Woo...the stern alarm sounded from small to large suddenly sounded on the sea. Some players who were practicing fishing skills on the side of the deck threw their fishing rods and climbed into the cabin. Running, and the NPCs following them were not slow, they got into the battleship one after another. At the same time, all battleships on the sea began to accelerate and widen the distance between them to facilitate maneuvering during the battle.

"What the hell is going on?" A player rushed into the bridge while tying the buttons on the front of his clothes, and behind him was a pretty-looking guy who was walking. Woman with long hair.

Seeing these two shapes, most people immediately understood what the captain was doing. But now in this situation, no one has the intention to tease the two.

A player sitting in front of the radio frequency sonar replied while operating the equipment in front of him quickly without looking back: "A huge ship shadow was found directly below the fleet, floating at high speed."< /p>

"Shipshadow? You mean a submarine?" The captain had already put on his clothes, and immediately squeezed to the side of the sonar operator and looked at the screen in front of him and asked.

The sonar operator nodded and said: "It can be determined that it is not a marine life. As for whether it is a submarine or not, the shape of the target object is very irregular. It looks like a battleship, which is very different from a submarine. ."

"How could there be a battleship coming up from under the water? The sinking is about the same." The woman behind the captain also leaned over.

The sonar was helplessly shrugged. "Anyway, it is so realistic on the instrument. Either the machine has a problem, or there is really a battleship floating up."

"How far is the distance? Where is the opponent's bearing?"


"At a depth of 1,300 meters directly below us, we are currently floating rapidly, and we can be sure that the other party is coming towards us."

"How do you know?"

"We started speeding up the fleet after we found the target, but the opponent was also obviously speeding up, which was obviously coming towards us."

"Is the opponent faster than us?" the woman asked.

The sonarman looked at a few crystals below the screen, and then said: "We have not exceeded the limit speed of our battleship yet, but we cannot be sure that this is the extreme speed of the other party."

After listening to the looked towards the captain, the woman asked: "Do we need to speed up? If we go to extreme speed, the other party may not catch up to us."

"Is there only one ship?" Long asked.

The sonarman nodded and said: "At least this one can be detected. In addition, the other party's volume is very large, not smaller than our Biling class."

" It’s that big?” The captain froze for a while and then turned back to the captain’s dedicated seat, ordered: “The transmission is divided into two columns according to the previous grouping. One team rotates clockwise on the inner circle, and the second team rotates counterclockwise on the outer circle. , Forming a circular array."

"Understood." The correspondent immediately began to contact the command rooms on other battleships, and soon the fleet began to change. Because the speed has been increased, the fleet's reorganization speed Soon, the circular array was completed quickly.

In fact, the formation of this formation is not to fight the unknown battleship, but equivalent to sends an inquiry signal to the opponent. Because the sonarman previously reported that the other party was following him to change course, this shows that the other party can detect the position of his own battleship. So, now that the fleet has put out this kind of circular formation, it is tantamount to laying out an ambush circle. If the opponent is an enemy, he will definitely move out of the circle, because once inside the circle, it is equal to the direct firepower of all our battleships. In this case, even our guild’s latest super battleship is absolutely Will be instantly explodes into waste, so if the opponent comes to fight, it is absolutely impossible to drill in the middle. On the contrary, if the other party directly enters the circle, it is simple. Being able to do this kind of thing shows that the opponent is not here to fight at all. Of course, it is also possible that the opponent's collective head is flooded, but the probability is relatively small.

After the transformation is completed, the captain immediately asked: "Report the relative position and heading."

"The depth is three hundred and fifty meters, with the movement of our fleet, from the current heading The judgment should be within the circle, but the distance is too far, and the opponent may change its course at any time."

"Send the fleet to maintain relative speed, but don't pan, and stabilize the formation."

< p>"Understood."

Although the fleet had been circling in circles before, the entire fleet was actually moving forward while turning in circles, but now the fleet has immediately entered a fixed location after getting the order. The state of going in circles.

After the transformation is completed, the sonarman directly reports without asking himself: "The target depth is 150 meters. It has entered the center of our circular array and started to float vertically."

"It doesn't look like an enemy." The woman behind the captain said.

The captain himself was nodded, and then he said to himself: "But why don't you communicate with us first?"

The captain here just finished talking The correspondent on the side suddenly shouted: "Captain, the communicator has been disturbed for unknown reasons. The other party seems to be able to connect to our communicator, but the voice is very harsh and unrecognizable."

"There really is a communicator. "The captain said puzzledly: "Is the other party's communicator broken? But I have never heard of such a battleship in our guild!"

The woman said at the back: "Is it a newcomer? Ship? I heard that all the new warships are three-purpose battleships that can float and dive. If it is a newly built new warship, it may not recognize the new ship, is it understandable?"

"Impossible. We will guild. All battleships are all dispatched by the military gods. How could it not be numbered?” The captain said after saying: “Send the ships to prepare for the battle, but without my order, they are not allowed to fire first.”

This After the order was issued, the sonarman over there already shouted: "The other party has a depth of sixty meters, fifty-eight, fifty-seven..."

"Don't shout, that thing has come out!" The sonarman’s voice was directly interrupted, because a needle-shaped antenna had emerged from the white waves in the center of the front circular array, and then a horizontal cross-shaped structure was seen protruding out of the water. , And below is a bunch of complicated antenna equipment and something that obviously looks like a radar antenna emerges, and then a shaped island structure begins to appear, followed by the front and rear turrets and decks. The battleship is very fast The speed brought the monstrous waves up completely from below the sea surface, and because of the inertial battleship, it jumped up a section from the water surface before it fell to the sea surface again.

