"Okay, don't behave, don't behave, go down and take over the ruins, count everything in it and tell the god of war."

"Understand." Each captain responded to complied and began to execute the order, but not all battleships participated in the mission, but only about one-fifth of the battleships remained.

In fact, this is not a main force fleet. Although there are nearly 1,000 ships, more than 600 of them are armed transport ships. The battle strength can only be said to be better than sailing battleship, like us. The mainstream battleships of large guilds are incomparable. As for the remaining more than 300 battleships, only a few are large battleships, and the others are medium and small high-speed escorts.

This kind of transport fleet itself specializes in transporting some cheap items such as ore, so generally no one will grab it, so this escort fleet has naturally become more streamlined. Besides, the current situation of our guild is really not suitable for sending large battleships to perform tasks. After all, the guild fleets are changing outfits, and many formations are disrupted during the alternation of new and old battleships. Even more than half of the fleet in combat readiness is dissatisfied. Under such circumstances, our escort fleet is naturally reduced even more, and finally reduced to what it is now.

After receiving my mission, a large battleship and dozens of small battleships in the fleet stayed to perform the mission, and the remaining battleships continued on the road. After all, the transportation mission cannot be delayed.

They started the mission here, and I was using my communicator to contact the commanders on the other two submarines.

"President, what's the matter for us to stay?" the commander on one of the submarines asked directly.

"You two submarines will follow me behind this ship first, and you may need your help in a while."

"Please, President, you drive such a big one. Battleship, how can our small submarine help?"

"It’s not a matter of size. My ship was just picked up, it’s just looking good. It looks pretty big and mighty. Less than 10% of all weapon systems can be used. What do you think I want you to do?"

"Only less than 10% of weapon systems can be used? Isn't that basically a navigable empty shell? "

"Almost. But the control system of this thing is pretty awesome."

"Control system?" The commanders on the two submarines were stunned for a while, and then I suddenly reacted to cry out in surprise: "Your ship will not be an automatic battleship, right?"

"Huh? How did you know that?" Suddenly I was guessed that this is an automatic battleship. surprised.

One of the captains replied: "Boss, you also said that it was the battleship you just picked up. Then you must be impossible to go out with a large group of naval officers and soldiers? Although you have a lot of summon creatures , But I have never heard that they can drive a battleship. Besides, a battleship of this size normally requires at least a thousand people to play. Then, based on this, it can be inferred that the boss, you are impossible to have so many people to operate it. battleship, but this battleship can actually sail, which means that this battleship can actually be driven without so many people. Boss, although you don’t have a large number of naval officers and soldiers by your side, you should still be able to get together in your high level monster There are seven or eight ships that can sail. As long as the battleship can be fully automated inside the ship, then as long as a few people control the bridge, it can basically sail. So the only reasonable explanation I can think of is that the ship is fully automatic. A battleship can be driven away with only a few people."

"You guessed more than half of it, but not quite right. This battleship is fully automatic, but it doesn’t require seven or eight people. In fact, this thing only requires Just one person will do. And in an emergency, no one will do."

"No one will do?" The two captains suddenly reacted after having an aftertaste. "What? No one can do it? Is it a smart battleship?"

"Since our guild has mobile angels, it shouldn’t be strange that a mobile battleship appears, right?"

I When I said that, both of them were stunned for a while, and then nodded approved my statement. To put it plainly, mobile angels are not just a bunch of machines. Since we can use artificial souls to control this humanoid machine to fight like humans, it is not surprising that others can use artificial souls to control a battleship. Moreover, in my opinion, the construction of battleship is actually simpler than that of mobile angels.

Although in terms of the body shell alone, battleship is indeed much more complicated and expensive than the body of a mobile angel, but the automatic design of the two is just the other way round.

