"Then, now designate me as the captain. You quickly take us out of the port, we will chase the enemy."

"The order was accepted, but it could not be executed. "The answer from the intelligent core made us almost run into trouble.

"What does it mean to accept an order and not execute it? You should execute it if you accept the order!" Amina obviously didn't know the core well, so she asked in surprise.

Intelligent core quickly replied: "The command is issued by the correct commander with legal authority, so the command can be accepted and must be accepted, but the command itself is beyond the ship’s capabilities and cannot be executed."< /p>

"Starting a battleship is beyond your ability?" I asked in surprise: "Aren't you an unmanned battleship? Can't you even move?"

"Of course this ship has a mobile function, but it can't be done now."


"The reserve energy is zero, and it is almost impossible to maintain the core operation. After three minutes and fifteen seconds, the core will be dormant due to exhaustion of energy."

"Damn! Where is the energy inlet?" I asked directly.

"Please follow the instructions." Suddenly a huge green arrow appeared above our heads, and this thing would follow me. No matter what direction I turned, this arrow was always floating in front of me. meter away, a position two meters above the ground, and currently it always points to the big door of this room.

Since there are clear instructions, it is simple. We ran out of the gate quickly, and as we moved, the arrow suddenly jumped outside the door and pointed in a direction in the corridor when we approached the gate, and when we came out, the cutting head immediately jumped to the front The fork points to the fork on the left.

With this super convenient pointing arrow, we found the energy tank in less than one minute. In this location, there is a large room with a set of quite complicated machines. There is a small gate on one side of this machine facing the gate, about the size of a monitor. After pushing the gate open as instructed, we saw an empty interior space. This space may only have the volume of an extra-large refrigerator, but this thing is not used to refrigerate food. This is the inlet of the magic crystal extractor, which is the temporary storage place for magic crystal.

"Which one of you brought magic crystals?" I just ran out of low-level magic crystals, and now all the rest are high-end products. The use of these high-end magic crystals to fill this equipment with energy is obviously a waste, so I want to see if others have brought them.

Fortunately, the magic consumption of Christina’s turret is exaggerated, so sometimes some magic crystals are needed to supplement the magic. Naturally, she will carry some magic crystals on her body. Of course, she uses mostly high-level products, but there are also some low-level magic crystals.

Quickly throw all the magic crystals found by Christina into this feed inlet. When the gate was closed, we immediately heard a rumbling sound of the machine starting, followed by the whole The rooms are all lit up.

Previously, when Christina used energy shock to activate the core, it was equivalent to inputting a small amount of energy into the core. Although this core is not very good in its brain, it does not manage itself. It's done very well, and even has a built-in power saving mode. Just the little energy that Christina rushed into when it was launched before, if this construction battleship is fully launched, it may be too late to say a few words to us and it will stop cooking again. However, this core has an energy management function, so after finding that the total energy is lower than the minimum standard column, only the core is activated, and other equipment is not taken care of. This is why the battleship cannot be activated.

Now that the magic crystal filler has entered, the energy crisis is temporarily lifted, and at this time the battleship is completely resurrected. All kinds of internal machinery were turned on, and the lights in the cabin were also lit up.

"The core, check the energy reserve." After the machine started, I asked about it, mainly to see the energy demand of this thing. The few pieces of magic crystal just now are obviously not many. Although our guild’s current battleship basically does not directly use magic crystal as a source of energy, we have used magic crystal as a fuel in the past somehow, so I am very clear about this. If you click magic crystal on those battleships in our guild, it won't last long.

Sure enough, the smart core directly replied: "The current energy reserve is 0.5% of a thousand. It can maintain a cruise time of 15 hours without activating the tactical function."

< p>"Sure enough!" Christina took out a golden magic crystal and asked me hesitantly: "Why don't you put this in?"

"Even if you want to use it You can’t use that high level!" I helplessly asked: "Core, tell me if you can only fill magic crystal here?"

