"What kind of skill are you?"

"Magic interference ray."

"This thing is useful?" Christina Asked in surprise.

Radamantis pointed to the golem guard that had completely turned into a hemiplegia and said: "Anyway, that guy's reaction is quite obvious."

It's not that we are so surprised. Because this skill of Ladamantis is so awesome. On the contrary, this skill is slightly higher level than magic missiles. It is a kind of secondary magic without attributes, and its level is between intermediate magic and low magic. , But the number of people using this magic is very small, because the purpose of this magic is very narrow.

Magic interference ray, just listen to the name to know why. Its main function is to interfere with magic resonance, and magic resonance is a prerequisite for casting spells. At first it sounds like this skill should be the mage nemesis. After all, casting a spell needs to make the magic in the body resonate with the magic of the outside world, and then produce magic, but this ray can interfere with this process and prevent the magic from forming. Therefore, in theory, this magic should be able to make all spells of the wizards become decorations.

But, in fact, the opposite is true. This magical interference ray is actually useless at all. It's not that the ray's ability to interfere with the magic resonance is not good, nor is it any other reason, but that no one can use this ability perfectly.

Magic interference ray can indeed suppress the magic resonance, but it does not simply emit a beam of light, and then the opponent's magic resonance is completely messed up. In fact, magic resonance has the same frequency attribute as electromagnetic waves, while magic interference rays cannot cover the full frequency band like electronic jamming devices. In reality, the electronic countermeasure system can emit electromagnetic pulses in the whole frequency range, so that the signals on all channels become chaotic, so that the other party's wireless communication will be suppressed. At least it can reduce the transmission distance. However, because the magic interference ray cannot interfere with the entire frequency range, it can only be adjusted according to the other party's transmit frequency. In other words, to use the magic interference ray to successfully prevent the opponent from casting a spell, you must first know what magic the opponent uses, and then use the corresponding magic interference ray to interfere with the completion of the spell.

When I hear this kind of thing, Dao Idol is not reliable. The enemy will definitely not tell you what spell to use, so you can only wait for the opponent's magic to start to judge based on the opponent's spellcasting situation. If your own magical attainments are relatively profound, you can also compare and speculate based on some information such as spells and magic fluctuations, but if you are not good at this, you can only rely on blindness. However, considering the huge spell structure in "Zero", the probability of getting caught in this kind of thing is basically not much higher than winning the lottery jackpot. Moreover, the more terrible problem is that the magical interference ray cannot really interfere with the magic itself, it can only interfere with the formation of magic. In other words, once the magic is completed, the magic interference ray has nothing to do with it.

At present, the spells that are used by most of the legal professions among the players are some low-level spells. Although the formidable power of these spells is not very large, they are better in practicality, fast release speed, flexible and changeable, and Quantity can be used to supplement quality. Unless one's own formation is complete and there are professional tanks to carry the monsters in front, the general mages rarely use large-scale skills. Not to mention the consumption of magic, the release time is too long is also a problem.

The molding speed of these middle and low-level spells is generally very fast, the longest is no more than three seconds, generally between one and two seconds. In such a short period of time, it is necessary to determine what magic the opponent is using, and to release magic interference rays to interfere with the opponent. This interval is really too short. Although the release speed of the magic interference ray itself is very fast, it can be completed in 0.5 seconds, but considering that the opponent’s casting time is only a few seconds, the reaction time left to the player is actually 0.5 to 1 second. Time. It takes such a short time to determine what magic the other party has released, which is not something that everyone can do.

Also, even if it is used to interfere with large-scale skills, this magical interference ray is equally difficult to use. As I said before, wizards generally don't use large-scale skills, and once they use them, they must have a complete team on their own. In this case, the use of magical interference rays will inevitably be blocked by the opponent's protective personnel. After all, everyone is not stupid, knowing how many wizards are preparing large-scale skills, even if you don't know what the magic interference beam is, they will definitely instinctively prevent the spell released by the enemy from falling on your own wizard. Moreover, even if the opponent's avant-garde personnel did not block it, it would probably be useless, because wizards usually habitually add a protective cover to themselves before preparing large-scale skills, and the magic interference ray is not good for the formed spell. Effective. In other words, the magical interference ray cannot penetrate the magic shield, and naturally cannot interfere with the spellcasting of the mage inside.