Mobile angel is a kind of humanoid weapon, so the speed of capturing motion variables such as balance must be fast and accurate, but conversely, battleship is floating on the sea. In most cases, the control system is basically There is no need to consider the issue of maintaining balance. Even if it is necessary, it is necessary to pay attention when encountering a super storm or making a sharp turn. This can be proved in reality. For example, a remote-controlled boat is obviously simpler than a remote-controlled robot. After all, a boat does not tip over by itself, so there is no need to deliberately consider the balance problem. As long as the robot has a biped structure, most of it It will not be too stable, and a very complex control system is required for balance control, or simply concentrate all the robot's counterweight on the feet, making it like a tumbler.

However, the mobile angel is a kind of humanoid weapon that needs to fight, so it is impossible to solve the stability problem by relying on counterweights like children's toys, which requires its automation core to be able to deal with the body's own inertia at any time As well as the gravitational variables, the final determination of what action to use to ensure the balance of the body.

With this balanced and stable system alone, the control core of battleship saves a lot of things than the control core of mobile angels. Although the battleship itself is also equipped with a balance system, the amount of data calculation is much less than that of a humanoid body.

In addition to the balance problem, the mobile angel has a difficulty compared to the construction of battleship, which is the reaction speed.

The battle between battleships is actually a very time-consuming thing. If the battle strengths of the two battleships are not very different, then after the encounters between the two battleships on the sea, the whole process may be It lasts from ten minutes to dozens of hours, which is normal. However, if two people meet each other, the battle will usually not be divided into victory or defeat in more than an hour, because the pace of battle between personnel is very fast, and the pace of battle between battleships is very slow. It takes at least a second for a person to stand there and turn around. It takes at least ten seconds for a battleship to turn around. This is still a small ship. Even a large battleship cannot turn around for more than twenty or thirty seconds. It is very common for two players to make three or five moves within one second of meeting. When the two battleships meet, at most, they will fire one or two salvos within one minute. This frequency and rhythm are not a grade thing at all. It can be seen that, for the control core of battleship, although there are many things to manage, the speed requirements are not very high. When the mobile angel finds the opponent making an action until it decides how to respond, the interval between this must be controlled within 0.1 second, otherwise, coupled with the body's response time, the mobile angel's movements will become super slow. But battleship doesn't have to worry about this. Even if you see the opponent firing cannons to evade, the shells will have to fly for at least a few seconds to arrive at the distance of a naval battle, so the reaction time in the middle is definitely much wider than that of mobile angels.

In fact, the control core of the mobile angel faces more than these two problems. Volume and energy consumption are also important issues.

How big is a battleship? Even if one or two rooms of several hundred square meters are vacated to house the control core, there is no pressure at all, but how big is the size of the mobile angel? Excluding the power system, weapon system, and external armor, the space that can be used to install the core is definitely not more than the size of a human head. It can be seen from this that the control core on battleship does not need to be entangled with the issue of volume at all. As long as your core is not built like a building, it can definitely fit in. But the core of the mobile angel can only reach the size of a human head at best, otherwise it will be put in place.

Motivation is the same. Even if the expensive colorful magic crystal is used as the energy source, the energy supply of the mobile angel is absolutely impossible and comparable to the power system on the battleship. Even if our guild uses a mobile angel for Divine Race, its full-load output power is only more than 20,000 horsepower, but the power system of battleship is at least several hundred thousand horsepower. The gap between the two is really Is too big.

Because of these reasons, the design difficulty of mobile angels is actually much higher than that of constructing battleship. However, we haven't built a battleship before, but we have come up with this thing, which is a mobile angel. The main reason I think is that it is caused by fixed thinking rather than technical limitations.

The game background of "Zero" draws on various Myths and Legends from all over the world, and the idea of ​​constructing creatures is a stereotyped existence in the Western fantasy world. The main characteristic of this stereotyped existence is that it has an inanimate body similar to a robot, and it also possesses independent thinking capabilities equivalent to or close to human level. These creatures in Western fantasy are usually a tool created by certain races that are good at creating, such as goblins and dwarves, but this tool later has the same thinking ability as humans, and also has a soul. . This is the construct creature.

