After kicking open the door and seeing the silver light slashing down, I quickly withdrew and took a step back. Then I heard a loud noise, like a door panel. The broad sword smashed directly into the ground in front of me, and the huge impact even made a huge vibration under my feet.

"I said..."

Although the sword in front of me was out of the way, the person holding the sword or the thing holding the sword made me scream Sound, because that is neither a player nor an NPC in a general sense, but a... stone statue.

Yes, the is a stone statue that attacked me, and it's not an ordinary stone statue. The stone statue in front of me is about 2.5 meters high. Although it is very large, it has not exceeded the limit of the human body, so it is not affected by the passage. Generally speaking, the stone statue should be regarded as the shape of a humanoid creature, but this similar range is really subject to discussion.

The body of this stone statue can be divided into two parts, the upper part and the lower part. The lower part is relatively simple, it is a large crab with a diameter of nearly two meters. The overall structure is very complete, with eight long legs and a pair of large pliers, except that the material looks like a stone, there is nothing special about it. As for the upper part of the statue... this is a little more complicated. First of all, the main body of the upper part should look like a human upper body. This torso looks very strong, with tough muscle lines, which is even more exaggerated than a bodybuilder. If it is not stone but ordinary flesh, it will definitely be more textured.

This torso is directly connected to the back of the big crab below from the waist, and the torso itself is not wearing any clothes, hanging directly on the chest a sea bowl-sized heart armor, with a belt Dress diagonally across the body. Of course, this thing and the belt are also carved out of stone, not real belts and metal.

The head above the torso should be human, but with a helmet. The shape of the helmet is very ordinary. It looks like a standard Knight helmet. However, this guy's helmet is inlaid with a huge ruby ​​at the center of his eyebrows, and these are the few parts on this statue that are not made of ordinary stones.

In addition to the head, of course there are arms on this body. The shape is also the shape of a human arm. There is nothing special about it except that it is very thick. However, this guy has slightly more arms. It actually had eight arms, four on the left and four on the left, and each hand was holding a weapon except for the two front hands holding the giant sword. In addition to the giant sword, the other six hands of this guy are holding knives, spears, swords, halberds, bows, and arrows.

These weapons are all real weapons, not carved out of stone, and they appear to be magic weapons. They all carry attributes. At least the giant sword just now has a lot of attributes, otherwise Not even a crack was broken in the ground. You know this is under the seabed, and the rocks here are much different from those on the ground. Except for magic weapons, the whiteboard equipment can't be cut at such a hard rock.

The broad sword in that guy's hand is not so much a sword, I think it's a door. The length is close to two meters, the widest place is about 1.2 meters, and the thickness of the middle sword ridge may be more than two centimeters. With such a big sword, let alone smashing people, even if it is shot sideways, the formidable power is definitely not bad. As for the one-handed sword at the back, it looks a bit more ordinary. However, the guns and halberds in that guy's hand are both short guns and short halberds. The length is not as long as that of the two-handed ones, but it is also more than one meter and five meters.

The last two hands of the guy at the end held the bow and arrow respectively, which shows that it can carry out long-range attacks. And the bow itself has blades at both ends, and the middle position can be used as a crescent blade. As for the arrow...I think this thing can also be used as a dagger when held in my hand, but it is slightly less flexible.

This kind of fully armed thing is nothing in itself, but the trouble is that this thing is obviously a golem guard. You have to know that things like golems are all defensive equipment, and these things have no life bars. Their lives are expressed in terms of durability, and the values ​​are often outrageous. The most important point is that durability is not as useless as health. Even if it is a battle between ordinary players, it is normal to cut off hundreds of blood in one hit, but durability is much stronger, even for high-end players like me, hit those defensive equipment , Each time you can knock down thousands of points for durability, while ordinary players can basically hit double digits even if their attack power is not bad, many people's attacks on defense equipment can only produce single-digit durability. loss. If it weren't for the fact that defensive equipment tends to move slowly, plus the fact that it can't take medicine to replenish blood, it would basically be impossible to fight during the defensive battle.

The golem guard in front of me is tall and big, coupled with the special durability calculation characteristics of the defensive equipment, resulting in super high defensive power and resistance, and this place is a channel. It almost blocked the entire passage as soon as it got there. I can't get around now, and I can't fix him in a short time. It's really a dilemma. What’s more terrible is that I have no time to delay now, because the other party is likely to realize that they can’t keep it here, so they may immediately start killing those scientific research NPCs, and if I can’t make it through for a while, use the battle strength of those research NPCs. It is estimated that it will take less than five minutes to be killed.

Although my side is extremely anxious, the Golem Guard does not care about those. The guy lifted the giant sword without hitting the sword, and then walked out the gate with the eight awl-like legs.

I don’t know if a crab can prop up himself in reality, but this thing in front of me actually used eight legs to prop up himself after leaving the relatively narrow passage, so that his height is Higher. Moreover, immediately after this guy came out, he wielded his weapon and began to attack continuously.

Although my fighting skills are very good, the golem guard in front of me makes me a little bit not knowing what to do. The giant sword in this thing's hand is wide and big, not to mention the large attack range, and the power is too amazing, so there is no way to resist directly. But being unable to block that thing means that I can't conduct fixed-point defense, and can only dodge constantly, and in this case the advantage of the opponent's weapon number is revealed. The knives and swords held by one hand are all of normal size, and they swing very fast. It is very difficult for me to dodge, but if I hold those swords, I can’t move, but as long as I don’t move the giant sword, I will immediately. Killed, so I had to continue to dodge, in short, there was no defense at all. What's more terrible is that with two long weapons in his hand, he stabbed me from time to time, which made me even more frantic. Even if I want to take a little distance and adjust the rhythm slightly, that guy still has a bow in his hand. As long as the distance is increased a little, an arrow will fly over, and what is annoying is that this arrow is not a normal arrow, but a kind of automatic return type magic arrow. Originally, I thought that the golem guard didn’t have a quiver on his body, and I expected that the arrow he shot would be useless. Who knew that after the guy shot that arrow for the first time, I avoided it and shot it directly into it. In the rock wall behind, the arrow body suddenly turned into a little light particle and disintegrated after staying for a second, and then the light particle would condense in his hand again, turning into an identical arrow again.