"No, in theory, as long as it is with There are a lot of magical materials that can be filled in, but the ship’s energy conversion grate is not strong. Therefore, if energy materials with too much impurity are used, the conversion furnace may stop working."

"So if the energy material is liquid, is there a problem?"

"There is no problem with liquid energy or gaseous energy. This ship uses a general-purpose reformer, and all energy types can be used. But gaseous energy needs Pay attention to the sealing problem when filling the inlet."

The main reason I want to ask this is because I still have a lot of liquefied magic crystal vapor on my body. This thing is a purified magic crystal transformant. In theory, It is an energy source with less impurities than magic crystal and more suitable for conversion. At present, our guild’s battleship is basically replaced by a power system that uses liquefied magic crystal steam as an energy source, except for solar furnaces. This kind of energy is relatively stable and easy to control output. After all, we can control the concentration after liquefaction. The purity of magic crystal itself is always very unstable, so compared to magic crystal, the magic crystal vapor obtained after liquefaction is obviously better to control.

"It's really easy to use equipment." As I said, I opened the feed inlet again, and then took out a tank of liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank, and then directly opened the valve to aim it in And let Christina use the magic shield to form a closed protective cover around the inlet to prevent the volatilization of the liquefied magic crystal vapor. You must know that the liquefied magic crystal steam is called liquefied steam because this thing is gaseous at room temperature. So, if there are no restrictions, once I open the valve, the liquefied magic crystal steam will probably fill the entire room soon.

In this way, we quickly poured half a bottle of liquefied magic crystal steam into the inlet. After re-closing, I asked about the reserve situation again.

"Captain, the energy material you just used is very high, and there are almost no impurities. It is a very good energy material. The ship’s current energy reserve is one hundred and eighty thousandths. At 3.79, the energy reserve has risen sharply."

"It seems that your reserve energy is quite large." As I said, I poured the remaining half into it. I didn’t install them all once before because I was worried that adding too much excess capacity would cause bad results. Since there is no problem, then don’t worry.

After the energy replenishment is completed, we all return to the control room. Of course, this control room refers to the cab on the top of the ship island, not the room where the core is located.

After arriving here, I asked the battleship to move again. This time there was no problem. The battleship moved out of the piled up fleet after several forwards and reverses, and the speed was very fast. Obviously, driving skills are much better than those of human operators. This is actually the advantage of the mechanical system. Although it is very problematic to deal with those things that require brainstorming, artificial intelligence is very advantageous for some things that are purely troublesome.

After quickly moving out of position, the battleship moved from the port on the shore to the half of the port where we entered, because the underwater entrance is here, but the battleship suddenly begins to sink when it reaches this side , Scared us hurriedly preparing for diving. For example, Real Red and Ladamantis are okay. Just put down the helmet and mask. The key is Christina and gold coin. You need to apply a water-proof spell to yourself before you can move underwater. .

Although this battleship looks like a surface ship, it is not surprising that it can be submerged, and its performance is not worse than that of a conventional submarine. On the contrary, it is very good, at least just now. The submersible movement speed is very fast, otherwise it won’t make us high-level personnel mess up because of the waterproof work. The speed of this thing is really too fast, and the water has flooded in before we can react.

What? Why do you say that we have water in the cabin? Have you forgotten that the door of the cockpit was taken down by the Russians? How can a cabin without a door be waterproof?

Originally, if this kind of thing is a normal smart battleship, you will definitely ask in advance. After all, the battleship's self-check system is sure that the 1st Step is to check the integrity of the shell, and it is obviously wrong not to ask the operator if you know that the hatch is missing and you have to dive. However, the above are only speculations under normal circumstances. The key issue is that this structured battleship is obviously the product of the ancient Atlantis, and the Atlantis is the Mermaid Race. The mermaid itself can survive in the sea with its own body, so it is not a problem for them whether the hull is leaking. In fact, when these battleships were used in those years, many battleships did not close even in submarine mode.