However, it is precisely because the definition of the existence of constructive creatures in Western fantasy culture is so complete that we are all limited to this framework and completely forget the control of constructive creatures. The core, which is the artificial soul, is actually equivalent to artificial intelligence.

Although it is different from the computer-based artificial intelligence in reality, if you think about it carefully, you can find that the artificial soul that constructs living things is actually artificial intelligence?

Since the artificial soul is artificial intelligence, we have completely misunderstood the scope of its use. Before, because we had always regarded artificial souls as normal human souls, we directly created a human-like body for it in our subconscious mind. Although we later derived many models, it is true that the mobile angels are all humanoid machines in the final analysis. Well, if you think about it the other way around. Since artificial souls are artificial intelligence, who stipulates that artificial intelligence can only be used to build robots?

The range of applications of artificial intelligence in the real world is wide. Simply needless to say, from housekeeping management to automated electrical appliances, from autonomous driving systems to intelligent safety management, these are actually artificial intelligences at play. Going back to the game, since our artificial soul can control something as complicated as the mobile angel, why can't it be used to control battleship?

Since the artificial souls of our guild can be used even for existences such as mobile angels that have extremely high requirements for data processing speed, then the speed must be more than enough for the slow battleship. Of course, the battleship is there after all, and there are definitely more things that need to be controlled than the mobile angels, so an artificial soul might be overwhelmed, and eventually it will become slower. But, who stipulates that a ship can only be equipped with one artificial soul?

We can configure multiple artificial souls like the crew of a battleship. Each artificial soul is only responsible for the workload of one or two people. For example, one of the artificial souls is responsible for communication management, and the other is responsible for communication management. Reconnaissance, and another responsible for navigation control, these things can all be done with the division of labor with artificial souls. Moreover, the size of each of the artificial souls used by the mobile angels is only slightly larger than the fist of an adult, and one person has enough space to fit a dozen such artificial souls. In this way, if no personnel are placed on the battleship, a lot of space and buoyancy can be saved. Regardless of whether these space and buoyancy are used to increase the amount of weapon configuration or to increase the thickness of the external armor, it is a very good choice for the overall performance of the battleship. Moreover, the biggest advantage of artificial souls is that they are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, do not know what boredom is, and do not feel bored. If players or NPCs are allowed to observe the screen, usually a watcher who observes continuously for more than ten minutes will start to unconsciously become lax, and after half an hour, most people will become lazily. As for three or five hours later, that is basically Those who can continue to hold on to their posts are people with a high sense of responsibility. The artificial soul does not have this problem. Artificial souls don’t know what boredom is because their personality is not very complete. Their serious attitude towards work is extremely extreme. If you don’t cancel the task, as long as it does not endanger its own safety, the artificial soul will usually carry it through firmly. .

After I wanted to understand this, I began to think about whether I would have to allocate a large number of artificial souls to all battleships in the guild. Of course, because there are already many battleships in our guild that have just finished changing their outfits, it would be a bit inappropriate to go back and reform them immediately. So I think the most appropriate method is to make small-scale modifications to all the battleships that have been built, adding an automatic control system for artificial souls, but do not cancel manual operations. This can halve the number of personnel on the battleship. In addition to the core departments and damage pipes and other places that must be operated by humans, the artillery control in the turret can be completely thrown to the artificial soul to complete. Anyway, the artillery used by our merchant’s battleship is equipped with an automatic loader. The shells in the magazine are delivered by a special bomb feeder, and then an automatic loader is used to load the shells, and then an artificial soul is used to connect the direction controller and the elevation control. You can basically transform the current battleship turret into an unmanned turret by connecting the gun collection data line. In this case, a ship can reduce at least dozens of jobs.

After thinking about this, I directly contacted the military god. On the one hand, I explained the problem of the ruins here, and on the other hand, I asked him to quickly notify the battleship that is being built in Steel City. All work was shut down, and the designers were immediately asked to consider equipping the new battleship with artificial souls. This design is not difficult anyway. It is estimated that the results can be produced in a few hours. It is nothing to stop at the steel city.

