure and speed of this ship are completely incompatible with the ship we are looking for. Besides, the other party left three ships. Even if the two ships found by Xiao San and Asuka were the other ships, where did the other ship go? even more how Asuka discovered simply was the Australian player's ship, and the ship that Xiao San encountered was our guild's own ship.

After the ship of our guild was discovered, Xiaosan went up and asked about the situation. Because it was his own ship, he quickly completed the identification, and the other party also said that it was five or six hours later. No other ships were found inside. In other words, our tracking clues are completely cut off.

The time that the enemy leaves the port at most ten minutes earlier than us is already very defying. In fact, according to normal circumstances, the enemy can leave the port 3 minutes earlier than us, which is already considered to be very fast. But the fact is that the other party has left the port and disappeared.

On the way back, I reflected on it. I first guessed that the other party was using a submarine, but it seemed impossible to think about it later. There are traces of ships in the port that have just left the guard, and the traces left by these ships indicate that these are all ships in this ruin, and there is no ship built by the player himself. Most of these relic battleships have various problems, so the impossible ability to sail will be played as soon as the opponent gets it. Although diving is not very complicated, it is obvious that the ship is not a submarine leaving the port. Although the battleship structure we discovered before can also dive, but Nadong needs a smart core. The opponent obviously does not have the technology to activate the thing, so even if the opponent gets any boat, it can only be a surface vessel, and it is impossible to leave underwater. .

In addition to the other party diving and leaving, one possibility I can think of is that the other party is out of our tracking range. However, this guess is more impossible, because we will certainly not be much later than the other party. At our speed, if the other party can still run out of our detection range, the only probability is that the other party's ship can run faster than subsonic speed, but this is obviously unrealistic. Atlantis’s propulsion technology is indeed much more advanced than the players’ own research, but it has not yet reached the point where the ship can run at subsonic speeds. In fact, there are only a few ships in Atlantis that are 200 kilometers each hour. They are all small transport boats without any armed and reconnaissance functions. They are designed to test extreme speed. If even the kind of ship specially used to test extreme speed can only run at a speed of more than 200 kilometers each hour, then this subsonic ship obviously does not exist.

If it is said that running out of the detection range and diving to escape are unreliable, then there is only one probability left.

"The other party has a device similar to our mirage system?" Gold coin asked in surprise after hearing my words.

Kristina analyzed by the side: "If the situation that the president said before is okay, then this is indeed the greatest probability. There must be a camouflage system on the other party’s ship, otherwise There is no reason to be able to run out of our surveillance range so quickly."

"But doesn't the president have the ability to see through all invisibility and disguise?" Gold coin asked.

I quickly clarified: "The only thing I can recognize is the illusion formed by spell. For example, invisible or anything can have a certain detection effect, but it does not have much effect on optical camouflage."< /p>

The so-called optical camouflage is to use the way of refracting light to change the light seen by the other party and the actual situation, so as to achieve the purpose of invisibility, camouflage or dilute existence. This is different from magic disguise. Because optical camouflage does not affect the other party's vision, what the other party sees is indeed the real light, but the refraction creates some illusions, so the general anti-stealth type detection skills are invalid for this kind of camouflage.

Of course, optical camouflage is not a panacea. Although this kind of camouflage will not be affected by those anti-stealth detection techniques, the camouflage effect of this kind of camouflage itself is very bad. Although it is not easy to find when it is far away, if you look closer, it is easy to find that the light in front of you has twisted traces. It feels like putting a piece of very clean, high-transmittance glass in front of you, although it is transparent, it hardly affects your vision, and may even make you bump into it without paying special attention. , But if you pay a little attention, you will find that there is indeed a way of glass.

The best effect that the optical camouflage in the game can achieve at present is the glass-like effect. Although it is almost invisible if you are not paying attention, you can actually find it if you look for it carefully. But...just now I and I were lucky to observe from the air. Although my dragon pets and I have abnormal eyesight, in order to increase the range of sight, we are observing the sea from a height of more than a thousand meters. , And at that time, we used a general browsing method. After all, the sea is so big, we are impossible to focus on a small area for a little bit of observation. In that case, the speed is too slow.

I guess the other party can run away from under our eyelids, because our investigation method failed to find the optical camouflage, and the result was directly missed.

In any case, people are lost, which means that our previous efforts have been in vain. Kristina thought that he could contact Yamamoto Fifty-Five, but the result was as I expected, Yamamoto Fifty-Five's signal could not be connected.

When we sighed and felt sad for not being able to catch those NPCs this time, we suddenly heard the earphone ringing. To be honest, it is really strange that the communicator can be connected in this kind of place, because this place does not seem to be covered by the communicator of our guild.

Although I don't know why it was suddenly connected, I still activated the communicator, and then I heard the voice of the god of war.

"It looks like you lost the target?"

"You already know?"

"Well, the member called Yamamoto 55 contacted It’s me.” said the military god at a moderate pace.

"What? How did he contact you? Where are they now? Why don't you pick up my newsletter and contact you directly?"

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