Magic machinery is originally different from the electrical equipment built by humans in the real world. Magic devices are simply not afraid of water, because water’s ability to conduct magic is actually very bad, which means that for magic, water It is an insulator. Because of this characteristic, the magic machine is not afraid of water at all. It can operate normally even if it is soaked in water, and it will never fail due to problems such as electric leakage. In addition, the mermaids themselves do not need to live in the air, so even their diving battleships often sail with the hatch open.

It is precisely because the people of Atlantis are marine creatures that this intelligent core does not respond to things like water in the cabin, because this core seems to be normal. There is no need to remind me.

Of course, although these battleships can sail and fight when they are completely filled with water, they usually keep the interior dry during diving. This behavior is not to maintain the ship, but to take into account combat performance. After all, the high density of water will make the transmission of the shock wave of the explosion easier, so the lethality of the shock wave under the tree is much greater than in the air. Therefore, if the cabin door is open and the cabin is full of sea water, if any explosives explode near the hull, then the solid hull may not be the worst, but the people in the cabin will suffer. A normal torpedo might shock everyone in the cabin to death. Conversely, if the cabin is sealed during sailing and the door is closed, then if something explodes near the hull, the shock wave will be absorbed by the hull shell and then transmitted to the air inside the cabin, and this shock wave will be transmitted through the air. The formidable power has dropped a lot when it reaches the personnel, and the damage will naturally drop drastically.

In fact, in addition to the reason for damage control, there is another point for sailing performance. Enclosing the cabin and filling the ship with air will reduce the overall physique of the battleship, so that the inertia will decrease when sailing, and the natural movement performance will be greatly improved. It not only saves power and energy, but also greatly improves the flexibility during navigation. In addition, the resistance that people receive in the air will be much lower than the resistance in the water, so if the cabin is full of water, the operator's actions will inevitably slow down, which will undoubtedly further reduce the performance of the ship. Finally, when the hull is completely sealed, it will form a whole. At this time, the advantages of fluid mechanics will be played out. If the hatches are open, the battleship filled with water will not talk about fluid mechanics at all. , The resistance will be increased many times. In this case, the tactical performance is naturally affected.

Because of these reasons, in most cases, these constructed battleships still dive after closing the hatch, but because of the special attributes of the Atlantis people, even if the hatch is not closed , The smart core will not remind, because he thinks this is nothing at worst. Anyway, there is a special drainage device on this battleship. Even if the interior is filled with water, you can close the hatch and pump out the water at any time as long as you want.

Although this Erhuo smart did not remind us in time, the waterproof method is not very troublesome, and everyone is very fast, so at last no one choked water.

Stay in the bridge of a diving battleship is obviously different from riding a submarine. The submarine is basically a big stuffy tank, and everything outside is basically blacked out. Even if there are windows, you can't see how far away. However, diving battleship is different. The observation window in front of the cockpit of this thing seems to use special magic imaging technology. Looking out from the bridge, you can clearly feel that the underwater environment has become very clear. Not only can we see that the distance between the bridge and the bridge exceeds the straight line The 400-meter bow can even extend the sight range of about 500 meters further forward.

You can have an observation distance of close to one kilometer underwater, which is not something you can do with your eyes alone. Water’s obstructive effect on light is much better than that of air. In addition, it’s a deep ocean, the water depth is very large, and the surrounding area is pitch black. This battleship does not use any lighting equipment, and there is still such a range of sight. It is really a very good design.

Of course, although this design is very practical and looks great, the principle is not complicated at all. We all know that there is a kind of magic called water mirror, which can be used as a monitor in addition to super mirrors. Using water mirroring with some remote observation magic, such as the wizard's eye, you can directly see what is happening far away. The observation window inside the bridge in front of us is obviously using constant water mirror technique, so we can see the situation outside. And although what we see seems to be the picture seen from here, in fact, these all are magic transmits the distant image to the picture displayed on the water mirror technique, as if all the windows of this bridge are actually monitors. It's just that they are all connected to remote cameras, so it looks like we can see the outside picture, but in fact it is just a virtual situation constructed by magical images, not that we actually saw that place. Of course, because this is the effect of real-time transmission, although it is not that we can really see that far, it is not a problem at all for commanding operations and heading.