"Is there still such a way to use it?" The military god was also very surprised when he heard this idea. He is a tactical management computer and has little contribution to creative thinking, but as long as you can think of it, he can quickly help you verify that this method is feasible or not. When the military god heard about equipping battleship with artificial souls, he immediately understood that this was a good way, but it was a pity that no one had thought of it before.

This kind of thing was quickly arranged, but I can't control that side for the time being, because I have to stare at the transferred group of Russians first.

At this time, the submarine that Yamamoto Fifty-Five took had already docked in a cave in the nearby Sea Territory, which was obviously another ruin. In order not to be tracked by us, the other party deliberately made many detours along the way, and deliberately selected some very dangerous places to drill a circle from inside, with the purpose of throwing off possible chasing soldiers. We used the sharing ability on the construction battleship to directly see the footage captured by the surveillance crystal on the opponent's submarine. During the period, I also saw the submarines ran to a place where it seemed like a seabed stone forest to drill through, and then From the big hole under the seabed in that place, several terrifying monsters with extremely vicious looks suddenly emerged. These creatures that look like hairtails have exaggerated attack power. During their attack on a submarine, they accidentally bit a piece of rock on the seabed and turned the rock into powder in an instant. However, the opponent’s submarine is obviously active here, and I am very familiar with the attack method of this fish. Every time I can wipe the opponent’s mouth dangerously and dangerously and run away, but they are chased all the way away. Did not encounter any submarine.

The other party’s method is very vicious. Assuming that we have been using some hidden method to follow the other party, we will inevitably be attacked by these strange fishes when we get to this place. And if we don't understand the attacking methods of these fishes, we will naturally be miserable. However, even after killing them, we never thought that we did not follow them at all, but sailed in purple and red on the sea. Anyway, there is a communication link between the battleship and the opponent's submarine. We only need to keep it from running out of the signal range. There is no need to post it.

After constructing the battleship and telling us that the other party has entered the port, we immediately started to speed up and catch up. We swayed slowly behind because we didn’t want to beat the grass to scare the snake. Now that the other party has already When we get to the place, then we don't have to be polite.

The two submarines constructing the battleship and our guild slowly drove directly above each other's location and began to dive slowly. In order to prevent any accident, I also contacted Yamamoto Fifty. five. It was learned from Yamamoto Fifty Five that this base was the other side's backup base. It was all closed before. No one was stationed here, which means that there were only the people who got on and off from the submarine.

Such news makes us happy. The other party’s people just arrived at the place, so there must be no time to pay attention to the outside situation, and the absence of permanent personnel means that there is a lack of investigative methods outside, so we are completely Can swagger to catch up.

The construction battleship and the two submarines quickly rushed to the port where the opponent entered with the highest speed. speaking of which The structure of this place is really complicated. The entrance is located in a small trench. Although this trench is very narrow, it is relative to other seas. In fact, the width of this trench is at least three to four kilometers.

Diving less than a hundred meters from this trench, you can find a row of large cracks on the cliff wall on the left. Although these cracks seem to be natural, according to what we have seen before Judging from the pictures when the submarine enters, these cracks are actually entrances.

In the end, the construction battleship was not arranged by us to enter the crack. The main reason was that the channel in the crack was too narrow. Obviously this base is not prepared for this kind of large battleship, so the entrance is very narrow, only conventional ships can enter and exit.

Christina and I had to run out of the constructed battleship, and then grabbed onto the two submarines that came with us to enter the passage. Thanks to the adjustments made to the influence of water pressure in the game, otherwise our flesh and blood will be directly estimated at this depth. However, because the hatch of the battleship was broken, we were already under the pressure of the sea before we came out.

The two submarines we seconded from the fleet this time are all attack submarines, and they are medium-sized submarines, not very large. Although this entrance is a bit narrow, it is quite spacious for the two submarines.

Our submarine quickly passed through a tortuous passage like a human intestine, and then entered a huge open water area, and from here, we can already see the light in the base. Obviously this place is the inner harbor of another base, but we did not let the submarine float immediately.