The return time of this arrow plus the reshaping process is about two seconds. If you count the launch time, this guy can launch an arrow uninterruptedly at the fastest speed of three seconds, although this The speed is relatively slow among the archers in the game, but the problem is that this guy does not rely on bows and arrows. With so many weapons, another feather arrow that fires every three seconds is definitely a combination that can kill the average person dozens of times.

I am worried about the situation inside. I can’t concentrate on this side. In addition, this golem guard is really difficult to deal with. I was forced to retreat by this guy in a blink of an eye. It was more than ten meter away to quit, but the guy was still chasing and fighting endlessly.

"His grandfather's I fight with you!" I was forced to retreat and became angry. Eternally raised his hand suddenly, and then angry roar rushed up.

The guard of the golem is a three-axe. When I saw me rushing over, it was a cross-cut with a big sword. I had already roughly figured out how this guy was going. A moment later, he was a little bit on the side of the sword spine, and his body accelerated again and went straight to the guy's head and passed. But the man was still in mid-air with his one-handed sword and sword greeted him together, forcing me to use eternity to block. It's a pity that although I held his sword on my side, I didn't have time to break his weapon, and suddenly I felt two gleaming cold light highlights coming out of the gap between the sword.

When I saw this light, I guessed it was his pike and pike The halberd just wiped it from in front of me without hitting it. However, from the corner of my eye, I found that the remaining hands of the other party had placed the bow and arrow completely away and aimed at my throat.

Although this guy’s arm looks the same as a human, it is much longer than a normal person. In addition, he has great strength and no anti-joint restriction, so he doesn’t need a normal person’s posture when he draws a bow and shoots an arrow. , He can raise the bow and arrow over his head and shoot the arrow with his hands on the top of his head. There is a considerable angle between this height and me, and he has just given his bow and arrow a large shooting range, so I can't dodge at this time.

Seeing that the other party loosened the bowstring, I knew it was impossible not to retreat. I'm going to be shot if I hold it so hard, and I will definitely be more passive afterwards. Therefore, when the opponent's arrow flew over, I lifted my arms directly, and my body suddenly fell to the ground. The opponent's reaction was a little slow, and the weapon in my hand could not keep up, leaving my eternal free time out. Looking at the magical arrow that was almost chasing me down, I flipped my wrist and Yongheng immediately raised upwards. With a crisp sound, the feather arrow flew directly by me. However, although the feather arrow flew out, the huge force on it shook my hands and feet numb, and I couldn't move while standing still. Because the huge force on the arrow is still being transmitted to the ground through my legs, at this time, if I lift my legs, I need to withstand double the force, which not only consumes huge amounts, but may also in turn hurt myself.

In desperation, my movement was pressed by the huge force and held in place for about half a second, and it was the so-called hard attack. In fact, the rigidity in the game is not made up by fabric. After a person is hit by a huge force, there is indeed a period of rigidity, but this rigid process will not completely freeze the whole person as shown in many games. This so-called stiffness is actually a phenomenon in which the body cannot move for a short time because the transmission of power has not completely ended. How this phenomenon affects the body depends entirely on the power gap between the two parties, the physique and defense methods of the attacked person, and the location of the force.

Although I just stiffened for half a second because of my physical fitness, this time is enough for the opponent to perform. That guy swung the giant sword empty just now, and slashed it back with the whistling wind. Under this situation, I knew I couldn’t dodge it. I could only put Eternity upside down and put the sword on its spine. On the arm, then use the spine of the sword to carry the opponent's giant sword to slash.

In fact, if I erect the sword at this time, I have a chance to destroy his giant sword directly. But the problem is that if I really want to do that, I will be unlucky myself. The opponent’s giant sword is too big, and the inertia when swinging is exaggerated. Eternity is indeed extremely sharp. It can be cut into the opponent’s sword to destroy it, but although the thing will be cut, it’s too wide, so it won’t. It was cut off all at once. When Eternity cuts in, the blade will pass through Eternity before it is completely cut off. In this way, my block just now will be done in vain. Besides, even the eternally known as Divine Item killer can directly cut off the opponent's weapons, but cutting off these weapons still requires huge strength to support. But I don’t have the strength to carry the kinetic energy generated by the giant sword guarded by the golem, so if the sword of eternity is pointed in front, the eternity is likely to be pressed back and cut to myself. At that time, the damage may be caused. It will be more terrible than being chopped by a giant sword.

Because of the above reasons, I had to turn Eternal to the side and use the spine of the sword to carry this hard. As a result, only a loud noise was heard, and a huge force was directly transmitted to me from Eternity. If it weren't for holding on to his arm, I guess Eternal must have taken off and flew out. But at last I was able to hold it, and because I knew in advance that the power of this one must be great, I didn’t lose my balance and was knocked out, but kept my blocking posture. My feet fell backwards on the ground. After sliding for seven or eight meters, he kept that position and stopped.

"Damn! You bulldozer! Such a great effort!" Desperately shaking my painful arm, I had to give up the plan to continue to rush upwards. This thing is too hard. In such a narrow passage, he is simply like a door panel, and can't get through it in a short time!

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