Thanks to this thoughtful design, we can clearly see the surrounding environment within the bridge, which has brought great benefits to our command, and in fact there are Other observation methods can provide greater distance observation.

In fact, in naval battles, no matter whether it is on the surface or under the water, it is rare to rely on sight to fight directly. After all, whether in the game or outside the game, the range of weapons on the battleship that everyone uses now far exceeds our vision, so the eyes are obviously not suitable for controlling the battle. In the game, we mainly use several methods, one is magic induction, the other is sonar, and the third is third-party detection.

Magic sensing is a bit similar to radar, but unlike real radars, the active sensing range of this thing is very small, but the passive sensing range is super far. However, this thing is different from the real radar in that it cannot be accurately positioned. It can only be used for conceptual investigation, that is, to tell you which direction there is a person and how far away, other things cannot be sensed.

Shengna is also divided into two parts in the game. Active life is not implemented in the game with instruments, but with creatures. There are many devil beasts and intelligent creatures with sonar positioning capabilities in the game, and most of these devil beasts can be captured and become familiars. As for those marine races with spiritual wisdom, as long as they have a good relationship, they can be hired to act as biological bionics. As for passive bionics, they are actually hydrophones. Because sound travels farther underwater than in the air, you can use a directional hydrophone to detect the sound of large ships and capture the opponent's position in advance.

The last third-party investigation is currently only used by our guild, and its representative existence is the lead ship of our guild. The lead ship itself does not have much firepower and its own displacement is not large, but it is equipped with large battleship-level propellers, the best optical observation equipment and crystal communicator. Its function is to detect and find the target in advance, and then use triangulation to confirm the target. The position relative to the own fleet, and then guide the main fleet to attack beyond the visual range.

This structured battleship is obviously also equipped with special underwater detection equipment, and it may be very powerful, because this thing found several escaped ships in front of us when we just left the port tunnel. Submarine.

In fact, we have already lost a lot of time in order to start the construction of the battleship, so the opponent should run a long way during this time. The reason why we insist on pursuing is mainly because we can still contact the crystal communicator of Yamamoto Fifty Five, so we can make simple positioning. This is the reason why we can be sure that we will not be lost.

However, to our surprise, this battleship structure has such a powerful detection equipment, and the target was immediately discovered as soon as it left the port.

"The distance and bearing of the other party?" I asked aloud.

"In this direction." The observation window in front of us is indeed a display covered with water mirrors, which directly shows the nearby chart, and it is also a seabed route chart. The value of this thing itself is considerable.

"Do you actually have a chart?"

"This is pre-stored information." The construction battleship is directly replied.

Although we were surprised at first, it was relieved after thinking about it. After all, this construction battleship was built by the Atlanteans. Unlike us, Atlantis is a marine race. It is very troublesome for us to draw charts, especially underwater charts. , But it is a relatively simpler thing for Atlantis people. Although due to the area, drawing a sea map itself is also a very hard and long-term work, but after all, the Atlanteans can live normally underwater, so drawing the seabed Terrain Map is much simpler than us. After all, they can stay on the seabed without having to float up, which saves a lot of time.

There is no question about the chart for the time being. I directly looked at the position of the mark on the displayed chart. This chart is very simple. Except for the terrain, only two points are marked, and a polyline is extended beside each point. At the end of this polyline is written some information, of course, it is in Atlantis. , And the content is quite surprising.

In addition to information such as the opponent's location, course, and current speed, the information marked on the map also includes the opponent's vessel name, ship type, tonnage, and affiliation.

When we first heard about the discovery of the target, we thought it was because the detection system on this ship was very good, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now, because no matter how great the detection system is, it’s impossible, even the name of the ship and the ship’s name. Have you found out the ownership of the ship? These are all artificially marked things, not inherent attributes of the ship, and even the best detectors are also impossible to read this kind of information.