The other party’s scientific research NPC is our goal, and those Russians obviously also know the importance of scientific research NPC, so I need to make sure that the other party and the scientific research NPC are not together before I can start, otherwise once we In this way, if the other party realizes that the scientific research NPC can't keep it, the first reaction is to kill the scientific research NPC directly.

Be aware that scientific research NPCs are non-combat personnel, and their health and defensive power are almost in single digits. To us players, these scientific research NPCs are as fragile as paper, a little accidentally You can kill one or two, even more how? With their life force, even if we go out a row of shield warriors to protect the other party, if the other party really wants to kill, just throw a shock bomb and get it done. Although impossible to hit directly, the shock wave generated by the shock bomb is enough to cause fatal damage to these scientific NPCs.

In the face of fragile scientific research NPCs, we have to be careful and careful. Although these are all enemy people, it is ours who snatched them over, so now I have begun to consider them as our own people.

Because of the crowds crowded in the narrow submarine along the way, Yamamoto Fifty-Five could not find an independent private space to communicate with us, but it was different when we got here. The base is so big, and it has always been unused. As soon as the opponent comes up, they will definitely send someone to activate some lighting and other equipment, and then they may need to set up a sentry or something. Because they ran very hurriedly at the time, most of the opponent's personnel were actually not able to take away. Except that the most important scientific research NPCs are stuffed into the submarines, most of the players have not boarded these submarines, so most of the bases here are actually scientific research NPCs, and the rest are very high level. Fighting NPCs, there are some important NPCs responsible for other tasks, and there are only dozens of players who can really fight, not even a hundred. Add in the combat NPCs brought over, and add one piece to less than two hundred people. It can be said that if it weren't for the scrutiny of those scientific research NPCs, a few people here would be able to kill all these people in minutes.

Of course, the other party is still ignorant about our actions, so at this time they have just entered a vacation villa that has not been used for a long time after going ashore. The first thing is to put things out and then Start cleaning and tidying up. Of course there is no need for cleaning in the game, but the necessary maintenance is still needed. Originally there were few people, and the base was big. As soon as these people were scattered, they became sparsely and almost out of sight.

Taking this opportunity, Yamamoto Fifty-Five finally found the opportunity to contact us.

"Boss, where are you?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five asked in a low voice, suppressing his voice.

"It's in the port."

"The port? You said this port where I am now?" At the beginning, Yamamoto 55 didn't expect us to be so soon We arrived at the place, so I thought we were still far away. We didn't expect them to go ashore. We actually already came in.

"Damn, how did you come in?"

"There is no gate in this place. Didn't we come in as soon as we wanted to come in? But we haven't gotten ashore yet. I'm afraid of beat the grass to scare the snake. Where are you now? Can you help us see where we can go ashore at the port?"

Fifty-five Yamamoto immediately said after listening: "You wait, don't hang up. Xun."

"I know."

As soon as I finished speaking here, I heard someone from Yamamoto 55 ask him: "What are you running back?"

Fifty-five Yamamoto replied very quickly: "There is nothing to do in this place. I will go to see those submarines. I usually like to study these things."

Ask Yamamoto Five People at Fifteenth Apparently also know that Yamamoto Fifty-Five has certain technical talents, so this reason is indeed reasonable. The man simply said not to disturb those switches, and then he left it alone. Yamamoto Fifty-Five went back to the submarine smoothly, and then went down and said: "I'm in the submarine, I made some movement on purpose, can you hear it?"

" Of course. You are on top of my head!"

"Huh? That's right. Use this submarine as the coordinates to go to the right. I don’t count this one. Behind the third one, go ashore from that place to guard I just can't see it."

"Understood." After I finished speaking, I swam over there. Christina and gold coin are right behind me. They also heard the newsletter just now, so they followed without me.

Of course I was the first to get out of the water after we got to that position. Carefully took a look, and it turned out to be a very good location. On the left side of this place is an oversized submarine that blocks the guards' vision. The guards on the other side don't know what they are doing. They crouched in front of a switch panel and busily didn't mean to look back.

