According to our plan, I should use the fastest breakthrough defense until I find the scientific research NPCs and isolate them from the Russian players. Of course, the purpose of this is to prevent each other Gou jumped over the wall and gave me a burn both jade and stone. But the current situation is a bit unexpected. Not only did I not isolate the Russian players from the scientific research NPCs, but I was blocked outside.

"Boss! Why are you still here?" As soon as I delayed the real red, they caught up with the two. Although I actually delayed more than ten seconds, it really didn't take long for them to settle the Russian players, so they followed me immediately after a slight delay.

When I heard the red voice, I felt relieved. The so-called everyone has their own field of specialisation, it is better than me to deal with this kind of hard stubble like door panels. Her specialty is to overwhelm everything with absolute power output, and any existence that dares to block her advancement will be crushed into dregs. Moreover, speaking of bulldozers, Real Red is actually the real bulldozer. It is absolutely nothing difficult to demolish a house.

"It's really red, this thing is too hard, I won't get through for a while, you can deal with it."

"There are still things you can't handle?"

I heard gold coin say before I could answer: "The boss is not unsure, he doesn't want to waste high level skills on this kind of miscellaneous fish."

Although gold coin has a flattery. Suspect, but I have to say that this is also true. Many of my high level skills have penalty time and restrictions, or they are expensive, but I can’t predict in advance which battles I will encounter today. In case of some enemies that can be solved by ordinary methods, I will use high level. The skills are used up, but the skills are cooling down when they are used later, what do you want to do? Besides, even skills that do not require cooling will consume mana. What if you encounter a hard stubble afterwards, how can you lack that little mana? Therefore, many people like to laugh at those villains and experts who clearly do not have high level skills every time, and have to consume low level skills one by one, and are finally killed by weak and decent people, thinking that this behavior is stupid. In fact, if you really fight it yourself, you will know that the kind of talent who comes up and throws big moves is really stupid.

Perhaps in some game settings, because the skill penalty is very weak, or the magic is fast, so many players like it is a big move. But in reality and in "Zero" this is definitely an unwise decision. In fact, it's a bit better in "Zero". If you die at the worst, you can drop one or two levels of equipment and it will be fine. In reality, who wants to risk their own life? Of course, in reality, there are no such things as skills and magic, but in reality weapons and ammunition are also the same. If you are a warrior with a certain fighting skill, and you happen to be on the battlefield, there are only two bullets in the gun, and you think you will come up and shoot out both bullets or use a dagger first. Now, wait until you have to use the gun again?

My current choice is the same situation as the warrior on the battlefield. Although I am not using a gun, my large-scale skill is indeed similar to the last bullet. It is something that can be finalized at a critical moment, but I cannot use it casually. Like now. If I open an absolute barrier and become invincible within 30 seconds, I can definitely break this big guy in front of me into pieces. However, what if you encounter a super attack afterwards and cannot avoid it? when the time comes Also, my Divine Domain is integrated. Once activated, the thing in front of me can be burned into slag within two seconds, but the problem is that there is punishment after the thing enters, and the mana consumption is still very scary. For ordinary players, they may not care too much, because their upper limit of magic power is not high. Once it is full, the total amount of magic power will not continue to rise even if it is not used. But I am different because I have two pieces of equipment called the Orb of Life and the Orb of Magic.

The attributes of the life ball and the magic ball are basically the same. The only difference is that one is used to store magic and the other is used to store health. When my own health is at full capacity, this life ball can begin to work. The normal person's blood recovery ability will lose its effect at this time, because the health value has reached the upper limit, and your blood return ability is impossible to make the blood volume above the blood volume upper limit, but will be stuck here and no longer change. However, the life ball can allow me to continue to regain blood in this situation, but it is not to fill my own life value, but to fill this life ball.

The sphere of life itself looks like a transparent glass sphere, it feels like a completely sealed hollow glass sphere, but as long as I am in a state of full blood, my blood return function will be Filled with blood. This filling is not only numerical, but in the actual equipment you see, some red blood will begin to appear in the originally hollow sphere, and the blood that appears is not in volume, but in proportion.

Just such a sphere of life. After its interior is completely filled, the amount of blood it contains will be ten times the upper limit of my own life. As long as there is blood in this sphere of life, I will be After the attack, my blood won't be reduced, but directly deducted from it. In other words, when this thing is full, my health is actually eleven times the normal value, and my enemy must inflict eleven times the original damage on me to make me hang up.

This number looks very scary, doesn't it? Of course, the actual situation is not so scary, because the ball is actually not full most of the time. There are two main reasons for this situation. One is the problem of filling ratio. When my own HP is full, although it will start to fill this life orb, the filling ratio is only one-tenth. In other words, according to my normal blood recovery speed, under the condition of 10 points of blood recovery, only a small amount of blood will be obtained in this life orb, and only one-tenth of the amount of blood returned. However, when I was attacked, the blood deduction was deducted according to the normal ratio. That is, if I suffered ten points of damage, ten points of blood were lost in the sphere of life. In other words, if the amount of blood I stored in the Orb of Life was knocked out by ten points, I had to recover a hundred points to make up for it. This ratio causes the filling speed of the life ball to be abnormally slow, and I usually lose a little blood in the battle more or less, which causes the life ball to actually not fill up most of the time.

In fact, compared with the magic ball, the life ball is easier to fill. After all, my battle strength is here. Although there are many opportunities for blood loss, the amount of each time is not large. So although the sphere of life is hard to have a full time, it is still very common to fill 60% to 70%. In contrast, the magic ball is terrible, because my magic power is lost in the battle, so this magic ball is basically empty most of the time, and it is hard to fill in a little bit every time, and it is a battle. It was empty immediately.

