"I rely on, what's the situation?" There is no doubt about the eternal sharpness. Normally I use it to chop city walls. It's okay. Didn't expect this steel golem to be able to He carried the eternal attack without injury, and when the eternal hit the guy's stomach, he actually wiped out a fire star, but didn't cut it in.

I was also a little dumbfounded after I got under the steel golem, but the guy didn't stop at all, and turned his body directly and attacked me. However, he really only turned his body. The crab base below didn't move, and the crab-like chassis actually waved two huge pliers to block Zhenhong's attack.

Originally, I just didn't want to waste too much magic power on this steel golem, but now it seems that this thing is not difficult to make so simple. This is exactly a super guard! The defense is so hard that my eternity can't go in. What kind of material must this be made of?

Since the battle strength of this thing is so exaggerated, we cannot simply deal with it now. I directly activated the Divine Domain integration, no matter whether it was wasted or not, I quickly entered the strongest state, and then set up the shield and rushed directly.

Seeing the brilliance shining on my side, really red they realized that they could not keep their hands. Kristina directly activated the Elemental Queen mode, with huge butterfly wings unfolding, but instead of using Attack Type spell, she directly used a less commonly used auxiliary spell. I saw the rays of light flash on Christina's wand, and the steel golem on the opposite side suddenly had a layer of gel-like things emerging from nowhere. These things quickly covered the surface of the steel golem, and then quickly hardened in less than a second, and finally turned into a gray and black rubber-like thing. Of course, this thing is not as soft as rubber, in fact it is very hard, but while maintaining the hardness, this thing has extremely strong ductility, can be twisted and stretched, and can be restored automatically.

With this thing on the steel golem, the opponent's movements immediately began to deform. The things that were attached to him severely affected his movements, and each of his movements required a huge amount of power to complete. Even if this guy was astonishingly powerful, this restraining effect greatly restricted his speed.

After completing the use of Kristina’s restriction skills, Real Red immediately rushed forward. Instead of using her fists, she raised her arms up, and immediately caught the crab’s two large tongs and directly There was a stalemate.

Feeling that his pliers were under control, the steel golem immediately wanted to turn back the upper body facing me, but when he was about to turn around, I jumped up in two steps. Eternity in his hand was filled with a large amount of magic power, and the law of eternity was completely activated at that moment, and then it pierced the head of the steel golem. The other party realized that his head was threatened, and the weapons on the eight arms quickly began to block, but the giant sword that bore the brunt was cut in half at the moment of contact with eternity. The eternity under the principle of full operation is true. There is no stronghold one cannot overcome. The broadsword of that guy is just large in size. There have been some internal injuries in the previous few matchups, this time is completely scrapped.

After cutting off the guy’s broadsword directly, I went unabated, stepped on the dagger and rushed to his back, eternally piercing the face of the steel golem, but the opponent’s one-handed sword and spear The halberds were killed from the left and right sides. If I continued to advance, I would definitely be hit first, so I decisively gave up the attack, kicked on that guy’s stomach and flew back with strength, and threw away a sword glow in the air. The guy had to use a weapon to block and turned around to deal with the attack over there.

On the other side of that guy. True Red restricted his only attack weapon, that is, those two huge pliers, and Christina’s magic restricted that guy’s mobility, and its upper body couldn’t turn around because of my attack, which equals It's really red with the back facing them. At this time, a large number of Flying Swords suddenly flew out of the gold coin's sword bag, and then gold coin stood in place, pinched the finger of the sword and waved it in the void, then pointed forward: "Xuantian sword array-Myriad Swords Returning to Origin."

As the gold coin skills were activated, one of those Flying Swords, which looked particularly huge, suddenly flew to the center, and the nearby Flying Sword began to blur and use The extremely exaggerated speed hit the Flying Sword in the center, but the impact looked more like a combination than an impact. All the Flying Swords close to the surface of the giant sword quickly deformed into individual parts and then hung on the surface of the giant sword. In the process, their total volume seems to have been shrinking because of the combination of so many Flying Swords. The giant sword in the center seems to be just a little bigger.

Although this skill is called Myriad Swords Returning to Origin, just like other skills of gold coin, she can control how many Flying Swords to use. This Ten Thousand Swords is just a rough description, which means a lot, not a fixed amount. Gold coin can allow dozens of Flying Swords to participate in this skill, or hundreds of thousands of Flying Swords to participate in this skill. Anyway, the specific number depends on the situation. Of course, there are not so many Flying Swords in gold coin at present, and the passage is too narrow, and there is not enough space to expand the full version of Myriad Swords Returning to Origin. More importantly, the distance is too short to accelerate the combination time. So in the end, gold coin only used more than one hundred Flying Swords to complete this combination. Then, the combined huge Flying Sword flies towards the vest of your steel golem with the sound of wind and thunder and the purple arc on the surface.

Although the Flying Sword was discovered at the last moment, the steel golem, which was held by so many of us, couldn't turn around to block it. In fact, I think even blocking is useless.

Flying Sword unsurprisingly centered on the guy’s vest, but it didn’t go directly in. Instead, the tip of the sword was placed on the back armor of the steel golem, at the tip of the sword edge. The circles of purple light shine continuously, and it feels like an electric welding machine at work. Flying Sword stood weirdly on the back of the steel golem for more than a second, and then first saw a circle of armor on the back of the steel golem suddenly sinking downwards, and a large crack in the secret book appeared. Then we heard a sound as if something was shattering, and the surface of the shattered armor actually started to turn red and soft. After another stalemate with Flying Sword for more than a second, we were suddenly penetrated. Flying Sword seemed to lose resistance for an instant, and then penetrated in from the back of the steel golem in an instant, and then a sword tip emerged from the front, followed by a relatively wide sword hilt and completely entered the opponent's body. The huge kinetic energy caused this. The structure inside the steel golem was completely shattered, and Flying Sword took a large piece of fava bean-sized fragments into the front of the guy's chest to open a big hole enough for a person to crawl through, and then burst out suddenly. Flying Sword itself failed to contain the remaining kinetic energy, and went straight out of the pile of bits and pieces, and then shot into the wall of the passage behind me. I didn’t know how deep it went, anyway, it’s a little bit outside. I can't see it anymore. As for the steel golem...