While that person was facing this side, I quickly climbed onto the shore, then quickly dried the water on my body with magic, and then entered the stealth mode.

Because of the existence of the Invisibility Technique in the game, the infiltration work is actually relatively simple. As long as it is not the kind of place where the guards are particularly tight and there are special personnel to use the detection skills 24 hours a day, generally Invisibility Technique can still be mixed in any place. Of course, the Invisibility Technique in the game is actually relatively rare. Those who can get this skill or equipment are high level players or very lucky players, and most of the various stealth skills have various defects, so Not to the point where Invisibility Technique is invincible.

Of course, this situation like me just now belongs to one of the limitations of Invisibility Technique, that is, the process of getting on or off the water from the shore. Because Invisibility Technique can't make the water around you disappear together, if you hide from the water, others will see a large piece of water droplets floating in the air to form a general humanoid silhouette. At this time, no matter how stupid the opponent is, he knows that there is a person standing there, so the Invisibility Technique will not take effect for a period of time after coming out of the water. The same is true when you enter the water. You suddenly enter the water, leaving aside the sound, the big hole in the water that you drained can reveal your whereabouts. Although others can't see you, there is a big pit in the water that is unfathomable mystery, and the surrounding water does not flow in. This means that the place where the individual is hiding is hidden.

After I landed here, things were much simpler. Both guards are NPCs, so there is no problem of calling the police after death. I directly move to the guard who is looking at it invisible. After killing it, the corpse was thrown directly into the water. After catching it from the bottom, they tied a stone and sank directly to the bottom. The remaining guard had been busy on the control panel, without looking back from start to finish, and soon followed in the footsteps of his companion.

"It's done." I said hello to Yamamoto Fifty-five in the communicator.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five quickly emerged from the hidden submarine, and then jumped down and ran towards the exit of the port without meeting me. Now he has not fully contacted the other party's production technology of the Blasphemy Stones, so it is not suitable for exposing himself as a spy for the time being, so we can't contact him blatantly. However, there are no other guards here, so we don't have to worry too much.

The scientific research NPC that came out went to the exit and ran all the way inside the base. His purpose is very simple, to find the way for us in the front, and we just have to kill it all the way in the back. Of course, we can only kill those NPCs. For those players, we can go around. Of course, if it doesn't work, we must use some means to control them. Killing is definitely not possible, otherwise the other party will use other methods to notify after going offline, it is better to control the other party, so that if some people are not decisive enough, they will be there thinking of using other methods to escape, and in this way we get valuable time.

Fortunately, this section of the road just out of the port seems to be guarded by NPCs. We killed more than a dozen guards in one go without being found. Of course, the more important reason is that this base is too big.

Different from the previous base, this base does not seem to be a port base. The previous base seems to be a dedicated port. Its main job is to provide maintenance and supply services for the battleship. The base here should be used for other purposes. The outside port is just like a parking lot. It is convenient for people who come and go to stop the boat here. Therefore, the port of this base is small, but the internal space is particularly large.

After we entered, because there was Yamamoto 55 to guide the route and the position of the sentry, the speed was very fast, and we soon reached the position inside the base, but we just killed three gathered in When the NPC together was preparing to go inside, a stone beside it suddenly moved to the side to give up a passage, and then three people walked out of it.

The three people over there were obviously taken aback when they saw us, and ours was completely dumbfounded. When Yamamoto Fifty-Five passed from here before, we told us that there were three guards here, so we were very clear about the situation here, so we didn’t have much scruples. We killed the three guards when we came up, but it was caused by negligence. The consequence is that we did not notice that the positions of these three guards are very abnormal.

This place is in the middle of the passage. Zhou has nothing. The three of them gathered here can neither obtain a concealment effect, nor can there be anything to help them defend, so it is obvious that the guards are arranged here. Abnormal behavior. However, now that we think about it, we can understand that these three guards are not here for no reason. Their task is obviously to protect the three people inside, and because the

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