Sure enough, after I asked, the core immediately replied: "The display data is information obtained through remote communication. The target ship and this one belong to the same faction ship. Although it is not equipped with a construct biological core, it has Communication system, this ship has carried out two-way capture with the target ship, and can now share information remotely."

"Is there still such a thing?" Christina exclaimed beside her.

"Even our own crystal communicator is the technology obtained from the Atlanteans, so since the Atlanteans have the crystal communicator, they can create a communicator that can share information by themselves. It's not surprising." Gold coin said.

I looked at Anana, and then asked: "Your Atlantis seems to have not made the slightest progress compared with the ancient Atlantis people’s technology, but has regressed a lot. Ah!"

Amina did not shy away from nodded and said: "Yes, there was a large-scale naval battle in Atlantis a long time ago. You have heard of the following things before. Some, and what I know is actually not comprehensive. I only know that the previous Atlantis clan was split internally due to external wars. We are just one of the split forces. Technology this thing You should know, scientific researchers The dispersion will lead to the loss of technology, and now we can save the current level of technology is actually considered very lucky. And, master, when you first came to our Atlantis, our technology has actually split up than before. After that, the situation will improve a bit. If we just split up, the situation will only get worse."

I nodded to express my understanding, and then turned to the smart core and said: "How far is the shared distance between you and the other party? ?"

"About three hundred nautical miles."

"Yes, is it quite long." After I finished speaking, I immediately said, "Then don't chase too close. By the way, what is the range of the opponent’s detector?"

"About ten nautical miles. The opponent is a transport ship, not as advanced as combat ships."

"You said you were Two-way capture, can the other party find out where we are?" Christina asked.

Core replied: "They are all our own ships, of course you can find them, but the other party is an artificial ship, so manual operation is required. The other party’s communicator is currently on standby, and it was activated only because of my contact request , So the other party should not know our location."

"Do you mean that you activated the other party's communicator?"


< p>"Then will there be any response in the ship after the communicator is started? For example, is there any indicator light?"

"No." The core said: "The communicator has no signal lights."< /p>

I was relieved to hear this, and it seemed we were lucky. Although the submarine that the opponent used when they left was not the one that Yamamoto Fifty-Five was transported over, but a larger model, these submarines are all the same. Except for the navigation system and the basic detection system, other components cannot be activated. Although the other party has studied for a while, no one has found a solution so no one will fiddle with the devices that can't be activated. However, now the communicator on that ship has actually been activated, just because this thing has been paralyzed before, so no one is operating at all, naturally they don't know that this thing is ready to use. Otherwise, if we find them, they will inevitably find us at the same time.

"By the way, those who occupied this place before said that except for the navigation and detection system on the submarines, other things could not be activated. Do you know the reason? And you just How to open the communicator?"

The core is replied very quickly: "The navigation and detection system of the transport submarine is essential equipment for shipping, so it is directly connected to the main energy system, and it will be activated as long as the magic crystal is filled. However, the communication and self-defense weapon systems are non-essential devices and are only activated when they are needed. Therefore, the isolation method is adopted. Unless the identity crystal that the Atlantis people carry with them after their birth is used for activation, they will be activated. It can only be activated remotely through battleship like me."

"Do you mean that you can not only control the opponent's communicator, but also control their weapons?" Christina is keenly Discovered the information in the other party's words.

Didn't expect that core actually admitted: "Yes. Transport submarines are very fragile in combat, so usually after a battle, a battleship like me will take over the control and enter the unity. In the marshalling mode, all ships in the fleet are under the unified command and control of the fleet flagship, and this ship is one of the highest-authorized battleships. As long as the fleet commander is on board this ship, this ship is the flagship."

"Then can you remotely control that submarine now?"

"Not for the time being. I need the identity crystal mark control authority. Currently I can only monitor the other party's operations, not reverse control."