In any case, this magic interference ray is basically useless, even if you learn it, it is completely useless. The low-level spell is too late to react, and the high-level spell fails to hit the target. Basically, it can be said that there is no actual value.

However, such a spell, which is considered to be a tasteless spell, has a terrifying effect on the golem guard in front of us, which makes us scorched. The guy with the original defensive power actually interferes with the rays of magic. The species began to crawl around like a cockroach sprayed by insecticide, and the behavior became very strange, and it was obviously out of control.

In fact, we quickly understood this phenomenon. Just like many inventions, it is completely unexpected when it has not been invented. When you see it, you will suddenly feel that this thing is so simple. The same applies to the magical interference ray used by Radamantis.

The Golem Guard itself is driven by magic, and it is a solid iron lump inside itself, so as long as it is not driven by magic, it is basically impossible to move.

Golems are not the same as golems. The magic puppet uses a technology that mixes machinery and magic. Its movement structure is constructed by mechanical means, and its power comes from magic. This power device is often built-in, that is, it is wrapped in the body. However, the golem is solid, so the impossible design of the magic circuit or something is inside, so it can only be carved on the body surface. Of course, in order to ensure that the golem will not be wiped off, it will be directly scrapped because the magic array is destroyed. The magic array on these golems is protected by special magic. If you have the ability to penetrate this layer of marriage, it means that you have too much power beyond the golem. At this time, there is no difference in the design of the line whether it is built-in or exposed. Therefore, although the magic array on the golem is exposed, it is not that easy to destroy. This is why we couldn't handle this guy after playing for a long time.

However, although these protective settings can block external intrusion, there is no way to block the magical interference rays, because the magic array is different from the spellcasting of the wizard. The magic array is equivalent to always casting spells during operation, so it can be disturbed at any time. At the same time, the setting that protects the magic array itself from being destroyed is a part of the magic array itself. After all, there is no way for two magic arrays to overlap, so they can only be integrated into a magic with two functions. Although there are still so many functions, the magic array has actually become a whole. At this time, although the magic array can block external attacks, it is equivalent to continuing to cast spells, and the magic interference ray can just interfere with this casting process, so huh, when the magic interference ray irradiates the golem guard over there After being on the body, this thing immediately began to become sluggish, because although its magical power circuit was still working, the information to be expressed was the information after it was disturbed. Although this information is not completely unreadable, it has become unclear. So there was the scene we are seeing now. The golem guard seemed to be unable to coordinate his limbs all over the floor, just standing does not raise. Even his arms were all writhing indiscriminately and couldn't help at all. Anything busy.

It can be said that this method of Radamantis just hit the point, and the ability of this thing was completely controlled at one time. But speaking of which is really a fluke, because as long as this golem guard is modified a little bit, even if he is put on a piece of clothing, he will not be brought down so easily. As I said before, the spell of magic interference rays is quite tasteless. It can be blocked by many things. Even ordinary cotton and linen clothes can reduce the intensity of magic interference rays. You can completely shield them by wearing two more layers. Effect, and if it is a metal armor, even a thin layer of paper can completely block the interference effect of the magical interference rays.

Unfortunately, although there are so many ways to block the effect of magical interference rays, this golem guard just doesn't wear anything. The magic lines on his body are all on the body surface, so he was brought down directly. This guy is basically undefended in front of the magical interference ray.

"Sure enough, there is no most powerful skill, only the most powerful wizard. Any skill can be used in the right place to have a magical effect!" Christina looked at the demon still pumping on the ground. Like the guard, he exclaimed.

Gold coin is also nodded and said: "I knew we should have used this skill early. Actually I can do your things too!"

Although the magical interference ray is not that everyone knows The skills, but after all, the requirements are very low, so people like us who can learn skills for free in the guild library basically do. Of course, there are actually very few players like us. After all, not every guild has a guild library, and not a guild with a library will open everyone to learn skills for free. At least the skills of our guild are still charged, but the fees for members are very low.

Because we have completely lost the ability to move, this steel golem was quickly turned off by us. Several power sources on its body were directly smashed, and then the guy was completely paralyzed. This time, I didn't even smoke a bit. As for the wreckage of this guy, of course I put it away. Although the shortcomings are obvious, the defensive power of this thing is really not covered. Take it back and study it. Maybe you can learn from something and use it on the mobile angel. I have a hoarding technique, so it doesn’t hurt to collect more.

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