The reason for this is the second reason for the slow filling speed, that is, neither of these two magic orbs can be recovered with medicine or auxiliary spell.

It’s like the ball of life. If I don’t have enough blood, I usually take a blood tonic, or let Xiaochun cast a number of replies. But the problem is that the ball of life can’t be used. This kind of replenishment can only rely on my own blood recovery speed to fill it, even if it is used to accelerate the recovery of the auxiliary spell to increase the automatic blood recovery speed, it is useless, it can only rely on my blood recovery speed under normal circumstances to supplement. However, there is an exception here, that is, if I transform into a werewolf, the blood recovery speed will indeed be greatly increased in this transformed state, and the ball of life will be filled soon. But the problem is that compared to the sphere of life, it is actually the sphere of magic that is more difficult to fill, so wasting magic to transform into a werewolf to speed up the blood return is purely the behavior of head flooding.

One-tenth of the blood return ratio, and you can’t use drugs, you can’t use spell, you can only rely on your own attributes to recover slowly. This restriction has caused these two magic balls to basically start from the moment they are in my hands. It was never full. When the sphere of life was at its highest, it used to be more than 90% filled, and the sphere of magic power never exceeded 40%. Anyway, my recovery speed could not keep up with my needs.

Because these two orbs need to be filled, and the most difficult to fill is the magic orb, so I usually always use normal attacks and try to avoid the use of large skills, sometimes I would rather consume some blood I try not to use skills as much as possible, just to allow the magic ball to accumulate more magic points. After all, when you really encounter a powerful enemy, your health actually doesn’t make much sense. At that time, you’re fighting for output, because I discovered that the higher the level of personnel, the more unbalanced the offense and defense. The main performance is that the attack power increases faster than defensive power. Much faster, that is to say, at the later stage, basically, whoever hits the opponent first wins, because the HP and defense of both sides cannot hold the opponent's blow, and can only use the attack to offset the attack, who has the ability In a short period of time, use the most violent speed to output more damage, who is the ultimate winner. This is the state of development of high level players, and it also made me a decision to concentrate on the magic power.

Compared to my side, they are really red. They are different. They don't have the equipment of Life Orb and Magic Orb, so the usual meaning of accumulating magic power is not as great as mine. Moreover, because their health is relatively small compared to mine, they are more likely to hang up and can only use more violent output to suppress enemy attacks. This is why the attack power of the three of Zhenhong, gold coin and Christina are so exaggerated. If high level players at the later stage health and defensive power are doing addition, then attack power is doing multiplication. Life and defense are increased to Level 1 plus a few points, but the attack power is almost increased by as much as the level 1 level. The second or third level 10 can be doubled, so that the more terrifying the attack power is in the later stage. , And the speed of life and defense improvement obviously can’t keep up with the rhythm, so everyone becomes a car with an anti-tank gun. Whoever has a fast range and a fast rate of fire will win. Anyway, no matter what car gets a shot. Is dead. Tanks in the true sense will no longer exist. Even if they are used, they do not use their own defensive value and life force to become tanks, but rely on defensive skills to become tanks, that is, completely abandon the attack and load the load of the cannon. All replaced with reactive armor.

I don't care about those development trends, at least I usually don't use skills indiscriminately. Zhen Hong had no such worries, and immediately began to prepare for amplifying moves when he got my order.

At first, I thought it was really popular, and that thing was definitely an immediately fucked stuff, but the result surprised us.

Just after True Red started making moves, the thing actually... ran away. True Red’s attack power is terrifying, so she didn’t prepare any large skills to deal with this thing. She just used her best single breakthrough skill. This type of skill consumes less formidable power, and the most important point is release speed. Quick cooling time is short and can be used frequently. However, the golem guard who looked very awkward before actually showed amazing wisdom. That thing actually went back five or six meters straight back when the True Red skill was activated, and jumped into the side door where it had drilled before.

The guy's movements are very fast. The skills on the real red side didn't have time to stop, and he punched in the air. The huge force rushed past the gate and pushed the wall inside the passage. It was full of cracks. However, as soon as Zhenhong's attack passed, the guy suddenly jumped out of the side door like a rabbit, and moved towards Zhenhong with lightning.

"I rely on it!" Gold coin looks at the situation and ran back without saying anything. Just after the skill is released, there will be a gap. Expert is just that the gap is small. No, all gold coin immediately pulled the real red back to prevent being taken advantage of by the enemy. I, who was on the side, immediately pushed up, and Christina also responded quickly to bomb with Primordial Demon. Although it was because I blocked a part of the frontal space of that thing, Christina's magic control determined that her skills could turn around. Besides, the thing is more than two meters high and the width is about 1.5 meters. The whole passage is blocked by it for more than half. My area really can't cover him.

Kristina’s spell attack hit almost like a wall. More than three hundred magic missiles passed around me and formed a wall in front of me, and then they pushed it flat and directly hit the guy's body. All the magic missiles were all detonated within one second, and the formidable power of the explosion was actually controlled in one direction, that is, it didn't affect me at all. Even at the moment of the explosion, I was only more than one meter away from the golem guard, but apart from a burst of violent air currents, I almost didn't feel any formidable power. However, the golem guard was forcibly stopped by a series of explosions.

I took advantage of the opportunity of Christina’s attack to contain the opponent’s forward momentum, I rushed forward, but I did not take off, but directly leaned back deliberately while running. , The whole person lay on the ground and slid under the guy's belly with the help of inertia.

It’s really hard to drill under the belly of a normal creature, but the chassis of this thing is a crab, with eight legs on both sides of the body, and there is nothing under the belly. I cut into his body easily. Down, and then Eternally up, I was stunned after following me. Because - it didn't even get in.

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