Looking at the huge monster rushing out of the sea, the people on the surrounding battleship were all surprised and closed their mouths. Only a few people reacted in time and started operating the turret and other equipment to lock the target. , Once the opponent has a change, you can immediately start counterattack.

What made everyone feel a little more at ease was that the battleship in front obviously didn't mean to fight, because all the turrets were in the heading position, that is, there was no angle at all. But everyone didn’t dare to care, because the appearance of this battleship is very different from the battleship of our guild. Although it also has gun emplacements and islands, the front and rear decks of the battleship are not flat, but are set on it. There are a large number of checkered-shaped cover plates. If these are entry and exit hatches, the number is too much, and it is obviously unnecessary to arrange them so densely. Therefore, these things are definitely not hatches. As for what it was--someone guessed a possibility, but didn't dare to confirm it.

In fact, many people have seen this thing, especially military fans, because this thing is very similar to the missile vertical launch system installed on modern warships, and it can even be said that this is a vertical silo. But the problem is that this is the game. Even our guild’s liquefied magic crystal steam missile has not reached the point where it can be used at will. It is only equipped for some powerful troops, and the main reason for limiting its large number of equipment is that The leading head in front of the liquefied magic crystal steam missile is the magic array engraved with the guided arrow skills. The production cost of this thing is very high, even more expensive than the liquefied magic crystal steam carried on the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, so we only produced the liquefied magic crystal steam missile and did not use other types of explosives, because there is only liquefaction. The explosive power of magic crystal steam is worth using this guide arrow magic array, and the formidable power of missiles made by ordinary explosives is too small, not worth the price of an array, and it is a waste to make it.

If the densely packed hatches on this battleship are really missile vertical launch systems, then the opponent’s missiles must use some exaggerated explosives, or the opponent has a way Reducing the cost of missile seekers, at least as far as our guild’s production methods are concerned, is very uneconomical.

In addition to the cost of the seeker, there is another reason why everyone thinks this is not a missile launcher, and that is-there are too many doors.

The missile vertical launch system is not a spatial pouch, it saves only space on the deck, and there is a huge magazine in the cabin, so there are several decks of space below the location of the launcher. It's equal to being crowded. Even if the modern battleship is equipped with this kind of vertical launch system, there are probably only between one and five groups, and each group is up to sixteen. After all, the size of the missile itself is not small. The space is full. A battleship is not the only thing that needs to be loaded with missiles. The power system, control system, and basic artillery and other weapons all take up space. The most important and the most wasteful of space are the positions for operators to pass, live, and fight. A battleship can range from a few hundred to as many as a thousand people. Don't you leave enough space for these people to live?

However, the ship in front of me is different. The number of hatch covers on this thing is so large that it almost fills up the space on the deck. In addition to the position of the naval gun, even the side of the island is equipped with a side launcher. If there are really all In the case of missiles, even if each silo on this battleship has only one ammunition, the entire ship has at least three hundred missiles. And if there is still an ammunition depot on this ship, the quantity will be more terrifying. So the number of silos is so scary that no one believes they are silos.

In fact, in addition to the above reasons, there is another reason why everyone does not believe that those are missile silos, and this reason is the performance of the missile.

Missiles in reality are very powerful weapons. They can use various guidance methods to strike the target beyond the visual range after launch, and the success rate is very high, and the damage capability is also very good. However, the game is different. What the Guiding Arrow Array can do is to lock the missile to the target that can be seen directly, that is to say, it does not have the ability to strike beyond the visual range.

The battleships of our guild are equipped with large-caliber cannons, coupled with the beyond visual range attack capability brought by the crystal communicator and the remote observation capability of the pilot ship, so that our battleship can often be in both fleets. Kill close to half of the opponent's battleship before entering the opponent's line of sight. This long-range strike capability is really scary. However, in contrast, the range problem caused by the guided arrows that need to see the target before they can be launched severely limits the use of missiles, and the guided arrows array needs to be manually activated by the player or NPC, and cannot be remotely controlled. Way to launch. In the final analysis, the skill of Guiding Arrow is still a skill used by players. Its lock on the target is based on soul, so Guiding Arrow Demon array also needs a soul to activate it. This is why our guild’s liquefied magic crystal steam missiles are basically equipped with players and mobile angels, and they are rarely converted into fixed defense weapons. Because these things need creatures with souls to give it instructions.

Based on this situation, the restrictions on the Guiding Arrows array are so serious that our guild fleet has never used missiles as its main weapon. So far our fleet battles still use naval guns as the main weapon.

Since the missile's range is short, the formidable power is small, the price is high, and the opponent is equipped with so many missiles, it is obviously out of date. So this is why they don't believe that the battleship is equipped with missiles.

Just as these people looked at this strange battleship there in a daze, there was a sudden cough from the battleship. "Cough cough cough... audition... audition... I'm your president Purple Moon, this is the battleship I just got from the seabed ruins. There is a large ruin below here, and there are many of them inside. For the battleship, you will immediately organize manpower to start the salvage work. In addition, as soon as possible, arrange some communication buoys here. I will tell the military god how to start the following battleships. You can use the communicator to contact the military god for guidance."

My voice is familiar to everyone. But by sound alone, there is no way to simply believe that I am Purple Moon. But after I floated up, I connected the bridges of the battleships through my personal communicator, so everyone quickly believed it. After all, the communicator signal of our guild could not be faked.

"I said the boss, you are also very awesome? Going into the water and picking up such a big battleship, what kind of luck is it for you?" Several captains in the fleet complained together.

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