"I say! Have you broken the cheat device?"

The red light in the eyes of the steel golem that was penetrated by the whole flashed twice. Down, but did not fall down unexpectedly, but suddenly became active again. The first thing this guy did was suddenly mana cracked all the gel-like things on his body. Although these things are surprisingly hard and have very strong tensile strength, they have limits after all. The result is straightforward. Was snapped off. After that, the two big tongs of this guy slammed backwards, and took advantage of the chance of real red too late to react, and got out of her control.

After getting rid of the control behind it, the steel golem turned around completely, and then moved towards me and killed it. It was a posture to be perish with me.

Seeing this situation, the fool rushed up. Knowing that the thing had entered the final violent period, of course I was impossible to go up and find sin. A shadow moved directly to the real red and their side, and the guy turned back immediately after losing the target, and then did an amazing thing again.

Since I saw this steel golem, I don’t know how many times this thing has surprised us. The performance of this thing is beyond imagination. Although it is agreed in the major forums of the game that the comprehensive ability of the golem is not as good as the golem, the steel golem in front of us has completely subverted our cognition. Among other things, this guy's survivability can't keep up with the magic puppets.

The body structure of the magic puppet is similar to that of a robot. There are a lot of parts in the body. Although most of those parts are made by magic principles, there are also some real-life mechanical and even electronic technical applications. This complicated structure determines that once the magic puppet is broken down, it is likely to be immediately paralyzed, which is just like a human being. I think this is also the reason why all constructed creatures are golems and no golems, because they have a certain degree of complexity.

In contrast, the internal structure of the Golem is rather weird. There is no construction in these guys. Except for a large number of magic arrays carved on the surface and some energy nodes such as crystals and gems, a golem inside is basically a solid state. Even their joints don't have any moving parts. If the magic lines on the surface do not activate, the only result of trying to rotate their arms is to break these guys' arms. This is the characteristic of golems. They are solid statues. The difference from ordinary sculptures is that they have magic patterns on the surface.

Because there is no redundant structure inside, the steel golem in front of me can continue to fight even when his chest is almost blown out. Of course, normally speaking of such a large area of ​​damage, there must be a lot of loss of magic lines on the surface, so this thing should have been paralyzed long ago. But I don't know what technology the other party used. Anyway, this thing seems to be unaffected at all, and the battle strength is still in a straight line.

"Don't play it like this! Isn't this thing not a regional guard?" Gold coin and Zhenhong were confused by this thing in front of them. With so much effort, even a Divine Race was killed by us. This thing is actually fighting with us lively dragon and animated tiger. Isn't it a bit too bad?

"No, the battle strength of this thing is too strong, it needs to use large skills!" I directly said to Christina: "Kristina, prepare. Really red, gold coin, follow me Hold him together."

"Although I want to hold him too, I can't do this kind of thing!" Gold coin exclaimed.

"Let me come." Radamantis, who hadn't played since the moment he got here, suddenly took the initiative to ask for a fight.

In fact, Ladamantis didn't play before not because of his timidity, but because of my orders. Chaos and Order Divine Race was formed with great difficulty, and most of these Divine Races are non-resurrection types except for a few. So in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, I have done it a long time ago. Dead order. Chaos and Order Divine Race can only appear in the battle as a support or reinforcement when players in the guild play. It can be used as the main output, but it cannot test the enemy. Only the enemy’s combat capability can be determined to ensure their own safety. Only allowed to play.

When I first came here, I found that I was dragged here by this iron golem and couldn’t retreat. Ladamantes knew that the battle strength of this thing was amazing, so he never took action. This can be considered complied with my order. But now he has probably figured out the combat characteristics of this thing. Although the defense of this thing is so hard that we world Peak players are helpless, the attack power of this thing does not seem to be outstanding. Its attack method is completely derived from the physical attacks of several weapons on the body, and no magic ability has been discovered so far. Of course, this thing itself is a golem, so it will definitely have magical attack ability, but I haven't seen it for the time being. It is estimated that it may be a great loss of ability and it is not convenient to use it casually. But now Radamantis just wants to contain this thing, so there is no need to worry about the other party jumping over the wall.

"Can you handle it?" I asked, looking at Radamantis.

Radamantis nodded, and said: "I still have a way to hold this thing."

Since Radamantis has said so, I let Going out of the attack position signaled him to shoot, and the method used by Ladamantis was also very simple. He didn't walk to the forward position where I stood before, but stood behind us and pointed at the steel golem, and a black beam shone on the golem guard's body.

This is not magic, I can be sure of this, because magic fluctuations are not such a feeling. If nothing else, this should be a divine technique.

Originally, we just wanted Ladamantis to drag the steel golem, and then let Christina use a large skill to do it all at once, but it was illuminated by the light beam emitted by Ladamantis After reaching the golem guard over there, the thing's reaction was to make Ladamantis stunned.

Under the joint attack of so many of us, the golem guard who has been holding on for so long, under the light of Ladamantis, started to wander around as if drunk. . This thing first hit the side wall with a crooked body, and then kicked on the ground with eight legs, seeming to want to stand up again, but I don’t know why these legs have completely lost their coordination. As a result, they didn’t stand up. Instead, he lay down completely.

Christina and I looked at Ladamantis in surprise and asked: "What kind of skill are you?"

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