Members of the Atlantis tribe will carry a crystal with them as soon as they are born. This thing is like an ID card to the Atlantis, and this thing also has a private photo album, various A series of functions such as a private key, wallet, small storage space, and protective props. Because this thing is too important, the crystal of the Atlanteans will never leave their side. Even if the person dies, the crystal will be buried with them. Anyway, this thing will not be from birth. Separate from the Atlanteans again. As for if you lose it... then this Atlantean can go to death. Such an important thing can be lost, how sloppy is this?

Although Anana has become a familiar, she is a mermaid and a member of the Atlantis clan, so she also has this thing. After hearing the request, Grandma immediately took out her crystal directly and inserted it into a slot raised on the console without reminding me.

As the crystal was in place, the entire console flashed a bit, and then I heard the voice from the core of the battleship suddenly become nervous and serious: "Sorry, my lord, I don’t know you are Princess, although you have the Imperial Family bloodline, the Imperial Family bloodline is also capable of exodus. However, your Life Source crystal record shows that you are the Kingdom Princess, so there is no need to doubt your identity. Sorry for not giving the corresponding treatment before."< /p>

"Didn't you always behave very politely? What does it mean that there is no corresponding treatment?" Christina asked.

The battleship core said: "How can Princess have only one battleship on tour? This is too dangerous. I am contacting a nearby battleship to escort him."

"Huh?" Na and us froze for a while, but fortunately, I quickly reacted and called out: "Don't call those target ships, don't interfere with their sailing."

The battleship core immediately replied: "I I didn't contact them, they were just transport ships, and it was useless when they came."

After hearing this answer, we finally felt a little relieved. But I quickly remembered that the other party also said that there was an escort fleet, and quickly asked: "Where is the fleet you mentioned? Did you get in touch?"

It was the battleship core that made us almost fainted. After the question, he said in a slightly puzzled tone: "It's weird. Why can't I get in touch with other battleships. This water area was originally a densely populated area of ​​the empire, and there should be many patrol fleets nearby! Why do I have all of them? Can't you contact me?"

"About this..." I was about to explain that the current age is wrong. The core didn't expect but suddenly screamed again.

"Strange. I detected a large group of similar targets, but they don't seem to be the Imperial Army."

"Ah? What kind of approximate targets are you talking about?" I asked.

Core replied: "A huge fleet appeared above us in the Sea Territory. The number of ships is very large, and it may attract a thousand ships. These ships are all equipped with a crystal communication system, but the frequency and method of operation They are all different from my communicator, but the signals can still communicate. It's weird!"

"Eh... he won't get in touch with our battleship, right?" Christina is behind He touched me and asked.

In fact, Christina and I have similar ideas. When I watched the Sea Area Map before, I knew that this place is actually on the Pacific Ocean, and there is a huge fleet of nearly a thousand ships in this place, it can only be our Frost Rose League fleet or Russia or the Americans. The fleet, at least the current Japan and South Korea can’t make up this number of battleships.

However, although there may be a thousand-scale fleet of three countries, it seems that only our Frost Rose Alliance is equipped with a crystal communicator.

The crystal communicator technology of our guild comes from Atlantis, and the builder of this so-called battleship seems to be the predecessor of Atlantis who has joined our guild, which is Said that the two are of common origins. So, it is not surprising that the crystal communicator currently used by our guild can communicate with the communicator on the battleship structure. However, in addition to the technology imported from Atlantis, our guild has also merged many other ocean or land technology races, so our communicator itself has been improved. In addition, the current Atlantis and Ancient Atlantis itself have certain technical faults, some technologies have been lost in the middle, and some have been developed by themselves. Naturally, there will be some differences between them. Therefore, there must be a certain difference between our communicator and the ancient Atlantis communicator on this battleship. This leads to the connection between the two, but the information communication is not possible, or the signal encoding is not the same, it can be found that the signal cannot be compiled, and all that passes through are garbled.

"What do you mean by'our' fleet?" The core asked curiously, his intelligence level is very low, obviously he can't understand these things.

"Just leave this alone. Take us up immediately, let's see the fleet above." I ordered.

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